View Full Version : General courtesy, namecalling aka flaming

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04-17-2007, 04:16 PM
Pretty damned-simple, not to mention obvious. Your arguments are dishonest. You haven't, and won't kick anything here but continue kicking your own ass until you present an honest argument.

So long as people like your delusional ass exist and are in evidence, it'll never suck to be me. People can't help but feel good about themselves after crossing paths with such a petty, delusional, arrogant and insufferable ass such as yourself.

Gunny you can't and won't support your allegations against Pelosi.

You continue to lie, lie, lie, lie to cover up the fact that you were posting opinions not fact and the majority of the board agrees.

I have tried ever tack at reasoning with you but without fail you resort to lies, painting others with your own skin and denial.

You are still wrong.

Your opinions are NOT facts.

And unlike you I can manage to admit being wrong.

You need to learn from this and quit pretending that your saying things makes them true.

TRY to prove your allegations against Pelosi.

I triple dog dare you. I think you are too cowardly to be shown up, and too cowardly to face the truth.

Gunny can't handle the truth.

04-17-2007, 04:23 PM
Hey Loosebowels,
Judging from rep points alone this statement would be just a bit incorrect. Gunny is easily one of the most even tempered, least frazzled, well liked and respected, respectfully correct and knowledgeable posters I have seen on any messageboard.

On the other hand, you have come here and immediately become one of the least honest, talking point posters with O respect for anyone that isn't in total agreement with your spewing of anti-American crap. The board IQ went down when you joined and I feel that you are a total waste of time. I don't put people on ignore but I will not give any of your post a second thought.:fu:

It is obvious that you just don't like anyone who isn't a pussy so you should probably go back to your friends at DU.:upyours:

Never been to DU sittaro, and thanks for sharing your opinion, really.

Truth is you are just being defensive of Gunny even tho you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

And really you check out the rest of the boards out there, because this board is unique for it's really low IQ base and being a cave that rightwingbots flee to for security amongst their own kind.

And echo chamber where even the most loony tunes of Bushbot mania get applause.

You would be amazed at how the large majority of the nation rejects your POV and sees your ilk as being somewhat insanely bent on staying the course in all ways even tho it has proven to be the road to hell.

You should rethink your positions or you will risk becoming a dinosaur.

04-17-2007, 04:35 PM
Shut the fuck up:laugh2:

whiner... :dance:

Mr. P
04-17-2007, 04:37 PM
Never been to DU sittaro, and thanks for sharing your opinion, really.

Truth is you are just being defensive of Gunny even tho you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

And really you check out the rest of the boards out there, because this board is unique for it's really low IQ base and being a cave that rightwingbots flee to for security amongst their own kind.

And echo chamber where even the most loony tunes of Bushbot mania get applause.

You would be amazed at how the large majority of the nation rejects your POV and sees your ilk as being somewhat insanely bent on staying the course in all ways even tho it has proven to be the road to hell.

You should rethink your positions or you will risk becoming a dinosaur.

Your opinion? Or fact?

04-17-2007, 04:39 PM
When I arrived at this board, the righties were in the middle of a flamefest that they somehow thought was appropriately posted in Current Events, not the Steel Cage. When they got their feet held to the fire, you should have seen them come up with every excuse in the book for flaming that member and trying to explain that I didn't know the whole story. For a Twilight Zone minute I thought I'd gotten dropped in the middle of the White House-lost emails-Gonzales-Congress dispute.

I've seen the mods here shitcan a member for posting contrary posts to the ones the mod posted. I've seen them excuse the blatent violators of the Reputation rules and do nothing over reported posts where members were abused and threatened. Partisan isn't the word I would use to describe them.

I hold little hope for anyone on the other side of the aisle to live within the spirit of the owner's request since they have not so far. I'll be happy to do my part... until they start in again with the personal attacks. (It's as predictable as night following day.)

welcome to the cess pool... but... in all fairness, even tho these cess pool denizens don't deserve fairness... it's the same on lefty boards... the lefties will rip the lone rightwinged poster or two, new ones every chance they get... mods too...

the ONLY way to not be subjected to partisan moderators is to choose your boards carefully... choose the large boards, I can give you a few sites if you'd like them... just PM me...

OR not care when they shitcan you and/or your posts.

04-17-2007, 04:40 PM
Change starts at the top. If the board needs changes, the mods need to set the example. I don't think calling for the posters to behave will do any good, unless the mods behave too. One liner insult posts, that I've seen here by mods, aren't going to encourage posters to be civil to eachother. Change starts at the bottom too. ;) That's the seed I've planted. If it's to grow, the staff must water it.



04-17-2007, 04:41 PM
Whining and complaining........doesn't look good on anybody..


then why do you do it?


04-17-2007, 04:44 PM
welcome to the cess pool... but... in all fairness, even tho these cess pool denizens don't deserve fairness... it's the same on lefty boards... the lefties will rip the lone rightwinged poster or two, new ones every chance they get... mods too...

the ONLY way to not be subjected to partisan moderators is to choose your boards carefully... choose the large boards, I can give you a few sites if you'd like them... just PM me...

OR not care when they shitcan you and/or your posts.

That never happens here. Liberals are NEVER targeted nor flamed for their political beliefs. They ARE, however, flamed when they are being idiots. We've had a HOST of reasonable, articulate, and NON-hateful Libs on this board. Unfortunately, I'd say the MAJORITY of libs here now are NOT respectful nor worthy of consideration as an 'honest debater'. The best part of this board is it's NON-partisan Moderation. :)

It boils down to this, Lib or Conservative - being an asshole will get you banned/disciplined.


04-17-2007, 04:46 PM
This fucking cracks me up, libs complaining about bias again, there is no bias on this board, nobody has ever been banned for opinions contrary to a mod.

really? where's grumpy? or jillian for that matter? she was a moderator too and now she's no longer here... why is that?

04-17-2007, 04:47 PM
and since most conservatives see liberal views as being idiotic, liberals are flamed for their views. Might wana take those tinted shades off dmp.

04-17-2007, 04:47 PM
really? where's grumpy? or jillian for that matter? she was a moderator too and now she's no longer here... why is that?

Grump and Jillian violated the terms of the board. Grump REFUSED to back off his incessant flaming of a Moderator. Their leaving had NOTHING to do with their political beliefs. It's simply nauseatingly dishonest to claim they aren't here because they are liberals.

04-17-2007, 04:48 PM
My attitude towards these things is don't say anything on the web that you wouldn't have the balls to say to someone's face. And looking at his personality type it's almost certain that he's a poser. In reality he lets people push him around so he comes here and somehow thinks he can make up for that by being a foulmouthed hysterical punk.

laffs... if I hadn't already repped you for your last post I would now for this one.


04-17-2007, 04:49 PM
and since most conservatives see liberal views as being idiotic liberals are flamed for their views. Might wana take those tinted shades off dmp.

Right - but nobody is banned for being an idiot. They get banned/moderated against for being 'assholes'. Phsycho is an idiot, IMO, but he's rarely an asshole. Thus, he's rarely moderated-against.

