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08-17-2009, 12:41 PM
Protesting is the ultimate display of democracy.


08-17-2009, 12:58 PM
Don't get too outraged, those of you who are looking down your noses at those unreasonable, misinformed anti-health care-reform town hallers. No matter what particular clan, tribe or party you belong to, you can't really disown them any more than you can your own grandmother. You may not agree with them, but their brand of hotheaded, self-righteous, obnoxious, stick-it-to-the-manism is as American as apple pie.

Well the guys still an ass, even if he isn't calling the people showing up racists, like Pelosi and her ilk.

Libs don't understand the people at the town halls anymore than they did the tea party people.

People at tea parties were there because spending is getting out of hand. Libs and the MSM didn't get it.

People are at these town hall meetings not because they don't want change. Most people will agree that the health care systems needs tweaking. What they don't want is government run health care like Canada or European countries, because those systems lead to rationing and sky high taxes.

Again the libs and the MSM aren't listening to peoples legitimate concerns and when that happens people get loud.

08-17-2009, 04:10 PM
more laxative from the Liberal Assed Times

08-17-2009, 07:02 PM
Protesting is the ultimate display of democracy.


So I assume you'll quit commenting on how you don't like Tea Party protests?

08-23-2009, 09:43 PM
Protesting is the ultimate display of democracy.

No offense, but I would say protesting is the ultimate display of freedom. We are really a Republic not a Democracy. Government styles change, but freedom is freedom.

08-24-2009, 12:01 PM
So I assume you'll quit commenting on how you don't like Tea Party protests?

The fact that I don't like the Tea Party protests doesn't mean I am against protesting as a whole.
Right-wingers were not shy in denouncing our anti-Bush protests as "un-American." We did them anyway.

08-24-2009, 01:01 PM
well paybacks are hell.

08-24-2009, 07:19 PM
The fact that I don't like the Tea Party protests doesn't mean I am against protesting as a whole.

What didn't you like about them?????

If you listened to the people, and I'm one who went, they were quite informative.

People were protesting the stimulus, both Bush's and Obama's, and the growing gov. deficit.

They were protesting the gov. going so deeply into debt that we'll never pull ourselves out of it.

This was a joint protest, not republican, not democrate, not libertarian. The American people are sick and tired of the gov. spending money like it grows on trees.

What is there to be against?????????????????????????

08-24-2009, 07:25 PM
What didn't you like about them?????

If you listened to the people, and I'm one who went, they were quite informative.

People were protesting the stimulus, both Bush's and Obama's, and the growing gov. deficit.

They were protesting the gov. going so deeply into debt that we'll never pull ourselves out of it.

This was a joint protest, not republican, not democrate, not libertarian. The American people are sick and tired of the gov. spending money like it grows on trees.

What is there to be against?????????????????????????

I'm with you.......what is there to be against....unless, of course, one only listens to the MSM and believed the lies that the Tea Parties were to protest Obama......which, if anyone cared to research and attend, would know that they were protesting for Fiscal Responsibility. Conservatives always get nervous when the government goes on a spending spree.....and the Bush administration started it and the Obama administration escalated it.

So, anyone who is against the Tea Parties must be OK with outlandish government spending, especially if it is disguised as "spreading the wealth".