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red states rule
09-23-2009, 06:49 AM
"some guy" at Indiana University? Was his name Dan Bana???:lol:

face it. you got totally pwned on this Dan Bana quote and you don't have the grace to admit it.

what a joke you are.:laugh2:

You must not have read the report - perhaps it was to technical for you

Keep that atitude, along with Obama and the dems. Keep thinking they are not legitimate.

Keep marginilizing them

Keep insulting them

It's ok.

Come 11/10, you're all gonna be in for a very rude awakening.

Come 11/12, the Messiah will be shown the door.

09-23-2009, 06:54 AM
You must not have read the report - perhaps it was to technical for you

Keep that atitude, along with Obama and the dems. Keep thinking they are not legitimate.

Keep marginilizing them

Keep insulting them

It's ok.

Come 11/10, you're all gonna be in for a very rude awakening.

Come 11/12, the Messiah will be shown the door.

and I bet, in your little fantasy, your hero, Dan Bana will play a major role!:lol:

I don't insult the teabaggers... I don't think they are legitimate.... I just don't think that there were 1.8 million of them just because your pal Dan Bana said so. They certainly have a beef with the president and they are absolutely right to express their disappointment with him. If your numbers really are that numerous come 2012, maybe you'll be able to elect the Huckaby-Palin ticket. Who knows?

But one fact remains clear: you got your ass handed to you on your fictitious quote and you don't have the grace to admit it.:dance:

09-23-2009, 06:55 AM
and I bet, in your little fantasy, your hero, Dan Bana will play a major role!:lol:

I don't insult the teabaggers... I don't think they are legitimate.... I just don't think that there were 1.8 million of them just because your pal Dan Bana said so. They certainly have a beef with the president and they are absolutely right to express their disappointment with him. If your numbers really are that numerous come 2012, maybe you'll be able to elect the Huckaby-Palin ticket. Who knows?

But one fact remains clear: you got your ass handed to you on your fictitious quote and you don't have the grace to admit it.:dance:

Why must you refer to the TEA party movement as :teabaggers" do you balls to the chin on your mind?????

red states rule
09-23-2009, 06:58 AM
and I bet, in your little fantasy, your hero, Dan Bana will play a major role!:lol:

I don't insult the teabaggers... I don't think they are legitimate.... I just don't think that there were 1.8 million of them just because your pal Dan Bana said so. They certainly have a beef with the president and they are absolutely right to express their disappointment with him. If your numbers really are that numerous come 2012, maybe you'll be able to elect the Huckaby-Palin ticket. Who knows?

But one fact remains clear: you got your ass handed to you on your fictitious quote and you don't have the grace to admit it.:dance:

Once again, you dismiss reality, you ignore facts, and carry on like a loyal Kool Aid drunken Obama drone

Again you show your contempt for anyone who openly opposes your party, and refuse to accept the fact the policies being pushed by your beloved party are not popular with the voters

As always Virgil, you put your party ahead of your country. Obsessed with increased power for your party, you refuse to see the writing on the wall - or the million plus people who truned out to send a message to Obama

A message you keep ignoring

Do not worry, the message wil be resent in Nov 2010

09-23-2009, 07:00 AM
Why must you refer to the TEA party movement as :teabaggers" do you balls to the chin on your mind?????

they have referred to themselves as that.

and I must say that the bolded phrase is basically unintelligible.

09-23-2009, 07:01 AM
Once again, you dismiss reality, you ignore facts, and carry on like a loyal Kool Aid drunken Obama drone

Again you show your contempt for anyone who openly opposes your party, and refuse to accept the fact the policies being pushed by your beloved party are not popular with the voters

As always Virgil, you put your party ahead of your country. Obsessed with increased power for your party, you refuse to see the writing on the wall - or the million plus people who truned out to send a message to Obama

A message you keep ignoring

Do not worry, the message wil be resent in Nov 2010

million plus! hahahahahahahahahha

If "Dan Bana" told you to jump off a cliff, would you? :lol:

red states rule
09-23-2009, 07:05 AM
million plus! hahahahahahahahahha

If "Dan Bana" told you to jump off a cliff, would you? :lol:

You are good at ignoring reality Virgil - must be why you are such a loyal liberal

09-23-2009, 07:09 AM
You are good at ignoring reality Virgil - must be why you are such a loyal liberal

was I the one who posted the quote from Dan Bana?

Who was it that attempted to pass off fiction as fact?

that would be YOU, the hack.:lol:

09-23-2009, 07:42 AM
they have referred to themselves as that.

and I must say that the bolded phrase is basically unintelligible.

No they didn't refer to themselves that way. It was started on MSNBC and CNN. I was refering to your fascination with tea bagging. I left off one word it should have said. "do you have balls to the chin on your mind????? after all if your going to use a phrase maybe you should at least be familiar with it???? or are you honestly telling me you don't know the derogatory nature of your pet name of people in the TEA party movement???

By the way the TEA party movement is Taxed Enough Already. I don't want you to be confused or anything?!?!?!

09-23-2009, 07:46 AM
No they didn't refer to themselves that way. It was started on MSNBC and CNN. I was refering to your fascination with tea bagging. I left off one word it should have said. "do you have balls to the chin on your mind????? after all if yor going to use a phrase maybe you should at least be familiar with it???? or are you honestly telling me you don't know the derogatory nature of your pet name of people in the TEA party movement???

By the way the TEA party movement is Taxed Enough Already. I don't want yo to be confused or anything?!?!?!