See how that works? If MORE libs would present their viewpoints with honor and a bit of tact, and less HATE, they'd get flamed less by the Conservative members, AND I'd spend less time trying to clean up the mess. :)

04-17-2007, 04:49 PM
so you all gona get a new liberal mod to get rid of any valid claims of partisan moderation. If not, the claims will go on.

04-17-2007, 04:50 PM
No anger, Nuc....well except towards stupid people, i'm just foulmouthed gutter trash who don't give a shit and that makes me as happy as a clam.:laugh2:

laffs... you have finally said something I agree with...

04-17-2007, 04:50 PM
If MORE libs would present their viewpoints with honor and a bit of tact, and less HATE, they'd get flamed less by the Conservative members, AND I'd spend less time trying to clean up the mess. :)
doubt that with this bunch, maybe less but they would still be flamed and it's human nature to flame back.

04-17-2007, 04:51 PM
so you all gona get a new liberal mod to get rid of any valid claims of partisan moderation. If not, the claims will go on.

No - I don't CARE about the claims. WHINING about bias which does NOT exist is NOT a way to get what you want. That's ONE fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals. Liberals tend to whine-whine-whine (or sue) to get their way.


Claim-away, but know that your claims are transparently false. Nobody buys it.

I can think of a few Libs here who'd be good mods...if we needed more mods.

04-17-2007, 04:52 PM
doubt that with this bunch, maybe less but they would still be flamed and it's human nature to flame back.

Simply untrue. You lack the age to know what it 'used to be like' when USMB had many GOOD, articulate Liberals, but trust me when I say, 80% of flaming here is by libs when a conserv. disagrees, even respectfully.

04-17-2007, 04:53 PM
I think quite a few people buy it. IE nearly all the liberal posters here. Ya think conservatives are going to complain about conservative mod bias or even see it.

04-17-2007, 04:54 PM
Simply untrue. You lack the age to know what it 'used to be like' when USMB had many GOOD, articulate Liberals, but trust me when I say, 80% of flaming here is by libs when a conserv. disagrees, even respectfully.
I don't find myself hardly ever flaming so it ain't me. As for others, who knows I don't read threads that drag on and on same ol flamefest.

04-17-2007, 04:55 PM
I think quite a few people buy it. IE nearly all the liberal posters here. Ya think conservatives are going to complain about conservative mod bias or even see it.

Nobody who matters buys it. Nobody who is 'reasonable' buys into it. You're making a HUGE claim based on a logical fallacy. You assume that 'because' the mods here are more conservative than the average liberal, Liberals are moderated against BECAUSE they are liberals.

EVERY moderator action is taken as a specific situation and dealt-with; Lib/Moderate/Conservative alike.

04-17-2007, 04:56 PM
Interesting. Seems this board was cruising along quite nicely until a sudden influx of rude as Hell liberal-type folks showed up and decided deflections, intellectual dishonesty and/or personal attacks the way to win an argument.

That's not to mention the time honored tradition of following up said lame posts with declarations ov victory, and getting two or three other libs to pile on and say "Yeah."

Yep... A veritable cess pool of right wingers, echoing each others' lame assed posts... Then I came, too bad for you that I was invited here by one of your right winger pals...


and then after finding out how lame you guys are and how stupid the majority of your posts are... I asked jimnyc if I could invite a few of my friends to play here as well... he said SURE... Invite whoever I like... so I did...

Got a problem with that?

Too fucking bad.

04-17-2007, 04:57 PM
I think quite a few people buy it. IE nearly all the liberal posters here. Ya think conservatives are going to complain about conservative mod bias or even see it.

Even the words liberal and conservative imply a bias toward a certain ideology. What' your beef? I don' see anyone being banned !

04-17-2007, 04:58 PM
Have you EVER been a member of a board where you DIDN'T cry bias and try to change the rules on your second post? Just wondering. Seems I've seen this act before.

yep... and I invited you to drop by it, too... but you declined to leave the safety of your yess pool...

04-17-2007, 04:58 PM
Of course, liberal posters being modded against is only half the equation. Some of the hardest-right posters here are almost perpetually in the "asshole" category with their posts, as dmp puts it, and nothing ever seems to happen to them.

04-17-2007, 04:59 PM
welcome to the cess pool... but... in all fairness, even tho these cess pool denizens don't deserve fairness... it's the same on lefty boards... the lefties will rip the lone rightwinged poster or two, new ones every chance they get... mods too...

the ONLY way to not be subjected to partisan moderators is to choose your boards carefully... choose the large boards, I can give you a few sites if you'd like them... just PM me...

OR not care when they shitcan you and/or your posts.

If its a cesspool why are you here?

04-17-2007, 04:59 PM
There has been quite a few of them hasn't there?

Not all of them,but that desribes a few,definitely. I swear they act like DUer's

blame me... laffs... tho I must say, I didn't invite all the lefties that came here after I did... just most of them...

krisy? what's a DUer?

04-17-2007, 05:00 PM
Aren't you wasting your breath? I don't see that he's changed a word of his diatribe in 3 years. Same accusations, same whining.

who hasn't changed in three years?

04-17-2007, 05:01 PM
EVERY moderator action is taken as a specific situation and dealt-with; Lib/Moderate/Conservative alike.

by all conservative mods who are going to be biased in favor of people they are friends with who insidently share many of the same views.

Sorry, I don't trust any board to be non-biased when only one side is represented by the mods/admin team and that same side also happens to be the one the majority of the members are on. Left or right, me being somewhere in the middle gets to take hell from both. I'm either a blood thirsty neo-con or a left wing loony depending on the board.

04-17-2007, 05:02 PM
Of course, liberal posters being modded against is only half the equation. Some of the hardest-right posters here are almost perpetually in the "asshole" category with their posts, as dmp puts it, and nothing ever seems to happen to them.

What exactly are the "mods" doing to liberal posters that they aren't doing to the others ?

04-17-2007, 05:02 PM
Even the words liberal and conservative imply a bias toward a certain ideology. What' your beef? I don' see anyone being banned !

What I got banned, which might make me a bit biased too in my judgment of the mods, but oh well, and know of people who were threatned with banning but the axe didn't fall.

04-17-2007, 05:03 PM
really? where's grumpy? or jillian for that matter? she was a moderator too and now she's no longer here... why is that?

Grump was banned because he's a troll and an asshole, Jillian was given the cold shoulder because she is a selfish bitch. See? Nothing at all to do with political beliefs.:salute:

04-17-2007, 05:04 PM
If its a cesspool why are you here?
I like cesspools but anyway this place isn't too bad compared to the worst but is far from the best place I've ever been.

04-17-2007, 05:06 PM
Egging on what? He's pointing out a truth about libs and she is agreeing with him, are not mods allowed to have opinions too?

This is coming from a former mod, and 99.9% of complaints we got wewre from libs crying when they got owned on an issue.

you mean you're no longer a mod????

oh gawd... this is great news... laffs...

so OCA... it's about this owning thing...

how about that time when you told jillian that you'd enlist in a heartbeat if they took 39 year olds and I asked you why you didn't enlist after 9/11 when you were 34... and then you replied that you weren't going to leave your 80k a year job to become a soldier making 26k...


