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View Full Version : MA Moves a Step Closer to Reversing Law to Appoint Successor to Kennedy

red states rule
09-18-2009, 05:55 AM
Hypocrisy at its finest.

Massachusetts Moves a Step Closer to Reversing Law to Appoint Successor to Kennedy

Democrats, who control Congress and the White House, want to maintain a filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats in the Senate as key votes loom on the president's top domestic priorities, including health care reform and climate change legislation.
By Molly Line

The Massachusetts House voted late Thursday to change state law to give Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick the power to appoint a temporary successor to the late U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy until a special election is held early next year.

The vote has drawn controversy because a 2004 change in the law stripped then Republican Gov. Mitt Romney of the power to appoint a successor if Democratic Sen. John Kerry would have won the presidency.

The measure approved Thursday still must be approved by the state Senate and signed by Patrick to become law.

Democrats, who control Congress and the White House, want to maintain a potentially filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats in the Senate as key votes loom on the president's top domestic priorities, including health care reform and climate change legislation.


09-18-2009, 11:43 AM
Good ole politics. Mass don't care. They will just pull the lever on D until they die. They could run Ted Kennedy again in the next election and I guarantee he would win.

red states rule
09-18-2009, 09:44 PM
Instead of constantly changing the law, Dems should simply enact the following.

If the Governor is Republican there must be an election. If the Governor is Democrat then he can appoint a Senator.

red states rule
09-18-2009, 09:51 PM
Good news from MA

Mass. Senate delays debate on Kennedy interim bill

BOSTON (AP) - Massachusetts Republicans have temporarily blocked Senate debate on a bill allowing Gov. Deval Patrick to name an interim appointment to the Senate seat left vacant by the death of Edward Kennedy.

The Republicans, who hold just five of 40 seats in the Senate, objected to the bill being taken up Friday, without formal notice. Under Senate rules, the objection means the bill can't be debated until the next formal session.

The Senate adjourned until Monday.

The move came a day after the Massachusetts House voted 95-58 in favor of the bill, with 42 House Democrats joining all 16 Republicans in opposition.

The interim appointee would serve until a Jan. 19 special election.

Kennedy died of brain cancer last month.

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