Ya shouldn't of explained it to him, LOL, he was all excited, thought he was going
to get Tbagged, LMAO

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Nukeman again

red states rule
09-23-2009, 07:48 AM
Ya shouldn't of explained it to him, LOL, he was all excited, thought he was going
to get Tbagged, LMAO

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Nukeman again

Next up Virgil will say the 9-12 rally did not take place

It was all faked on the same soundstage as the moon landing. That's why the MSM couldn't cover it, they couldn't find it.

09-23-2009, 08:48 AM
Next up Virgil will say the 9-12 rally did not take place

It was all faked on the same soundstage as the moon landing. That's why the MSM couldn't cover it, they couldn't find it.

the mainstream media did cover it. It was a big crowd of angry people. No doubt about that. I just wonder why the right feels compelled to post fictitious lies from guys named Dan Bana to try and make the crowd bigger than it actually was?

09-23-2009, 08:49 AM
the mainstream media did cover it. It was a big crowd of angry people. No doubt about that. I just wonder why the right feels compelled to post fictitious lies from guys named Dan Bana to try and make the crowd bigger than it actually was?

way to be biased. "it was a crowd of angry people"

as if they had nothing better to do, and are just ra cists who hate black presidents

you crack me up virg :coffee:

09-23-2009, 08:50 AM
No they didn't refer to themselves that way. It was started on MSNBC and CNN. I was refering to your fascination with tea bagging. I left off one word it should have said. "do you have balls to the chin on your mind????? after all if your going to use a phrase maybe you should at least be familiar with it???? or are you honestly telling me you don't know the derogatory nature of your pet name of people in the TEA party movement???

By the way the TEA party movement is Taxed Enough Already. I don't want you to be confused or anything?!?!?!

I am perfectly aware of the meaning of the term. I think it is a wonderful double entendre to descibe members of the teabag movement... clearly, it irritates the real hard core teabaggers like yourself... so that's kinda fun.

red states rule
09-23-2009, 08:51 AM
the mainstream media did cover it. It was a big crowd of angry people. No doubt about that. I just wonder why the right feels compelled to post fictitious lies from guys named Dan Bana to try and make the crowd bigger than it actually was?

They either buried it, or slanted the coverage to try and "report" how the racists decended on DC

09-23-2009, 08:51 AM
way to be biased. "it was a crowd of angry people"

as if they had nothing better to do, and are just ra cists who hate black presidents

you crack me up virg :coffee:

marty. I never once suggested that they were angry about Obama's race.

We call posts like that, "projection".

09-23-2009, 08:52 AM
I didnt know i was a teabagger, I just want less government spending

guess im just evil right? :lol:

I am perfectly aware of the meaning of the term. I think it is a wonderful double entendre to descibe members of the teabag movement... clearly, it irritates the real hard core teabaggers like yourself... so that's kinda fun.

09-23-2009, 08:53 AM
ok you havent, but carter, and parts of the media have.

marty. I never once suggested that they were angry about Obama's race.

We call posts like that, "projection".

09-23-2009, 08:53 AM
that was my point exactly

the media portrays any conservative as evil, racist, uncle tom.

They either buried it, or slanted the coverage to try and "report" how the racists decended on DC

09-23-2009, 08:54 AM
They either buried it, or slanted the coverage to try and "report" how the racists decended on DC

I never heard any mainstream media reports that characterized the crowd as being "racist". I disagree with Carter's assertion that race is behind the anti-healthcare agenda... I think, instead, it is all about insurance company profits... and that they are the funding source for these movements. I think that it has already been shown that they are the deep pockets for Armey's organization.

red states rule
09-23-2009, 08:56 AM
I never heard any mainstream media reports that characterized the crowd as being "racist". I disagree with Carter's assertion that race is behind the anti-healthcare agenda... I think, instead, it is all about insurance company profits... and that they are the funding source for these movements. I think that it has already been shown that they are the deep pockets for Armey's organization.

You are kidding Virgil? That is like Sgt Schultz saying he never say a Democrat with a Bush is Hitler sign

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:08 AM
Hey Virgil, is the Washingron Post in the "mainstream"

WaPo Promotes Story That 9-12 Marchers Are Racist: 'They Don't Even Know What They Are Protesting'
By Tim Graham (Bio | Archive)
September 14, 2009 - 08:33 ET

On Sunday, the home page of the Washington Post website buried the 9-12 rally in tiny type, while the rotating photos at the top of the page were all local stories. On Monday, one of those rotating photos highlighted a Post story on the front of the Metro section on how people attending the Black Family Reunion think that tens of thousands of Americans came to Washington not because they love freedom, but because they hate black people. Metro reporter Yamiche Alcindor began:

On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters thronged to the U.S. Capitol to angrily accuse President Obama of taking the country in the wrong direction. A day later, in the shadow of the Washington Monument, many participants at a much smaller gathering -- the 24th annual Black Family Reunion -- said the level of hostility toward the nation's first African American president had little to do with policy differences over health care or taxes and everything to do with race.

"It' s not conducive to the coalitions we need to build in this country," said Vera Hope, 60, of Mount Rainier as she left a booth promoting health prevention. "I'm disgusted and upset by the hostility. Let's call it was it is -- it's just a disguise for right-wing racists. They are fomenting a climate of violence to provoke people."

The Post’s headline for this nasty smear was "Seeking Healing, Seeing Hostility." Alcindor didn’t highlight one person who suggested conservatives were racists, and not principled free-marketeers. She found two:

Colleen Freeman, 50, said many of Obama's critics are motivated by race. "A lot of people are protesting, and they don't even know what they are protesting," she said. "Some of these folks are getting Social Security, and it's because their grandparents put in the work for it. Now they won't give Obama a chance to work. Some know they need health care but don't want it to be Obama that gives it to them."