:finger3: you mean that kind of "owning"?:finger3:

04-17-2007, 05:06 PM
I like cesspools but anyway this place isn't too bad compared to the worst but is far from the best place I've ever been.

Thanks for the answer but the question wasn't directed to you.

04-17-2007, 05:07 PM
I don't care, it was something I felt like answering and could.

04-17-2007, 05:08 PM
you mean you're no longer a mod????

oh gawd... this is great news... laffs...

so OCA... it's about this owning thing...

how about that time when you told jillian that you'd enlist in a heartbeat if they took 39 year olds and I asked you why you didn't enlist after 9/11 when you were 34... and then you replied that you weren't going to leave your 80k a year job to become a soldier making 26k...


:finger3: you mean that kind of "owning"?:finger3:

Yep, I really got "owned" on that! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

04-17-2007, 05:08 PM
What I got banned, which might make me a bit biased too in my judgment of the mods, but oh well, and know of people who were threatned with banning but the axe didn't fall.

Yet somehow you are sure that conservatives never receive warnings ?

04-17-2007, 05:09 PM
Yep, that can't even see what's wrong with it.

Gunny justifies the attacking of posters if the person is new and starts out with opinions he doesn't like or say burning flag or gay pride flage avatars as was the case with me whenI was new. Then says when they are attacked, they shouldn't whine about it because they're getting what they desearve. A mod agree's with this.

I wouldn't call this trying to tone things down and stop all the attacks. Not to mention the new persons isn't wrong for getting defensive and attacking back.

I don't know what it is, but boards have cliques and double standards for new and old members which is stupid.

Could you please spell and punctuate your posts correctly? I mean one or two are ok but when the post is littered with mistakes it renders it almost unreadable.

poah ting can't read tyop... how long have you been posting? how many years?

04-17-2007, 05:09 PM
I don't care, it was something I felt like answering and could.

Great, thanks kid.

04-17-2007, 05:09 PM
by all conservative mods who are going to be biased in favor of people they are friends with who insidently share many of the same views.

That is SUCH Bullcrap. Really. It's such a simply and dishonest and easy position for you to take because it's the TRUTH you are afraid of. The TRUTH is this: Liberals 'tend' to be whiney and bitchy and hateful...thus, they are generally the first to become assholes on a forum. Now, I've seen quite a number of GOOD Liberals who are educated, articulate, and REASONABLE - who don't drink at the Liberalese Kool-Aid fountain. Likewise i've seen PLENTY of hateful idiot conservatives.

Do you REALLY think conservatives form one big masturbatory clique here? Do you REALLY think we all like each other THAT much? I can name a FEW Conservatives I'd like to kick in the nuts.


04-17-2007, 05:11 PM
So why are you here??

To discuss the issues... why are you here?

04-17-2007, 05:11 PM
Say what now, your sterotyping libs as more hatefull than conservatives on political boards just proves your own bias. As for cliques, all boards have them.

04-17-2007, 05:13 PM
A question for the ages.

I came here to discuss the issues with my pal Gadget... why are you here? How will "you people" ever learn anything if all you listen to are your own echoes?

04-17-2007, 05:13 PM
Say what now, your sterotyping libs as more hatefull than conservatives on political boards just proves your own bias. As for cliques, all boards have them.


04-17-2007, 05:14 PM
I know that's my point. Everyone biased that's why you need political balance with the mods for their rulling to atleast be less unbiased and get rid of legitiment claim of unfair treatment by one side or the other.

04-17-2007, 05:15 PM
If it happens to be gone when I hit it for whatever reason then fuck it, you can read that shit, you're just being purposely obtuse.

Get that libtard youngster Nation a friggin spellcheck.

just as you are being obtuse... but of course, since that is your usual modus operandi, you'll miss the irony...

04-17-2007, 05:16 PM
I know that's my point. Everyone biased that's why you need political balance with the mods for their rulling to atleast be less unbiased and get rid of legitiment claim of unfair treatment by one side or the other.

bs....mods tell me to cool it ...and you know i speak the truth:poke:

04-17-2007, 05:16 PM
I know that's my point. Everyone biased that's why you need political balance with the mods for their rulling to atleast be less unbiased.

Again---if a conservative poster was warned---How would you know ?

04-17-2007, 05:17 PM
I know that's my point. Everyone biased that's why you need political balance with the mods for their ruling to at least be less unbiased and get rid of legitimate claim of unfair treatment by one side or the other.

We have political balance here -not every conservative is a Republican. But unless you can Point to specific measurable bias against liberals, your claim is worthless..it's like farting into a tornado.

04-17-2007, 05:17 PM
just as you are being obtuse... but of course, since that is your usual modus operandi, you'll miss the irony...

Nah, actually no, I wasn't being obtuse unless you think asking for basic grammar and spelling skills to be obtuse.

Again, if this is a cesspool why are you here?

04-17-2007, 05:18 PM
Would have to agree with OCA. If anyone knew anything about this board, you would know that it is NOT biased towards its mods.

Utter rubbish. Quit bitching and start posting.

I've been here a while... not as long as the rest of you nor do I have the history you all have... IMO, the mods here are biased and partisan...

if you'd like a couple of sites where they aren't, I'd be happy to tell you where to go.


obtw, jimnyc? I love your emoticons...

04-17-2007, 05:18 PM
Again---if a conservative poster was warned---How would you know ?
Good question, but not my point. The mods may treat everyone the same they may not but people will believe they are being treated unfairly if all mods that punish them are of a different political belief who they have argued with over issues in the past.

04-17-2007, 05:19 PM
man oh man do you people complain about everthing?

04-17-2007, 05:19 PM
Funny, the same thing is being said about you.

Have you ever been a member of a board where you didn't launch into personal attacks instead of discussing an issue and lamely try to justify those personal attacks by saying "you deserve it"? You have seen this act before. It's your own dog and pony show.

This board was cruising along alright all with conservative voices ganging up on the few Liberals that had the courage to post here amidst the namecalling and lengthy, unverified diatribes against all things Liberal. Your little Pirahna Party got broken up and the wimpy whining started because you couldn't gang up on someone the way you used to. The intellectual dishonesty and personal attacks flowed from right to left not the other way around and the "yes-men" were predominantly from the right. Liberals don't operate that way. It's our time honored tradition.

You're just mad because you are not able to bully people around like you used to. Thanks for proving to me that it was you all that this thread was aimed at. :slap:

laffs... Gunny is hardly the worst of the bunch around here...

04-17-2007, 05:20 PM
Good question, but not my point. The mods may treat everyone the same they may not but people will believe they are being treated unfairly if all mods that punish them are of a different political belief who they have argued with over issues in the past.

who has been punished here....i have not seen one person banned...people get told to chill but that is about it....

04-17-2007, 05:20 PM
I know that's my point. Everyone biased that's why you need political balance with the mods for their rulling to atleast be less unbiased and get rid of legitiment claim of unfair treatment by one side or the other.

