View Full Version : Dinner with the Muslims

09-27-2009, 10:25 AM
My husband and I spent much of Saturday evening enjoying dinner and conversation at the home of our Muslim neighbors.
Chessy would have been very disappointed. There were no burqas, no prayer rugs, no pictures of Osama on the wall. Just an extremely neat home.
The husband is an attorney. His wife is a physician. They have three well-behaved children, who always addressed us as "sir" or "ma'am."
The oldest child, a boy who is a senior in high school, wore a tie to dinner. Says he always wears a tie when guests come for dinner, as a show of respect.
There was a prayer before dinner. Not to Allah, but to God. Because "all religions worship the same god, the God of Many Names."
We had a great discussion after dinner. Just the four adults.
My husband began by asking about Muslim extremists, and how other Muslims regard them. To which his male counterpart said "These people are not Muslims. They are terrorists. Muslims look down on them the same way non-Muslims do. Muslims are raised to love. Terrorists are raised to hate."
Which is why Islam is such a fractured religion. The 10 percent that hate overshadow the 90 percent that are peaceful.
What surprised me the most was how well the couple knew The Bible. They certainly understood it better than I understand the Quoran.
The wife told me a frightening story. Not too long after the Sept. 11 attacks, she came out of a hospital where she was working to find her car tires slashed and the back windshield broken out. So she called her husband. Who arrived about the same time as the two perpetrators returned. The two guys said it was "their revenge for 9-11."
The husband said "When the attacks occurred, my wife was working a 12-hour shift in a hospital. I find it difficult to believe how Americans can blame other Americans for a hideous act committed by lunatics, simply because we share a common religion."
So what of all the Muslim haters? The folks who still believe everyone who shares a religion is a terrorist deep inside:
"I continue to pray for them. I pray that God will eventually lift their veil of ignorance and allow them to see the love that binds us all together. When hate slaps you in the face, respond with love and kindness. Terrorists are blinded with hatred. Those who hate are practicing their own kind of terrorism. God is love. Those who hate are not with God. Love resolves all differences. Hatred divides us. My God is love. Your God is love. If you hate, you choose terrorism over God."

09-27-2009, 11:56 AM
that's a lovely story and it mirrors PRECISELY my experiences with muslim families. They are delightful to be around... very generous, very respectful, very interesting, very polite.

09-27-2009, 12:06 PM
that's a lovely story and it mirrors PRECISELY my experiences with muslim families. They are delightful to be around... very generous, very respectful, very interesting, very polite.

I'll add myself as 3rd to this list. "Broken bread" with every one of them I know and every last one of them was extremely polite, extremely sharing and nothing short of completely respectful.

Funny thing is, people have weird perceptions of Muslims and think all of them are "arabs" from Saudi Arabia. My buddies are from Jordan, Morocco and Algeria - and if someone didn't tell you, you would never know they were Muslim. They do the same things as all of us, dress the same, eat mostly the same and go out and do things just like all of us. They dress in jeans, curse like sailors when having fun and act like typical guys doing what they do. They listen to rock music that I also like and watch all the cool horror and thriller movies I like. The only difference is that they read the Quran instead of the bible and observe various holidays that we don't. The guys I know aren't even very religious. They don't go to a mosque and pray but rarely, they do so in private instead. They go out drinking and party with the best of them.

They were born to Muslim families. They were raised in the US and were taught to be loving and peaceful to their fellow man. They are doing a fine job of that. If chessy had his way, he would have them executed as a prevention measure.

09-27-2009, 12:13 PM
Thank you Jim. I know muslim families here in the US and they act in much the same ways that you and Gabby describe. Additionally, I have broken bread with muslims in Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt and they all were equally gracious and respectful and genuinely friendly.

09-27-2009, 12:21 PM
And i shall be the forth,

Having just moved to Uni by my lonesome the two friends of mine that have kept in proper contact with calls, emails, and even a letter have been Muslim, and now that i only live about 150 miles fom them i'll be able ta go see them soons, but how could this be? Surly if they're muslims they're scumbags, with dark hearts taht are full of evil and hate, and would never make friendly phone calls or send invites to picnics! Isn't that right CWN...

Mr. P
09-27-2009, 12:27 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to gabosaurus again.

09-27-2009, 01:16 PM
I just have to ask...... If they are friends, why the distinction of their religion??? My friends are my friends REGARDLESS of thier politicle or religious affiliations!!!!!