The Post itself admits the Black Family Reunion was a much smaller event. So why did it draw much more prominent placement and promotion on the Post home page than the 9-12 rally?

Alcindor and the Post made no attempt to explain that this was an event thrown by a liberal lobbying group that opposes black people in government who are not liberals, like Clarence Thomas and Janice Rogers Brown:

Dorothy Height, president of National Council of Negro Women, which holds the reunion, said that although she was pleased that the protesters and the reunion participants coexisted peacefully, she was disappointed that some marchers were so crass.

"They are a bad sign for democracy," said Height, 97, who supports health-care reform. "I've never heard anyone say that they wished the other presidents would fail," she said. "President Obama has shown courage and leadership in trying to tackle various problems."

Crass? How can the Post line up the repeated suggestion that tens of thousands of American are too dumb to know what they’re protesting and then accuse the marchers of being crass?


09-23-2009, 09:14 AM
virgil's response.

washington post, never heard of em :lol:

Hey Virgil, is the Washingron Post in the "mainstream"

WaPo Promotes Story That 9-12 Marchers Are Racist: 'They Don't Even Know What They Are Protesting'
By Tim Graham (Bio | Archive)
September 14, 2009 - 08:33 ET

On Sunday, the home page of the Washington Post website buried the 9-12 rally in tiny type, while the rotating photos at the top of the page were all local stories. On Monday, one of those rotating photos highlighted a Post story on the front of the Metro section on how people attending the Black Family Reunion think that tens of thousands of Americans came to Washington not because they love freedom, but because they hate black people. Metro reporter Yamiche Alcindor began:

On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters thronged to the U.S. Capitol to angrily accuse President Obama of taking the country in the wrong direction. A day later, in the shadow of the Washington Monument, many participants at a much smaller gathering -- the 24th annual Black Family Reunion -- said the level of hostility toward the nation's first African American president had little to do with policy differences over health care or taxes and everything to do with race.

"It' s not conducive to the coalitions we need to build in this country," said Vera Hope, 60, of Mount Rainier as she left a booth promoting health prevention. "I'm disgusted and upset by the hostility. Let's call it was it is -- it's just a disguise for right-wing racists. They are fomenting a climate of violence to provoke people."

The Post’s headline for this nasty smear was "Seeking Healing, Seeing Hostility." Alcindor didn’t highlight one person who suggested conservatives were racists, and not principled free-marketeers. She found two:

Colleen Freeman, 50, said many of Obama's critics are motivated by race. "A lot of people are protesting, and they don't even know what they are protesting," she said. "Some of these folks are getting Social Security, and it's because their grandparents put in the work for it. Now they won't give Obama a chance to work. Some know they need health care but don't want it to be Obama that gives it to them."

The Post itself admits the Black Family Reunion was a much smaller event. So why did it draw much more prominent placement and promotion on the Post home page than the 9-12 rally?

Alcindor and the Post made no attempt to explain that this was an event thrown by a liberal lobbying group that opposes black people in government who are not liberals, like Clarence Thomas and Janice Rogers Brown:

Dorothy Height, president of National Council of Negro Women, which holds the reunion, said that although she was pleased that the protesters and the reunion participants coexisted peacefully, she was disappointed that some marchers were so crass.

"They are a bad sign for democracy," said Height, 97, who supports health-care reform. "I've never heard anyone say that they wished the other presidents would fail," she said. "President Obama has shown courage and leadership in trying to tackle various problems."

Crass? How can the Post line up the repeated suggestion that tens of thousands of American are too dumb to know what they’re protesting and then accuse the marchers of being crass?


09-23-2009, 09:29 AM
you do understand that, if the Washington Post reports that the 24th annual Black Family Reunion thought the crows was racist, it is not synonymous with the media itself making that characterization.

If I went to the public square and stood on a soap box and made a speech where I denounced RedStatesDrool and ActsGoofyMartin as being morons and idiots... and if the newspaper covered that event and quoted me in the paper, that would NOT mean that the newspaper had characterized you two as morons and idiots.

Get the difference?:poke:

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:31 AM
you do understand that, if the Washington Post reports that the 24th annual Black Family Reunion thought the crows was racist, it is not synonymous with the media itself making that characterization.

If I went to the public square and stood on a soap box and made a speech where I denounced RedStatesDrool and ActsGoofyMartin as being morons and idiots... and if the newspaper covered that event and quoted me in the paper, that would NOT mean that the newspaper had characterized you two as morons and idiots.

Get the difference?:poke:

Here is more Virgil - there are alot more of these if you want them :laugh2:

CNN's Situation Room Charges: 'Racial Tinge to Tea Movement'
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
September 14, 2009 - 21:44 ET

CNN's efforts to smear Obama critics as racist gained visibility on Monday's Situation Room when the usually more sensible Wolf Blitzer, with “RACIAL TINGE TO TEA MOVEMENT” as the on-screen heading, set up a story on how, “most disturbing,” within the tea party crowds there's “a very small but vocal minority, they're targeting President Obama's race.” Though reporter Elaine Quijano said “we have to emphasize by far most tea party protesters are not casting their arguments in what could be seen as a racial light,” she nonetheless proceeded to treat as newsworthy how “a small but passionate minority is also voicing what some see as racist rhetoric.”

In decrying the racism, CNN gave national cable air time to what she described as a “controversial image that's been circulating on the Web since July,” a “doctored image circulating on the Internet and even some protesters signs like this one in Brighton, Michigan, portraying President Obama as a witch doctor.” Brighton, Michigan? So, not at the more newsworthy big national event Saturday in DC I presume.

