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08-13-2009, 05:22 PM
Now there is an honest politician for ya. A proud Democrat who stirred the masses as a presidential candidate and represenative of the new wave America so many wanted to see come into fruition.

Now he will finally admit that he fathered a child out of wedlock. Of course he denied it before he admitted it so now he and John Kerry are officially on the same page. Haven't heard about this recent change of heart by John Edwards, well, turn on the news. Fox mentioned it a minute ago so the US Government News Agency should get around to it here in a few days.

What if John Edwards was a Republican? Well, if that were so you would have been hearing so much about this you would be sick of it but like the story of Al Gore's delinquent who gies around driving 138 mph in a 45 zone, taking drugs and getting caught driving and other antics, the press is blind in regard to these folks.

This brings me to the trivia question of the day. What is worse, our government or our press in 2009. Answer, I have no idea. They are both in serious trouble. A Democratic Presidential candidate fathers a child while running for President and you hear nothing of it from the US Government News Agency. Shameful! How in the hell can a person think they are going to get anything that resembles honest news from people like that.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-13-2009, 06:13 PM
I'll tackle the trivia question of the day: It is an unequivocal tie between the government and the media. Clearly they are both bent on delivering spin, as much spin as the American public will tolerate. In fact, it seems as if they are in a contest to see who can spin out the most spin. I believe the whole idea behind all the spin is to make us as dizzy as is conceivable so that we all become disoriented. This should help prevent people from being able to discern when we are about to get sucker punched again.

Hopefully no one is surprised that Edwards has finally fessed up to being the father of this child out of wedlock. Any troll who would do unto his wife as this man has done unto Elizabeth is capable of lying out of both sides of his mouth on a moments notice.

Okay, so the American people get it, Democratic male politicians are a passionate bunch, but I think most people would rather have someone in office who is passionate about the issues that impact the lives of the citizens of this country. Misdirected passion has plagued society since the beginning of time and these guys; Clinton, Kerry, & Edwards have all let their libidos get the best of them. Truth is, I don't want someone with their finger on that red button who cannot control themselves any better than these guys. If they lack restraint on the one hand, who is to say they can maintain it on the other hand?

I'm jus' sayin'

08-14-2009, 11:32 AM
Now there is an honest politician for ya. A proud Democrat who stirred the masses as a presidential candidate and represenative of the new wave America so many wanted to see come into fruition.

Now he will finally admit that he fathered a child out of wedlock. Of course he denied it before he admitted it so now he and John Kerry are officially on the same page. Haven't heard about this recent change of heart by John Edwards, well, turn on the news. Fox mentioned it a minute ago so the US Government News Agency should get around to it here in a few days.

What if John Edwards was a Republican? Well, if that were so you would have been hearing so much about this you would be sick of it but like the story of Al Gore's delinquent who gies around driving 138 mph in a 45 zone, taking drugs and getting caught driving and other antics, the press is blind in regard to these folks.

This brings me to the trivia question of the day. What is worse, our government or our press in 2009. Answer, I have no idea. They are both in serious trouble. A Democratic Presidential candidate fathers a child while running for President and you hear nothing of it from the US Government News Agency. Shameful! How in the hell can a person think they are going to get anything that resembles honest news from people like that.

As I've commented to others about this a couple of times, I feel if someone is running for president or already is prez, that person should be above reproach. The president is in the highest office in the land, and they serve as role models for our young. In my eyes, he is to never cross that line. You know, the line where one decides to drop his pants to get a bj or to father an illigimate child in front of the world. That line. If one can't keep it in his pants long enough to finish out his political aspirations, then maybe that person has no business trying to make the world believe he is worthy of the office. Just my opinion.

And because we live in a biased society where the truth is only told if it suits the teller, we will prob'ly never get anything that comes close to honest news reporting.

08-14-2009, 01:03 PM
Even most Democrats in his home state of North Carolina hate the guy- he had no chance of getting re-elected in the senate, and no chance of getting the Presidential nomination. Its really only the ten percenters that can tolerate him at all. Kerry was a fool to run him as his Veep- I think he liked his hair and couldn't see past that, plus he wanted someone who was less viable then himself; someone who wouldn't overshadow him and someone he could blame for his inevitable failure.

08-15-2009, 08:59 AM
its his wife and family i feel for. she must be hanging around for the $$$$. most women would take this disloyal fuck to a divorce court and break him in half right over their knee !!!!

08-15-2009, 06:15 PM
Its not like she has the choice- she's dying of cancer while this philanderer wets his dick in some gal he met on the street.

08-15-2009, 07:33 PM
Edwards is a narcissist, the bimbo wanting to cash in recognized that and is now cashing in. His wife, who granted is a cancer patient is doing the same. So we are left with 2 women cashing in and a narcissist. Damn.

Since he's worth millions, cop the child that is his, let the wife die with publicity, since that's her will.

08-17-2009, 12:21 PM
Yup- Democrats.

08-17-2009, 12:39 PM
Its not like she has the choice- she's dying of cancer while this philanderer wets his dick in some gal he met on the street.

Sounds like Newt Gingrich.

Mr. P
08-17-2009, 01:08 PM
Sounds like Newt Gingrich.

Did Newt run for Pres. knowing he had a kid he was hiding? Nope, doesn't sound like him at all.

08-17-2009, 05:38 PM
It just goes to show you how these top level dems really are. A bunch of used car salesmen out to scam America all for their own political glory.

Shitbags....all of them.

08-18-2009, 06:48 PM
Sounds like Newt Gingrich. Newt's wife found out from Newt, not from ABC. :poke:

cat slave
08-19-2009, 04:37 PM
Edwards is a narcissist, the bimbo wanting to cash in recognized that and is now cashing in. His wife, who granted is a cancer patient is doing the same. So we are left with 2 women cashing in and a narcissist. Damn.

Since he's worth millions, cop the child that is his, let the wife die with publicity, since that's her will.

I agree with you on that. Though I feel very bad for the ladys cancer I
think she was quite complicit in the whole thing...but whatever!!!!

08-19-2009, 04:51 PM
Could be John McCain, dumping his wife when he did.
But yeah, Newt certainly took the high road dumping his cancer stricken wife when he did.