Where's the evidence? Sometimes the mods are just asking the poster they think might be most responsive to stopping what is devolving into a flamefest. They are not banning or threatening anyone.

As Manu says further down, he's been asked to 'tone it down', same thing, he's 'reasonable.' It may not occur to all, but sometimes there is just the idea that a problem can be avoided, if the 'bigger person' will just cool it a bit.

04-17-2007, 05:21 PM
man oh man do you people complain about everthing?
Everybody on political boards complain about everything from world/state politics to the local board politics. That's what happens when you get a bunch of opinionated people in one place.

04-17-2007, 05:22 PM
A few? You mean virtually all of them don't you?

yep, virtually all of the right wingers here, except for jimnyc, Gadget and Mr.P, have been nassssssssssssssty...

but I don't care... I give as I receive... :finger3:


04-17-2007, 05:23 PM
Everybody on political boards complain about everything from world/state politics to the local board politics. That's what happens when you get a bunch of opinionated people in one place.

there is an old saying....when i raise my club the guilty will run....

i think people bitch to gain control over something in their lives....

04-17-2007, 05:24 PM
We have political balance here -not every conservative is a Republican. But unless you can Point to specific measurable bias against liberals, your claim is worthless..it's like farting into a tornado.
It's all about perception. I don't have to prove it, if the majority of libs or cons see political bias from mods on a board it's as good as there because that is how they see it and will act in accordance.

04-17-2007, 05:25 PM
I don't know about you, but I come here because its nice to have some mature reasonably discussion. its a shame you libs cant seem to do that any more.

sure you do...

maybe you're used to the type of lib that rolls over and let's you fuck them in the rear... I'm not that way and neither are my friends... in fact, it's high time you assholes learned that lefties aren't weak just because we oppose the war in Iraq.

04-17-2007, 05:27 PM
Everybody on political boards complain about everything from world/state politics to the local board politics. That's what happens when you get a bunch of opinionated people in one place.

Do you have any evidence that liberals are punished more than conservatives ? Any at all ?? If you don't then you are guilty of making baseless accusations. Is idle gossip all you have?

04-17-2007, 05:30 PM
It's all about perception. I don't have to prove it, if the majority of libs or cons see political bias from mods on a board it's as good as there because that is how they see it and will act in accordance.

Your perception, dear one, is jacked up.

(shrug). You CHOOSE your perception to support your ideas. That's your problem. You could be face-to-face with COLD HARD FACTS on a given topic, yet fall back on your precious "It's still my opinion" or "It's my perception!"

When reality doesn't match our perceptions, we need to change how we look at things. That's called wisdom.

04-17-2007, 05:31 PM
We were here first - why do you keep coming back for more? :)

To educate you of course... it's our mission...


no seriously, it's fun... why do you keep coming back? Is this the only place you have that people actually agree with your point of view? Maybe you should branch out and try a lefty site or two... see if you can influence them or change their minds...

OR... maybe you'd like to try an evenly distributed board with impartial moderators... nahhhhh... you wouldn't like either of those boards... you like it here... or did anyway when there were only a pawfull of libs... looks around...

what's funny is that the lefties that were here when I came are no longer here... and that's NOT funny haha, that's funny peculiar...

04-17-2007, 05:31 PM
I have what I have. I'm just giving my personal opinion and what could be done to change it if the controllers of the board willed it. Ya’ll can take it how you take.

and for the person that said he hadn't seen anyone banned, there's the guy whose name was mentioned but was before my time, Obama who was banned in a few days and in which I got banned for a few lines in his defense.

04-17-2007, 05:31 PM
It's all about perception. I don't have to prove it, if the majority of libs or cons see political bias from mods on a board it's as good as there because that is how they see it and will act in accordance.

Total Bullshit---if majority of people perceive homosexuals to be sickos does that make it true ???? Perception does not make reality.

04-17-2007, 05:32 PM
It's all about perception. I don't have to prove it, if the majority of libs or cons see political bias from mods on a board it's as good as there because that is how they see it and will act in accordance.

yea don't let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory :poke:

04-17-2007, 05:33 PM
i think people bitch to gain control over something in their lives....

BINGO! That's EXACTLY what's going on. They aren't in control, so they MAKE UP stories to make people feel sorry for them, in hopes they'd be GIVE control. It's EXACTLY displayed in Pelosi visiting with terrorists...that whole "We have to create a DIALOG" bs.


04-17-2007, 05:33 PM
Your perception, dear one, is jacked up.
I could say the same about you. As for cold hard facts, I haven't seen you present any either. I have seen many of the libs claim bias on this boards mod team which is that preception thing which you have done nothing to try and change.

04-17-2007, 05:33 PM
I have what I have. I'm just giving my personal opinion and what could be done to change it if the controllers of the board willed it. Ya’ll can take it how you take.

and for the person that said he hadn't seen anyone banned, there's the guy whose name was mentioned but was before my time, Obama who was banned in a few days and in which I got banned for a few lines in his defense.

You are sitting here admitting you are flawed...that your perception is flawed, yet you refuse to change the way you look at things.

04-17-2007, 05:34 PM
Well that is a human enough reaction.

Yeah ya'll were here first, but so were the indians.

You did have an echo chamber here, or so it appears, with a minority of dissenting pov.

But times change, and so is the nation. This is your wake up call. Business as usual is not. Get with the new program or prepare to be the whining fringe for 4-8 years.

The party that went on an apeshit witch hunt of the Clinton admin and then fucked up when they got control of all three branches of government is now falling apart.

The majority no longer approves of the arrogant dishonest and swift boat methods of the GOP.

And I will certainly not forget anytime soon that when ya'll had a majority of only 1-3% in Congress you acted as if tyranny of that slim majority was democracy.

Pay back is a motherfucker.

All that aside i certainly came in here with both guns firing. There were a few folks here I was fairly quick to square off against because of my own assumptions about their partisanship.

CSOB probably deserves some measure of an apology, maybe even Manu to a lessor degree.

But before that, for the first week here I was as civil as could be, posted only on threads about econ and forestry and certain posters responded like visceral assholes throwing all manner of labels like "chomskyite", "comrade" and "stalinist" around because they were incapable of discussing the topic at all.

Then there is Gunny whom I don't dislike but he doesn't seem to understand the basic premise of debate. If you make an allegation you must either substantiate it or admit it is merely an opinion. It isn't true in public debate just because the pres says so. He has lied before.

Bottom line, I have been on boards with no moderation.

Boards that make this one look like a kindergarden sandbox.

And there is no such thing as too tough for me to handle.

There is no poster on this board who will ever be too tough for me. I have seen posters who would eat you alive, but they didn't rattle me.

And lastly, the righties seem to be whining as much as the lefties.

If the board settles down it will be because a majority change the tempo. Not because one side triumphs over the other, but because a social agreement forms.

Democracy is messy that way.


laffs... good on, homey...

uhhhh loose... how'd you get so many neg rep points?

