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08-26-2009, 05:06 PM
I had a crazy thought today. For years we've been watching these 9/11 Truthers yell and scream about how the government was behind the terrorist attacks. I, honestly, couldnt understand why they would actually believe that. They looked absolutely insane and didnt hurt the Bush administration at all.

But, what if the point was to look insane? What if the whole point of doing it wasnt to make the Bush administration look bad. Maybe the point of it was to make anyone who thinks government can do such things look insane so that when they get in power, they can attack the people, and anyone who points out what they are doing can immediately be brushed aside as insane.

08-26-2009, 06:40 PM
I had a crazy thought today. For years we've been watching these 9/11 Truthers yell and scream about how the government was behind the terrorist attacks. I, honestly, couldnt understand why they would actually believe that. They looked absolutely insane and didnt hurt the Bush administration at all.

But, what if the point was to look insane? What if the whole point of doing it wasnt to make the Bush administration look bad. Maybe the point of it was to make anyone who thinks government can do such things look insane so that when they get in power, they can attack the people, and anyone who points out what they are doing can immediately be brushed aside as insane.

You have a point, but it would mean they had a sense of what was coming 8 years ahead. But then I don't put anything passed the lefties. They are ALL nuts.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-26-2009, 06:55 PM
Conspiracy theories make for interesting literature, but the idea that innocent people, including public service personnel, could be killed in such a way to promote some political agenda is too revolting to even contemplate.

Common sense dictates that people capable of turning a donated soccer field into a public arena for executions, forcing farmers to stop producing food and making them grow poppies for opium trade instead, and publicly beating their women who are forced to hide themselves from the world under giant bedsheets would be exactly the kind of people who would pull off such a heinous act. These same people teach their children that the highest honor in life is to grow up to become a suicide bomber.

Those promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories need to learn a little more about Radical Islamic extremists and study less about how this could have been an inside job.

I have a conspiracy idea of my own - I think we should send dvd players to all the women in the middle east and have them preloaded with the late Farrah Fawcett's movie "The Burning Bed", translated to the appropriate language of course.

08-26-2009, 06:56 PM
I think the left depends on a different type of rhetoric than the right does. Both are very hatefilled. A well orchestrated plan that far ahead of time so it cleared the road for them to do the same or have the same defense....nah!

The left is super re-active. They like to paint the hate picture quicker because they realize the "average" lefty is not as intelligent as the "average" righty. This is true, you folks can hash it out all you want but Conservatives are more intelligent than Liberals and way....way....less impressionable.

Right handers just spew out the hate knowing it isn;pt even a good argument. Go back and look through our posts of four years ago and look at how we dealt with the lefties who were bitter as hell about GW winning, then look at the righties now. Frankly both are just as bad! No winner....no loser. No dignity, no cooth, no class! AND.....definitely no respect for one another, or one another's opinion.(s).

Both ends have become so extreme that it threatens to derail our very process that was our strength for 200 years before it began the downhill slide to the shit it has become.

Take the town hall meetings.....I agree with the right hand side of the debate frankly but if people stood up and were that disrespectful to me as some of those folks were at some ....that's "some" of those town halls.....I would have walked out if I were the Senators.

Take John McCain last night for instance.....he said once," There isn't screaming at MY town hall meetings." Now given the crowd was heavily loaded Republicans but there were Dem's there. He even went back to the Dems repeatedly to hear them again and again for the purpose of being fair.

We don;t do that anymore. On here we clearly show that by how we gang up on Lefties and say the same thing over and over. We listen to them but we don;t "hear" them. As a result they leave and go elsewhere and no progress gets made.

Arguing with a Liberal is a waste of time. We all know that. It may occupy an hour or two when you are bored on Friday night but it solves nothing and certainly does not educate. It lends more to support their friends opinion that all righties are hatemongers so when they get that, they believe it and all of a sudden we lose another potential voter for 8 to 12 to 16 years unhtil they own a house worth a damn and are paying big tax, then of course they come back but will they be coming back to the United States of America or something else by that time.

Let hate fuel them...........we need to use knowledge and educate. It might not supply the rush as quick but it is more effective and will last longer......I hope and pray.

08-26-2009, 06:58 PM
Conspiracy theories make for interesting literature, but the idea that innocent people, including public service personnel, could be killed in such a way to promote some political agenda is too revolting to even contemplate.

Common sense dictates that people capable of turning a donated soccer field into a public arena for executions, forcing farmers to stop producing food and making them grow poppies for opium trade instead, and publicly beating their women who are forced to hide themselves from the world under giant bedsheets would be exactly the kind of people who would pull off such a heinous act. These same people teach their children that the highest honor in life is to grow up to become a suicide bomber.

Those promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories need to learn a little more about Radical Islamic extremists and study less about how this could have been an inside job.

I have a conspiracy idea of my own - I think we should send dvd players to all the women in the middle east and have them preloaded with the late Farrah Fawcett's movie "The Burning Bed", translated to the appropriate language of course.


08-26-2009, 07:17 PM
Emmett I disagree. No one is driving the liberals off. All we have seen here lately are the hateful ones and a few trolls. We can educate the ignorant, we can't educate the stupid.