Quijano soon went to Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page who saw race as the common denominator: “People are not just mad at Obama. They're mad at Jesse Jackson, they're mad at Reverend Wright, they're made at Al Sharpton, they're mad at people who have nothing to do with Obama except they all happen to be black.” Without questioning the supposition, Quijano warned: “Page says the vehement racial resistance that's emerged is another sign any notion of a post-racial society after Barack Obama's election was wishful thinking.”

Maybe it's those using race to incriminate Obama critics and distract from their complaints on health care and spending, such as Page and CNN, who are the ones injecting race and marring dreams of a “post-racial society.”

Earlier NewsBusters posts on CNN pushing the anti-Obama protesters as racist theme:

- CNN's Lemon Praises Maher for Raising Anti-Obama Racism: 'Finally Someone's Talking About This'

- CNN Zeroes-In on 'Dark Undercurrent' of Tea Parties

As a quick contrast, back in February of 2003 CNN ignored the radical-left and pro-communist affiliations of some anti-war protesters and instead celebrated their “diversity.” CNN reporter Maria Hinojosa on a protest in Manhattan:

I have to tell you, it's an extraordinary -- like New York, it's an extraordinarily diverse crowd. I have seen elderly men and women with mink coats carrying their posters. I have also seen children with their parents coming from public schools. I saw a sign with someone from the PTA of a public school. I have seen people who called themselves hippies. I have seen old anti-war folks who say that they have been coming to demonstrations since the 1960s, as well as high school students and college students who have never taken part in any demonstration who are now becoming part of the activity here.


09-23-2009, 09:34 AM
It would be a lot more convincing if we had a quote from Dan Bana that called the teabaggers racist... actually, a youtube clip of Dan Bana wearing his bandanna. That would be killer! Got one of those?:lol:

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:37 AM
It would be a lot more convincing if we had a quote from Dan Bana that called the teabaggers racist... actually, a youtube clip of Dan Bana wearing his bandanna. That would be killer! Got one of those?:lol:

Thank you Virgil. Head for the showers again and lick those ever increasing wounds I am inflicting on you

Like Obama, keep digging the hole deeper and deeper and hope you can climb out :laugh2:

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:39 AM
and this one. Is NBC not in the mainstream?

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/k4g_8PrllYk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/k4g_8PrllYk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

09-23-2009, 09:40 AM
marty. I never once suggested that they were angry about Obama's race.

We call posts like that, "projection".
And we call you, "faggot".

09-23-2009, 09:40 AM
Thank you Virgil. Head for the showers again and lick those ever increasing wounds I am inflicting on you

Like Obama, keep digging the hole deeper and deeper and hope you can climb out :laugh2:

wounds? LOL

when you eat the giant slab of crow that Dan Bana represents, then maybe we can talk about wounds.

And again... NONE of your reports characterize the crowds as racist.... the most they do is point to a racist element within the crowds... are you going to suggest that there were NO racists on Pennsylvania Avenue on 9/12?

Why don't you ask Dan? He knows a LOT about the crowd that day.

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:40 AM
ABC: Obama Critics 'Driven By Refusal to Accept Black President'; NBC Trumpets Carter's Racism Charges
By Brent Baker | September 15, 2009 - 21:27

ABC and NBC on Tuesday night joined the effort to undermine the anti-Obama tea party participants by smearing them as racists as ABC framed a story around the proposition “some prominent Obama supporters are now saying” the opposition to Obama is “driven, in part, by a refusal to accept a black President,” while NBC anchor Brian Williams touted how “former President Carter spoke up and spoke out about” the supposed racism. Williams alleged “a certain number of signs and images at last weekend's big tea party march in Washington and at other recent events have featured racial and other violent themes and President Carter today said he is extremely worried by it.” (MP3 audio of Williams, Video below)

With “OUT OF LINE?” on screen beneath what appeared to be pictures from the August town halls, ABC anchor Charles Gibson set up the piece from Dan Harris who recited a litany of liberal presumptions:

They've waved signs likening President Obama to Hitler and the devil, raised questions about whether he was really born in this country, falsely accused him of planning to set up death panels, decried his speech to students as indoctrination and called him everything from a fascist to a socialist to a communist. And all that was before Mr. Obama's speech was interrupted by a Representative who once fought to keep the Confederate flag waving over the South Carolina state house. Add it all up, and some prominent Obama supporters are now saying that it paints a picture of an opposition driven, in part, by a refusal to accept a black Presiden


09-23-2009, 09:43 AM
the words "in part" are extremely important to that report. Did you miss them?

Are you suggesting that NONE of the opposition to Obama has to do with race? Or would you admit that "a part" of it does?

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:46 AM
the words "in part" are extremely important to that report. Did you miss them?

Are you suggesting that NONE of the opposition to Obama has to do with race? Or would you admit that "a part" of it does?

First you said the media never called them racist - now you are running away from your own psosts

You have been had Virgil. Give it up son

09-23-2009, 09:54 AM
Someone at Indiana University estimated 1.7 million attened the 9-12 protest


But keep telling us Virgil it was only 70,000


Thanks for the link- good reading.

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:56 AM
Hey Virgil

Newsweek's Kelley: Protests Against Obama Are Because He's Black
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
September 19, 2009 - 13:12 ET

Media cries of racism every time someone criticizes Barack Obama are becoming quite commonplace now, but this one from Newsweek's Raina Kelley takes the cake:

Let me say this clearly so there are no misunderstandings: some of the protests against President Obama are howls of rage at the fact that we have an African-American head of state. I'm sick of all the code words used when this subject comes up, so be assured that I am saying exactly what I mean.

Got that?

