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View Full Version : Now even the Mormon College Students are PISSED AT BUSH

04-16-2007, 12:41 AM
You just can’t beat an education!!!!!!

“Students at Brigham Young University protesting an invitation to Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement on April 26. ...

Some of the faculty and the 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students, who are overwhelmingly Republican, have expressed concern about the Bush administration's support for the war in Iraq and other policies, but most of the current protest has focused on Mr. Cheney's integrity, character and behavior. Several students said, for example, that they were appalled at Mr. Cheney's use of an expletive on the Senate floor in a June 2004 exchange with Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont.

"The problem is this is a morally dubious man," said Andrew Christensen, a 22-year-old Republican from Salt Lake City. "It's challenging the morality and integrity of this institution." ...

In the two weeks since the university announced that Mr. Cheney would be the speaker at the commencement on April 26, hundreds of students have attended respectful and quiet campus demonstrations about his presence, and some 3,600 students and alumni had signed petitions by Tuesday afternoon seeking a "more appropriate" replacement speaker.”

More: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/11/us/11byu.html?_r=1&ref=us&oref=slogin

It will get more serious as time goes along.

04-16-2007, 01:05 AM
:rolleyes: lame

04-16-2007, 02:27 AM
What happened? Did you stump a toe?

:rolleyes: lame

You are lame, staphy, and anything except smart. You prove it nightly.

04-16-2007, 02:30 AM
What happened? Did you stump a toe?

You are lame, staphy, and anything except smart. You prove it nightly.

Yeah....I STUMPED my toe.....:laugh2: :laugh2:
What was that again you were saying???

04-16-2007, 02:54 AM
This is not for you staphy, so don't pretend that it is.

Yeah....I STUMPED my toe.....:laugh2: :laugh2:
What was that again you were saying???

This is only to remind the readers as to how disconnected and ignorant some readers and subsequent responders behave while intelligent questions go completely unanswered. "Lame" is not an intelligent response.

04-16-2007, 03:02 AM
This is not for you staphy, so don't pretend that it is.

This is only to remind the readers as to how disconnected and ignorant some readers and subsequent responders behave while intelligent questions go completely unanswered. "Lame" is not an intelligent response.

Oh...but don't us ingernert an dicennected peeple gt tu repli alsu..
Ou yu seying wes suldn't bees abli tooo speek,Wees suld jet shots up..??
Whut thi hey.......Is meght bees ignernert.....Bets lst I herd...Wees stil hed fremdum ov spech??
:laugh2: :poke:

04-16-2007, 03:13 AM
You prove my point, staphy.

Oh...but don't us ingernert an dicennected peeple gt tu repli alsu..
Ou yu seying wes suldn't bees abli tooo speek,Wees suld jet shots up..??
Whut thi hey.......Is meght bees ignernert.....Bets lst I herd...Wees stil hed fremdum ov spech??
:laugh2: :poke:

Please stop trying to flirt with me. I have told you and emphasized to you that I am a married man of over 30 years, I love my wife and I have no intention or inclination of putting that marriage in any state of ill repute as you suggest. Seriously, staphy, get another drift, cloud or whatever you call your fantasies.

04-16-2007, 03:17 AM
You prove my point, staphy.

Please stop trying to flirt with me. I have told you and emphasized to you that I am a married man of over 30 years, I love my wife and I have no intention or inclination of putting that marriage in any state of ill repute as you suggest. Seriously, staphy, get another drift, cloud or whatever you call your fantasies.


04-16-2007, 03:33 AM
Stupid is as stupid does.


No doubt about it.

04-16-2007, 03:34 AM
Stupid is as stupid does.

No doubt about it.


04-16-2007, 03:43 AM
You are so silly.



04-16-2007, 03:59 AM
You are so silly.

What happened? Did you stump a toe?

Originally Posted by stephanie

You are lame, staphy, and anything except smart. You prove it nightly.

This is not for you staphy, so don't pretend that it is.