04-17-2007, 05:36 PM
Total Bullshit---if majority of people perceive homosexuals to be sickos does that make it true ???? Perception does not make reality.
If the majority of people think homos are sickos and on that premise make homa sex a crime people must be put to death for would those homs still be executed even if in reality they weren't really sickos because of people perception.

04-17-2007, 05:36 PM
sure you do...

maybe you're used to the type of lib that rolls over and let's you fuck them in the rear... I'm not that way and neither are my friends... in fact, it's high time you assholes learned that lefties aren't weak just because we oppose the war in Iraq.

Sure you are, i've bent you over so many times i'm bled dry:laugh2:

04-17-2007, 05:37 PM
You are sitting here admitting you are flawed...that your perception is flawed, yet you refuse to change the way you look at things.
So do you, we're people. Until presented with a lot to the contrary I will hold on to my first beliefs.

04-17-2007, 05:38 PM
If the majority of people think homos are sickos and on that premise make homa sex a crime people must be put to death for would those homs still be executed even if in reality they weren't really sickos because of people perception.

Where is this majority who feels that way? What is your point? where the hell are you going with this? Lmao :)

04-17-2007, 05:38 PM
Make up your mind.. Loose says it's childs play, you say it's caustic.. Which is it? Many people of differing opinions have managed to get along just fine here...

Sam says it's caustic, loose says it's child's play... obviously they have differing opinions... do you always agree with all the other righties here? everytime? don't you have your own opinion on anything? must be boring to be you...

but shat... what happened to the lefties that were here when I came? jillian and grumpy? Are they among those that you say got along just fine? where are they?

04-17-2007, 05:39 PM
Where is this majority who feels that way? What is your point? where the hell are you going with this? Lmao :)
Just following up on my argument that perception really can be reality even if there are no cold hard facts.

04-17-2007, 05:40 PM
Really now. Just WHEN exactly do the mods moderate? Ths board usually looks like a free-fire zone, and without naming any names, seems to me they have been VERY lenient in their applying the few rules the board does have considering the recent beahvior of certain foul-mouthed, disrespectful morons who appear to have no concept of where to draw a line.

I dunno... good question...

but if you want a free fire zone then maybe you should try a board without moderation.

Like the board that Gadget, Mr. P and I were on way back when...

04-17-2007, 05:40 PM
but shat... what happened to the lefties that were here when I came? jillian and grumpy? Are they among those that you say got along just fine? where are they?

They got OWNED!:laugh2:

04-17-2007, 05:41 PM
I could say the same about you. As for cold hard facts, I haven't seen you present any either. I have seen many of the libs claim bias on this boards mod team which is that preception thing which you have done nothing to try and change.

You expect this whole board to change because one segment complains? If I were Jimmy I would be tempted to chunk the whole thing and let people go elsewhere.

04-17-2007, 05:41 PM
perception really can be reality even if there are no cold hard facts.

and in a nut shell you have defined politics....from the mouths of babes

04-17-2007, 05:42 PM
Good grief.. This shit's STILL going on?

04-17-2007, 05:42 PM
So do you, we're people. Until presented with a lot to the contrary I will hold on to my first beliefs.

I'm not flawed. My perceptions are not flawed. When I find a flaw in my perception, I CHANGE how I look at stuff. Your beliefs, specifically your belief that the mods here have a Bias against liberals, and take Moderator action BASED on those biases, is flat-out wrong. If you believe that, you believe a LIE. In the face of evidence to the contrary, you stubbornly hold fast to your belief, I believe, because you LOVE the victim mentality which permeates the Left Wing of society. You hold-fast because you believe if you shout "THE MODS ARE BIASED AND TAKE MODERATOR ACTION BASED ON THOSE BIASES" loud enough, and long enough and get enough yokels to join you, that ONE day...just ONE day...your opinion may be validated. You'd rather DIE than change, because to change you have to admit YOUR thoughts...YOUR way of doing something is wrong. Or flawed. All that REALLY stems from your refusal to submit to GOD in your life. Yup. I said it. MOST people in their state LOVE their state, however miserable, because loving their state gives them a feeling of control.

Blah - Let loose your fears of being wrong. CHANGE when you need to change. Open yourself up to TRUTH (which will lead you to God, eventually), and your life will be MUCH MUCH BETTER.

04-17-2007, 05:43 PM
It's more interesting now, the loosecannon rants were getting pretty boring.

Mr. P
04-17-2007, 05:44 PM
I came here to discuss the issues with my pal Gadget... why are you here? How will "you people" ever learn anything if all you listen to are your own echoes?

Then get to it and stop the pity BS, kitty. This ain't the NV site. :slap:

04-17-2007, 05:44 PM
Practically every one of us has been warned and/or "moderated" since we got here.. We're just not stupid enough to push an issue in public unless we WANT to get banned. But we'll damned well tell them to get bent in PMs as is allowed. :D

PMing is a great way to slam your opponent... be nice if y'all do it there instead of on the forums... we'd have a lot more civility in our discussions.

04-17-2007, 05:45 PM
It's more interesting now, the loosecannon rants were getting pretty boring.

lol.....white noise

04-17-2007, 05:46 PM
Make up my mind?

Are you OK? Another person on the message board has an opinion and I have an opinion, and you tell me to make up my mind because the other person has a different opinion?

Are you sure you're OK?

Your post is very strange. Then you say many people of differing opinions.....

LOL! But you tell me to make up my mind because another person has a differing opinion.

I don't get it. LOL! That's some way out there stuff.

Welcome to Debate Policy...

where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't but you're especially damned when you're a lefty...


04-17-2007, 05:46 PM
PMing is a great way to slam your opponent... be nice if y'all do it there instead of on the forums... we'd have a lot more civility in our discussions.

But don't cross the line of using PM's to HARASS anyone ;)

04-17-2007, 05:46 PM
Dmp, you haven't proved the mods are non-biased. You have actually given me evidence to the contrary in the beliefs you have posted.

I only have the facts I know.

1. all the mods on this board are conservative.
2. many liberal have claimed bias, it's not just me whose seeing it.
3. I mod has flat out said in his opinion libs act worse and cause much of the problem.
4. the only people on this board I've seened banned or threatned with a ban have been liberals.

04-17-2007, 05:47 PM
Dmp, you haven't proved the mods are non-biased. You have actually given me evidence to the contrary in the beliefs you have posted.

I only have the facts I know.

1. all the mods on this board are conservative.
2. many liberal have claimed bias, it's not just me whose seeing it.
3. I made has flat out said in his opinion libs act worse and cause much of the problem.
4. the only people on this board I've seened banned or threatned with a ban have been liberals.

It's not my JOB to prove it - YOU made the claim. I'm saying, STOP LYING. If you can't produce EVIDENCE to your claim, your claim is UNTRUE.

Get it?

04-17-2007, 05:48 PM
I think truth is it's some posters that are caustic. Could that be why you were Banned from your other sandbox?:laugh2:

now now, P... that's not nice... and besides... her ban there is a temporary one... can you say the same for grumpy or jillian?

