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View Full Version : Garofalo: Tea Party Protesters 'Functionally Retarded Adults'

red states rule
08-23-2009, 06:51 AM
I see major changes coming, starting in November, 2010. Garofolo will be If the liberals thought 1994 was bad...well, they ain't seen nothing yet.

Garofalo: Tea Party Protesters 'Functionally Retarded Adults'; Says 'I Want My Country Back' Code for 'I Want My White Guy Back'

You probably already knew Jeanane Garofalo was no fan of conservatives, Republicans or just about anything that could be described as right of center. But the former Air America host and MSNBC regular really has a low regard for conservative activists.

In an appearance at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 21, Garofalo ripped into tea party protesters, or what some of the wizards of smart on the left have deemed "tea baggers" calling them "functionally retarded adults" and "racists."

"Do you remember tea baggers?" Garofalo said. "It was just so much easier when we could just call them racists. I just don't know why we can't call them racists, or functionally retarded adults."

Garofalo has made prior overtures alleging any public display of discontent with the current president is nothing more than racial hatred. Back in April she called tea party protesters "a bunch of tea bagging rednecks" on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann." However, she contended the public's frustration expressed over the direction of the country was code for racism.

"The functionally retarded adults, the racists - with their cries of, ‘I want my country back,'" she said. "You know what they're really saying is, ‘I want my white guy back.' They apparently had no problem at all for the last eight years of habeas corpus being suspended, the Constitution being [expletive] on, illegal surveillance, lied to on a war or two, two stolen elections - yes, the John Kerry one was stolen too. That's not tin-foil hat time. That's just..."

According to Garofalo, the media were the reason George W. Bush defeated both former Vice President Al Gore in 2000 and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., in 2004 to hold on to the White House for eight years.

"Our media is quite happy to report on any stolen election around the world, any stolen election around the world except ours," Garofalo said. "And it's just unexamined narcissism. It's just, if you were to say this to the average American, ‘You know they steal elections in Uganda.' ‘Yeah.' ‘You know they steal elections in America.' ‘Why do you hate America?' ‘Why didn't you ask me why do you hate Uganda?


08-23-2009, 08:47 AM
why should libtards deny her qualifications. after all she was a former stand up comic, strip teaser or prostitute. :laugh2::laugh2:

08-23-2009, 09:05 AM
I'm sorry but whenever I hear or see that thing (so called woman), I just want to :puke3:

what is it about liberals, they have some the foulest mouths and is sooooooo angry all the time...sheeesh

red states rule
08-23-2009, 09:13 AM
I'm sorry but whenever I hear or see that thing (so called woman), I just want to :puke3:

what is it about liberals, they have some the foulest mouths and is sooooooo angry all the time...sheeesh

and what gets me Stephanie, their are alot of Dems protesting against Obamacare

Seems no matter who you are, how you have voted in the past, - if you dare to disagree with Obama, the knives come out after you

I am starting to look forward to the 2010 midterms. The Cook report is worried that Dems could lose 20 House seats. If that is their number - double it. If the Dems lose 40 - they lose the House

I hope Dems keep smearing the voters, and sprewing the insults, They will only keep the voters pissed off - and that is a good thing

08-23-2009, 09:17 AM
thanks to the inexperience in the black house and president Pelosi they are comitting political suicide. im lovin' it

08-23-2009, 12:27 PM
You still have to wonder why Democats don't simply point out the "lies" they keep insisting their opponents are telling, refute them, and explain why their government Health Care plan is the best thing for the country.

The reason they don't do that, of course, despite having the Bully Pulpit and most of the media on their side, is because they CAN'T.

The things people keep pointing out are in the bill, ARE IN THE BILL. And their plan WILL cost more, according to eveyone who has read it, including the Congressional Budget Office.

And most people DON'T want it, according to increasinng numbers of Republicans and Democrats alike.

The extreme leftists pushing the bills, cannot refute any of these things. So, all they can do is scream and snarl at the people telling the truth, call them names, and try to change the subject.

Garafalo is just the latest snake oil salesman to use these tactics.

red states rule
08-26-2009, 09:13 AM
How ironic that she speaks about hos close minded people she disagrees with are and has nothing better to offer than mean spirited name calling.

08-26-2009, 10:36 AM
If they are retarded, then i think we need alot more retarded people in this nation. Because they are obviously more intelligent than Ms garofalo