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09-23-2009, 07:19 PM
I must say, I do approve of this idea.
If you own a vehicle for non-commercial reasons that does not meet government mandated mpg standards, you have to fork over a surcharge.
Because there is no real reason for anyone to own a Hummer or a pick-up with over sized wheels. If you want one, pay the luxury tax.
Otherwise, you are directly aiding terrorism by paying millions to Middle Eastern countries for gas. We need to cut down our addiction to foreign oil.

09-23-2009, 07:26 PM
If we were allowed and encouraged to drill for our own oil ,we wouldn't be using a massive amount of foreign oil....

Thats assuming anyone believes that bullshit that we are directly aiding terrorism by paying millions to Middle Eastern countries for gas
(I assume you mean OIL)

The clowns using drugs are directly aiding terrorists far more....(think they might be Democrat voting liberals???)lol

09-23-2009, 07:42 PM
So you don't believe that any of the money that we pay to Saudi Arabia or any of its cronies goes to support terrorism?
Yes, you and Tinkerbell. :rolleyes:

09-23-2009, 08:09 PM
So because I can not afford to go out and by an eco friendly vehicle I should be penalized?

And how exactly is that fair?

I'm sorry I have no control over where the oil comes from and personally don't give a Sh*&, as long as I can get to work every day, is all I am concerned with at this point.

Oh and I would much rather drive my SUV then some eco friendly car that I will get killed in, if ever in an accident. Which based on the past three days is going to be real soon if these dumb a%^es don't start paying attention to what is next to them, before they try to get over in my lane. But hey maybe after they run into me and are cited, I can afford to buy that eco friendly vehicle.....NOT.....I'lll just go by a Jeep Wrangler. :thumb:

09-23-2009, 08:11 PM
Trin - gab approves of socialism. She likes that sorta thing. She's all for 'the greater good' - the ironic part is, socialism HURTS people..it destroys initiative and self-reliance.

People should be treated equally. Taxes and otherwise.

09-23-2009, 08:17 PM
Because there is no real reason for anyone to own a Hummer or a pick-up with over sized wheels. ..

Let me guess:

There's also no reason to own, say, an "assault weapon".
And that "fact" is sufficient reason for the government to step in and restrict them.

How'd I do?

09-23-2009, 08:17 PM
...Liberals legislate "morality".

09-23-2009, 08:49 PM
I'd rather be driving a nice gas guzzling sports car or muscle car than some shit put-put car.

That being said the hybrid cars that get 50MPG are still need gas from the middle east. So I don't see what the difference is.

09-24-2009, 08:24 AM
Last I checked, we still lived in America. If people want to spend more money on gas (Which is heavily taxed as it is) then that is their perogative to do so. Any more penalty tax on top of it is just the government overstepping their bounds as usual.

09-24-2009, 05:25 PM
I must say, I do approve of this idea.
If you own a vehicle for non-commercial reasons that does not meet government mandated mpg standards, you have to fork over a surcharge.
Because there is no real reason for anyone to own a Hummer or a pick-up with over sized wheels. If you want one, pay the luxury tax.
Otherwise, you are directly aiding terrorism by paying millions to Middle Eastern countries for gas. We need to cut down our addiction to foreign oil.

Under your thinking there is no real reason why anyone should be living in an oversized home with five baths and six or more bedr. either, and costing into the millions. But there are. And they are paying high utility bills as well. So if you're going to prevent one group of people from driving huge, gas guzzeling vehicles, then you'd better condemn the other as well.

09-24-2009, 06:40 PM
I must say, I do approve of this idea.
The government should mandate average calorie standards for human consumption. If you consume more calories than mandated government allotment, you have to fork over a surcharge(no pun intended). Because there is no real reason for anyone to over consume calories. If you want to be a pig, pay the luxury tax. Otherwise, you are directly aiding high cost of national healthcare by being an unhealthy slob. We need to cut down our addiction to overeating.

09-24-2009, 09:22 PM
I must say, I do approve of this idea.
The government should mandate average calorie standards for human consumption. If you consume more calories than mandated government allotment, you have to fork over a surcharge(no pun intended). Because there is no real reason for anyone to over consume calories. If you want to be a pig, pay the luxury tax. Otherwise, you are directly aiding high cost of national healthcare by being an unhealthy slob. We need to cut down our addiction to overeating.You need an exemption for athletes and folks who do real work.

