View Full Version : Welcome back maineman

10-05-2009, 06:18 AM
I see MM is back on the board,.looks good to see ya back mm, try and behave yourself so I don't have to miss my buddy, lol, Well we all know that will only work for a little bit, LOL, anyway welcome back

red states rule
10-05-2009, 06:25 AM
I thought I would get at least a thank you PM from him by now since it was my plea for mercy to Jim that got his lifetime ban lifted

10-05-2009, 06:28 AM
I thought I would get at least a thank you PM from him by now since it was my plea for mercy to Jim that got his lifetime ban lifted

Damn if I ever go to death row I want you to write the letter to the Govenor for me, LOL

red states rule
10-05-2009, 06:30 AM
Damn if I ever go to death row I want you to write the letter to the Govenor for me, LOL

I can pour on the usual liberal talking points on your behalf to try and pull on the Gov's heart strings :laugh2:

But after what MM went thru on Fri with the unemployment rate going up and Obama Olympic failure - I knew MM was down in the dumps and needed to someplace to try and offer some lame defense of Obama

10-05-2009, 06:34 AM
I can pour on the usual liberal talking points on your behalf to try and pull on the Gov's heart strings :laugh2:

But after what MM went thru on Fri with the unemployment rate going up and Obama Olympic failure - I knew MM was down in the dumps and needed to someplace to try and offer some lame defense of Obama

Good thing we have you and president Jim Obama, LOL, or maineman would be on the outside looking in, LOL

red states rule
10-05-2009, 06:36 AM
Good thing we have you and president Jim Obama, LOL, or maineman would be on the outside looking in, LOL

I am not kidding myself. It is only a matter of time before MM will be banned again. I do not know if I can get him of the hook again, or if I would even want to :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 06:41 AM
I am not kidding myself. It is only a matter of time before MM will be banned again. I do not know if I can get him of the hook again, or if I would even want to :laugh2:

Maybe ya could represent Maineman and get a special banning for him, just give him time to sober up, LOL, kind of like Andy Taylor did with Otis, LMAO

Just a thought , but ya might want to run it by President Jim Obama :laugh2:

red states rule
10-05-2009, 06:44 AM
Maybe ya could represent Maineman and get a special banning for him, just give him time to sober up, LOL, kind of like Andy Taylor did with Otis, LMAO

Just a thought , but ya might want to run it by President Jim Obama :laugh2:

I am not going to risk my perfect won - loss record by defending MM again. I hope MM hangs around in time for the 2010 midterms, and then he has to spin why dems lost the House and maybe even the Senate

10-05-2009, 07:03 PM
well gosh... a welcome like that from two of the most two-faced guys I know.

I am "flattered"?

Oh...and red... I changed my avatar just for your benefit...so now you know that you really ARE denigrating the service and patriotism of a veteran.

I bet you cheered when Rio won the Olympics too!

10-05-2009, 07:08 PM
well gosh... a welcome like that from two of the most two-faced guys I know.

I am "flattered"?

Oh...and red... I changed my avatar just for your benefit...so now you know that you really ARE denigrating the service and patriotism of a veteran.

I bet you cheered when Rio won the Olympics too!

Damn I thought I was being nice welcoming you back and all, you ought to show a little appreciation :poke:

And by the way I thought it was Hilarious that your Monkey in charge his wife and oprah couldn't close the deal :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 07:13 PM
Damn I thought I was being nice welcoming you back and all, you ought to show a little appreciation :poke:

And by the way I thought it was Hilarious that your Monkey in charge his wife and oprah couldn't close the deal :laugh2:

I appreciate little that you do or say or threaten.

ANd I knew that you would put partisan gloating above patriotism.... you are red are cut from the same cloth.... odd that you are such a coarser weave than your upstanding brother.

10-05-2009, 07:17 PM
I appreciate little that you do or say or threaten.

ANd I knew that you would put partisan gloating above patriotism.... you are red are cut from the same cloth.... odd that you are such a coarser weave than your upstanding brother.

Hey Virgil Does Jim's ass taste good ? Just saying, you have to be the biggest ass kisser I have ever seen :laugh2:

And by the way why should of Obama got this done ? he Hasn't gotten anything else accomplished :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 07:19 PM
Hey Virgil Does Jim's ass taste good ? Just saying, you have to be the biggest ass kisser I have ever seen :laugh2:

And by the way why should of Obama got this done ? he Hasn't gotten anything else accomplished :laugh2:

It doesn't take asskissing to figure out the difference between class, and no class. If I had a brother like you, I'd disown him.

And, as I said....I figured that a partisan hack like you would put party ahead of country anyday.

10-05-2009, 07:22 PM
I'm going to save time, not too mention bans, by moving this to cage.

10-05-2009, 07:27 PM
It doesn't take asskissing to figure out the difference between class, and no class. If I had a brother like you, I'd disown him.

And, as I said....I figured that a partisan hack like you would put party ahead of country anyday.

Virgil you have shit on your lips you arent making any sense

What does the Olympics have to do with my party yours or anyone Else's, The man has a country going down the tubes quickly, soldiers dying and he is to busy trying to get the Olympics here to make a decision if he should send more troops, :poke: But him his ape looking wife and Queen ape go to bat for the Olympics, seems to me it is you putting party over country :poke:

Guess the Olympics was more important than the 8 soldiers that lost there lives this weekend

10-05-2009, 07:31 PM
Virgil you have shit on your lips you arent making any sense

What does the Olympics have to do with my party yours or anyone Else's, The man has a country going down the tubes quickly, soldiers dying and he is to busy trying to get the Olympics here to make a decision if he should send more troops, :poke: But him his ape looking wife and Queen ape go to bat for the Olympics, seems to me it is you putting party over country :poke:

Guess the Olympics was more important than the 8 soldiers that lost there lives this weekend

moronic comparison.

the president is reviewing our Afghan strategy in the wake of the Afghan elections. Wouldn't it have been fucking awesome if Dubya had reviewed our Iraq strategy after he found out they didn't have any fucking WMD's? I LIKE the idea that my president it making sure that Afghanistan does not become our new Vietnam....but you really don't CARE about such things... all you care about is damaging this presidency for partisan gains.

truly pathetic.... traitorous, nearly.

10-05-2009, 07:38 PM
moronic comparison.

the president is reviewing our Afghan strategy in the wake of the Afghan elections. Wouldn't it have been fucking awesome if Dubya had reviewed our Iraq strategy after he found out they didn't have any fucking WMD's? I LIKE the idea that my president it making sure that Afghanistan does not become our new Vietnam....but you really don't CARE about such things... all you care about is damaging this presidency for partisan gains.

truly pathetic.... traitorous, nearly.

If they didn't have WMD why the Gas masks and suits found in the Hospitals ?
Wouldn't it be nice if your Monkey in charge actually looked at the situation in Afgan. instead of running around with Oprah trying to get a sporting event, CIC should be a bit more serious than don't ya think ?

I posted a article in here a bit ago, says it may take Obama weeks before he makes his mind up what to do about troops , and he has no intention of with drawing, so what is there to question ? Mean while we are spread thin there and losing men, whats more important the Olympics or our soldiers dying ? Don't answer I know what YOUR answer will be

10-05-2009, 07:51 PM
If they didn't have WMD why the Gas masks and suits found in the Hospitals ?
Wouldn't it be nice if your Monkey in charge actually looked at the situation in Afgan. instead of running around with Oprah trying to get a sporting event, CIC should be a bit more serious than don't ya think ?

I posted a article in here a bit ago, says it may take Obama weeks before he makes his mind up what to do about troops , and he has no intention of with drawing, so what is there to question ? Mean while we are spread thin there and losing men, whats more important the Olympics or our soldiers dying ? Don't answer I know what YOUR answer will be

Guess he went to ask his wife what is more important, sad little fellow

10-05-2009, 08:07 PM
If they didn't have WMD why the Gas masks and suits found in the Hospitals ?
Wouldn't it be nice if your Monkey in charge actually looked at the situation in Afgan. instead of running around with Oprah trying to get a sporting event, CIC should be a bit more serious than don't ya think ?

I posted a article in here a bit ago, says it may take Obama weeks before he makes his mind up what to do about troops , and he has no intention of with drawing, so what is there to question ? Mean while we are spread thin there and losing men, whats more important the Olympics or our soldiers dying ? Don't answer I know what YOUR answer will be

Hold on there Jeff, Barry gave the General a whole 25 minutes, about the same amount of minutes in that narcissistic speech he gave to the Olympic committee.:laugh:

10-05-2009, 08:16 PM
Oh...and red... I changed my avatar just for your benefit...so now you know that you really ARE denigrating the service and patriotism of a veteran.

What is a picture of you and your boyfriend on Das Boot night at your local gay bar supposed to prove?

10-05-2009, 08:22 PM
What is a picture of you and your boyfriend on Das Boot night at your local gay bar supposed to prove?

I guess you would not recognize the UN Observation Post at El Khiam in southern lebanon,since your pussy ass has never been anywhere near that or any other spot where folks are shooting at you.

I'm not surprised. fag.

10-05-2009, 08:22 PM
well gosh... a welcome like that from two of the most two-faced guys I know.

I am "flattered"?

Oh...and red... I changed my avatar just for your benefit...so now you know that you really ARE denigrating the service and patriotism of a veteran.

I bet you cheered when Rio won the Olympics too!
You claim to be a patriot because you served under the UN? LOL

10-05-2009, 08:25 PM
I appreciate little that you do or say or threaten.

.... Playing the victim once again. What a pussy.

10-05-2009, 08:25 PM
Guess he went to ask his wife what is more important, sad little fellow

actually, I went to see how Favre did against the Pack.... but I'm back now.

I guess you MISSED Hans Blix telling us that Iraq didn't really HAVE any stockpiles of WMD's.... not surprising... I imagine the country music stations you listen to in your "big rig" don't really cover that sort of "news" stuff, do they, cowboy? yee haw

10-05-2009, 08:27 PM
Hans Blix, LOL

10-05-2009, 08:31 PM
actually, I went to see how Favre did against the Pack.... but I'm back now.

I guess you MISSED Hans Blix telling us that Iraq didn't really HAVE any stockpiles of WMD's.... not surprising... I imagine the country music stations you listen to in your "big rig" don't really cover that sort of "news" stuff, do they, cowboy? yee haw

Nope sure don't shit lips

So if they didn't find any then there isn't any, hmmm then I guess Bin laden doesn't exist either huh shit lips ?

Do you not recall a 6 month warning that Iraq got ? Could of destroyed or hid a ass of shit in 6 months, but you knew that already didn't ya shit lips ? I mean hell you hide your lips so quickly in Jim's ass, :laugh2: do ya really think ass kissing like that will keep ya coming back ?

By the way how did Favre Do ?

10-05-2009, 08:47 PM
Virgil has decided to take this to PM, :laugh2: Guess he don't want all to see what a ass he is:laugh2:

10-05-2009, 08:51 PM
By the way how did Favre Do ?

took the vikes down the field on his first possession and scored on a one yard TD.

10-05-2009, 08:52 PM
took the vikes down the field on his first possession and scored on a one yard TD.

Bet they loved that, LOL

10-05-2009, 08:56 PM
Bet they loved that, LOL

I am sure that the cheese heads were puking

10-05-2009, 09:18 PM
I guess you would not recognize the UN Observation Post at El Khiam in southern lebanon,since your pussy ass has never been anywhere near that or any other spot where folks are shooting at you.

I'm not surprised. fag.

I'm quite certain that the UN over you and your boyfriend's head stands for Undoubtedly Not-heterosexual.

10-05-2009, 09:21 PM
I'm quite certain that the UN over you and your boyfriend's head stands for Undoubtedly Not-heterosexual.

I am quite certain that the closest you ever came to a missile was a bottlerocket in your backyard.... missileman, my ass.:lol:

10-05-2009, 09:24 PM
I am quite certain that the closest you ever came to a missile was a bottlerocket in your backyard.... missileman, my ass.:lol:

As I am quite sure as close to the Navy as you ever got was playing with your little dicky in the tub :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 09:26 PM
As I am quite sure as close to the Navy as you ever got was playing with your little dicky in the tub :laugh2:

wanna bet some big money?

10-05-2009, 09:28 PM
wanna bet some big money?

