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View Full Version : Dad and daughter theater date

09-19-2009, 10:59 AM
I took my daughter on a date last night to a musical. While I always enjoy the company of my daughter and even dressed up for it (tucked in my shirt and wore my good watch, lol), I wasn't very impressed with the musical. It was called, "Lucky Stiff". Theres a small family theater (in the round) in Glendale, CA and we have seen probably close to a dozen musicals there that were quite good, this one left something to be desired. It was like a poor attempt to remake, "Weekend at Bernies".

We still had a great time together and planned for our next dad and daughter date to be at the Pirate Dinner Theater in Anaheim. I'm also going to take her to see Mary Poppins at the Ahmanson Theater in December, might have to take the wife along with us on that one and make it a family night.

If you other dads haven't done a dad and daughter date or its just been awhile, I highly recommend its time to do it.

09-19-2009, 01:56 PM
It's wonderfull to get that one on one time with your kids. There is a father daughter dance in our town once a year and my husband enjoys taking our daughter. Gives them a chance to dress up and enjoy the evening with no siblings around.