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View Full Version : black man carries rifle to obama rally

08-18-2009, 02:40 PM
My main question, is Chris Matthews going to have him on the show and ask if he's a birther and then fire questions at him and give him no time to answer????


I thought the only people at these rallies against obama were racist white people. You mean to tell me that black people are against bambam's socialist healthplan also.....:eek:

08-18-2009, 02:58 PM
that sight didn't have the man's words posted. Here is another.l

I'm exercising my right as an American in Arizona," he said. "I'm actually totally against healthcare in this way, in this manner, stealing it from people. I don't think that's appropriate."

The man also carried a hand gun on his hip and a round of ammunition in his back pocket, all completely legal.

He said he's fighting both health care and his right to carry a firearm in public.


08-18-2009, 11:01 PM
Well, good for him. Black, white, purple or green, health care and guns know not any color. They are issues that concern citizens of all walks of life from every corner of America.

And this thread won't get many replies since it was a black man that had a weapon at the rally. If it were a white man, then the thread would be filled with hate and bullpucky. Same reason why this hasn't been on the news. Whitey wasn't caught with a gun at our black presidents rally. People just love to hate whitey and blame him for their meger unhappy existance.

Mr. P
08-18-2009, 11:09 PM
I'm a strong supporter or the 2nd amendment...but I'm sorry, carrying a gun to a Presidential event is just plain STUPID and is TOTALLY UNPRODUCTIVE, even if it's legal!

08-18-2009, 11:55 PM
Not legal!!!! Public Gathering in Arizona, church, ball fields etc,.... Illegal.

cat slave
08-19-2009, 04:52 PM
That man deserves a standing ovation and we could all take a cue from him.:clap:

Stay within the law but work it for all its worth!

08-19-2009, 04:56 PM
Not legal!!!! Public Gathering in Arizona, church, ball fields etc,.... Illegal.

That man deserves a standing ovation and we could all take a cue from him.

Stay within the law but work it for all its worth!

A standing ovation for a stupid person violating the law? Yeah, that makes sense.

08-19-2009, 05:27 PM
It was perfectly legal, there were about a dozen other folks doing the very same thing. In fact, it was all cleared with the Phoenix PD before hand.

The protester carrying an AR-15 rifle outside President Barack Obama's speech in Phoenix on Monday staged the "publicity stunt" with the help of two local Libertarian groups that have worked with the man on Ron Paul's presidential campaign.

Before attending a pro-Obama health-care reform rally outside the Phoenix Convention Center, the man only known as "Chris" rendezvoused with members of RP4409 and Freedom's Phoenix at the latter group's Phoenix radio and TV studios. That's according to Freedom's Phoenix Publisher Ernest Hancock, who is credited with coining and designing the logo for the "Ron Paul r3VOLution..."

"We will forcefully resist people imposing their will on us through the strength of the majority with a vote," Chris later tells an Obama supporter in the video. "Just because you sic the government on people doesn't make it morally OK to steal money from people. Taxation is theft."

Chris declined Monday to provide any personal information about himself. But Hancock, who had Chris on his online radio show this morning, said the young man is a Valley resident, an independent conservative and a member of the John Birch Society.

Chris' firearms display (he also was carrying a 9mm pistol on his hip) drew national media attention, including stories from CNN, the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg. But openly carrying firearms in public is legal in Arizona.

"He had no intention of doing anything except educating law enforcement that you can do this. He had no intention of getting the kind of attention he got," said Hancock, who was among the dozen demonstrators openly carrying firearms at the rally and protest.

"He represents a growing demographic of his age bracket that understands that they are the ones who will saddled with enormous debt and expense for the benefit of other generations who will not be around to pay for it," added Hancock, who unsuccessfully has run as a Libertarian for U.S. Senate, Congress, secretary of state and most recently in 2008, Maricopa County recorder.

"It's all about taking from an entire generation everything that they have."

Hancock told CNN's Rick Sanchez today that he met Chris two years ago while working on the 2008 presidential campaign for Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas.

Hancock also said the gun display was planned well in advance of Monday's protest. Hancock personally met with a Phoenix police officer on Friday, informing him that his group planned to bring firearms to the event.

Sanchez suggested many people would see it as a "publicity stunt."

Responded Hancock: "Absolutely -- you guys are so easy. What we wanted to do was make sure that people around the country knew that law enforcement in Phoenix, Arizona, protects our rights. Oftentimes, the citizenry are better armed than law enforcement."

Man with AR-15 rifle collaborated with Libertarian groups (http://www.azcentral.com/members/Blog/PHXBeat/60573/sort_A/Offset40)

08-19-2009, 05:30 PM
Its legal to open carry in Arizona.
Here are the restrictions to that.
* A Polling Place on The Day of an Election
* Establishments or Events Open to The Public AFTER BEING ASKED TO LEAVE OR STORE THE FIREARM
* Game Refuges
* Nuclear or Hydroelectric Generating Stations
* The Grounds of Any Public School

Its legal to open carry in California. More and more people are carrying, videoing the police and taking it to court.