Sure lets meet somewhere and shake on it :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 09:31 PM

ooo the silence is fantastic :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 09:32 PM
Sure lets meet somewhere and shake on it :laugh2:

how much you wanna bet that I never was in the navy? how much you wanna bet that I didn't retire as an O-5?

put your money where your mouth is.

or are you all talk and no action?

10-05-2009, 09:34 PM
how much you wanna bet that I never was in the navy? how much you wanna bet that I didn't retire as an O-5?

put your money where your mouth is.

or are you all talk and no action?

As I said lets meet somewhere and we can discuss it :laugh2:

Didn't think so :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 09:39 PM
As I said lets meet somewhere and we can discuss it :laugh2:

Didn't think so

why not let me know if meeting would be worth my while? I won't go anywhere to meet anyone on a bet unless it makes sense financially to do so.

Wanna bet me...say.... $5000 that I am not a retired navy commander?

wanna step up and make a bet that size?

I didn't think so.:laugh2:

all hat and no cattle

10-05-2009, 09:40 PM
Virgil, who are those two french gay guys in your avatar there with those sporty little blue berets?

10-05-2009, 09:42 PM
Virgil, who are those two french gay guys in your avatar there with those sporty little blue berets?

Not real sure but I saw someone say it was Virgil and his BF :laugh2:

I have spread to many I owe ya

10-05-2009, 09:49 PM
Virgil, who are those two french gay guys in your avatar there with those sporty little blue berets?

the one on the left is a french major, and the other one is me.... and the blue berets are part of the uniform for UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

but hey... maybe you can run away from putting any real money on the fact that I was an officer in the navy, just like your buddy jeff.

10-05-2009, 09:51 PM
the one on the left is a french major, and the other one is me.... and the blue berets are part of the uniform for UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

but hey... maybe you can run away from putting any real money on the fact that I was an officer in the navy, just like your buddy jeff.

There ya go thinking all are beneath you and to stupid to read, One more time, met me some place and we will work out the bet, oooo and NightTrain I got ya covered on this one :laugh2:

10-05-2009, 09:55 PM
There ya go thinking all are beneath you and to stupid to read, One more time, met me some place and we will work out the bet, oooo and NightTrain I got ya covered on this one :laugh2:

one more time.... I ain't going anywhere to meet anyone unless it will be lucrative for me to do so.

Are we on for $5K??? Will you bet me that much? If so, I will gladly meet you half way to provide you with the documentation that will make the trip worth my while. If not, why should I bother?

10-05-2009, 09:56 PM
the one on the left is a french major, and the other one is me.... and the blue berets are part of the uniform for UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

but hey... maybe you can run away from putting any real money on the fact that I was an officer in the navy, just like your buddy jeff.

Oh, don't trouble yourself over trying to sell me, slick. I estimate the odds of you being in the USN about the same as being a preacher and a NASA rocket scientist. I know it didn't happen, and that's good enough.

Which gay site did you steal that pic from?

10-05-2009, 09:57 PM
one more time.... I ain't going anywhere to meet anyone unless it will be lucrative for me to do so.

Are we on for $5K??? Will you bet me that much? If so, I will gladly meet you half way to provide you with the documentation that will make the trip worth my while. If not, why should I bother?

Your On, and make sure ya have the money with you, I will gladly meet you in PA say Harrisburg, a bit further for me but I don't mind:lol:

10-05-2009, 09:59 PM
Your On, and make sure ya have the money with you, I will gladly meet you in PA say Harrisburg, a bit further for me but I don't mind:lol:

Are you serious?

you'll have five thousand dollars to give to me when I show you my retirement papers?


why would you DO something so stupid as that?

red states rule
10-05-2009, 10:23 PM
well gosh... a welcome like that from two of the most two-faced guys I know.

I am "flattered"?

Oh...and red... I changed my avatar just for your benefit...so now you know that you really ARE denigrating the service and patriotism of a veteran.

I bet you cheered when Rio won the Olympics too!

Now that is gratitude for you. I help get your lifetime ban lifted, and this is what I get in return?

