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04-15-2007, 09:51 PM
Hey everyone, new memeber first post and let me start with an apology about the debated to death topic of global warming.
However it's for a school research paper and I need a primary source and I like what I've seen with the diversity of this site so far.

So here it is.

Assuming that we all agree that global warming is in fact occuring.

Based on your own opinions that you've drawn through research or whatever do you think Co2 is the primary cause of global warming?

Also do you think man is primarily responsible for global warming?

And finally, if you believe Co2 is not the cuase what is your theory of global warming?

Thanks for any rational response I recieve and :fu: to any others :laugh2:

04-15-2007, 10:18 PM
Hey everyone, new memeber first post and let me start with an apology about the debated to death topic of global warming.
However it's for a school research paper and I need a primary source and I like what I've seen with the diversity of this site so far.

So here it is.

Assuming that we all agree that global warming is in fact occuring.

Based on your own opinions that you've drawn through research or whatever do you think Co2 is the primary cause of global warming?

Also do you think man is primarily responsible for global warming?

And finally, if you believe Co2 is not the cuase what is your theory of global warming?

Thanks for any rational response I recieve and :fu: to any others :laugh2:

Ok, first off never assume. You know how the saying goes, right?

That said, climate change occurs on the local, regional and global levels. It's not a matter of "warming" or "cooling" which the environmental sensationalists always put forth to the media.

On a global scale, I tend to see two major factors: solar activity, and terrestrial core activity. On the local scale, I tend to believe that urbanization and industrialization can have a direct impact on the local climate. But I do not think that such localized activity is any more than a bit player on the global scale. The earth has gone through both hotter and colder periods in its history, and will doubtless continue to go through such shifts.

Perhaps rather than trying to hold the Earth's climate to a status quo, we should focus on adapting our lifestyle to a more mobile one.

04-15-2007, 10:39 PM
Hey everyone, new memeber first post and let me start with an apology about the debated to death topic of global warming.
However it's for a school research paper and I need a primary source and I like what I've seen with the diversity of this site so far.

So here it is.

Assuming that we all agree that global warming is in fact occuring.

Based on your own opinions that you've drawn through research or whatever do you think Co2 is the primary cause of global warming?

Also do you think man is primarily responsible for global warming?

And finally, if you believe Co2 is not the cuase what is your theory of global warming?

Thanks for any rational response I recieve and :fu: to any others :laugh2:

First off, you are spamming us aren't you?

That's ok, you'll post the same thread on 29 boards. We can deal.

Global warming is a certainty.

Is it mainly man made? We don't know, that's the truth.

It can not be modeled with our data.

The solar input may be a deterministic factor.

CO2 is the most likely leading deterministic factor.

The earth's core is definitely NOT a factor.

The earth has several dynamic CO2 reservoirs that we simply have almost no knowledge of.

We don't know.

So what will we do?

We should bash Al Gore just in case.

04-15-2007, 10:43 PM
First off, you are spamming us aren't you?

That's ok, you'll post the same thread on 29 boards. We can deal.

Global warming is a certainty.

Is it mainly man made? We don't know, that's the truth.

It can not be modeled with our data.

The solar input may be a deterministic factor.

CO2 is the most likely leading deterministic factor.

The earth's core is definitely NOT a factor.

The earth has several dynamic CO2 reservoirs that we simply have almost no knowledge of.

We don't know.

So what will we do?

We should bash Al Gore just in case.

Almost made it all the way to the end, dude ! :clap:

04-15-2007, 10:45 PM
it is all bush's fault....if only he had not stolen two elections then al gore would be president....and the world would love us and all would be well

oh and don't forget the roll of precipitation in the cooling cycle as increased heat would cause increased evaporation seeding the clouds causing increased rain and cooling and don't forget increased co2 may cause increased plant growth thus increased oxygen levels....

04-15-2007, 11:40 PM
Ok wait.

Theortically greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming as well as the blanket that keeps the temperature able to sustain life, Co2 is less than 1% of those gases, water vapor makes up the majority of the greenhouse gases.

With that in mind oceans and livestock and several others have been researched to release far more Co2 into the atmosphere than humans, so somewhere in their humans make up a fraction of less than 1% of the total
Co2...I can't imagine it having that great of an impact...granted we could release a lot less with good leadership (if it does exist in the US).

:pee: Al gore science doesn't add up in my book

not to mention his researchers were handsomly funded by the heinz family (shady)

But keep responding This is good stuff for my paper thanks

04-16-2007, 12:19 AM
Ok wait.

Theortically greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming as well as the blanket that keeps the temperature able to sustain life, Co2 is less than 1% of those gases, water vapor makes up the majority of the greenhouse gases.

With that in mind oceans and livestock and several others have been researched to release far more Co2 into the atmosphere than humans, so somewhere in their humans make up a fraction of less than 1% of the total
Co2...I can't imagine it having that great of an impact...granted we could release a lot less with good leadership (if it does exist in the US).

:pee: Al gore science doesn't add up in my book

not to mention his researchers were handsomly funded by the heinz family (shady)

But keep responding This is good stuff for my paper thanks

Water vapor is a direct product of temperature.

The hotter it is is across the earth the more water vapor is lifted into the atmosphere.

And all greenhouse gasses do not retain heat equally. Water is the lowest of the culprit GHG in heat retention.

but the main point is this, since water vapor is always constant relative to temp, the addition or subtraction of CO2 is the effective force that determines the direction of warming /cooling trends absent the input of unknowns.

the water vapor argument is nothing.

additionally Spammer, the vast majority of the biosphere's free CO2 is stored in the ocean water itself or in dynamic biotic ecosystems that can either obsorb or release 1000, maybe 10,000 times more CO2 based on temp increases or decreases.

You are here to present a ficticious argument against global warming under the guise of a "plain joe".

And you are busted. Who do you work for?

04-16-2007, 09:51 AM
Sorry about the spam, I'm not sure what I did to cause the spam but I'll try to avoid this in the future.

So let me get this straight.

You're telling me that the only constant Co2 in man made Co2, everything else is relative to temperature. So with man made Co2 increasing and raising the temperature creates a cycle that cause all the other factors to release more Co2.

Let me know if I'm off target.

Coincidently I'm a bartender in Michigan

04-16-2007, 11:26 AM
Actually, greenhouse gasses is a misnomer, because the atmosphere doesn't work like a greenhouse. The atmosphere is a convection system that holds heat from the sun until it is vented into space. Also, CO2 doesn't cause global warming. It's the other way around. According to ice core samples, rises in temperature have always preceded rises in CO2 by about 800 years. Solar activity, volcanic activity, and clouds have the greatest impact on the temperature of the planet, which really hasn't been much recently. The average global temperature has gone up less than one degree celcius in the past 100 years of industrialization.

04-16-2007, 12:18 PM
Sorry about the spam, I'm not sure what I did to cause the spam but I'll try to avoid this in the future.

So let me get this straight.

You're telling me that the only constant Co2 in man made Co2, everything else is relative to temperature. So with man made Co2 increasing and raising the temperature creates a cycle that cause all the other factors to release more Co2.

Let me know if I'm off target.

Coincidently I'm a bartender in Michigan

Welcome to the board Oscar. Pay no attention to our resident asshole. He's a spam himself.

I don't buy into any of the global warming bullshit. The world goes through its natural changes, as was mentioned above. Lots of factors figure into it. man being just one small percentage of it.

Mostly its the hype from the media. It's sensationalism. Nothing they like better than reporting on potential deseasters. And crying wolf.

Global warming is media hype and liberal politics. Nothing more than that.

04-16-2007, 12:23 PM
Welcome to the board Oscar. Pay no attention to our resident asshole. He's a spam himself.

I don't buy into any of the global warming bullshit. The world goes through its natural changes, as was mentioned above. Lots of factors figure into it. man being just one small percentage of it.

Mostly its the hype from the media. It's sensationalism. Nothing they like better than reporting on potential deseasters. And crying wolf.

Global warming is media hype and liberal politics. Nothing more than that.

I'm still waiting for the giant asteroid to come whack us. It needs to happen before Bruce Willis is too old to save us.:laugh2: