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View Full Version : For those of you who live close to the Nation's Capital

08-18-2009, 04:36 PM
I'm hoping that all of you who live near DC are available on September 12th. I'm sure that you've heard about the March on Washington that's happening that weekend.

I'm planning to gather some friends in the Maryland suburbs to carpool into DC. After the latest train crash, I will NOT be riding the Metro, so we will be driving straight into downtown Washington. If you're interested in coming along, PM me on here, or you can email me at jennifer@basketsandkisses.com.

We will be leaving the Montgomery County/Frederick County general area around 6:30-7am. Exact location TBD based on where everyone who wants to go is located.

It's time to stand up against the members of the House and Senate and let them know that what they're doing with OUR tax money and the policies that they are putting in place that are unconstitutional are NOT okay with us!! They work for US, not the other way around.

Check out these videos for more info as well!!

