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View Full Version : Gay Pride Parade Commentary

09-12-2009, 02:50 AM
As someone who has participated in a gay pride parade I can tell you first hand that I dont understand the graphic sexual undertones to it. Since when does walking around half naked, displaying how worthy you are to f*** make you proud?

Its actually quite appalling, and I think the gay community better lose that aspect of itself, if it wants to be considered mainstream and not a bunch of sex crazed fruits.

That is my commentary on the pride parade.

Overall Its more about displaying your sexual prowess then stating your pride, and lets not forget capitalism. Since they allow a lot of vendors to sell food, merchandise and other items.

Im martin Barken and thats my commentary on the gay pride parade

09-12-2009, 04:14 AM
I've only been to one a few years ago, t'was a pretty good laugh, a friend and picketed beside the events protesters, my sign said "Down with this sort of thing" and my friends said "Carefull now". Needless to say the protesters were not amused lol.

But I digress, to the issure at hand, the 'image' of gay pride, true some of those that attended were dressed, er, questionabley, however, it's not like hertosexalism is in any way shy or candid, infact it can be muchmore sexually agressive, much more frequently.

09-12-2009, 06:43 AM
If they can have a parade and be respectful more power to them, but I don't think they can , so it should be outlawed

09-12-2009, 09:18 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Gays using the word pride in context of how out of step they are with God, makes them two fold the deciples of hell.
2. This kind of pride is the worst, its a wonder God doesn't send down lighting bolts at all *Gay Pride Parades*.
