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08-13-2009, 08:52 AM
"what it is aint exactly clear" ah i love seeing the tables turned

It began with the tea parties. People of all ages joined in huge protests against the massive spending approved in Washington. They gathered by the thousands in cities and towns from coast to coast to speak out against the huge stimulus plan. Yet, for months not much was covered by the mainstream media and President Barack Obama told the press that he didn’t know anything about the tea parties.

“What it is ain’t exactly clear…”

read on (read on)

those old hippies have to be scratchin their heads ---- WTF ???? :coffee:

08-13-2009, 09:01 AM
"what it is aint exactly clear" ah i love seeing the tables turned

read on (read on)

those old hippies have to scratchin their heads ---- WTF ???? :coffee:

The message was on the wall back when:

Think they've all heard of them now? http://debatepolicy.com/showpost.php?p=360366&postcount=41

Why would they be taken by surprise?

08-13-2009, 09:15 AM
"what it is aint exactly clear" ah i love seeing the tables turned

read on (read on)

those old hippies have to scratchin their heads ---- WTF ???? :coffee:

I take it you assume that all "old hippies" are Democrat Liberals. I hate to have to inform you my friend that I take issue with your statement. I further assume that your definition of "old hippe" is that of a "longhair". I think that is what you rednecks used to call us before you would shoot out our tires or attack us when we ventured more than 15 or 20 miles from the confines of the city out into the country where you "old rednecks" were crowded around your pick up trucks drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and watching your Blue Ticks run Raccoons.

I have read your narrow minded remarks about "hippies" before and held my tongue. This time however I insist you provide a link to prove your point. :link: I would like you to show some sort of proof that "hippies" from the 60's are any more likely to be of a Liberal mindset today than anyone else. My experience frankly is that the "hippies" of today are from the country. Yuppies are the city type Liberals. The "longhairs" I know here and around my country town are very Anti-Obama and frankly vote Conservative. Therefore your inclination to he hateful has bit you on the uninformed ass my friend. You are a hater. Pure and simple. Your posts show it, your attitude shows it and your hateful demeanor is full of cynicism and negativity.

Even if the country did not face these problems we face and things were kosher you are the type who be calculating how to hate someone. Except for four years in the military I have had long hair all my life. I have also been a Conservative most of my life. This lends no credibility to your statement what so ever, which was shallow, is unsupported by fact and frankly is just rhetorical in composition.

You know when Liberals argue that conservatives are mean spirited I believe they must be talking about you. In essence you hurt the cause more than you help because you spew off so easily the crap like you just did. "Hippies". They are all just bad aren't they? They are so because you say so...right?

Namvet....you have so much to learn my friend. Expand your mind a little, open up, bend your knees and have some fun man. All that time you are sitting in that chair hating is making you narrow as hell.

How is it you cannot look for similarities such as the fact that you and I are both Conservative, Navy Vets and against the policies of the Obama administration. Yet you think because a person has long hair they are automatically your enemy and would be scratching their head at a set back of the Obama administration. I'm not scratching my head brother. It messes up my hair! :laugh2:


08-13-2009, 09:35 AM

08-13-2009, 10:09 AM
I take it you assume that all "old hippies" are Democrat Liberals.

thank you....some of us old hippies matured....

08-13-2009, 10:26 AM
thank you....some of us old hippies matured....

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas once held a question-and-answer session after a speech. He was asked about the times when he was young, when he was part of the protest-and-demand crowd, and why he had later become a conservative voice on the Court.

His answer: "I grew up."

08-13-2009, 10:28 AM
I would certainly rather be known to have grown "up" than to have grown "DOWN".

08-13-2009, 10:34 AM

That gal wouldn't know the truth if it was pumped up her tush with a fire hose.

I find it ironic that folks like her are so out of touch, they actually have deluded themselves into thinking that the majority of the voting citizens of this nation are now somehow the "fringe" or "extreme" wing.

08-13-2009, 10:43 AM
Just the mere fact that Garafalo can be on TV in America offering an opinion at all shows just how bad we have become in itself. This lady is a bonified "whacko".

It is a good thing she was not alive when the Boston Tea party took place. I bet she would have really had an opinion on that.

She sure is an ugly winch also.

I'm amased however that she did not recieve a "Presidential Medal of Freedom" yesterday. All of her heroes did.

08-13-2009, 11:22 AM
Just the mere fact that Garafalo can be on TV in America offering an opinion at all shows just how bad we have become in itself. This lady is a bonified "whacko".

It is a good thing she was not alive when the Boston Tea party took place. I bet she would have really had an opinion on that.

She sure is an ugly winch also.

I'm amased however that she did not recieve a "Presidential Medal of Freedom" yesterday. All of her heroes did.

Hmmm...not sure if the error is intentional or not but a winch is a device for assisting in pulling in a line and a wench is a woman of somewhat shady character. Either way I suspect it fits this gal!