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red states rule
09-08-2009, 06:17 AM
Should be interesting in DC this weekend

Tea Party Express roars to D.C.

When the "tea party" movement kicked off in April to protest record federal spending bills, trillion-dollar deficits and higher tax burdens, its members were fiercely independent and opposed any suggestion that they bond with a larger umbrella group, preferring to work within their local communities.

But that go-it-alone approach is changing as a result of the war over health care, and the Tea Party Express tour is leading the way.

The Tea Party Express - a caravan of buses, speakers and entertainers who have been holding protest rallies in cities and towns across the country - is heading to Washington, where on Saturday, up to 50,000 demonstrators are expected to march on the Capitol in a full-scale political offensive to persuade lawmakers to reject the health care overhaul bills that are pending in the House and Senate.

"What we are seeing across the country is not only increasingly larger crowds but a greater determination to hold members of Congress to their opposition to the health care plan. They are angry and feel they've been ignored, and they don't like what Congress has done," Joe Wierzbicki, national coordinator of the Tea Party Express, said in a telephone interview as his 45-foot bus cruised through Texas last week on a 17-day, 34-rally tour that will end in Washington on Saturday.


09-08-2009, 09:55 AM
yeah i hear there's a lot a astroturf there :laugh2:

don't forget. if you go you get paid for being a thug, a mob and according to Pelosi a Nazi !!!!!


red states rule
09-08-2009, 09:58 AM
The left is going to react as a wounded animal.

They will be vicious. Keep your video camera with you all the time, for things are going to get ugly if the union thugs show up and try to silence any dissent

09-08-2009, 10:25 AM
The left is going to react as a wounded animal.

They will be vicious. Keep your video camera with you all the time, for things are going to get ugly if the union thugs show up and try to silence any dissent

hopefully the mob comes armed this time.

09-08-2009, 03:08 PM
yeah i hear there's a lot a astroturf there :laugh2:

don't forget. if you go you get paid for being a thug, a mob and according to Pelosi a Nazi !!!!!


That guy is fantastic.

09-08-2009, 03:15 PM
on Du they said it was going to be a large crowd of KKK members..

then someone broke their little bubbles and asked them about all the blacks that are going to be there, are they KKK members also, of course a few said yes....:laugh2: