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09-30-2009, 06:45 PM
Seems it is against the law to threaten a President, I have to wonder where the Secret Service was when GW was in Office

In the latest incident of violent rhetoric against the president, an anonymous user of Facebook posted a poll on Saturday asking if Barack Obama should be assassinated.

Administrators of the online social networking website took down the poll on Monday, but not before it received 730 responses to the question, “Should Obama be killed?”

The identity of the poll’s author is not known, nor are the responses to the poll, which was posted using third-party software unaffiliated with Facebook itself. The incident came to light after the Secret Service received a tip and contacted Facebook.

Threatening the life of the president is a crime in the United States, and the Secret Service is working to determine if the poll was meant as a tasteless prank or an incitement to violence.

The incident is the latest in a series that may point to a rise in hate speech against President Obama.

Organizations that track hate speech have noted a rise in such rhetoric over the summer, particularly since Obama began pushing for healthcare reform.

The poll on Facebook seemed to be playing off the healthcare controversy, listing as its four answers: “Yes. Maybe. Yes if he cuts my healthcare. No.”

The Secret Service is investigating two other possible threats against Obama, as ABC News reports:

The Secret Service is investigating a Maryland man who held a sign reading “Death to Obama” and “Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids” outside a town hall meeting this week. And in New Hampshire, another man stood across the street from a Presidential town hall with his gun on full display.

President Obama has long been a target of threats, stretching back to his Presidential campaign. Although the Secret Service would not disclose specific threats at that time, it did admit that Obama was the subject of more threats than any other candidate.

In light of recent threats, political observers have called the Facebook poll more than a sick joke. Some also worry that, with such incidents now apparently rising, the Secret Service may be stretched too thin to adequately investigate them all.


10-01-2009, 04:58 AM
Can't help but wonder if they're camped out on John Perry's doorstep. He did, after all, suborn treason with his NewsMax editorial "<a href=http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/pdf/newsmax-20090929-perry_coup.pdf>Obama risks a domestic military intervention</a>". Which NewsMax has since purged from its website, disclaiming ANY relationship with Mr. Perry beyond the occasional blog. This latter is a patent lie, which Newsmax is wont to do when it gets caught stepping on its collective dick, as My Perry has been a regular contributor to NewsMax since 1999...<quote>"John L. Perry, an award-winning newspaper editor and writer, who served on White House staffs of two presidents, contributes a regular column to NewsMax.com."</quote>, this from Perry's Newsmax bio.

10-01-2009, 07:11 AM
I find it hilarious that anyone can use the term "violent rhetoric" with a straight face. Rhetoric in and of itself cannot be violent. It can incite violence, to be sure, but since words have meaning, let's ate least use them with their proper definitions appropriately.

Using such terms are a subtle attempt by the media and politicians to instill incongruous concepts into the minds of the gullible.

10-02-2009, 10:00 PM
Okay, I kinda see why they take it a bit more seriously with Obama. For one, you have only to look at the number of black leaders in the last 50 years to see that you really don't wanna be the one to go first. Second, however, is that Bush is a Texan, and frankly, he'd have shot back at the bastards.