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View Full Version : Analysis: Wrestling with how to talk about race

09-27-2009, 05:38 AM

WASHINGTON – For a while, it almost seemed as if President Barack Obama had soothed the angst over race in this country simply by taking office. The focus was on big issues facing a new president — one who just happened to be black.

If only it were so simple. This summer, Obama stepped into the skirmish between a black college professor and a white police officer, and the race debate erupted anew. Then attacks on Obama over his health care proposals led to allegations that his critics were motivated by racism.

09-27-2009, 10:05 AM
Race-baiting is one of the Liberals greatest tools to keep people subjugated into voting for them and supporting their causes. They play both sides with equal skill. They propagate and prey on white guilt by calling everyone that opposes them, "Racists" and if the person is a person of color then they are a labeled a sellout. Then they create and fan the flame of class warfare to sell it as oppression.

Its been an affective political tactic for them for at least the last 3 or 4 decades. They lie about the civil rights movement, they spin and revise history with their re-education centers while their mouthpiece spews their lies as fact.