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View Full Version : Humana being investigated for telling truth about Obamacare

red states rule
09-23-2009, 10:26 PM
The Federal Government has no right to spit on the First Amendment.

They can argue with Humana. They can send out their own mailing. They can use their allies in the liberal media to attack Humana.

What they cannot legally do is tell someone to shut up and use the force of the federal government in order to do that.

But then again we are talking about the Obama administration - and that is what they are doing

McConnell Blasts Government Over 'Gag Order' on Private Health Care Provider

U.S. health officials launched an investigation into Humana after the Louisville-based company mailed a letter to patients enrolled in its Medicare Advantage plans, alerting them that President Obama's health overhaul could eliminate important benefits of the program.

The federal government resorted to bullying tactics when it ordered an investigation of Humana -- one of the country's biggest private insurers -- for its decision to send customers a letter alerting them about pending health reform legislation, a leading Republican charged Wednesday.

U.S. health officials launched the probe after the Louisville-based company mailed a letter to patients enrolled in its Medicare Advantage plans -- private options that replace standard Medicare -- warning that President Obama's health overhaul could eliminate important benefits of the program.

Humana said in its letter that if Medicare Advantage funding gets cut, "millions of seniors and disabled individuals ... could lose many of the important benefits and services that make Medicare Advantage health plans so valuable."

Republican Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell blasted the investigation of Humana on Wednesday, calling it a "federal gag order" that seeks to silence a health provider that disagrees with the administration. McConnell said he's called for a complete legal justification of the probe.

"This is so clearly an outrage," McConnell said on the Senate floor. "For explaining to seniors how legislation might affect them, the federal government has now issued a gag order on that company, and any other company that communicates with clients on the issue, telling them to shut up -- or else.

"This is precisely the kind of thing Americans are worried about with the administration's health care plan. They're worried that government agencies which were created to enforce violations even-handedly will instead be used against those who voice a different point of view," he said.

The investigation was first suggested by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, whose committee has jurisdiction over Medicare. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) -- which officiates over the Medicare program for seniors and Medicare Advantage options -- ordered a "cease and desist" order on all of Humana's health care mailings until the investigation is concluded.

Baucus has called the Humana letter a "scare tactic" meant to distort the current reforms under consideration. The CMS alleges that Humana's letter may have violated federal regulations, but the information distributed by the health provider was supported by the nonpartisan, independent analysis of the Congressional Budget Office.

Obama has insisted that despite planned cuts to Medicare providers, seniors would not see their benefits reduced under a health care overhaul. But CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf contradicted that Tuesday under questioning by Finance Committee Republicans, saying seniors in the private Medicare Advantage plans could see reduced benefits under Baucus' legislation. Proposed changes "would reduce the extra benefits that would be made available to beneficiaries through Medicare Advantage plans," Elmendorf said.

Humana spokesman Jim Turner said Wednesday that the company is cooperating with CMS in its investigation. But, Turner added, "We also believe Medicare Advantage members deserve to know the impact that funding cuts of the magnitude being discussed would have on benefits and premiums."

A Republican aide told FOXNews.com that the investigation is a clear breach of First Amendment rights and said the Republican leader is asking the CMS to provide legal justification for its investigation. The aide said CMS's investigation follows a pattern of intimidation put forth by the administration for any kind of dissent in the health care debate.


09-23-2009, 11:21 PM
Its amazing how the same liberals that were screaming about supposed infringements on the Constitution by the Bush administration turn a blind eye to actual infringements being made by the current Congress and President.

red states rule
09-23-2009, 11:25 PM
Its amazing how the same liberals that were screaming about supposed infringements on the Constitution by the Bush administration turn a blind eye to actual infringements being made by the current Congress and President.

Truth was the first victim under Obama's bus

Hey libs what happened to "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

I'll wait.