I do understand what your saying here for some of other posters on this site, but once again Friends are friends regardless!!!!!

09-27-2009, 01:19 PM

took care of that for ya.

09-27-2009, 01:20 PM
I just have to ask...... If they are friends, why the distinction of their religion??? My friends are my friends REGARDLESS of thier politicle or religious affiliations!!!!!

I do understand what your saying here for some of other posters on this site, but once again Friends are friends regardless!!!!!

of course they are... and nearly all the muslims that befriended me became and have remained my friends... but in the beginning, I was simply a Christian and a foreigner that they graciously invited into their homes. That graciousness and generosity needs to be commented upon, especially in light of some of the anti-muslim attitudes which have surfaced here.

09-27-2009, 01:24 PM
of course they are... and nearly all the muslims that befriended me became and have remained my friends... but in the beginning, I was simply a Christian and a foreigner that they graciously invited into their homes. That graciousness and generosity needs to be commented upon, especially in light of some of the anti-muslim attitudes which have surfaced here.

Tell Ya what smart guy. Go to ANY message board and you will have anti-(place subject here) On ALL of them. The point is friends are friends. PERIOD!!!!!!

If you feel the need to draw attention to YOUR graciousness than you really aren't a good friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-27-2009, 01:30 PM
I just have to ask...... If they are friends, why the distinction of their religion??? My friends are my friends REGARDLESS of thier politicle or religious affiliations!!!!!

I do understand what your saying here for some of other posters on this site, but once again Friends are friends regardless!!!!!

I only descibe them as Muslim freinds cus of some of the posters on the site, in the same why that if someone condemed christains i'd talk about my christain friends ect ect, or when people say stuff like 'americans are idiots' i can point to you guys as american freinds to rubish their stereotypical claims,
but i do not go about boxing everyone i know into groups unless those groups are wrongly attaked .

09-27-2009, 01:30 PM
Tell Ya what smart guy. Go to ANY message board and you will have anti-(place subject here) On ALL of them. The point is friends are friends. PERIOD!!!!!!

If you feel the need to draw attention to YOUR graciousness than you really aren't a good friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell ya what, not so smart guy....

I was drawing attention to the graciousness of my muslim hosts, not my own....I didn't start this thread and I only added my voice to a growing list of people who have similar positive experiences. Don't like it? don't read it.

09-27-2009, 01:37 PM
I only descibe them as Muslim freinds cus of some of the posters on the site, in the same why that if someone condemed christains i'd talk about my christain friends ect ect, or when people say stuff like 'americans are idiots' i can point to you guys as american freinds to rubish their stereotypical claims,
but i do not go about boxing everyone i know into groups unless those groups are wrongly attaked .Noir, I understand your points. I also respect your views and consider you a "virtual friend"

I really don't like the good reverend MM telling the rest of us how special and good he is.... He is an arogant piece of shit that should take a long hard look at himself in the mirror. There was a time I actually would defend some of his positions and even had a few PM's with him but he has proven himself (at least to me) to not be a very nice person that always falls back to name calling, presumptions, and a number of tactics that he feels makes him superior to others. His smugness is very irritating and gets quite tiresome.....

09-27-2009, 01:47 PM
As I posted here in a diff thread:

I'm sure grateful for the "Christ-like" Muslims who came to take care of my father after he got out of the hospital from his 8-way bypass surgery...

I put "Christ-like' in quotes because these people - who so many retarded-christians demonize, demonstrated a greater example of Christ's character than most of those I know of who claim to know Him...

