View Full Version : ‘blue man’ is still blue one year later

09-12-2009, 01:52 PM
Wow - this dude is really blue!

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09-12-2009, 02:27 PM
This guy will stay this way forever. He takes "colloidal silver" everyday for the purported "health benefits". Silver can be a very good anti-microbial when used properly. This guy has done too much and stands to cause his body irreparable harm if he doesn't stop.

Here is what the condition is called

Argyria (ISV from Greek: ἄργυρος argyros silver + -ia) is a condition caused by improper exposure to chemical forms of the element silver, silver dust, or silver compounds.[1]:858 The most dramatic symptom of argyria is that the skin becomes blue or bluish-grey colored. Argyria may be found as generalized argyria or local argyria. Argyrosis is the corresponding condition related to the eye. The condition is believed to be permanent, but laser therapy has been used to treat it with satisfactory cosmetic results