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View Full Version : Obama sworn in as ‘World President’

09-25-2009, 01:39 PM
The stars have aligned for radical liberals worldwide. America’s Barack Obama is positioning himself to become the world’s first de facto president. Just a short time ago he was a mere college professor opining on important issues such as health care, education and poverty in the United States. Now, he is taking on more daunting issues such as a “new world order” in the form of foreign appeasement and the surrender of the United States currency to foreign dictators.

Didn’t he look comfy this week in the big chair with the gavel? It was frighteningly emperor-esque.

Obama’s latest dysfunctional escapade came this week in front of a worldwide audience at the U.N. General Assembly Hall in New York City. As Obama proudly proclaimed that “America will no longer be looked at as a go at it alone nation” world leaders sat and chuckled. Certainly this was a hoorah moment for every anti-Israeli in the crowd.

The truth is Obama’s message was the same song sung over and over again by liberal Democrats who view America as the world’s problem. This was America’s apology tour part deux again on display in front of the world, only this time in a more condescending and arrogant persona.

Read the rest at:

09-25-2009, 01:57 PM
Looks like the man-child President has grown up to become the child-king of the world!

09-25-2009, 04:37 PM
i liked cardboard president's line:

"Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problems alone,"

09-25-2009, 05:14 PM
i liked cardboard president's line:

"Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problems alone,"

Meaning the US under his watch will be joining the rest of the West in letting the others in the world lead in whatever direction they wish.

09-25-2009, 05:26 PM
Yep, it's all true. Just wait until the next Congressional session. When Obama declares private gun ownership to be illegal and institutes a new "Republican tax."
Then the clincher -- Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, Malkin and all employees of Fox News will be sent to Gitmo. Where they will be water boarded by Muslims.


09-25-2009, 05:59 PM
Yep, it's all true. Just wait until the next Congressional session. When Obama declares private gun ownership to be illegal and institutes a new "Republican tax." Indeed, it is coming.

Then the clincher -- Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, Malkin and all employees of Fox News will be sent to Gitmo. Where they will be water boarded by Muslims.


Nope, they'll be arrested in all likelihood, unless of course the left finds a way to make them inconsequential, which seems unlikely now.

09-25-2009, 06:26 PM
Meaning the US under his watch will be joining the rest of the West in letting the others in the world lead in whatever direction they wish.

i interpreted his words to mean....

those who whine about us acting alone and unilaterally can stfu when it comes to acting alone and unilaterally to help them when they ask for it

its a great line