09-27-2009, 01:56 PM
My husband and I spent much of Saturday evening enjoying dinner and conversation at the home of our Muslim neighbors.
Chessy would have been very disappointed. There were no burqas, no prayer rugs, no pictures of Osama on the wall. Just an extremely neat home.
The husband is an attorney. His wife is a physician. They have three well-behaved children, who always addressed us as "sir" or "ma'am."
The oldest child, a boy who is a senior in high school, wore a tie to dinner. Says he always wears a tie when guests come for dinner, as a show of respect.
There was a prayer before dinner. Not to Allah, but to God. Because "all religions worship the same god, the God of Many Names."
We had a great discussion after dinner. Just the four adults.
My husband began by asking about Muslim extremists, and how other Muslims regard them. To which his male counterpart said "These people are not Muslims. They are terrorists. Muslims look down on them the same way non-Muslims do. Muslims are raised to love. Terrorists are raised to hate."
Which is why Islam is such a fractured religion. The 10 percent that hate overshadow the 90 percent that are peaceful.
What surprised me the most was how well the couple knew The Bible. They certainly understood it better than I understand the Quoran.
The wife told me a frightening story. Not too long after the Sept. 11 attacks, she came out of a hospital where she was working to find her car tires slashed and the back windshield broken out. So she called her husband. Who arrived about the same time as the two perpetrators returned. The two guys said it was "their revenge for 9-11."
The husband said "When the attacks occurred, my wife was working a 12-hour shift in a hospital. I find it difficult to believe how Americans can blame other Americans for a hideous act committed by lunatics, simply because we share a common religion."
So what of all the Muslim haters? The folks who still believe everyone who shares a religion is a terrorist deep inside:
"I continue to pray for them. I pray that God will eventually lift their veil of ignorance and allow them to see the love that binds us all together. When hate slaps you in the face, respond with love and kindness. Terrorists are blinded with hatred. Those who hate are practicing their own kind of terrorism. God is love. Those who hate are not with God. Love resolves all differences. Hatred divides us. My God is love. Your God is love. If you hate, you choose terrorism over God."

I've no doubt that there are Muslims like that, more than a majority. I think the fact that they have a 17 or 18 year old son that understands respecting guests by dressing up speaks well of the upbringing.

I do wonder though, would you set those standards for your child? If she wore jeans and a rock t-shirt, would that not be acceptable? Do parents that teach their children such manners deserve kudos or charged with rigidity?

09-27-2009, 01:57 PM
Noir, I understand your points. I also respect your views and consider you a "virtual friend"

I really don't like the good reverend MM telling the rest of us how special and good he is.... He is an arogant piece of shit that should take a long hard look at himself in the mirror. There was a time I actually would defend some of his positions and even had a few PM's with him but he has proven himself (at least to me) to not be a very nice person that always falls back to name calling, presumptions, and a number of tactics that he feels makes him superior to others. His smugness is very irritating and gets quite tiresome.....

Okie dokies :beer:

09-27-2009, 02:00 PM
Okie dokies :beer:

I have to agree with Nukeman. I too spent months, if not more than a year trying to engage MM on issues. Hopeless when I wouldn't go over to his point of view. Funny thing, I never expected him to change his positions, just discuss. He's incapable of that.

Mr. P
09-27-2009, 02:15 PM
I think there has been a misunderstanding of MMs posts in this thread.
I may be wrong...just sayin.

09-27-2009, 02:23 PM
I think there has been a misunderstanding of MMs posts in this thread.
I may be wrong...just sayin.

Interesting, will you expound?

09-27-2009, 02:27 PM
I think there has been a misunderstanding of MMs posts in this thread.
I may be wrong...just sayin.

MM gets exactly what he gives. He treats others on this site like they are beneath him and he is soo superior to others. I really could give a shit at this point if he is taken out of context.

He reaps what he sows.... Plain and simple. If he is misunderstood or not is not the issue it is how HE treats others and he has the audacity to tell us how he was treated by others and we are all supposed to say "hip hooray for you, you great person". I don't think so!!!!!!!!

Mr. P
09-27-2009, 02:40 PM
Interesting, will you expound?

Yeah...he actually made a positive contributed to a thread. He simply shared his experiences.

09-27-2009, 02:55 PM
Yeah...he actually made a positive contributed to a thread. He simply shared his experiences.

You are referring to his self purported experiences while on 'loan' to UN? Perhaps, but I've a problem believing him.

Mr. P
09-27-2009, 03:04 PM
You are referring to his self purported experiences while on 'loan' to UN? Perhaps, but I've a problem believing him.

No, I am referring to the posts he made in this thread.

09-27-2009, 03:08 PM
of course they are... and nearly all the muslims that befriended me became and have remained my friends... but in the beginning, I was simply a Christian and a foreigner that they graciously invited into their homes. That graciousness and generosity needs to be commented upon, especially in light of some of the anti-muslim attitudes which have surfaced here.

Mr. P, are you referring to a post like this one? Why nearly all?

I'm not addressing Muslims, just MM as his references to such. Unlike Gabby, his credibility is questioned, not to mention motive.

My take on Gabby's post, the dinner may or may not have happened, I choose to believe it went down as she posted. But if instead it's of her imagination, it served a purpose for the betterment of those that read.