Well, in case you're at all confused, Kelley made things crystal clear in her article published Saturday amazingly titled, "Play the Race Card"

When "Tea Party" leader Mark Williams ap-pears [sic] on CNN and speaks of "working-class people" taking "their" country back from a lawfully elected president, he is not just protesting Obama's politics; he is griping over the fact that this country's most powerful positions are no longer just for white men.

You believe this nonsense? But it got worse:

Did anyone think it would be otherwise? There were always going to be aftershocks in an Obama presidency. Landmark events that change the paradigm between black and white people don't happen without repercussions—some are still complaining about Brown v. Board of Education. Black skin has meant something very specific in this country for hundreds of years. It has meant "less than," "not as good as," "separate than," and even "equal to." It has never meant "better than" unless you were talking about dancing, singing, or basketball. Obama represents "better than," and that's scary for people who think of black people as shaved gorillas.

Amazing. But then Kelley went from merely offensive to downright silly:

This hesitancy to even speak of racism widens the divide between readers and the journalists who are supposed to be covering the world as it is, not as they want it to be.


09-23-2009, 09:56 AM
I don't think that the media did refer to the crowds as racist... they reported that there was a racist element present. I would have to agree. The more important question is: why would you disagree?

and when will YOU own up to your stupid use of the fictitious Dan Bana quote?

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:59 AM
I don't think that the media did refer to the crowds as racist... they reported that there was a racist element present. I would have to agree. The more important question is: why would you disagree?

and when will YOU own up to your stupid use of the fictitious Dan Bana quote?

Getting desperate now Virgil? I keep posting link after link of the liberal media doing something you said they didn't do

09-23-2009, 10:01 AM
I would have loved to see a sign

I dont care that he's black

I care that he's wrong

but the lamestream media would still say that is racist too

09-23-2009, 10:02 AM
Getting desperate now Virgil? I keep posting link after link of the liberal media doing something you said they didn't do

I am not desperate at all. I gave you my opinion of the media comments regarding race. I think that they reflect the fact that there there were some racist elements in the crowds at teabagger rallies. Do you really suggest that there were NOT? ANd why do you continue to run away from your pal, Dan Bana?:lol:

red states rule
09-23-2009, 10:04 AM
I am not desperate at all. I gave you my opinion of the media comments regarding race. I think that they reflect the fact that there there were some racist elements in the crowds at teabagger rallies. Do you really suggest that there were NOT? ANd why do you continue to run away from your pal, Dan Bana?:lol:

Even Chris Matthews was shocked when fellow liobs did not buy into the race BS

You have heard of Chris right Virgil?

Matthews Disagrees With Guests Who Think Obama Protests Aren't About Race
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
September 20, 2009 - 19:31 ET

Something truly shocking happened on Sunday's "The Chris Matthews Show": three out of four of his guests said the current anti-government sentiment sweeping the nation is not because Barack Obama is black, and that the news media are actually responsible for exacerbating the suggestion that protesters are racist.

There was even some consensus that the same kind of dissent would be happening if Hillary Clinton was president

On the flipside, and not at all surprising, Matthews not only didn't agree, but seemed rather disappointed by this viewpoint being expressed


09-23-2009, 10:06 AM
he has heard of no one and nothing


Even Chris Matthews was shocked when fellow liobs did not buy into the race BS

You have heard of Chris right Virgil?

Matthews Disagrees With Guests Who Think Obama Protests Aren't About Race
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
September 20, 2009 - 19:31 ET

Something truly shocking happened on Sunday's "The Chris Matthews Show": three out of four of his guests said the current anti-government sentiment sweeping the nation is not because Barack Obama is black, and that the news media are actually responsible for exacerbating the suggestion that protesters are racist.

There was even some consensus that the same kind of dissent would be happening if Hillary Clinton was president

On the flipside, and not at all surprising, Matthews not only didn't agree, but seemed rather disappointed by this viewpoint being expressed


09-23-2009, 10:07 AM
what a straw man argument.

Some are opposed to obama because he's black

you know some non whites were against bush because he wasnt black. Didnt hear a peep out of you or the media then

second, to say some dont like him because he's black. So what?

some dont like me because im jewish?

do i care?, not even obama does (think the protests were about his race)

09-23-2009, 10:08 AM
and im sure some thought he was muslim

must all be haters.

didnt know the dems pre-screened their crowds when bush is hitler signs were flowing.

09-23-2009, 10:11 AM
I have not heard any mainstream media reporter suggest that the crowds at teabagger rallies are racist crowds. I fully agree with anyone's assessment that there is certainly a racist element in any of those gatherings. Just like Jeffie's home town who voted 99% for McCain. Logic would suggest that racism was responsible for SOME of that.

Now... Marty... why don't you try being something other than RSR's bitch and ask HIM to explain the Dan Bana quote? Or is being a bitch just too darn much fun to give up?

09-23-2009, 10:12 AM
what am i his spokesman


I have not heard any mainstream media reporter suggest that the crowds at teabagger rallies are racist crowds. I fully agree with anyone's assessment that there is certainly a racist element in any of those gatherings. Just like Jeffie's home town who voted 99% for McCain. Logic would suggest that racism was responsible for SOME of that.

Now... Marty... why don't you try being something other than RSR's bitch and ask HIM to explain the Dan Bana quote? Or is being a bitch just too darn much fun to give up?

09-23-2009, 10:13 AM
what a straw man argument.

Some are opposed to obama because he's black

you know some non whites were against bush because he wasnt black. Didnt hear a peep out of you or the media then

second, to say some dont like him because he's black. So what?

some dont like me because im jewish?

do i care?, not even obama does (think the protests were about his race)

and I don't think the protests were about race either... and I had not read any media reports where the media made that judgment either... and if they have, I disagree with that. It is not about race, but there IS an element of racism in the anti-Obama movement. Would you disagree, or do you need to ask RSR first?