04-17-2007, 05:49 PM
I never said I was perfect. You are contributing to the discussion about personal attacks. Does that mean you've never engaged in a personal attack? If only people who've never done wrong were contributing to this thread, it would have died after the first post.

laffs... :clap:

04-17-2007, 05:49 PM
Dmp, you haven't proved the mods are non-biased. You have actually given me evidence to the contrary in the beliefs you have posted.

I only have the facts I know.

1. all the mods on this board are conservative.
2. many liberal have claimed bias, it's not just me whose seeing it.
3. I mod has flat out said in his opinion libs act worse and cause much of the problem.
4. the only people on this board I've seened banned or threatned with a ban have been liberals.

Oh shit, he's supposed to prove a negative. Cute. I'll tell you from someone dealing with him for a long time. I didn't like him, from the get go. But one thing I can tell you is he's fair. He's not an ass kisser, and won't go for those that try to do so to him.

I know, I've been on many sides of dmp.

04-17-2007, 05:49 PM

I can't produce evidence because I do not have access to it because I'm not a admin and can't see everything. I can only produce what I have and you haven't proved I am lying. You have claimed I am but then you would. Not proven it tho.

But like I said, this is just my opinion that I'm voicing cuss that's the way I am.

04-17-2007, 05:52 PM
Point is, you both think this place, and its posters suck. Yet, you're still here.. again.. whatever for? Surely there are other places you'd rather play, since it took you so long to find this one..

All of your join dates are January 2007... so it took sam what? 3 months to find this place? that's not long at all...

psssssst... shat? I invited her... but I bet you knew that already... cuz it's on the first page of this longassed thread...

04-17-2007, 05:53 PM
All of your join dates are January 2007... so it took sam what? 3 months to find this place? that's not long at all...

psssssst... shat? I invited her... but I bet you knew that already... cuz it's on the first page of this longassed thread...

All of our join dates are Jan 2007 - for THIS board. Jim also owned USMB which has been around quite a bit longer.. I'm probably one of the babies of the group at about 3 years.

What are you doing? Going back to the beginning of the thread and answering each and every old post just to get your count up there?


04-17-2007, 05:54 PM
All of your join dates are January 2007... so it took sam what? 3 months to find this place? that's not long at all...

psssssst... shat? I invited her... but I bet you knew that already... cuz it's on the first page of this longassed thread...

Mighty impressive harem of lefty harpies you have---anyway you could convince em to go whine elsewhere ?

04-17-2007, 05:56 PM
Mighty impressive harem of lefty harpies you have---anyway you could convince em to go whine elsewhere ?

they gould always go to the DU where everyone agrees with each other...

04-17-2007, 05:58 PM
And how was that warning delivered? The one I got (way back when) began with "Could you please ....." Any official dealings I have ever had with staff members here, or when we used to be at USMB have always been handled in a courteous manner. I can't say the same for other boards, the one you came here from in particular.

The job sucks, and that's where your buddy lily and I had our falling out. And the first accusation is always partisan favortism, even when it has nothing to do with partisanship and everything to do with the rules.

yep... partisan favoritism... and it happens a lot on boards that have a majority of one political party over the other... left or right... and that's why I like the bigger boards... but I do like leaving the cozy non-partisan debate on those boards and coming out to the badlands... why? cuz it's fun...

do you ever post on anything but righty boards? I used to post on the all lefty boards but they were borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring...

There's NO challenge in preaching to the choir...


04-17-2007, 06:00 PM
they gould always go to the DU where everyone agrees with each other...

but I couldn't. I actually think I done got banned there, have to check. One sided boards always bring out the other side in me just to get some disagreement and debate.

04-17-2007, 06:01 PM
Because where they come from, new members feel about as welcome as a black guy at a KKK meeting. It took me a while to place them, but I've crossed paths with them before. At least in my case loosecannon took it upon him/herself to be the official welcome wagon using the same premise he/she was so kind as to provide in the post above .... that implication is not a personal insult.

and where was that, gunny?

Mr. P
04-17-2007, 06:02 PM
I dunno... good question...

but if you want a free fire zone then maybe you should try a board without moderation.

Like the board that Gadget, Mr. P and I were on way back when...

It was like the wild west! Or worse!

04-17-2007, 06:05 PM
but I couldn't. I actually think I done got banned there, have to check. One sided boards always bring out the other side in me just to get some disagreement and debate.

Let me get this straight-----you PURPOSELY fight on the sid of the underdog and then whine when you are treated like one ??? :laugh2:

04-17-2007, 06:05 PM
Than you should be thankful for the FREEDOM that is afforded to you here. Yes you may be right the Mods at times may be leaning one way or another but that is just human nature.

You have the ability to question the Mods here because they believe in FREEDOM OF SPEACH above all else. Even if you have a differing point of view. With the freedom comes a certain amount of personal attacks that will always be part of any discourse with others. You do not have the freedom to not be offended, remember that I always do. I know at times I will be attacked and I will be insulted, thats just part of dealing and discussing something as inflamatory as politics. People are very passionate about their politics so it should come as no surprise when people disagree to such an extent.

Once again be THANKFUL you have the ability to question the Mod staff. This is a great place to actually be FREE to express yourself as you wish. I know other boards wouldn't let you get away with half of what has been said or questioned here.

You have lefty mods? who?

You shouldn't have to deal with personal attacks or insults when discussing the issues. Civil discussion is just that... civil...

They sound downright deplorable... :dance: so uhhhh, where are they?

04-17-2007, 06:06 PM
No I purposely fight on the side I feel most at the time.

Mr. P
04-17-2007, 06:07 PM
Let me get this straight-----you PURPOSELY fight on the sid of the underdog and then whine when you are treated like one ??? :laugh2:

I think she has established that is her MO with her Avatar BS weeks ago.
She's her to fuck with people.

04-17-2007, 06:08 PM
If anyone is worried about anything in particular, have a word with jimnyc, it is his board and he makes the rules and I wager you can come to an agreement with the man one way or the other, all problems solved.:cheers2:

yep... I always go to the owner especially when the mods are as notoriously partisan as they are here...

or were...


04-17-2007, 06:08 PM
What exactly are the "mods" doing to liberal posters that they aren't doing to the others ?Ask the mods. :uhoh:

04-17-2007, 06:12 PM
How many replies, without responding to the facts of bias? Ummmm.

Jim runs a great board, if you can't get along here, you can't anywhere. Regardless of persuasion.

04-17-2007, 06:12 PM
I see no opportunity for you to wake up the ideals of others.

why not?

04-17-2007, 06:14 PM
BINGO! That's EXACTLY what's going on. They aren't in control, so they MAKE UP stories to make people feel sorry for them, in hopes they'd be GIVE control. It's EXACTLY displayed in Pelosi visiting with terrorists...that whole "We have to create a DIALOG" bs.


MAKE UP????? Are you joking me? Please give me permission to post the PMs that you sent me.:fu:

LMAO.......the most biased mod is the only one posting here......what a hoot!

04-17-2007, 06:15 PM
Ask the mods. :uhoh:

There are people here making accusations. Do you really expect me to convict the mods with out one shred of evidence? :laugh2:

04-17-2007, 06:15 PM
You don't have to see it. It will happen.