09-27-2009, 03:27 PM
MM gets exactly what he gives. He treats others on this site like they are beneath him and he is soo superior to others. I really could give a shit at this point if he is taken out of context.

He reaps what he sows.... Plain and simple. If he is misunderstood or not is not the issue it is how HE treats others and he has the audacity to tell us how he was treated by others and we are all supposed to say "hip hooray for you, you great person". I don't think so!!!!!!!!

again... it was never about what sort of person I was, but what sort of hosts the muslim families were. I am quite sure that the families I met in the middle east would be just as gracious to you as they were to me.

Mr. P
09-27-2009, 03:27 PM
Mr. P, are you referring to a post like this one? Why nearly all?

I'm not addressing Muslims, just MM as his references to such. Unlike Gabby, his credibility is questioned, not to mention motive.

My take on Gabby's post, the dinner may or may not have happened, I choose to believe it went down as she posted. But if instead it's of her imagination, it served a purpose for the betterment of those that read.

Any post can be picked apart an redirected from the original intent. I choose to see what MM said as it was intended, a response to Gabs post, nothing more.

Question for you and Nuke...If you have a kid with behavor problems that gets a whuppin everyday and then one day he behaves...do ya whup him anyway? Seems to me to be what you two are proposing.

09-27-2009, 03:29 PM
No, I am referring to the posts he made in this thread.

thank you:salute:

09-27-2009, 03:34 PM
Any post can be picked apart an redirected from the original intent. I choose to see what MM said as it was intended, a response to Gabs post, nothing more.

Question for you and Nuke...If you have a kid with behavor problems that gets a whuppin everyday and then one day he behaves...do ya whup him anyway? Seems to me to be what you two are proposing.

I had a son that did what you said and no, I didn't. On the other hand, MM is not a child, I believe he is a disgrace to USN, then and now. He's a liar, he's against the best for the country. He hasn't a problem sliming the country for his own ends.

09-27-2009, 07:07 PM
I had a son that did what you said and no, I didn't. On the other hand, MM is not a child, I believe he is a disgrace to USN, then and now. He's a liar, he's against the best for the country. He hasn't a problem sliming the country for his own ends.

what have I lied about, what you give YOU the right to say what is best for our country while apparently denying ME that same right? I have NEVER slimed this country and you, ma'am are a disgusting liar for saying so.

09-27-2009, 07:25 PM
Finding this rather odd,
While i do agree with much that has been said against maineman, i don''t understand why its all come about in this thread, as i agree with Mr.P, his input to this thread was pretty standard and on topic in the thread,

09-27-2009, 07:35 PM
Finding this rather odd,
While i do agree with much that has been said against maineman, i don''t understand why its all come about in this thread, as i agree with Mr.P, his input to this thread was pretty standard and on topic in the thread,

cycles of the moon and the mood swings that result... that's my guess.

09-27-2009, 07:40 PM
cycles of the moon and the mood swings that result... That's my guess.

o rly?

09-27-2009, 07:46 PM
o rly?

consider the source

09-27-2009, 07:50 PM
consider the source

Oh ofcourse, it has come from a women, it *must* be moon related, how could i of been so childish not to realize, if only i were as mature as you...


Edit; Derailed thread is derailed, tis a shame, it started of so well,..

09-27-2009, 07:56 PM
My take on Gabby's post, the dinner may or may not have happened, I choose to believe it went down as she posted. But if instead it's of her imagination, it served a purpose for the betterment of those that read.

Why would it not have happened? Why would I make something like that? To provoke discussion from a message board?
Of course, the original intent has almost been lost (again) because it has devolved into the usual meaningless bickering among certain individuals who prefer not to get along with each other.

09-27-2009, 08:02 PM
Why would it not have happened? Why would I make something like that? To provoke discussion from a message board?
Of course, the original intent has almost been lost (again) because it has devolved into the usual meaningless bickering among certain individuals who prefer not to get along with each other.

like I said...cycles of the moon. I agree completely with your original post and I said so.... ALL my experiences with muslim families have been positive ones.

Joyful HoneyBee
09-27-2009, 09:10 PM
So what of all the Muslim haters? The folks who still believe everyone who shares a religion is a terrorist deep inside:
"I continue to pray for them. I pray that God will eventually lift their veil of ignorance and allow them to see the love that binds us all together. When hate slaps you in the face, respond with love and kindness. Terrorists are blinded with hatred. Those who hate are practicing their own kind of terrorism. God is love. Those who hate are not with God. Love resolves all differences. Hatred divides us. My God is love. Your God is love. If you hate, you choose terrorism over God."