This is only to remind the readers as to how disconnected and ignorant some readers and subsequent responders behave while intelligent questions go completely unanswered. "Lame" is not an intelligent response.

I thought the thread was lame... and didn't expect all the rest..But it's not the first time Psycho has done this.....and it wont be the last..
But, you don't have to sit here and just take it..
I've taken this from Psycho for four yrs..
Don't let him run over you all..Or he will..
He post repeated post, just named a different way, just to get a rise from people..
Then when you might say......It's lame....
He goes on the attact...
Play his game if you wish!!!!

:laugh2: :poke: :laugh2:

04-16-2007, 06:18 AM
Yeah, less then a hundred people or so isnt really much of a protest when the school consists of tens of thousands of students. Its basically the extent of the Democrat club and that's it.

04-16-2007, 07:28 AM
3600 out of 28000+, some of which are ALUMNI?


Some protest. Putz.

04-16-2007, 07:40 AM
What happened? Did you stump a toe?

You are lame, staphy, and anything except smart. You prove it nightly.

Really? That coming from someone who posts a protest of a visit by Cheney to say students are pissed at Bush.:slap:

04-16-2007, 07:47 AM
3600 out of 28000+, some of which are ALUMNI?


Some protest. Putz.

Most of which are Alumni. And i sincerely question whether there are people who never went to school on the petition considering it was floating around online. You could put anyones name on those online petitions

Baron Von Esslingen
04-16-2007, 12:47 PM
You just can’t beat an education!!!!!!

“Students at Brigham Young University protesting an invitation to Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement on April 26. ...

Some of the faculty and the 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students, who are overwhelmingly Republican, have expressed concern about the Bush administration's support for the war in Iraq and other policies, but most of the current protest has focused on Mr. Cheney's integrity, character and behavior. Several students said, for example, that they were appalled at Mr. Cheney's use of an expletive on the Senate floor in a June 2004 exchange with Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont.

"The problem is this is a morally dubious man," said Andrew Christensen, a 22-year-old Republican from Salt Lake City. "It's challenging the morality and integrity of this institution." ...

In the two weeks since the university announced that Mr. Cheney would be the speaker at the commencement on April 26, hundreds of students have attended respectful and quiet campus demonstrations about his presence, and some 3,600 students and alumni had signed petitions by Tuesday afternoon seeking a "more appropriate" replacement speaker.”

More: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/11/us/11byu.html?_r=1&ref=us&oref=slogin

It will get more serious as time goes along.

Cheney is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with the neocons and for the Social Darwinism that they advance. At least some of the mormons take their religious training seriously.

04-16-2007, 12:53 PM
Cheney is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with the neocons and for the Social Darwinism that they advance. At least some of the mormons take their religious training seriously.

I can guarentee you its the leaders who invited Cheney to speak there who are taking their training seriously and not the self righteous democrats protesting.

04-16-2007, 12:55 PM
Cheney is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with the neocons and for the Social Darwinism that they advance. At least some of the mormons take their religious training seriously.

More like Cheney's the whipping boy for anything you lefties think you can sling at him to see if it'll stick.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-16-2007, 01:02 PM
More like Cheney's the whipping boy for anything you lefties think you can sling at him to see if it'll stick.

Another Defender of the Faith... thought you said you weren't a neocon?

04-16-2007, 01:04 PM
Another Defender of the Faith... thought you said you weren't a neocon?

Considering you think anyone who disagrees with you is a "neocon" how is anyone not a neocon in your book?

04-16-2007, 01:13 PM
Another Defender of the Faith... thought you said you weren't a neocon?

I'm not. What's that got to do with calling "bullshit" when tath's what you're spewing?

04-16-2007, 01:16 PM
Considering you think anyone who disagrees with you is a "neocon" how is anyone not a neocon in your book?

You have to understand the Baron's mindset .... you're either with him, or a frothing at the mouth right wing extremist and Bush disciple. If there's a bullshit, left-wing extremist accusation out there, rest assured teh good Baron has either parrotted it, or he will.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-17-2007, 02:16 AM
You have to understand the Baron's mindset .... you're either with him, or a frothing at the mouth right wing extremist and Bush disciple. If there's a bullshit, left-wing extremist accusation out there, rest assured teh good Baron has either parrotted it, or he will.

How little you know is demonstrated daily and in public. 'Tis sad really.

If there's a bullshit, rightwing extremist position out there, rest assured Gunny has run it up the flag pole and saluted it 100 times before the rest of us have crawled out of bed.

Ya gotta be a real bad egg for Mormons to run counter to the majority of their fellow Utahns. I'd give them a :2up: for taking a stand in the first place.

04-17-2007, 02:25 AM
How little you know is demonstrated daily and in public. 'Tis sad really.

If there's a bullshit, rightwing extremist position out there, rest assured Gunny has run it up the flag pole and saluted it 100 times before the rest of us have crawled out of bed.

Ya gotta be a real bad egg for Mormons to run counter to the majority of their fellow Utahns. I'd give them a :2up: for taking a stand in the first place.

You obviously have no clue what people are like in Utah.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-17-2007, 03:05 AM
And you have no clue about me and where I have lived and whether I even know any Mromons, do you?

04-17-2007, 03:18 AM
And you have no clue about me and where I have lived and whether I even know any Mormons, do you?

Baron, you seem to think that intelligent people can't watch what you say and how you react to people and have any clue about you. If you lived in Utah, you would understand how Utah Democrats are. The fact that you find this as unique, tell me you don't.

One thing i can guarentee, unlike Democrats at other schools, the students at BYU will not be assaulting the Vice President or anyone else because of political differences.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-17-2007, 01:58 PM
Baron, you seem to think that intelligent people can't watch what you say and how you react to people and have any clue about you.

I've heard the same thing said about you. I would comment further but it would be pointless.

If you lived in Utah, you would understand how Utah Democrats are. The fact that you find this as unique, tell me you don't.

In fact, pal, I have lived there and I know exactly what Utah Democrats are like and that's why I said what I said.

One thing i can guarentee, unlike Democrats at other schools, the students at BYU will not be assaulting the Vice President or anyone else because of political differences.

Given the mousy nature of UD expressed previously, I'm surprised they said anything at all. And that was my original point.

Abbey Marie
04-17-2007, 03:08 PM
Really? That coming from someone who posts a protest of a visit by Cheney to say students are pissed at Bush.:slap:

Thanks, you saved me the trouble of pointing out that little oh-so-pertinent fact.

04-17-2007, 03:16 PM
I can't imagine any college students wanting their graduation day clouded over by having Darth Satan Cheney speak at the ceremony.

I hope they are able to get a human being instead.

04-17-2007, 03:19 PM
How little you know is demonstrated daily and in public. 'Tis sad really.

If there's a bullshit, rightwing extremist position out there, rest assured Gunny has run it up the flag pole and saluted it 100 times before the rest of us have crawled out of bed.

Ya gotta be a real bad egg for Mormons to run counter to the majority of their fellow Utahns. I'd give them a :2up: for taking a stand in the first place.

As I said .....

04-17-2007, 03:20 PM
I can't imagine any college students wanting their graduation day clouded over by having Darth Satan Cheney speak at the ceremony.

I hope they are able to get a human being instead.

But then, I am sure you can't imagine being a normal-thinking human being either, can you?

04-17-2007, 08:35 PM
Can you absolve with the personal insults and get on with the subject at hand, gunny?

But then, I am sure you can't imagine being a normal-thinking human being either, can you?

I doubt it, but give it your best shot, OK?

04-17-2007, 08:38 PM
:lol: Now that is funny..:laugh2:

04-17-2007, 11:23 PM
What's "funny"?

:lol: Now that is funny..:laugh2:

Are you just talking shit or shit talking?

04-17-2007, 11:25 PM
Can you absolve with the personal insults and get on with the subject at hand, gunny?

I doubt it, but give it your best shot, OK?

I replied to a personal insult with a personal insult. Simple equation.

04-17-2007, 11:33 PM
Not exactly, gunny. You insulted first.

I replied to a personal insult with a personal insult. Simple equation.

You are such a panty waist.

04-17-2007, 11:36 PM
Not exactly, gunny. You insulted first.

You are such a panty waist.

Try again and read slower. The post I replied to was a personal insult.

04-17-2007, 11:44 PM
Try again and read slower. The post I replied to was a personal insult.

Manu says you should grow up and not insult people.

I just think you should grow up Gunny.

Did I type slow enough for you to follow that?

04-17-2007, 11:45 PM
Nope, I've read it, re-read it and read it all again. You choose to be the aggressor in this conversation so go on and aggress.

Try again and read slower. The post I replied to was a personal insult.

You make yourself look rather silly and there is not much I can add to make you look much more silly that you actually are.

Carry on, gunny. You are about as much entertainment as a hemmoroid.

04-17-2007, 11:46 PM
I replied to a personal insult with a personal insult. Simple equation.

Circa Israel/Palestine: It is ALWAYS the other guy starting it.

You are NEVER actually responsible for what you do because he started it.

This is five year old stuff.

04-17-2007, 11:50 PM
Circa Israel/Palestine: It is ALWAYS the other guy starting it.

You are NEVER actually responsible for what you do because he started it.

This is five year old stuff.

You got THAT right.:laugh2:

04-17-2007, 11:57 PM
But then, I am sure you can't imagine being a normal-thinking human being either, can you?

Being a "normal thinking human" is placing the bar on the floor don't you think?

I mean seriously is normal a standard you strive for?

Normal people sell their lives for pieces of paper, are generally eager to become slaves, are easily conned into wars that serve the elite, spend centuries trying to overthrow feudalism, are usually illiterate, earn a tiny fraction of what the top ten earn but still advocate the values that keep them poor, score in IQ tests a score that would be a failing grade in high school, can't find Afghanistan on a map, think GWB was a good choice for president.

I spose striving for normal is most of why our jobs are being shipped overseas, our manufacturing is dying, we rank far below other industrialized nations in terms of health care quality received, we suck in educational comparisons, we have a complete idiot for a pres who can't learn to say "nukular" even tho he carries the nuclear football.

Americans were once super achievers willing to settle for no less than being the best in the world. Now we just wanna be normal.

04-17-2007, 11:58 PM
You got THAT right.:laugh2:

Kewl, you finally own up to being wrong. By kindergarden standards.

04-18-2007, 12:01 AM
Kewl, you finally own up to being wrong. By kindergarden standards.

As usual, you can't get even the simple shit. I was just thinking how well you resemble your own remark.

04-18-2007, 12:04 AM
gunny is so wrong on so many different levels that even "kindergarden standards" are beyond his grasps.

Kewl, you finally own up to being wrong. By kindergarden standards.

And, he is obviously grasping.

Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 12:11 AM
we rank far below other industrialized nations in terms of health care quality received,

A lot of blanket statements in that post with nothing to back them up, aside from the apparent rant of a frothing at the mouth liberal.

Please provide a link or some sort of proof as to America ranking "far below" in it's health care.

Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 12:11 AM
gunny is so wrong on so many diferent levels that even "kindergarden standards" are beyond his grasps.

And, he is obviously grasping.

Then why don't "I" think he's wrong?

04-18-2007, 12:16 AM
Because you ain't about nothing but your own self, pr. HE makes you feel good.

Then why don't "I" think he's wrong?

Like OCA, you pukes are such in the closet queers. It's all about "balls in your face" with you jerks. Sad, but TRUE.

04-18-2007, 12:21 AM
I was just thinking how well I resemble your last remark.

as were we all

04-18-2007, 12:23 AM
A lot of blanket statements in that post with nothing to back them up, aside from the apparent rant of a frothing at the mouth liberal.

Please provide a link or some sort of proof as to America ranking "far below" in it's health care.

This is pretty easy stuff to do when I have some time.

So what do i win for enlightening you with real information?

Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 12:28 AM
Because you ain't about nothing but your own self, pr. HE makes you feel good.

Like OCA, you pukes are such in the closet queers. It's all about "balls in your face" with you jerks. Sad, but TRUE.

Still got a potty mouth aye you little piss bag? Thing is now, I'm not a mod, and I can give you a piece of my mind, since YOU started this sass.

You're a cock sucking little slack jawed prick. You got your education listening to men while they fucked your mama laying in the gutter. You could walk under a snake and you'd have to reach up to scratch it's belly you filthy rat bastard liberal fuck.

You ain't go nothin' here anybody can't handle BOY! Shut the fuck up and go sit in the corner. ADULTS are having a discussion.

You're dismissed.

Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 12:31 AM
This is pretty easy stuff to do when I have some time.

So what do i win for enlightening you with real information?

Nothing. Proving it is why you're here. Just do it and quit stalling.

04-18-2007, 12:35 AM
You are sucha genious, pr.

Still got a potty mouth aye you little piss bag? Thing is now, I'm not a mod, and I can give you a piece of my mind, since YOU started this sass.

You're cock sucking little slack jawed prick. You got your education listening to men while they fucked you mama laying in the gutter. You could walk under a snake and you'd have to reach up to scratch it's belly you filthy rat bastard liberal fuck.

You ain't go nothin' here anybody can't handle BOY! Shut the fuck and go sit in the corner. ADULTS are having a discussion.

You're dismissed ya mouth breathing cum gurgler.

Is that snot on your nose or just that jism I just sprayed in your face? Keep on the Sunny Side, pr, and keep your nose and mouth out of otherwise contemplations that are above your education.

04-18-2007, 06:30 AM
gunny is so wrong on so many different levels that even "kindergarden standards" are beyond his grasps.

And, he is obviously grasping.

Let me get out the big fat crayons and Indian Chief tablet since that's about where you'r at here:

Originally Posted by
I can't imagine any college students wanting their graduation day clouded over by having Darth Satan Cheney speak at the ceremony.

I hope they are able to get a human being instead.

That would be called a persona insult by anoyone's standards. My response was to that statement.

As I said, simple equation. Try not to hurt yourself over it.

04-18-2007, 06:31 AM
as were we all


04-18-2007, 06:32 AM
This is pretty easy stuff to do when I have some time.

So what do i win for enlightening you with real information?


Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 12:11 PM
You are sucha genious, pr.

Is that snot on your nose or just that jism I just sprayed in your face? Keep on the Sunny Side, pr, and keep your nose and mouth out of otherwise contemplations that are above your education.

You come off to me like a moron, which I know for you is the norm, and I'll treat you as such.

Talk normal to me, and I'll talk normal to you.

Choice is your's shit bag.

04-18-2007, 08:07 PM
Nothing. Proving it is why you're here. Just do it and quit stalling.

No Pale I am not here to prove anything to you.

Thanks for the ding, and maybe do some googling yourself.

Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 09:19 PM
No Pale I am not here to prove anything to you.

Thanks for the ding, and maybe do some googling yourself.

Then all you're saying is just opinion, of which you're fully entitled to. Just don't try to pass it off as fact.

I google plenty, and you're welcome for the ding. You earned it.

04-18-2007, 09:20 PM
Then all you're saying is just opinion, of which you're fully entitled to. Just don't try to pass it off as fact.

I google plenty, and you're welcome for the ding. You earned it.

Wow.. You got thanked for it? I got called a whole host of names back when I dinged him..

Pale Rider
04-18-2007, 09:33 PM
Wow.. You got thanked for it? I got called a whole host of names back when I dinged him..

Well I've been gone for a month or so. He doesn't know that I've been with Jimmy and this crowd for going on four years... or maybe he does.

Maybe he was mean to you because you're a girl, and he's not sceeerd of you... :laugh2: (He should be.......... he.. should.. be. mmmwwwaaaaa hahahaha.)

04-19-2007, 10:03 PM
Oh yes. I know exactly who you are and what you represent, pr. I got picked on and I picked back. That isn't so unusual on this board, is it?

Well I've been gone for a month or so. He doesn't know that I've been with Jimmy and this crowd for going on four years... or maybe he does.

Maybe he was mean to you because you're a girl, and he's not sceeerd of you... :laugh2: (He should be.......... he.. should.. be. mmmwwwaaaaa hahahaha.)

I'm glad to see you finally got your rank correct. A five down and one up is nonexistent in the United States Air Force. So, with proper extrapolation, you really ain't real either. You are finished as you describe in your handle.

04-20-2007, 03:37 AM
I dunno? Maybe you are just stupid? Maybe you simply buy in to the bullshit of rightwing partisans.

Then why don't "I" think he's wrong?

Maybe you just hate anything or anyone that challenges your more comfortable acceptance of status quo?

I really don't know and can't figure out why you, "I" , don't think he is as wrong as mold in the latrine? Help me figure all this out, OK???????

04-20-2007, 08:16 AM
I'm glad to see you finally got your rank correct. A five down and one up is nonexistent in the United States Air Force. So, with proper extrapolation, you really ain't real either. You are finished as you describe in your handle.


The rank Pale displays is Master Sergeant, E7, USAF. Maybe they're right about you Psycho, and maybe you are the pretender here. Lord knows you screwed the pooch on military matters more times than I can count.

Pale Rider
04-20-2007, 12:35 PM

The rank Pale displays is Master Sergeant, E7, USAF. Maybe they're right about you Psycho, and maybe you are the pretender here. Lord knows you screwed the pooch on military matters more times than I can count.

You are correct C-SOB. That is the "present" NCO insignia for Air Force Master Sergeant, of which was my rank when I separate after eight years. But, when I separated in 1987, Master Sergeant insignia had all six stripes down. So I was trying to keep with the times and use the present M,Sergeant stripes for my avatar. It appears psycho wasn't smart enough to check that out as you and I did.

Thanks C-SOB.

Abbey Marie
04-20-2007, 01:53 PM
You are correct C-SOB. That is the "present" NCO insignia for Air Force Master Sergeant, of which was my rank when I separate after eight years. But, when I separated in 1987, Master Sergeant insignia had all six stripes down. So I was trying to keep with the times and use the present M,Sergeant stripes for my avatar. It appears psycho wasn't smart enough to check that out as you and I did.

Thanks C-SOB.

Seems to me that a certain someone owes a certain someone an apology.

Baron Von Esslingen
04-21-2007, 03:22 AM
It appears that an alternative commencement program is being planned for BYU's graduation and the speaker will be Ralph Nader. Wonder if Cheney is speaking at any other schools this year? Ha. ha. Those crazy Mormons!

Brigham Young University students organizing an alternative commencement ceremony to protest an appearance by Vice President Dick Cheney at the school's formal commencement have confirmed consumer advocate Ralph Nader as a speaker and plan a fundraiser to help pay for Nader's visit.
However, they still were looking for a venue Tuesday after Provo City School District said they cannot rent Dixon Middle School as they originally had planned.
"We're not renting our facilities because it's disruptive to our learning environment," said Greg Hudnall, district director of student services. "We have after-school programs and ballgames nearly every night in our schools."
Eric Bybee, a member of Brigham Young Students for Alternative Commencement, was not pleased by the news, especially because he had confirmed the location only hours before.
"We're being blacklisted from Provo schools," he said.

04-22-2007, 10:04 PM
I give apologies based on receipt or potential receipt of same. I was not aware that the air force had changed their insignia. I am still not convinced that they have. I got out in 1991 and it was still a 6 down chevron. I stayed close for a few years and it was still a 6 down chevron. I can certainly understand why the top three would want 5 down and the rest up chevron.

Seems to me that a certain someone owes a certain someone an apology.

I advocated that in 1970.