Hey Typo... about your sigline... do you have one for independents like me? Is there an iIndy?

04-17-2007, 06:16 PM
the tactics and presentation will need to change....insulting people to draw them to your cause has been less than successful....and that is the tactic of the left...

sorry manu, but that is the tactic of the right... and guess what... it doesn't work...


04-17-2007, 06:16 PM
Hey Typo... about your sigline... do you have one for independents like me? Is there an iIndy?

35 posts to this thread alone in one hour...and you haven't said a damned thing yet.


04-17-2007, 06:16 PM
There are people here making accusations. Do you really expect me to convict the mods with out one shred of evidence? :laugh2:

were you not paying attention...if our perception is that the mods are fair then that is reality...the facts are moooooo...:laugh2:

04-17-2007, 06:17 PM
There are people here making accusations. Do you really expect me to convict the mods with out one shred of evidence? :laugh2:What do you expect, that the mods should all ejaculate on a blue dress for you? :slap:

04-17-2007, 06:17 PM
We arent the ones whining about the way the board is run are we?

Jimnyc wants y'all and us'all to play nice... are you saying that jimnyc is whining?

04-17-2007, 06:19 PM
You don't need me to answer that, Gunny. You've demonstrated that you already know how to judge others for yourself. You're a damn poor judge, but you're still a prolific one.


04-17-2007, 06:21 PM
I've always said "If you can't dazzle em with your knowledge, Baffle em with your Bullshit". loosecannon has it down pat. :lol:

laffs... :dance:

04-17-2007, 06:23 PM
sorry manu, but that is the tactic of the right... and guess what... it doesn't work...


i live in the san franciso bay area and i can assure you that the left uses the tactic....hell the whole blue state creating their own country because red staters are stupid proves my point .... most of the left leaning folks who have tried to convince me to leave the right generally start off with you are stupid....

as for me, i don't care if you agree with me, like me, or what you think...i am just the same in real life....

04-17-2007, 06:24 PM
You have lefty mods? who?

You shouldn't have to deal with personal attacks or insults when discussing the issues. Civil discussion is just that... civil...

They sound downright deplorable... :dance: so uhhhh, where are they?

You know, I think I'd even settle for more left sided posters......they keep saying they were here......but not why they are not here any longer.:salute:

04-17-2007, 06:24 PM
Let's see. A member's unwillingness or inability to find links, let's Pelosi off scott free. Cool world you are living in. :lame2:

who's responsibility is it to find substantiation for their POV? The poster of it or the one replying to it?

IMNSHO, It's the poster.

04-17-2007, 06:26 PM
You know, I think I'd even settle for more left sided posters......they keep saying they were here......but not why they are not here any longer.:salute:

i would say that it is about even left vs right....the reason i say that is you all assume everyone that got her before you all did is right of you .....

maybe you should define left middle and right and find out who is who ....

04-17-2007, 06:27 PM
I have to laugh, first you say you don't take orders, well great I didn't issue any, read the post again.

Then you bark out orders.


cmon loose, you know how righties are... they belong to the do as I say not as I do crowd...

AND also, don't forget... they belong to the Party of Family Values...


04-17-2007, 06:29 PM
who's responsibility is it to find substantiation for their POV? The poster of it or the one replying to it?

IMNSHO, It's the poster.

it is a point of view....one can hold whatever point of view they like....you are not required to substantiate it....

for example: i believe the death penalty is just fine ....

04-17-2007, 06:31 PM
No, actually I don't. Form a fucking paragraph lest we think you are more of a dunce than we already do.

Yes you actually do... it's hilarious to see you bitching about errors in other peoples' posts when your own are so rife with them...

Personally, I don't give a shit about how other people type... I purrfurr to rip their arguements to shreds... not their grammar or their lack of vocabulary...

cuz cuz... I misspell on purrpose and I use a lot of ...s... and nothing you can say will get me to change that, so I'll say to you...

be all you can be...



04-17-2007, 06:32 PM
BINGO! That's EXACTLY what's going on. They aren't in control, so they MAKE UP stories to make people feel sorry for them, in hopes they'd be GIVE control. It's EXACTLY displayed in Pelosi visiting with terrorists...that whole "We have to create a DIALOG" bs.


MAKE UP stories? You insist you want someone to prove it. Are you giving me permission to post the PMs you sent me?

LMAO..........I find it funny that the most biased mod on the entire forum, the one that everyone is complaining about is the only one posting in this thread. what a hoot.:fu:

04-17-2007, 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by loosecannon
OCA told me a few days ago that he was my Dog, humor him.

Non answer.

Looks like an answer to me, P. you better look again...

04-17-2007, 06:35 PM
Are you willing to start posting something or respond to ones in a courteous respectful manner or is this pissing contest going to last forever ?

:lol: psssssssst... we're in the steel cage... :lol:

but if you REALLY want polite boards, PM me and I'll give you some.

04-17-2007, 06:37 PM
This thread is lame. :fu:

It was started by jimnyc... is he lame? I don't think he is... do you really think he's lame?

04-17-2007, 06:37 PM
45. Wow.

04-17-2007, 06:37 PM
And that has what to do with my question?

You had a question?

04-17-2007, 06:38 PM
46. Still says nothing.

04-17-2007, 06:38 PM
i would say that it is about even left vs right....the reason i say that is you all assume everyone that got her before you all did is right of you .....

maybe you should define left middle and right and find out who is who ....

Well, since I've only been here a couple of months and it seems that some of the newer left leaning posters have been here even less, I think it would be a safe assumption that all there appears to be right to extreme right leaning posters. I'm just asking where all the old left side posters went to?

People claim they were here, were they abducted by aliens?

04-17-2007, 06:39 PM
What purpose, Dog? Or should I say, 'what purpose asshole', since you tagged yourself as such?

ohhhhhhh... why so you did... it's so unlike you to ask questions... when did you start doing that?

04-17-2007, 06:40 PM
following the links, I'm looking for the question.

laffs... I did too... Mr.P and I met on a board long long ago... he rarely if ever asked questions, but he was quick with a label I'm sure you may have seen before...

maybe not...

04-17-2007, 06:41 PM
Funny how a thread protesting constant flaming is probably the biggest flame-fest on the board. :laugh2:

Probably why it's IN the steel cage...

04-17-2007, 06:42 PM
Probably why it's IN the steel cage...

It wasn't when I typed that DAYS AGO, dumbass.


04-17-2007, 06:42 PM
I don't interface directly with jimnyc that much, but what I read is that he wishes that all would get the point that they should respond to the posts, regardless of their take. Meaning the libs might have one pov, the conservatives another. doh

04-17-2007, 06:44 PM
Those are lies. Repetition doesn't make them true.

It worked for the BA when they chose to invade iraq, didn't it?

04-17-2007, 06:45 PM
Unethical? Heck, she's committed treason! :poke:

That's your opinion. That's not a fact.

04-17-2007, 06:52 PM
I'm referring to the Nazi who banned me "forever". :pee:

who was that and where? cuz glocky, I'd love to go congratulate him/her.