I, too, really like this post from Gabby. It reminded me of a very poignant poem that circulated through email a few years ago, so I am posting a copy of it here:

To Kill an American

An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek.

An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani, or Afghan.

An American may also be a Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho,Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim.

In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.

An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.

The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need.

When the Soviet army overran Afghanistan 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan.

Americans welcome the best, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best athletes. But they also welcome the least.

The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America.

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. I’ve been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 other countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did.

So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and every bloodthirsty tyrant in the history of the world.

But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

Author unknown

[source] http://wadias.in/site/arzan/blog/to-kill-an-american/


09-27-2009, 10:25 PM
What a coincidence......I had dinner with the "Muslin" family last night.

The Muslins are a mountain redneck family. The wife works as a chambermaid at the Motel 6 and the husband is unemployed right now but used to work at TA Truck Wash. Some have said he has another family somewhere but I don;t believe it. They invited me over for some cornbread and beans but no one wore a tie to dinner. Their son did wear a tee shirt with a picture of a guy bending over so far he came up behind himself and had his head in his butt. The shirt read, "Your proctoligist called, they found your head." He is a whiny little bastard but I just ignored him.

The Muslins' trailor is real nice. They have an added deck on the front with cement brick pillars they use as a smoking parlor. It's really cool! They have a stone muslim monument with the top cut off they use for an ash tray. The son steps out on the morning and pees in it though cause the bathroom is at the opposite end of the 80 ft long trailor and he hates to walk it. They have a picture of John Wilkes Booth in the front foyer, well, it isn;pt really a foyer, it's the area they wipe the mud off their boots from their driveway onto a little foot carpet with a Georgia Bulldog logo on it.

Dinner was great. We talked about all kinds of stuff. No religious talk as the Muslins aren't real religious folks. We cussed, Mr. Muslin drank about eight or ten beers and had seconds....During the meal I leaned over and broke off some gas and it pleased him. He said, "Hardy har har....You like to fart too huh?"

Unfortunately their 14 year old daughter wasn't there. Lulajean had a date with her new boyfriend Tommy. Well...she hasn't broke up with her old boyfriend Tommy yet but since she is pregnate and doesn't know who the father is and her old boyfriend won't claim it, she has to find a guy with a job to support her. Nice kid though. She even says..."sir" when I see her.

The Muslins are not the most well respected folks on the mountain. Some folks don;t even like em. After dinner we went out on the porch to have a little discussion and pass more gas. I began by asking Mr. Muslin why folks didn;'t seem to like the Muslins. He said it was because he didn't like anybody either. During the 911 attacks he was hog hunting and didn't know what had happened because the Muslins didn't have a TV in 2001. The "Ready Rent All Center" didn't open in their nearby town until last year. And besides...their old 52 Dodge truck with the Confederate flag and gun rack in the window ain;t been running. Mrs. Muslin hitch hikes to the motel in the mornings and gets a ride home with whoever checks out last.....if you know what I mean!

I really enjoyed my trip to the Muslins for dinner. Frankly, I don;t understand why they are so misunderstood. I mean are they so strange actually. I mean hell....lots of folks live in trailors..right? They hog hunt, get pregnate too young, cuss, rent their TV's, work at Ho Tels and drive old pick ups. Some folks even have confederate flags still flying in their yard but for some reason I don;t see any Bedwetting Liberals making up stories about how great they are so I have taken the liberty of doing that.

And I feel so much the better for it......who cares if it is true huh?

09-28-2009, 11:22 AM
I fail to see what is unreal about having dinner with neighbors. Of course, their nationality and religious choice are inconsequential. I pointed it out merely to make it known to certain ignorant posters that you can find common ground with all people.

Their youngest daughter is a year older than mine. She was dressed in jeans and a Hannah Montana T-shirt. The middle daughter, who I believe in 12 or 13, was also wearing jeans.
I am not going to take issue with how people raise their kids. As long as it is done with love and a sense of fairness and understanding.

09-28-2009, 12:37 PM
i dont mean to be a party pooper, but is no one going to talk about how well america has done intergrating muslims into our society vs the current problems with muslim extremism in europe?

To me, american muslims are a bright shiny example of what is possible, when muslims are integrated into a society vs, being the outcasts of a society, say france.

just a thought.