09-23-2009, 10:13 AM
what am i his spokesman


no.... you are his bitch. you ignore mistakes he makes because of it.

09-23-2009, 10:53 AM
The racists are mostly in the democrat party. Any white person who disagrees with the fascist and socialist policies of Obama is branded a racist by liberals in the media, and elected officals alike. Libs are losing the arguement on health care so they have to resort to the baseless attacks. The only problem with this strategy is liberals have cried wolf one too many times, and people aren't buying their racist claims.

The whole thing exemplifies the 'thought police' mentality of liberals. They always have to make up the 'real motives' of their opposition, instead of just listening to the actual complaints of their opposition.

09-23-2009, 03:07 PM
since when do i have to ask rsr? :coffee:

of course there are some who hate obama cause he's black, but thats like 1-2%

and I don't think the protests were about race either... and I had not read any media reports where the media made that judgment either... and if they have, I disagree with that. It is not about race, but there IS an element of racism in the anti-Obama movement. Would you disagree, or do you need to ask RSR first?

09-23-2009, 03:08 PM
name me one mistake

i have gone to bat for you, to try and get him to ease up, several times.

no.... you are his bitch. you ignore mistakes he makes because of it.

09-23-2009, 03:22 PM
name me one mistake

i have gone to bat for you, to try and get him to ease up, several times.

post #210. YOur beloved hero posted THIS:

Once again I will post this link - not only for you but for BP

National Park Service Says 9/12 Turnout A Record

9/12 demonstration a record DC turnout: National Park Service

Thomas Lifson

The truth will out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying "It is a record.... We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."
Democrats and their media acolytes may wish this weren't so, and they may even employ the Ostrich Strategy, burying their collective heads in the sand, pretending that a major important political movement isn't happening. But they only hasten their own demise in doing so.


the FACTS are:

there is no such person as Dan Bana (with or without a bandanna).
the quote is from a man named David Barna.

David Barna made that statement about Obama's inauguration, and I proved it to your dear pal.

Your beloved and cherished friend fucked up. He posted an internet LIE and tried to pass it off as FACT... and he doesn't have the balls to admit it....but be honest...when has your beloved RSR EVER admitted a mistake when I have caught him at it? He is a nutless wonder....but you want to continue to follow him around like a puppy dog attacking me in tandem with him and, quite frankly, it's kinda gay... it kinda makes me do little throw ups in my mouth when I think about you two. Show some balls...show some independence. I have yet to see it, but hope springs eternal.

09-23-2009, 03:24 PM
since when do i have to ask rsr? :coffee:

of course there are some who hate obama cause he's black, but thats like 1-2%

got a :link: for that, or did you just pull that number out of you ass?

09-23-2009, 04:31 PM
The Democrat Party is the racist Party- always has been. They traded in their KKK robes when they found out they could destroy the black family much more effectively by using welfare, abortion, shitty public schools, liberal attitudes about sex and affirmative action forever, all the while telling blacks that Republicans and conservatives are racist for not supporting that crap.

09-23-2009, 04:56 PM
blah blah blah.... you're like a fucking broken record.

same shit, different day.

the racist democratic party is the party that 85% of the blacks vote for...

and your answer as to why that happens is: black folks are dumb.

go try and sell that to the NAACP.


09-23-2009, 08:33 PM
blah blah blah.... you're like a fucking broken record.

same shit, different day.

the racist democratic party is the party that 85% of the blacks vote for...

and your answer as to why that happens is: black folks are dumb.

go try and sell that to the NAACP.


I clicked in here, went to Glock's last post. Sorry mm, you are beyond lame.

09-23-2009, 08:36 PM
I clicked in here, went to Glock's last post. Sorry mm, you are beyond lame.

thanks for your input. anything else?

red states rule
09-23-2009, 10:44 PM
blah blah blah.... you're like a fucking broken record.

same shit, different day.

the racist democratic party is the party that 85% of the blacks vote for...

and your answer as to why that happens is: black folks are dumb.

go try and sell that to the NAACP.


and if they are black and conservatives, the oh so tolerant left calls them Uncle Toms, Aunt Jemimas. Oreo's, sellouts, traitors to the race, ect, ect

red states rule
09-23-2009, 10:47 PM
I clicked in here, went to Glock's last post. Sorry mm, you are beyond lame.

Some people cause happiness wherever they go; MM on the other hand, causes it whenever he leaves

red states rule
09-24-2009, 05:19 AM
post #210. YOur beloved hero posted THIS:

Once again I will post this link - not only for you but for BP

National Park Service Says 9/12 Turnout A Record

9/12 demonstration a record DC turnout: National Park Service

Thomas Lifson

The truth will out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying "It is a record.... We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."
Democrats and their media acolytes may wish this weren't so, and they may even employ the Ostrich Strategy, burying their collective heads in the sand, pretending that a major important political movement isn't happening. But they only hasten their own demise in doing so.


the FACTS are:

there is no such person as Dan Bana (with or without a bandanna).
the quote is from a man named David Barna.

David Barna made that statement about Obama's inauguration, and I proved it to your dear pal.

Your beloved and cherished friend fucked up. He posted an internet LIE and tried to pass it off as FACT... and he doesn't have the balls to admit it....but be honest...when has your beloved RSR EVER admitted a mistake when I have caught him at it? He is a nutless wonder....but you want to continue to follow him around like a puppy dog attacking me in tandem with him and, quite frankly, it's kinda gay... it kinda makes me do little throw ups in my mouth when I think about you two. Show some balls...show some independence. I have yet to see it, but hope springs eternal.