It is about as close to a "thank you" anyone could expect for you Virgil

As far as your "service" I could put up any picture I wanted and thump my chest about my service. Your avatar proves nothing son. You still put party ahead of your country as normal

Obam and the Olympics? Well, Obama has spent about 2 years telling crods what a lousy place America is. He has apologized for America more time then I can remember. He has gone on serval "wolrd Apology Tours"

Is anyone surpiised the IOC decided not to come to America? I'm not

Obama and Michelle went over there thinking it was all about them, and their mere presence was enough to get what they wanted. They got a huge dose of reality

10-05-2009, 10:27 PM
Now that is gratitude for you. I help get your lifetime ban lifted, and this is what I get in return?

It is about as close to a "thank you" anyone could expect for you Virgil

As far as your "service" I could put up any picture I wanted and thump my chest about my service. Your avatar proves nothing son. You still put party ahead of your country as normal

Obam and the Olympics? Well, Obama has spent about 2 years telling crods what a lousy place America is. He has apologized for America more time then I can remember. He has gone on serval "wolrd Apology Tours"

Is anyone surpiised the IOC decided not to come to America? I'm not

Obama and Michelle went over there thinking it was all about them, and their mere presence was enough to get what they wanted. They got a huge dose of reality

I am certainly not thumping my chset... I served...that's a fact, and you denigrate that service...that is also a fact. It is clear that you only support veterans if they have your same political philosophy. how patriotic of you.

And I have no idea what happened to get my most recent ban lifted. I certainly know that I said nothing to no one. You claim that YOU were the guy who pleaded with Jim....Jeff says the same thing.


red states rule
10-05-2009, 10:31 PM
I am certainly not thumping my chset... I served...that's a fact, and you denigrate that service...that is also a fact. It is clear that you only support veterans if they have your same political philosophy. how patriotic of you.

And I have no idea what happened to get my most recent ban lifted. I certainly know that I said nothing to no one. You claim that YOU were the guy who pleaded with Jim....Jeff says the same thing.


All I do now Virgil, you were banned for life by Jim, I sent Jim a PM asking to let you back on. With my permission he posted the PM in the admin section for the staff to talk it over

Jim PM'd me saying he was lifting the ban, and was sending you an email

Those are the facts

As far as your "service" - you have lied so many times about so many things, your cedibility is non-existent.

10-06-2009, 12:09 AM
I am certainly not thumping my chset... I served...that's a fact, and you denigrate that service...that is also a fact. It is clear that you only support veterans if they have your same political philosophy. how patriotic of you.

And I have no idea what happened to get my most recent ban lifted. I certainly know that I said nothing to no one. You claim that YOU were the guy who pleaded with Jim....Jeff says the same thing.


Virgil quit your lies already, exactly what I told you is you are a ass kisser, your response was you didn't kiss Jim's ass to get back ( maybe not but ya are sure puckering now) I then told you I and others spoke up for you but Jim is a big boy and could make his mind up himself, did RSR send Jim pm as far as I know yes he did, did I tell Jim I missed ya, yes I did , did RSR and I talk about a new drunk banning made just for you, so ya could be banned just till ya sobered up yes we did, see virgil if ya just grew up and acted a bit better ya wouldn't have to be logging on just to look, LMAO, that's right I LMAO when I watched you like the sad little puppy you are sitting in the user section but ya couldn't come in, as a matter of fact I even said hello to you in a post back then, cause I saw ya reading them, LOL

You said myself and Emmett are the assholes that banned ya, LOL, I don't have the power, and I don't think Emmett was even here, I haven't seen him on in a bit, but next time ( whitch we all know is coming soon) I will ask Jim personally to send you a e mail telling you who banned the fool this time, LOL

So on to bigger and better things, when do ya want to meet me in Harrisburg? I could use the cash :laugh2:

And the reason you send me a pm telling me you don't wish to take my money is you know I will go home with yours:cool:

10-06-2009, 06:27 AM
Virgil quit your lies already, exactly what I told you is you are a ass kisser, your response was you didn't kiss Jim's ass to get back ( maybe not but ya are sure puckering now) I then told you I and others spoke up for you but Jim is a big boy and could make his mind up himself, did RSR send Jim pm as far as I know yes he did, did I tell Jim I missed ya, yes I did , did RSR and I talk about a new drunk banning made just for you, so ya could be banned just till ya sobered up yes we did, see virgil if ya just grew up and acted a bit better ya wouldn't have to be logging on just to look, LMAO, that's right I LMAO when I watched you like the sad little puppy you are sitting in the user section but ya couldn't come in, as a matter of fact I even said hello to you in a post back then, cause I saw ya reading them, LOL