08-19-2009, 06:29 PM
Its legal to open carry in California. More and more people are carrying, videoing the police and taking it to court.

Yes it is, as long as it is not loaded, and you are not in a prohibited area ("school zone", post office, government building, etc). Loaded is legal in your home, temporary residence or campsite (unless otherwise prohibited), place of business, private property, and in areas of unicorporated territiry where shooting is not prohibited, including many areas within National Forest and BLM lands.

08-19-2009, 06:34 PM
Yes it is, as long as it is not loaded, and you are not in a prohibited area ("school zone", post office, government building, etc). Loaded is legal in your home, temporary residence or campsite (unless otherwise prohibited), place of business, private property, and in areas of unicorporated territiry where shooting is not prohibited, including many areas within National Forest and BLM lands.

You are absolutely correct. My buddy is an L.A. Sheriff, he said that we just have to allow them to inspect the gun to make sure it isn't loaded. I'm not ready for the hassles yet. In my town you would be eating gravel then the gun would be checked.

08-19-2009, 06:38 PM
My main question, is Chris Matthews going to have him on the show and ask if he's a birther and then fire questions at him and give him no time to answer????


I thought the only people at these rallies against obama were racist white people. You mean to tell me that black people are against bambam's socialist healthplan also.....:eek:

fire back

08-19-2009, 06:41 PM
You are absolutely correct. My buddy is an L.A. Sheriff, he said that we just have to allow them to inspect the gun to make sure it isn't loaded. I'm not ready for the hassles yet. In my town you would be eating gravel then the gun would be checked.

I'm with you on the hassle, though it would probably be easier for me here in Ventura County than it would be for you in L.A. County.

Mr. P
08-19-2009, 07:01 PM
And the point of carrying a weapon to a Presidential meeting/function is what, besides STUPID?

08-19-2009, 08:29 PM
This thread makes me think of the last time Dubya was in Los Angeles. To attend a fund raiser.
One of the crowd members was legally carrying a gun. He was jumped by Secret Service, thrown to the ground and taken away in a police vehicle. He was released after questioning.
A spokesman later said that, while the man was legally carrying a gun, "there was no good reason why anyone should have a gun while near the president."
But I suppose it is OK to brandish a gun at an Obama rally.
Squeaky Fromme was no doubt happy to hear about that.

Mr. P
08-19-2009, 08:32 PM
This thread makes me think of the last time Dubya was in Los Angeles. To attend a fund raiser.
One of the crowd members was legally carrying a gun. He was jumped by Secret Service, thrown to the ground and taken away in a police vehicle. He was released after questioning.
A spokesman later said that, while the man was legally carrying a gun, "there was no good reason why anyone should have a gun while near the president."
But I suppose it is OK to brandish a gun at an Obama rally.
Squeaky Fromme was no doubt happy to hear about that.

Squeaky Fromme took shots..BIG DIFFERENCE.

08-19-2009, 08:36 PM
You need a gun to take shots. Hard to shoot someone without a weapon.

Mr. P
08-19-2009, 08:50 PM
You need a gun to take shots. Hard to shoot someone without a weapon.

Sure it is..yer point?

08-19-2009, 10:13 PM
no no no


im not having that conversation with you

chris mathews is a political hack

My main question, is Chris Matthews going to have him on the show and ask if he's a birther and then fire questions at him and give him no time to answer????


I thought the only people at these rallies against obama were racist white people. You mean to tell me that black people are against bambam's socialist healthplan also.....:eek:

08-19-2009, 10:57 PM
Martin, if you don't know what you are saying, it is best not to say anything. :D

08-19-2009, 11:00 PM
well I was half joking in the first part, and thought he was unfair to that man.

I dont think much higher of oreilly tactics to be honest, but i guess since i disagree with you, im just an idiot right? :coffee:

Martin, if you don't know what you are saying, it is best not to say anything. :D

08-20-2009, 06:25 AM
This thread makes me think of the last time Dubya was in Los Angeles. To attend a fund raiser.
One of the crowd members was legally carrying a gun. He was jumped by Secret Service, thrown to the ground and taken away in a police vehicle. He was released after questioning.
A spokesman later said that, while the man was legally carrying a gun, "there was no good reason why anyone should have a gun while near the president."
But I suppose it is OK to brandish a gun at an Obama rally.
Squeaky Fromme was no doubt happy to hear about that.
Was this guy trying to get in the same room as Bush? That would've been the big difference right there. This guy was just wlaking around outside, no where really near Obama.