09-24-2009, 05:44 AM

you are the one who posted a piece of fiction....

you are the one who tried to pass off a "quote" by a fictional guy named "Dan Bana" and tried to say that the quote was in regrards to 9/12.

you are the one who refuses to be a man and admit that you fucked up.:lol:

and just as I predicted, your little boy toy still loves you regardless!

red states rule
09-24-2009, 06:09 AM
you are the one who posted a piece of fiction....

you are the one who tried to pass off a "quote" by a fictional guy named "Dan Bana" and tried to say that the quote was in regrards to 9/12.

you are the one who refuses to be a man and admit that you fucked up.:lol:

and just as I predicted, your little boy toy still loves you regardless!



Keep those Obama colored glasses on (is that a racists comment?) and do NOT admit those people took time away from their weekend to speak out against your beloved party and messiah

09-24-2009, 06:20 AM
Keep those Obama colored glasses on (is that a racists comment?) and do NOT admit those people took time away from their weekend to speak out against your beloved party and messiah

I freely admit that a very large crowd of people took time away from their weekend to speak out against the current administration.

My question to you is:

why will you NOT admit that you posted a LIE and tried to pass off fiction as fact?

When will YOU admit that "Dan Bana" does not exist?

When will YOU admit that the statement that you falsely attributed to "Dan Bana" and tried to make that statement about the crowd size at the 9/12 rally was really a statement that was made about the sizew of the crowd at the Obama inaugural?

When will YOU grow a set of balls and admit you fucked up?

My guess, given your past performance, you will continue to duck and dodge and will NOT own up to your mistake.... because that's just the sort of girlieman coward that you are and have always been.

But I wold be pleasantly surprised if you proved me wrong on this point.

red states rule
09-24-2009, 06:31 AM
More racists protesting the Chosen One



09-24-2009, 06:35 AM
Ah well... I guess that being pleasantly surprised by a loser hack like you was just a bit too much ot hope for on a Thursday morning.

Your cowardice knows no bounds.

absolutely pathetic.

red states rule
09-24-2009, 06:53 AM
Ah well... I guess that being pleasantly surprised by a loser hack like you was just a bit too much ot hope for on a Thursday morning.

Your cowardice knows no bounds.

absolutely pathetic.

It must suck to be you Virgil. Obama's poll umbers tanking. Democrats not backing his Obamacare bill. Independents turning on him.

Yea, everyday your anger builds as your dreams of ramming liberal polices down the throats of America dlowing start to fade away

The nerve of the peasants to speak out and turn out in masses

09-24-2009, 07:04 AM
It must suck to be you Virgil. Obama's poll umbers tanking. Democrats not backing his Obamacare bill. Independents turning on him.

Yea, everyday your anger builds as your dreams of ramming liberal polices down the throats of America dlowing start to fade away

The nerve of the peasants to speak out and turn out in masses

suck to be ME?

WTF you talkin' about?

My life is marvelous! And thanks for the free health care for me AND my young wife, by the way! :dance:

The POINT remains: YOU posted a bullshit article and you do not have the depth of character to admit it.

09-24-2009, 09:34 AM
suck to be ME?

WTF you talkin' about?

My life is marvelous! And thanks for the free health care for me AND my young wife, by the way! :dance:

The POINT remains: YOU posted a bullshit article and you do not have the depth of character to admit it.

I thought you were moving to Mexico?? So how is the free health care going to help you?

red states rule
09-24-2009, 09:36 AM
I thought you were moving to Mexico?? So how is the free health care going to help you?

It does suck to be MM

He has a severe weight problem. We could use his underwear for parachuting

He is so bald flies use his head for a runway

The sooner he leaves for Mexico, the property values in his area wil go up, and the neighbors wil throw a block party

09-24-2009, 09:42 AM
It does suck to be MM

He has a severe weight problem. We could use his underwear for parachuting

He is so bald flies use his head for a runway

The sooner he leaves for Mexico, the property values in his area wil go up, and the neighbors wil throw a block party

LMAO@ the run way, but hell I am heading that way myself I think, at least a bit thin anyway, LOL

His weight problem ought to do real good in Mexico, all those Tacos , Burritos, LOL he will send all extra pounds down the commode, LOL

red states rule
09-24-2009, 09:45 AM
LMAO@ the run way, but hell I am heading that way myself I think, at least a bit thin anyway, LOL

His weight problem ought to do real good in Mexico, all those Tacos , Burritos, LOL he will send all extra pounds down the commode, LOL

If you visit him in his shack in Maine, here is what might happen. You walk in, stop on a cigerette on the floor and MM will shout, "Who turned off the heater?!"

09-24-2009, 10:07 AM
I thought you were moving to Mexico?? So how is the free health care going to help you?

Tricare works overseas. All I do is submit receipts and I'm reimbursed in full.

That's how military retiree health care works...

and again... you're welcome.

Oh...and did you notice how RSR continues to run away from the FACT that he posted a LIE on here and tried to pawn it off as the truth?

But then, Jeffie... I realize that you are so tight with him that you don't really take the time to notice any of his mistakes.

09-24-2009, 10:26 AM
Tricare works overseas. All I do is submit receipts and I'm reimbursed in full.

That's how military retiree health care works...

and again... you're welcome.

Oh...and did you notice how RSR continues to run away from the FACT that he posted a LIE on here and tried to pawn it off as the truth?

But then, Jeffie... I realize that you are so tight with him that you don't really take the time to notice any of his mistakes.