04-17-2007, 06:56 PM
I'm not an average-sized man, so that problem is solved.

Larger or smaller?

04-17-2007, 06:59 PM
I resemble that!

Hey Gadget... LTNS... sorry you invited me here? cuz cuz, I'm not...

I've been having a blast... :coffee:

did you ever check out the big board I invited you to, you know, the one with an even distribution of partisans and impartial moderators?

04-17-2007, 07:01 PM

what's so damn funny?

She said thank you to jimnyc's posting of the thread..

04-17-2007, 07:05 PM
I guess it's too bad you can't go into my original post and edit it, huh? That's about your style.

no... only moderators can do that... they can also delete posts and entire threads or place a lock on them... and I've seen that done on other partisan boards... more than once...

I bet you have too...

04-17-2007, 07:10 PM
This seems to be the standard "advice" the right likes to hand out......yet they refuse to see that they want forums to be run like Free Republic. I've read posts here saying we were here first, go back where you came from, ect. so it appears to me that you want this to be just like it was before. No one disagreeing or showing the other side of the coin. Thankfully the owner of the site isn't as short sided as some of the posters and wants to see the forum grow.

More like US Message Board than Free Republic... cuz that's where they were before they came here in January... why? who knows.... certainly not me...

hmmmmm... I wonder why some of them left USMB and others stayed...

04-17-2007, 07:11 PM
no... only moderators are gods and can screw around with posts. I've seen that done on other partisan boards... more than once...

I bet you have too...Not exactly. I think the example I've provided is enough. More than enough, over the top and if I was a mod I'd 'warn' me.

Easy enough on unmoderated board to screw around with posts.

04-17-2007, 07:13 PM
There has always been posters from the other side here. It makes for better debate,no doubt.

However the poster that Sitarro is talking to seems to have anger issues and connot make a post without calling names and cursing. Yes,others call names at times,but this guy is well,a TEENCY bit overboard.:laugh2:

IMO... That was the purpose of jimnyc starting this thread. To get us all to stop being assholes and start being good posters. Both sides... left AND right... you certainly can't expect that lefties just sit and take your insults and attacks without fighting back...

cuz it ain't gonna happen, sister.


04-17-2007, 07:15 PM
That is exactly what I was talking about, I am certainly not guiltless when it comes to playing with names and getting pissed but I at least try to give my opinion rather than the standard party line. What struck me was the load of crap this person is giving Gunny. He certainly doesn't need my help but I couldn't sit back any longer reading loose's bullshit.

That's all that loose wants... for gunny to say that what he had said was his OPINION.

04-17-2007, 07:17 PM
Ass kisser. :slap:

Sounds like you're dissing jimnyc...

are you?

if yes, then there's no wondering why you were banned from USMB. Are you always this way with authority figures?

04-17-2007, 07:18 PM

Wasn't there some rule once, somewhere about artificially raising your post count by posting nothing but BS, thus raising your ability to rep? 60 fucking posts IN A ROW UNANSWERED to the same thread saying NOTHING is a bit much.

04-17-2007, 07:23 PM
Sounds like you're dissing jimnyc...

are you?

if yes, then there's no wondering why you were banned from USMB. Are you always this way with authority figures?

Jim did not have any thing to do with Glock's ban at the usmb.

04-17-2007, 07:24 PM
If you say so.........doesn't change the fact that I can appreciate where the owner of this site is trying to go with it.

That's because you come from a board with rules and impartial moderators. Those that haven't ever been to one aren't going to understand.

04-17-2007, 07:24 PM
Hey Gadget... LTNS... sorry you invited me here? cuz cuz, I'm not...

I've been having a blast... :coffee:

did you ever check out the big board I invited you to, you know, the one with an even distribution of partisans and impartial moderators?

what big board are you talking about?

04-17-2007, 07:28 PM
Never been to DU sittaro, and thanks for sharing your opinion, really.

Truth is you are just being defensive of Gunny even tho you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

And really you check out the rest of the boards out there, because this board is unique for it's really low IQ base and being a cave that rightwingbots flee to for security amongst their own kind.

And echo chamber where even the most loony tunes of Bushbot mania get applause.

You would be amazed at how the large majority of the nation rejects your POV and sees your ilk as being somewhat insanely bent on staying the course in all ways even tho it has proven to be the road to hell.

You should rethink your positions or you will risk becoming a dinosaur.

laffs... it's obvious that some of these righties have never been to a middle of the road board... they can only hang in the ones that prop up their POV... and those, thankfully, are waning...

what is this DU they keep talking about, loose? cuz I know it's not Depleted Uranium...

04-17-2007, 07:29 PM
Your opinion? Or fact?

I'd say... it's a factual opinion...


04-17-2007, 07:32 PM

Wasn't there some rule once, somewhere about artificially raising your post count by posting nothing but BS, thus raising your ability to rep? 60 fucking posts IN A ROW UNANSWERED to the same thread saying NOTHING is a bit much. It looks like this douchebag may be the first ever that I've put on ignore. :pee:

04-17-2007, 07:32 PM
That never happens here. Liberals are NEVER targeted nor flamed for their political beliefs. They ARE, however, flamed when they are being idiots. We've had a HOST of reasonable, articulate, and NON-hateful Libs on this board. Unfortunately, I'd say the MAJORITY of libs here now are NOT respectful nor worthy of consideration as an 'honest debater'. The best part of this board is it's NON-partisan Moderation. :)

It boils down to this, Lib or Conservative - being an asshole will get you banned/disciplined.


cmon, dmp... I've been targeted and flamed by nearly everyone on this board... except you...

But if you say we aren't going to be now, with the new rules and all... then I'll have to believe you... until I see otherwise, that is...

04-17-2007, 07:33 PM
It looks like this douchebag may be the first ever that I've put on ignore. :pee:

Well, if you want to keep score, he's closer to 70 now.

04-17-2007, 07:33 PM
and since most conservatives see liberal views as being idiotic, liberals are flamed for their views. Might wana take those tinted shades off dmp.

Good point...

04-17-2007, 07:34 PM
cmon, dmp... I've been targeted and flamed by nearly everyone on this board... except you...

When have I targeted you or flamed you?

04-17-2007, 07:35 PM
Grump and Jillian violated the terms of the board. Grump REFUSED to back off his incessant flaming of a Moderator. Their leaving had NOTHING to do with their political beliefs. It's simply nauseatingly dishonest to claim they aren't here because they are liberals.

I never said that. I asked why they were banned.

04-17-2007, 07:37 PM
so you all gona get a new liberal mod to get rid of any valid claims of partisan moderation. If not, the claims will go on.

careful... sounds like you're volunteering...


and no, I'm not in the least bit interested. I've too many boards to play on as it is...

04-17-2007, 07:40 PM
Simply untrue. You lack the age to know what it 'used to be like' when USMB had many GOOD, articulate Liberals, but trust me when I say, 80% of flaming here is by libs when a conserv. disagrees, even respectfully.

I haven't seen much of this respectful disagreement you claim is here during my membership... but if you say so...

I'll look for it...

is it here?

how about here?