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View Full Version : *Red Window With View To Scandel*

08-23-2009, 01:13 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. John Edwards wife opens a furniture store.
2. They going to sell off some odds and ends from their 22k sq ft homestead.
3. Seems Johns trist, hasn't shed off, from the light of day, the child born out of wedlock deal.
4. And the hush money he gave the reporter to let him lay.
5. Well, temptation can come to those seeking high office.
6. It seems to hit the Demo's more, but whos counting eh?
7. His wife sure can't catch a break thou.
8. Link and sample:

"Multiple media outlets report that Elizabeth Edwards opened the store called Red Window in downtown Chapel Hill on Saturday. Edwards says the store will be similar to The Red Door, a charity store her mother managed in Japan.

He confessed last year to an affair with Rielle Hunter, a videographer on his 2008 presidential campaign. Elizabeth Edwards says she's trying to ignore tabloid reports that her husband fathered Hunter's child. "

9. Poor lady, can't get rid of some crap furniture without being reminded of what her has was busy humping on his last run for office.