AS far as I know you are thanking me for nothing, as for RSR he can handle himself, I see him making a ass out of you in most threads, but then again so do most on here,:laugh2:

09-24-2009, 10:34 AM
AS far as I know you are thanking me for nothing, as for RSR he can handle himself, I see him making a ass out of you in most threads, but then again so do most on here

...no...YOU ae thanking ME.

you pay me for doing absolutely nothing for the rest of my life, and you provide me and my wife with free healthcare for the rest of OUR lives. That's how you thank me for my career of service... and that's why I said, "you're welcome".:salute:

And did you NOTICE in this very thread where RSR posted a peice of absolute fiction and tried to pawn it off as fact and then never had the depth of character to admit it? If that is what you call making an ass out of ME, then, clearly, you have your nose so far up HIS that you can't see what is really happening.

09-24-2009, 10:51 AM
...no...YOU ae thanking ME.

you pay me for doing absolutely nothing for the rest of my life, and you provide me and my wife with free healthcare for the rest of OUR lives. That's how you thank me for my career of service... and that's why I said, "you're welcome".:salute:

And did you NOTICE in this very thread where RSR posted a peice of absolute fiction and tried to pawn it off as fact and then never had the depth of character to admit it? If that is what you call making an ass out of ME, then, clearly, you have your nose so far up HIS that you can't see what is really happening.

Nope nope I see just fine, it isn't only RSR all that debate you make you look like a asshole

09-24-2009, 02:15 PM
blah blah blah.... you're like a fucking broken record.

same shit, different day.

the racist democratic party is the party that 85% of the blacks vote for...

and your answer as to why that happens is: black folks are dumb.

go try and sell that to the NAACP.


Do you have proof that I said this? Should I link to where you called blacks "N----"?

09-24-2009, 03:47 PM
Do you have proof that I said this? Should I link to where you called blacks "N----"?

you think they have been duped by the conniving democrats....

or you think that they are lazy welfare cheats who love the supposed largesse of the democrat's social programs.

Like I have said all along: try selling that to black Americans.

"Vote Republican and show that you smart enough to avoid being tricked by racist republicans!"

"Vote Republican and show us white folks that you really aren't lazy welfare bums who would sell your vote for a good long suck on the welfare teat."

Let me know how that works out for ya.... although, all you really need to do is look back over the past 40 years and you'll see how that is worked for ya, because that has been the basic substance of the GOP appeal to black Americans for that time:laugh2:.

09-24-2009, 03:48 PM
Nope nope I see just fine, it isn't only RSR all that debate you make you look like a asshole

so you just ignore RSR posting fiction as fact.

I see.

09-24-2009, 04:28 PM
you think they have been duped by the conniving democrats....

or you think that they are lazy welfare cheats who love the supposed largesse of the democrat's social programs.

Like I have said all along: try selling that to black Americans.

"Vote Republican and show that you smart enough to avoid being tricked by racist republicans!"

"Vote Republican and show us white folks that you really aren't lazy welfare bums who would sell your vote for a good long suck on the welfare teat."

Let me know how that works out for ya.... although, all you really need to do is look back over the past 40 years and you'll see how that is worked for ya, because that has been the basic substance of the GOP appeal to black Americans for that time:laugh2:.

Again, do you have proof where I said black folks are dumb?

09-24-2009, 04:38 PM
Again, do you have proof where I said black folks are dumb?


could you repeat your thoughts as to why blacks in America vote for democrats?

09-24-2009, 05:37 PM

could you repeat your thoughts as to why blacks in America vote for democrats?

You keep asking this bullshit as if its some kind of big issue...Its not...and its simple.....but rather than me tell you (because then you would accuse me of being a racist)..I'll let a black American tell you.......

Why Blacks Vote Democrat
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu

People do not pursue what they have already, but go after what they need even if it is through a different platform.
(Think about that)
Black America is still one of the most conservative groups of people in America, especially the older ones. They are God fearing and church going, they are against abortion and homosexuality, they tend to stick to their traditional ways even if it was a method to survive adversity, they still stick to their traditional foods even if they are considered unhealthy, and they still believe in family even though the man maybe absent.

If this is the case, (and it is the case) , why then, do Blacks vote Democrat?

Black conservatives do not have have power, wealth, influence. The only advantage they seem to have is civil rights and affirmative action, which is actually a hand out from the government (from Democrats) to make up for their lack and disadvantage.

Black America already knows God, they already know morality, they will always reject abortion and homosexuality, they are the conservatives, but they are in search of economic and political power.

Despite the fact that the Democrats are a little too liberal on some morale issues, many Blacks perceive them as the vehicle to attaining acceptance, equality, and opportunity.

The conservatism of the Republicans helps make laws or create a system that hinders Black progress, while the liberalism of Democrats promotes acceptance and tolerance.
Personally, I don't like the wording of that last statement....

The conservatism of the Republicans helps make laws or create a system that promotes fairness and equal opportunity, while the liberalism of Democrats demands, by force of law, material equality... whether earned or not..... (my words)
Simply......some special groups have been bought and bribed to support one political group....

09-24-2009, 06:32 PM
so...paraphrased... black americans take bribes from democrats and vote for them in return.

that's good.

try telling them that... tell me how it goes for ya.

09-24-2009, 09:18 PM

could you repeat your thoughts as to why blacks in America vote for democrats?The Democrat Party is the racist Party- always has been. They traded in their KKK robes when they found out they could destroy the black family much more effectively by using welfare, abortion, shitty public schools, liberal attitudes about sex and affirmative action forever, all the while telling blacks that Republicans and conservatives are racist for not supporting that crap.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's support.

By the way, how's Micky? I'm still waiting for him to call me up. :poke: