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View Full Version : They just won't get it

09-14-2009, 06:45 AM
Axelrod Says 'Tea Party' Protesters Are 'Wrong'

White House senior adviser David Axelrod says that the demonstrations in Washington, D.C., Saturday do not represent the views of the broader public when it comes to health care reform.


I find it rather amusing (and a bit frustrating) that the current administration consistently ignores the very real and very strong feelings of a significant number of citizens. I do not wonder that the elected representatives are so out of touch with their constituents when those advising them make statements like Axelrod's. It reminds me of the fable about the emporer's new clothes!

red states rule
09-14-2009, 06:47 AM
Axelrod Says 'Tea Party' Protesters Are 'Wrong'

White House senior adviser David Axelrod says that the demonstrations in Washington, D.C., Saturday do not represent the views of the broader public when it comes to health care reform.


I find it rather amusing (and a bit frustrating) that the current administration consistently ignores the very real and very strong feelings of a significant number of citizens. I do not wonder that the elected representatives are so out of touch with their constituents when those advising them make statements like Axelrod's. It reminds me of the fable about the emporer's new clothes!

I am not sure what pisses these Obama drones off more. The facts that so many people turned out to voice their disagreement with liberal tax and spend polices OR that most of these people VOTE

09-14-2009, 06:50 AM
I have no doubt that they are a bit dismayed because the entire population didn't simply melt in adoration and lovingly embrace all that they have planned. I am also certain that they are just a wee be concerned for their careers!

red states rule
09-14-2009, 06:52 AM
I have no doubt that they are a bit dismayed because the entire population didn't simply melt in adoration and lovingly embrace all that they have planned. I am also certain that they are just a wee be concerned for their careers!

What took place on Sat 9/12 was the REAL Million Man (and women) March. The left will try to ingonre, spin, and smear those who turned out. All they are doing is making sure they will also turn out on Election Day 2012

cat slave
09-14-2009, 11:19 AM
I have no doubt that they are a bit dismayed because the entire population didn't simply melt in adoration and lovingly embrace all that they have planned. I am also certain that they are just a wee be concerned for their careers!

I agree. They nevered remotely imagined this and it is going to grow.

cat slave
09-14-2009, 12:26 PM
If they dont "get it now", they will because this is only the beginnig. We are
in it to stay. Its OUR country, we are not their peons.

I saw one of the best signs I ever saw before....."Id rather be waterboarded
than have Obama Care".....!