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08-16-2009, 08:45 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But The President of the United States, is evplaining how he has no intent to have a *Death Panel*.
2. We have to get this thing done come nect month.
3. All these special interests running the country has to stop.
4. He knows how it is, his granny just died, and he saw first hand what the hospital cost, and what they do.
5. Heres a link:


6. The way people go out in America, needs change.


08-16-2009, 09:30 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. And theres more.
2. Obama isn't going to take any guff from the insurance companies.
3. Heres a link:


"Almost everyone knows that we must start holding insurance companies accountable and give Americans a greater sense of stability and security when it comes to their health care," he wrote.

Obama wrote that he's confident health care reform will pass."


08-16-2009, 09:31 AM
sorry bout that. we'd rather fight than switch

08-16-2009, 09:38 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I remember when Ross Perrot, was going own about nafta.
2. He said there would be a *Great Sucking Sound* from jobs going to Mexico.
3. Turns out he was right after all.
4. But the *Great Sucking Sound* turned out being the *Medical Industry*, on America Wealth.
5. Its just too expensive to get sick in America, better off just die quickly.


08-16-2009, 09:43 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I remember when Ross Perrot, was going own about nafta.
2. He said there would be a *Great Sucking Sound* from jobs going to Mexico.
3. Turns out he was right after all.
4. But the *Great Sucking Sound* turned out being the *Medical Industry*, on America Wealth.
5. Its just too expensive to get sick in America, better off just die quickly.


better off just die quickly

you to right ???

08-16-2009, 09:49 AM
Sorry bout that,

you to right ???

1. The way it stands right now, yes.
2. I can not get insurance, pre-existing issues voids me from getting it.
3. And I am not the only one, perhaps more than 30 million people, can't even pay for and get health insurance.
4. When will you people ever learn that?


08-16-2009, 09:55 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. The way it stands right now, yes.
2. I can not get insurance, pre-existing issues voids me from getting it.
3. And I am not the only one, perhaps more than 30 million people, can't even pay for and get health insurance.
4. When will you people ever learn that?


under his deathcare that's 30 million he'll murder

08-16-2009, 10:01 AM
Sorry bout that,

under his deathcare that's 30 million he'll murder

1. Common,.......you really believe that?


08-16-2009, 10:03 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Common,.......you really believe that?


how else can he save money?????

08-16-2009, 10:09 AM
Sorry bout that,

how else can he save money?????

1. So your saying, "All of us uninsured for pre-exsisting health issues, will be signed up on the *Public Option* just in order that he can kill us?"


08-16-2009, 10:11 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. So your saying, "All of us uninsured for pre-exsisting health issues, will be signed up on the *Public Option* just in order that he can kill us?"


lets see that public option

08-16-2009, 10:15 AM
Sorry bout that,

lets see that public option

1. Its available I suppose, I don't have it though.
2. So your not saying this then?
[1. "All of us uninsured for pre-exsisting health issues, will be signed up on the *Public Option* just in order that he can kill us?"]


08-16-2009, 10:19 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Its available I suppose, I don't have it though.
2. So your not saying this then?
[1. "All of us uninsured for pre-exsisting health issues, will be signed up on the *Public Option* just in order that he can kill us?"]


tell ya what. if he is willing to put himself and his family under this program we'll go along. ok????

08-16-2009, 10:24 AM

08-16-2009, 10:30 AM
Sorry bout that,

tell ya what. if he is willing to put himself and his family under this program we'll go along. ok????

1. I will take that as a *no*, you ain't saying that.
2. As far as if he will have this *Public Option* I think he already is.
3. But for him, its on the tax payers expense.
4. Probally wasn't going to be for long thou, the way the system is now, soon he would have to start paying premiums.
5. I wonder if he too has some pre-existing issues, that would void him as myself, and 30 million other Americans?


08-16-2009, 10:42 AM
Sorry bout that,


1. How does this link make Obama a monster?
2. In America in some peoples reality, its better to just die quickly, get it over, than to die a slow death in a hospital bed.
3. If you actually own anything.


08-16-2009, 10:47 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I will take that as a *no*, you ain't saying that.
2. As far as if he will have this *Public Option* I think he already is.
3. But for him, its on the tax payers expense.
4. Probally wasn't going to be for long thou, the way the system is now, soon he would have to start paying premiums.
5. I wonder if he too has some pre-existing issues, that would void him as myself, and 30 million other Americans?


I know what your saying. save my ass and fuck the rest of you.

08-16-2009, 11:04 AM
Sorry bout that,

I know what your saying. save my ass and fuck the rest of you.

1. No I'm not, just allow me to pay for insurance like everyone else.

2. Wow, thats whats wrong with America.
3. People just can't relate well too others.
4. I have told my story, how I can't get insurance, they don't want my money.
5. They want it, ALL, when I have to be helped in a long hospital stay.
6. Where else will I go?, they say.
7. They know when my time of need comes, that I will end up in some hospital emergency room.
8. And they know that the law of averages are, they will get blood some how from every patient.
9. Blood money.
10. So your for *Blood Money* too I see?


08-16-2009, 11:11 AM
Sorry bout that,

2. Wow, thats whats wrong with America.
3. People just can't relate well too others.
4. I have told my story, how I can't get insurance, they don't want my money.
5. They want it, ALL, when I have to be helped in a long hospital stay.
6. Where else will I go?, they say.
7. They know when my time of need comes, that I will end up in some hospital emergency room.
8. And they know that the law of averages are, they will get blood some how from every patient.
9. Blood money.
10. So your for *Blood Money* too I see?


your making no sense here at all - Osama will suck your blood. not us. any further debate with you is useless. bye

08-16-2009, 11:24 AM
Sorry bout that,

your making no sense here at all - Osama will suck your blood. not us. any further debate with you is useless. bye

1. Hehehehe,......another one lost debate.
2. Bye backacha, to you sir.


08-16-2009, 11:40 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. This kind of mind set is why there is so much conflict in the healthcare debate.
2. Many who have insurance don't want those who can't get it or don't willing pay for it, to have what the have.
3. Pure and simple its greed.
4. Greed for thier own care not to be interupted, for whatever it takes, be it the life of those 30 million people who can't get it, or those whom refuse to pay for it.
5. Its greed, sad that.
6. "Don't touch *MY* healthcare you bastards!"


08-16-2009, 12:13 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. This kind of mind set is why there is so much conflict in the healthcare debate.
2. Many who have insurance don't want those who can't get it or don't willing pay for it, to have what the have.
3. Pure and simple its greed.
4. Greed for thier own care not to be interupted, for whatever it takes, be it the life of those 30 million people who can't get it, or those whom refuse to pay for it.
5. Its greed, sad that.
6. "Don't touch *MY* healthcare you bastards!"


Reform is what is needed, not gov't provided. Make it possible for those like you to buy it, regardless of pre-existing conditions. Will it be expensive, sure, just like if you go into pool auto insurance, but as you've stated ad nauseam, it should be possible.

08-16-2009, 01:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. This kind of mind set is why there is so much conflict in the healthcare debate.
2. Many who have insurance don't want those who can't get it or don't willing pay for it, to have what the have.
3. Pure and simple its greed.
4. Greed for thier own care not to be interupted, for whatever it takes, be it the life of those 30 million people who can't get it, or those whom refuse to pay for it.
5. Its greed, sad that.
6. "Don't touch *MY* healthcare you bastards!"


You're being ridiculous on this issue. You want the rest of us to give up our assets so you can horde yours...and you call us greedy.

Of that 30 million, only 4-5 million fall into the category of "can't" get insurance. To totally wipeout our current system to accomodate 1-2% of the population makes no sense at all, especially when the proposed solution takes health decisions away from individuals and gives it to the knuckleheads in DC.

08-16-2009, 01:59 PM
I was going to try and expalin this to him but didn't seem like it was sinking in.

"Don't touch *MY* healthcare you bastards!"
far as i could go

08-16-2009, 03:06 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Sure its greed, what else would you call it?
2. Fear, I am sure fear plays a part in it.
3. Fear of Obama sitting behind his desk, death rolling dice if its your time to croak.
4. Snake eyes!
5. Your dead!
6. Yeah its fear and greed, the unknown really scares the crap out of people.
7. England has completely free healthcare, are they actually better than Americans?


08-16-2009, 03:09 PM
Sorry bout that,

You're being ridiculous on this issue. You want the rest of us to give up our assets so you can horde yours...and you call us greedy.

Of that 30 million, only 4-5 million fall into the category of "can't" get insurance. To totally wipeout our current system to accomodate 1-2% of the population makes no sense at all, especially when the proposed solution takes health decisions away from individuals and gives it to the knuckleheads in DC.

1. So all you really want is for me to be equal to you.
2. Without anything of value.
3. Just having healthcare, thats it eh?
4. Is that the kind of picture you want to paint?
5. As a side note: How is it you willl giving up some assets? LOL!!!!!!!


08-16-2009, 03:15 PM
if he is planning to strike out the side, then he is highly mistaken.

08-16-2009, 03:16 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So all you really want is for me to be equal to you.
2. Without anything of value.
3. Just having healthcare, thats it eh?
4. Is that the kind of picture you want to paint?
5. As a side note: How is it you willl giving up some assets? LOL!!!!!!!


My tax dollars, taken away from me...those assets.

But hey...if they pass some form of legislation that requires insurance companies to insure you will that do the trick for you, or do you also want legislation that requires them to cover you for an unprofitably low price as well?

08-16-2009, 03:17 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So all you really want is for me to be equal to you.
2. Without anything of value.
3. Just having healthcare, thats it eh?
4. Is that the kind of picture you want to paint?
5. As a side note: How is it you willl giving up some assets? LOL!!!!!!!


What the hell are you saying here?

1. So all you really want is for me to be equal to you.You think what?
2. Without anything of value.You want more than what most of us pay for?
3. Just having healthcare, thats it eh?LOL! Isn't that what you've been braying about?
4. Is that the kind of picture you want to paint?What 'picture' is that?
5. As a side note: How is it you willl giving up some assets? LOL!!!!!!!meaning everyone but YOU should give up stuff, so you can keep yours.chessy is more liberal than Obama, difference is, he wants it only for Chessy.

08-16-2009, 03:19 PM
Sorry bout that,

Reform is what is needed, not gov't provided. Make it possible for those like you to buy it, regardless of pre-existing conditions. Will it be expensive, sure, just like if you go into pool auto insurance, but as you've stated ad nauseam, it should be possible.

1. Sure make it where theres no way in hell for me to afford it.
2. Yeah thats going to reform healthcare.
3. I think it will just put more people including myself, into the poor house, just saying.
4. At least this is the first time you stated it publicly, you get it, and that healthcare is in need of some sort of reformation.


08-16-2009, 03:26 PM
Sorry bout that,

What the hell are you saying here?

chessy is more liberal than Obama, difference is, he wants it only for Chessy.

1. Every post I make isn't directed at you deary.
2. I speak for everyone who is in the same boat I am in.
3. And its millions of people.


08-16-2009, 03:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Sure make it where theres no way in hell for me to afford it.
2. Yeah thats going to reform healthcare.
3. I think it will just put more people including myself, into the poor house, just saying.
4. At least this is the first time you stated it publicly, you get it, and that healthcare is in need of some sort of reformation.


Sorry Chessy, there are way more folks supporting you and yours that are in less than middle class. You claim million or so in property holdings, then claiming 'the premiums' too high, subsidize me. Well on behalf of those of us making 30-250k, fuck off.

08-16-2009, 03:30 PM
Sorry bout that,

My tax dollars, taken away from me...those assets.

But hey...if they pass some form of legislation that requires insurance companies to insure you will that do the trick for you, or do you also want legislation that requires them to cover you for an unprofitably low price as well?

1. Yes I want it to be affordable too.
2. How else will I pay for it.
3. You can't legislate health insurance companies, we are just going to have the, *Public Option*.
4. In all honesty.


08-16-2009, 03:32 PM
Sorry bout that,

Sorry Chessy, there are way more folks supporting you and yours that are in less than middle class. You claim million or so in property holdings, then claiming 'the premiums' too high, subsidize me. Well on behalf of those of us making 30-250k, fuck off.

1. You slink down to name calling. LOL!!!!!
2. And insults!
3. Sign you lost the debate deary.


08-16-2009, 03:33 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes I want it to be affordable too.
2. How else will I pay for it.
3. You can't legislate health insurance companies, we are just going to have the, *Public Option*.
4. In all honesty.


5. im an idiot

08-16-2009, 03:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

Sorry Chessy, there are way more folks supporting you and yours that are in less than middle class. You claim million or so in property holdings, then claiming 'the premiums' too high, subsidize me. Well on behalf of those of us making 30-250k, fuck off.

1. You slink down to name calling. LOL!!!!!
2. And insults!
3. Sign you lost the debate deary.
4. You for one should be the most understanding.
5. You father was drained for nearly 700k, and your not bitter?
6. Seems so.
7. My property holdings, are right around 500k, I worked for it.
8. And earned it.
9. I don't think doing that is against *American Values*.


08-16-2009, 03:36 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. You slink down to name calling. LOL!!!!!
2. And insults!
3. Sign you lost the debate deary.


You fail to see you lost and are being called names because of your own absurdity.

08-16-2009, 03:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

5. im an idiot

1. Hey I thought you were *Bye*?
2. Another person who lost this debate.
3. Might as well flame out, you lost pal!:laugh2:


08-16-2009, 03:40 PM
Sorry bout that,

You fail to see you lost and are being called names because of your own absurdity.

1. I haven't lost, you yourself finally admit, healthcare needs reforming.
2. Like admiting your a acholic, its the first step, deary.


08-16-2009, 03:50 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes I want it to be affordable too.
2. How else will I pay for it.
3. You can't legislate health insurance companies, we are just going to have the, *Public Option*.
4. In all honesty.


I'll give you a hint...it's called liquidation

08-16-2009, 03:52 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I haven't lost, you yourself finally admit, healthcare needs reforming.
2. Like admiting your a acholic, its the first step, deary.


Um, except the 'admition' about reform was years ago, the rest is your fantasies.

Chessy, you are a lib without comparison, even JS doesn't come close, yet you pawn yourself as moderate. LOL!

08-16-2009, 03:55 PM
Sorry bout that,

I'll give you a hint...it's called liquidation

1. Ok lets say I sale something.
2. Whats a fair price to pay for full coverage health insurance, to you?


08-16-2009, 03:57 PM
Sorry bout that,

Um, except the 'admition' about reform was years ago, the rest is your fantasies.

Chessy, you are a lib without comparison, even JS doesn't come close, yet you pawn yourself as moderate. LOL!

1. Hey I've read your stuff, you always go after anyone who dares to touch, *Your Healthcare*.
2. First I have read otherwise, deary.
3. Im a GOP deary, have been for decades.
4. Who is JS, deary?


08-16-2009, 05:15 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Ok lets say I sale something.
2. Whats a fair price to pay for full coverage health insurance, to you?


What's a fair price for the insurance company? You expect them to insure you for free? By your wrong-headed thinking, you should be able to go to a junk yard, by some old PoS, and then by a warranty for it for a few bucks and then demand they make the car like new.

08-16-2009, 05:33 PM
Sorry bout that,

What's a fair price for the insurance company? You expect them to insure you for free? By your wrong-headed thinking, you should be able to go to a junk yard, by some old PoS, and then by a warranty for it for a few bucks and then demand they make the car like new.

1. Okay, what do you pay then?


08-16-2009, 05:56 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. K,....who is JS?


08-16-2009, 06:12 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay, what do you pay then?


My insurance is subsidized by my former employer so I pay a lot less than most people for mine. That has no bearing on your wrong-headedness.

08-16-2009, 06:13 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. K,....who is JS?


joe steel our resident communist.

08-16-2009, 08:28 PM
Sorry bout that,

My insurance is subsidized by my former employer so I pay a lot less than most people for mine. That has no bearing on your wrong-headedness.

1. So your still raking in bennies from an old job?:laugh2:
2. You really should pay your share mate!
3. Okay, now what is it?
4. I will pay that.


08-16-2009, 08:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

joe steel our resident communist.

1. I thought he was a Dem/Liberal.


08-16-2009, 08:46 PM
Sorry bout that,

What's a fair price for the insurance company? You expect them to insure you for free? By your wrong-headed thinking, you should be able to go to a junk yard, by some old PoS, and then by a warranty for it for a few bucks and then demand they make the car like new.

1. I wouldn't go so far as to say I was an old clunker.
2. I just had problem, which I won't go into.
3. But all in all I am in great shape.
4. Insurance companies don't think so though.


Mr. P
08-16-2009, 09:10 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I wouldn't go so far as to say I was an old clunker.
2. I just had problem, which I won't go into.
3. But all in all I am in great shape.
4. Insurance companies don't think so though.


So let me see, you wanna debt without providing all the information? IDIOT! I'll say this: YOU CAN GET INSURANCE YOU JUST DON'T WANNA PAY THE PRICE.

I'll await yer neg rep and reported post..:laugh2:

08-16-2009, 09:15 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So your still raking in bennies from an old job?:laugh2:
2. You really should pay your share mate!
3. Okay, now what is it?
4. I will pay that.


Yeah...it's called military retirement. As for paying my share, I paid for that insurance in advance over the course of 21 years. So when you factor in my pre-payments and my current costs, I'm not sure you could afford it.

08-16-2009, 09:18 PM
Sorry bout that,

So let me see, you wanna debt without providing all the information? IDIOT! I'll say this: YOU CAN GET INSURANCE YOU JUST DON'T WANNA PAY THE PRICE.

I'll await yer neg rep and reported post..:laugh2:

1. Huh?
2. Like I said, they won't sign me.
3. They have high standards, which my health to them won't cut it.
4. I really don't care what you believe P.
5. Oh I have to spread it around old chap!:laugh2:
