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View Full Version : Justice Official Disputes Gonzales On Firings

04-16-2007, 12:07 AM
The multitude of lies, coverups and otherwise bullshit of this administration is KILLING our system of justice as well as our attentions to the more overwhelming crimes in the WAR ON IRAQ.

"The former Justice Department official who carried out the firings of eight U.S. attorneys last year told Congress that several of the prosecutors had no performance problems and that a memo on the firings was distributed at a Nov. 27 meeting attended by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, a Democratic senator said yesterday.

The statements to House and Senate investigators by Michael A. Battle, former director of the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, represent another potential challenge to the credibility of Gonzales, who has said that he never saw any documents about the firings and that he had "lost confidence" in the prosecutors because of performance problems.

Battle's statements, relayed to reporters yesterday by Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), came as Gonzales prepares for a make-or-break appearance on Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Prepared testimony released yesterday indicates Gonzales will apologize to the fired prosecutors for the way they were treated and will acknowledge that he has been "less than precise" in describing his role in the firings. ...

The statements by Battle, who left his job last month, are the first details to emerge from more than 20 hours of interviews with four top Gonzales aides over the past two weeks by staff members on the House and Senate Judiciary committees. The last of those interviews was conducted yesterday with Sampson, who testified publicly last month that he was only an "aggregator" of information on the firings and that ultimate responsibility rested with Gonzales.

Battle told investigators that he was "not aware of performance problems with respect to several" of the prosecutors when he called to fire them, Schumer said in a conference call with reporters yesterday."

More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/15/AR2007041500548.html?hpid=topnews


Baron Von Esslingen
04-16-2007, 01:06 PM
Thank God for a Congress that takes it's oversight responsibilities seriously.

04-16-2007, 01:11 PM
Thank God for a Congress that takes it's oversight responsibilities seriously.

Horseshit. You mean thank God for this particular Congress fulfilling your desire to continue witch hunting. The President cna hire/fire these attorneys just because he wants to. All of a sudden it's a big deal because Bush does it?

GMAFB. Nothing says partisan bullshit any clearer.

04-17-2007, 08:14 PM
You are not always this pitiful, gunny. Wuzzup? You constipated?

Horseshit. You mean thank God for this particular Congress fulfilling your desire to continue witch hunting. The President cna hire/fire these attorneys just because he wants to. All of a sudden it's a big deal because Bush does it?

GMAFB. Nothing says partisan bullshit any clearer.

Git yourself a good shit and come back with guns a blazing!!!!!! I doubt it.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-18-2007, 02:14 AM
GMAFB. Nothing says partisan bullshit any clearer.

A George Bush speech does... Let's try this one... (http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/09/15/bush.transcript/)

Four years after the frightening experience of September 11th, Americans have every right to expect a more effective response in a time of emergency. When the federal government fails to meet such an obligation, I as president am responsible for the problem, and for the solution.

Yep. That surpasses anything this Congress could be blamed for. Digging into the slimey partisan character of this administration requires a steel constitution. The 109th DO NOTHING Congress didn't have it. The 110th Congress does.

See ya on the other side!

04-19-2007, 09:56 PM
The pukes would rather forget about the pitiful and nonetheless powerful 109th, BVE. They never anticipated the 110th as is usual with morons that can't extrapolate.

A George Bush speech does... Let's try this one... (http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/09/15/bush.transcript/)

Yep. That surpasses anything this Congress could be blamed for. Digging into the slimey partisan character of this administration requires a steel constitution. The 109th DO NOTHING Congress didn't have it. The 110th Congress does.

See ya on the other side!

04-20-2007, 02:43 AM
The 110th beats the 109th ten days till Sunday, BVE.

Thank God for a Congress that takes it's oversight responsibilities seriously.

I have always been taught that what goes around comes around. I don't think I have ever heard as much crying, squealing and begging as is now coming out of the mouths and consciences of the pukes as was demonstrated in the Senate today.

These slimey bastards cannot think on their own, BVE. They depend on the Rush Limpdicks, Mann Coulter's and FoxNoise channels to determine their every word and opinion. Check it out.

We now have an albeit weak majority in the congress but at least they are showing some cajones'. I would suggest the country, the United States Of America, desires a more forceful rebuke of the idiocies as so far presented by the pResident, the irresponsible congress that he has mislead, and the Justice Department that appointed him but is now in serious disrepute.

So much for early Friday morning.