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View Full Version : Obama To Tax Seniors Medical Equipment To Try To Pay For Obamacare

red states rule
10-02-2009, 10:34 PM
So much for Obama's promise not to raise taxes on people making less then $250,000/yr

Gotta love that hope and change folks

Many Medical Devices Still Taxed Under Baucus Health Bill

A provision in the Democrats' proposal to partially fund health care reform would tax medical devices and replacement parts like pacemakers, hearing aids and porcelain teeth, worrying critics who say the higher costs will be passed on to consumers.
By Maxim Lott


Friday, October 02, 2009

Tucked into the Democrats' proposal to partially fund health care reform is a provision to tax medical appliances -- including some manufactured replacement parts for your body.

Under pressure, the Senate recently exempted medical items that cost under $100 -- such as tampons and condoms. But the tax, expected to raise about $40 billion over the next decade, is still in the bill and includes items like:

Hip joint replacements
Gastrointestinal tubes
Artificial hearts
Hearing aids
Porcelain teeth
Heart defibrillators
Prosthetic heart valve rotators
Powered wheelchairs
Groups like the Medical Device Manufacturer's Association said that the tax would hurt them, as well as those who need medical devices.

"Virtually all medical device providers would be affected," Thomas Novelli, the director of federal affairs at the Medical Device Manufacturer's Association, told FOXNews.com. "Ultimately, the costs associated with this tax are going to be passed on to consumers [because] producers will have to raise prices on their products."

Dr. Jennifer Mellor, the director of the Schroeder Center for Healthcare Policy at the College of William and Mary, agreed that part of the tax would be passed on to consumers. But she said that it was probably in the bill because universal health care is expected to help medical device makers by making all Americans buy insurance.

"When people have insurance, they use more medical care. It could be that [legislators] say that if you're going to provide a whole new set of customers, and these [medical device] firms are going to get some benefit from that, it might make sense that they also share in the burden of paying for these new benefits."

Novelli said that many of the items being taxed were used almost exclusively by the elderly, who are all already covered under Medicare.

"If you look at the devices that are primarily going to be targeted, like pacemakers, etc., they are already covered under Medicare. So that argument doesn't hold water."

The measure is facing significant bipartisan opposition in Congress, and members of both parties have pushed back against the measure drafted by Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., wrote in a letter to Baucus that the tax "will seriously threaten thousands of American jobs and deter innovation." There are "many other ways to save money in health care," he said.

While some external devices, including prosthetic limbs, will not be affected by the tax, internal devices like cochlear implants to aid hearing will be hit.


red states rule
10-03-2009, 06:39 AM
Where is Sir James, Joe Steel, Gabby, and the other Obama drones? Is anyone going to try and defend or spin these tax increases?

10-03-2009, 07:03 AM
Where is Sir James, Joe Steel, Gabby, and the other Obama drones? Is anyone going to try and defend or spin these tax increases?

What's to defend?? Hell they are smart enough to know that he will Tax everything, well most are smart enough anyway, LOL, Obama will have taxed everything he possible can before he leaves office he has no choice at this point, unless of course someone that made 2k just yesterday, and is looking for a Government hand out , stop looking for handouts and start paying there way, if all those yahoos would do that it would help, but won't fix what Obama has screwed up

Imagine a man begging for a hand out, then bragging he made 2 k in a day, LOL W#hat a wonderful world we live in

red states rule
10-03-2009, 07:19 AM
What's to defend?? Hell they are smart enough to know that he will Tax everything, well most are smart enough anyway, LOL, Obama will have taxed everything he possible can before he leaves office he has no choice at this point, unless of course someone that made 2k just yesterday, and is looking for a Government hand out , stop looking for handouts and start paying there way, if all those yahoos would do that it would help, but won't fix what Obama has screwed up

Imagine a man begging for a hand out, then bragging he made 2 k in a day, LOL W#hat a wonderful world we live in

That is what liberals want Jeff. More taxes, and more government control. Libs do not gve a damn about seniors, or improving the quality of healthcare

When they see people, they see a piggy bank they break open and take what they want

10-03-2009, 08:58 AM
A provision in the Democrats' proposal to partially fund health care reform would tax medical devices and replacement parts like pacemakers, hearing aids and porcelain teeth, worrying critics who say the higher costs will be passed on to consumers.
The is no such provision in the President's plan.

red states rule
10-03-2009, 09:12 AM
The is no such provision in the President's plan.

President's plan? Does Obama have a health plan?

These tax increases are in Baucus's Health Bill however. That is a fact

10-03-2009, 09:18 AM
Sorry bout that,

What's to defend?? Hell they are smart enough to know that he will Tax everything, well most are smart enough anyway, LOL, Obama will have taxed everything he possible can before he leaves office he has no choice at this point, unless of course someone that made 2k just yesterday, and is looking for a Government hand out , stop looking for handouts and start paying there way, if all those yahoos would do that it would help, but won't fix what Obama has screwed up

Imagine a man begging for a hand out, then bragging he made 2 k in a day, LOL W#hat a wonderful world we live in

1. They over charge for these parts, so they can afford the tax, some of these parts cost over 100k, sure make em pay tax on it, I think they should, after rapping the patient.
2. Now on to Jeffrocrapheads remarks.
3. Hey crappy, here you go,..*LOL*,..I know just how much you need these,..hehehehe,......
4. Healthcare is in a mess, its highway robbery, you get sick, you lose everything just to stay alive.
5. Its your monry or your life, you choose!
6. Some people just cant see this reality, thats why Im here.
7. Sure some days I make lots of geeddus, and like Ive said, insurance companies wont write me, so how can I buy it?
8. I know crappy cant understand this, so lets just skip to the cookie,...*LOL*:laugh2:, for that matter, (there it is, the release) most posters here cant understand this simple fact.
9. Jeffrocraphead likes to say, *LOL* all the time.
10. Death and Taxes are in America now combined with Insurance Robbery, so what we now have is, the only three things for sure are, Death, Taxes and Insurance Robbery.

red states rule
10-03-2009, 09:22 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. They over charge for these parts, so they can afford the tax, some of these parts cost over 100k, sure make em pay tax on it, I think they should, after rapping the patient.
2. Now on to Jeffrocrapheads remarks.
3. Hey crappy, here you go,..*LOL*,..I know just how much you need these,..hehehehe,......
4. Healthcare is in a mess, its highway robbery, you get sick, you lose everything just to stay alive.
5. Its your monry or your life, you choose!
6. Some people just cant see this reality, thats why Im here.
7. Sure some days I make lots of geeddus, and like Ive said, insurance companies wont write me, so how can I buy it?
8. I know crappy cant understand this, so lets just skip to the cookie,...*LOL*:laugh2:, for that matter, (there it is, the release) most posters here cant understand this simple fact.
9. Jeffrocraphead likes to say, *LOL* all the time.
10. Death and Taxes are in America now combined with Insurance Robbery, so what we now have is, the only three things for sure are, Death, Taxes and Insurance Robbery.

James, allow me to educate you in basic Economics 101. Companies and corporations do NOT pay taxes. WE pay the taxes

Costs of doing business are passed onto the customer. So the seniors will pay the tax, thus breaking yet another promise made by Obama

No charge for the lesson since I am a nice guy.

10-03-2009, 12:39 PM
Sorry bout that,

James, allow me to educate you in basic Economics 101. Companies and corporations do NOT pay taxes. WE pay the taxes

Costs of doing business are passed onto the customer. So the seniors will pay the tax, thus breaking yet another promise made by Obama

No charge for the lesson since I am a nice guy.

1. Yes you are a nice guy, and I apreciate that.
2. I do think the govenment can figure out a way to tax those who profit on these internal parts.
3, Sure we do, everyone who has money pays taxes on it, some way some how.
4. What makes you think big corps dont pay tax?
5. I think thats rather silly thinking they dont.
6. Oh shoot, heres a LOL for old *crappy*, he eats those up.


red states rule
10-03-2009, 02:21 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes you are a nice guy, and I apreciate that.
2. I do think the govenment can figure out a way to tax those who profit on these internal parts.
3, Sure we do, everyone who has money pays taxes on it, some way some how.
4. What makes you think big corps dont pay tax?
5. I think thats rather silly thinking they dont.
6. Oh shoot, heres a LOL for old *crappy*, he eats those up.


James, how hard is it for you to understand comapnies do NOT - and never will - pay those taxes, WE the people will pay them. Seniors wil pay them all so Obama and hijack the healthcare system

And all so James in Texas can get his "free" healthcare. So I guess as long as you get your piece of the Obama pie - if seniors have to fork over more of their money that is fine with you

As government increases the cost of doing business Jmes the companies will either raies their prices, layoff employees, or move out of the country

The US already has the SECOND HIGHEST corporate tax rate in thw world - why the hell do you think major companies are leaving the US?

Libs have always seen business as a big piggy bank they could stick their hands in and take what they wanted

10-03-2009, 02:35 PM
So much for Obama's promise not to raise taxes on people making less then $250,000/yr

Gotta love that hope and change folks

Many Medical Devices Still Taxed Under Baucus Health Bill

A provision in the Democrats' proposal to partially fund health care reform would tax medical devices and replacement parts like pacemakers, hearing aids and porcelain teeth, worrying critics who say the higher costs will be passed on to consumers.


And don't forget that the cost of Medicare Part B will increase each of the next two years, (as it does EVERY year) and with that increase, this government has already stated that there will be NO COST OF LIVING raise in Social Security to help offset the increased Medicare cost....

Obamacare = Screw Senior Citizens

10-03-2009, 02:37 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So what do you suggest we do to fix healthcare?


10-03-2009, 02:52 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So what do you suggest we do to fix healthcare?


There have been several proposals that would lower the costs of health insurance, including interstate health insurance and tort reform. Obama and the rest of the dems aren't really interested in lowering costs as they claim. They want to shift 6% of our economy from private hands to government control, and in the EXACT same manner that they've raided Social Security monies to save the San Franciscan marsh mouse, they will divert that money towards other bullshit social programs instead of using it to provide healthcare.

Government run Medicare is plagued with $60 billion annually in fraud and waste, yet we're supposed to believe that if we let them take control of the rest of healthcare that they can do a better job and controlling fraud and waste. Anyone who believes that pile of bullshit is too stupid to leave alive.

10-03-2009, 02:58 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So what do you suggest we do to fix health care?


How about start with the basics???? How about fix the Va's, Medicare and Medicaid???? Three things that the gov. already runs and are in a terrible mess??????

Close the VA's, they are a drain on the gov. and the people could be sent to any number of local hospitals and receive the same exact care. This would save the gov. billions.

Look into Medicaid, stop up all the loop holes and get the lazy people working the system off the gov. dole. Millions saved.

Increase the reimbursement rate for Medicare so the hospitals don't have to charge everyone else more. Take my word for it. If Medicare reimbursed fairly the hospital costs for everyone else would go down.

Three easy fixes on programs the gov. already manages to screw up.

red states rule
10-03-2009, 03:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So what do you suggest we do to fix healthcare?


BP failed to address the 31 Republican ideas - all of which were rejected by the Dems. These ideas are a great place to start

I like the one where health ins companies can sell across state lines, amkeing what you pay for ins tax deductable, and "loser pays" tort reform are at the top of my list


10-03-2009, 06:31 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So what do you suggest we do to fix healthcare?


Whats screwing with the SS cost of living raises have to do with healthcare...?
Because of inflation, I expect Medicare cost to increase...

I also expect SS benifits to increase at least as much as the fuckin' Congresses pay raises and their retirement checks.....

My 90 year old mother ain't about to get a job....

10-03-2009, 10:59 PM
The is no such provision in the President's plan.

Actually dumb ass the provision is to tax the company that manufactures the devices. I work in the orthopedic capital of the world and as such when these new taxes are levied against the big ortho companies of Zimmer, Biomet, Dupuy, and any number of subsidiaries and support companies, they will LEAVE the US for other countries with a BETTER tax rate and cheaper labor. Right now all the major players in orthopedics are looking at the EU for tax breaks if they hire local people. Zimmer now has a plant in Dublin Ireland to SAVE MONEY...

Sad really when you think about it that US companies have to go to the EU for CHEAPER labor and taxes..... Pathetic

You are partly right there are no taxes on the recipient but who the hell do you think is going to pay for those increased taxes??? The company??? the patient??? Tell us oh intelligent one!!!! Freaking tard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red states rule
10-05-2009, 07:17 AM
Looks like those who want Obamcare can't justify having seniors help foot the bill

Of course if their medical equipment becomes to expensive, they will do without. That would be the first step in reducing the cost of Obamacare - rationed, or no care for the sick