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red states rule
09-21-2009, 05:40 AM
Seems some liberals do really support free speech when it go against what they believe

FOX news and the Body Politic
by bacygirl

Sun Sep 20, 2009 at 05:31:37 PM PDT

Of the over 6.77 BILLION people on earth, Rupert Murdoch, owner of the FOX network, is the 132nd richest person on earth. The bulk of his work and wealth has been in the business of tabloid/sensationalist journalism. He is Australian by birth and only became a U.S. citizen so he could exploit the 4th most populous nation and richest marketplace on earth. (U.S. law prohibits foreign ownership of TV stations.) Clearly not a stupid man (Oxford University), his media conglomerate targets, appeals to and exploits those of simple mind.

Mr. Murdoch's FOX network has given a voice to the dregs of American society. His defenders would say that in a democracy everyone should have a voice. I disagree. There is no place at the bar of democracy for those who perpetuate lowlife, divisive and evil agendas. FOX promotes lies, half-truths and hate speech that has the potential to endanger the lives of a sector of America's population and even the President of the United States. These people are the termites of democracy. Murdoch may be king of the largest termite mound, a man with no loyalty to anything but himself. People can only act as responsible citizen when they are armed with truth and facts which enable them to make informed decisions for the good of the democracy. That is the role and burden of a free and responsible press -- expose lies and evil agendas that threaten our freedoms.

Rupert Murdoch has taken the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly and his other minions of hate, dressed them up and paid them big salaries to exploit a 400 year old rip in the national fabric. By giving a voice to their hate-driven reporting, Murdoch is a major manipulator of the American mindset and the body politic.

Rupert Murdock is a man who has not allowed morality or a commitment to seeking truth to impede his lust for power and greed. This man has no national loyalty or patriotic pride to temper the vitriol his FOX news spews into America's conscience.

As far as I'm concerned, watching FOX is unpatriotic and endorses the irresponsible and seditious journalism of Rupert Murdoch.


09-21-2009, 05:54 AM
I am certainly not a fan or Murdoch, or his son James, and nor would you if you looked into the way he operates, he has simply too much power (and unnacountable power at that!)
Its not soo bad for you guys in america, while fox is a very large company,with a right bias, there are others with a left bias, over hear we do not ahve such a luxury, the BBC stay as impartical as possible, C4 News does the same, C5 News isn't really news its just heart-warming stories, and then there is SkyNews, which at a whim will push whatever Mr. Murdoch wishes to be pushed, which at the minute is his good chum D. Cameron of the Conservitive party.
And as he also owns popular low-level media like 'The Sun' and 'The news of the World' he is able to push his agenda onto the mass public, with a healthy dose of tits and sport.

red states rule
09-21-2009, 05:57 AM
I am certainly not a fan or Murdoch, or his son James, and nor would you if you looked into the way he operates, he has simply too much power (and unnacountable power at that!)
Its not soo bad for you guys in america, while fox is a very large company,with a right bias, there are others with a left bias, over hear we do not ahve such a luxury, the BBC stay as impartical as possible, C4 News does the same, C5 News isn't really news its just heart-warming stories, and then there is SkyNews, which at a whim will push whatever Mr. Murdoch wishes to be pushed, which at the minute is his good chum D. Cameron of the Conservitive party.
And as he also owns popular low-level media like 'The Sun' and 'The news of the World' he is able to push his agenda onto the mass public, with a healthy dose of tits and sport.

Too much power? So it is wrong for a man to build his business? It is wrong for Fox News to be the #1 cable news netowrk? It is wrong for Fox News to present both sides and let the viewers decide?

What libs forget in this discussion is that Fox News and Mr Murdoch do not force anyone to watch his network or buy his papers. The people choose to watch his network and buy his papers

The fact he is beating the liberal media in the free market, is what is pissing off the left

09-21-2009, 09:05 AM
Too much power? So it is wrong for a man to build his business? It is wrong for Fox News to be the #1 cable news netowrk? It is wrong for Fox News to present both sides and let the viewers decide?

What libs forget in this discussion is that Fox News and Mr Murdoch do not force anyone to watch his network or buy his papers. The people choose to watch his network and buy his papers

The fact he is beating the liberal media in the free market, is what is pissing off the left

Yes he does have too much power, and as i said in my post it is not as bad for you guys in america as it is for us in Britain. Just because the capitolist society we have has let him have so much power does not make is having it right or just. As any fool would know.

red states rule
09-21-2009, 09:08 AM
Yes he does have too much power, and as i said in my post it is not as bad for you guys in america as it is for us in Britain. Just because the capitolist society we have has let him have so much power does not make is having it right or just. As any fool would know.

Here in America Noir, those freddom loving liberals are screaming "Toe the line or shut your face, Conservatives should know their place"

Again, if people choose to get their news and information from Fox news - what is your problem?

Besides the fact they do not slant their coverage to favor Obama and the Democrats