09-24-2009, 09:30 PM
I must say, I do approve of this idea.
If you own a vehicle for non-commercial reasons that does not meet government mandated mpg standards, you have to fork over a surcharge.
Because there is no real reason for anyone to own a Hummer or a pick-up with over sized wheels. If you want one, pay the luxury tax.
Otherwise, you are directly aiding terrorism by paying millions to Middle Eastern countries for gas. We need to cut down our addiction to foreign oil. I like my big SUV. So what if it gets 17 mpg. It has leather seats and satellite radio. It seats 8. The driver and passenger seats heat and cool my well-toned ass. I don't have to slow down in winter because it has 4 wheel drive and a 6 speed automatic transmission.

You're just jealous since you don't have one.

Mine's clear coat metallic red with gold trim and 20" chrome wheels. Did I say it has leather seats? :lol:

09-24-2009, 09:42 PM
Jesus would have driven an SUV. Hell, he would have needed two of them.

09-24-2009, 09:52 PM
I like my big SUV. So what if it gets 17 mpg. It has leather seats and satellite radio. It seats 8. The driver and passenger seats heat and cool my well-toned ass. I don't have to slow down in winter because it has 4 wheel drive and a 6 speed automatic transmission.

You're just jealous since you don't have one.

Mine's clear coat metallic red with gold trim and 20" chrome wheels. Did I say it has leather seats? :lol:

You should have put 24's on that......:laugh2:

Let me add 24" gold rims.......lol

09-25-2009, 07:38 AM
You should have put 24's on that......:laugh2:

Let me add 24" gold rims.......lol And spinners. LOL

09-25-2009, 06:57 PM
And spinners. LOL

Yep :laugh2:

09-25-2009, 07:29 PM
I'd love to buy a hybrid.

Trouble is, they cost twice as much and arn't big enough to haul my family around. Plus, this state requires any child under 50 pounds or 8 they have to be in a carseat. This means any family with 3 kids is FORCED to own at least a mini van which doesn't get any better gas milage than an SUV.

09-25-2009, 07:47 PM
I must say, I do approve of this idea.
If you own a vehicle for non-commercial reasons that does not meet government mandated mpg standards, you have to fork over a surcharge.
Because there is no real reason for anyone to own a Hummer or a pick-up with over sized wheels. If you want one, pay the luxury tax.
Otherwise, you are directly aiding terrorism by paying millions to Middle Eastern countries for gas. We need to cut down our addiction to foreign oil.

what if you drive a historic vehicle....btw...don't they already pay a surcharge in the form of more gas taxes....and license taxes.....

do you know how much of the us gasoline comes from the middle east....

do you also support a surcharge on people that use heating oil or a gas fired furnace rather than solar panels.....

09-25-2009, 07:48 PM
I'd love to buy a hybrid.

Trouble is, they cost twice as much and arn't big enough to haul my family around. Plus, this state requires any child under 50 pounds or 8 they have to be in a carseat. This means any family with 3 kids is FORCED to own at least a mini van which doesn't get any better gas milage than an SUV.

ford and caddy have hybrid suvs....

09-25-2009, 07:55 PM
ford and caddy have hybrid suvs....

well ya, but my van is also paid for, and since college payments are only a year away I think I'll keep my van.

09-25-2009, 07:58 PM
well ya, but my van is also paid for, and since college payments are only a year away I think I'll keep my van.

well there is that.....

10-07-2009, 11:58 AM
I like my big SUV. So what if it gets 17 mpg. It has leather seats and satellite radio. It seats 8. The driver and passenger seats heat and cool my well-toned ass. I don't have to slow down in winter because it has 4 wheel drive and a 6 speed automatic transmission.

You're just jealous since you don't have one.

Mine's clear coat metallic red with gold trim and 20" chrome wheels. Did I say it has leather seats? :lol:

:laugh2::laugh2:The best chuckle I've had all day.....thanks for that....

10-07-2009, 12:00 PM
Jesus would have driven an SUV. Hell, he would have needed two of them.

:laugh2:More than two if he were hauling around those 5,000 he fed.......:laugh2: