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red states rule
09-23-2009, 08:17 AM
Looks like Obama's media blitz did nothing to sway public opnion towards Obamacare

No wonder Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are getting desperate to find a way to ram this bad bill thru

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
NBC Poll: Obamacare Still Sagging [Rich Lowry]

Republicans are sending around this gloss on the new NBC poll:

Despite an unprecedented media blitz, a speech to a joint session of Congress, town halls and rallies and innumerable media interviews, views of the President’s health care proposal is statistically unchanged in an NBC poll released tonight.

Health care

—More Americans think “Barack Obama’s health care plan” is a “bad idea” (41) than think it’s a “good idea” (39); last month, 42 thought it was a bad idea and 36 said it was a good idea

—More people continue to disapprove of the President’s handling of health care (46) than approve (45); last month, 47 disapproved and 41 approved

—For the first time, less than 20 percent believe the President’s health care plan will improve the quality of their care (19 percent think it will improve while 36 percent believe it will get worse); last month, 24 percent thought their care would improve

—When given a choice of either the President’s plan or maintaining the status quo, only 45 percent chose change; 39 percent preferred doing nothing to enacting the President’s proposal

—A plurality (48) continue to oppose “a public health care plan administered by the federal government that would compete directly with private health insurance companies” with 46 percent in support

—When asked about specific provisions that must/should be in the bill, more people wanted caps on junk lawsuits than a government plan, an individual mandate or an employer mandate; only the pre-existing conditions issue polled higher

—More people want the federal government to address jobs and the economy than health care: When asked “which of these issues do you think should be the next highest priority for the federal government to address,” only 21 percent said “health care” while 30 percent chose jobs/economic growth and 18 percent said deficit/government spending

Job approval

—The President’s job approval has not changed after the speech, rallies and interviews and remains at 51 percent while 41 disapprove (it was 51-40 last month)

—For the first time, a plurality of Independents (46) disapprove of the President’s job performance while only 41 percent approve (according to the accompanying WSJ article); last month, 49 percent of independents approved of the president while 38 percent disapproved


09-23-2009, 08:43 AM
I guess Michelle O'Bell's little speech to rally women into supporting the health care bill didn't work.

09-23-2009, 08:47 AM
I guess Michelle O'Bell's little speech to rally women into supporting the health care bill didn't work.

the sheep says obama will never give up but fail miserably :laugh2:

red states rule
09-23-2009, 08:50 AM
I guess Michelle O'Bell's little speech to rally women into supporting the health care bill didn't work.

Why would that surprise anyone? Who in their right minf would want the government to run the nations healthcare system, and pay the higher taxes Dems are demanding?

09-23-2009, 09:55 AM
You know Obamas health care is failing miserably when even an NBC poll cant prop up the numbers for him. That means its doing worse than even NBC could have imagined.

red states rule
09-23-2009, 09:58 AM
You know Obamas health care is failing miserably when even an NBC poll cant prop up the numbers for him. That means its doing worse than even NBC could have imagined.

Obama is feeling like the Capt of the Titantic did as he watched the water pour over the rails of the ship

Obama has that sinking feeling as he reads his approval numbers