You said myself and Emmett are the assholes that banned ya, LOL, I don't have the power, and I don't think Emmett was even here, I haven't seen him on in a bit, but next time ( whitch we all know is coming soon) I will ask Jim personally to send you a e mail telling you who banned the fool this time, LOL

So on to bigger and better things, when do ya want to meet me in Harrisburg? I could use the cash :laugh2:

And the reason you send me a pm telling me you don't wish to take my money is you know I will go home with yours:cool:

So... let me get this straight. You are expecting me to believe that, if I drive to Pennsylvania and pull my DD Form 2 United States Uniformed Services Identification Card out of my wallet that shows that I am retired and that my rank is O-5, you will just hand me over five thousand dollars and we will go our separate ways?

10-06-2009, 07:44 AM
Virgil has decided to take this to PM, :laugh2: Guess he don't want all to see what a ass he is:laugh2: That's his usual method of attacking your family.

10-06-2009, 07:49 AM
I am certainly not thumping my chset... I served...that's a fact, and you denigrate that service...that is also a fact. It is clear that you only support veterans if they have your same political philosophy. how patriotic of you.

And I have no idea what happened to get my most recent ban lifted. I certainly know that I said nothing to no one. You claim that YOU were the guy who pleaded with Jim....Jeff says the same thing.

hmmmmm Any veteran who also claims to be a yellow dog Democrat deserves nothing but contempt for being a traitor to what made this country great. In fact more contempt than someone who didn't serve and is a yellow dog Democrat.

10-06-2009, 07:50 AM
So... let me get this straight. You are expecting me to believe that, if I drive to Pennsylvania and pull my DD Form 2 United States Uniformed Services Identification Card out of my wallet that shows that I am retired and that my rank is O-5, you will just hand me over five thousand dollars and we will go our separate ways? That's what he said. Let me know when and where and I'll be a witness. LOL

10-06-2009, 08:13 AM
So... let me get this straight. You are expecting me to believe that, if I drive to Pennsylvania and pull my DD Form 2 United States Uniformed Services Identification Card out of my wallet that shows that I am retired and that my rank is O-5, you will just hand me over five thousand dollars and we will go our separate ways?

That's right all you have to do is meet me in Harrisburg, I am up there quite often , I will be happy to let you know when I will be there

Anybody else wanting in on this I guarantee your money as long as Virgil will cover your bets :laugh2:

10-06-2009, 08:18 AM
I'll be there to verify the authenticity of the documents and cash. :laugh2:

10-06-2009, 08:22 AM
I'll be there to verify the authenticity of the documents and cash. :laugh2:

Hell you can hold the cash, but we all know even if Virgil was in the navy he isn't going to show, I think that's called Chickenshit!! :laugh2:

10-06-2009, 08:30 AM
Hell you can hold the cash, but we all know even if Virgil was in the navy he isn't going to show, I think that's called Chickenshit!! :laugh2:

what would I have to fear from such a straight forward transaction?

The only think that makes me leery of this is the time honored fact that, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. I can easily imagine driving all the way to Pennsylvania, pulling out my ID card for you to see, and having you then renege on the wager. Honestly Jeff... I don't trust you and you have done nothing that would warrant any trust.

red states rule
10-06-2009, 08:33 AM
what would I have to fear from such a straight forward transaction?

The only think that makes me leery of this is the time honored fact that, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. I can easily imagine driving all the way to Pennsylvania, pulling out my ID card for you to see, and having you then renege on the wager. Honestly Jeff... I don't trust you and you have done nothing that would warrant any trust.


10-06-2009, 08:36 AM
so red... are you saying that you actually believe that jeff would give away five thousand dollars after I showed him my ID card which indicates that I am retired and that my rank is O-5? honestly?

10-06-2009, 08:36 AM
what would I have to fear from such a straight forward transaction?

The only think that makes me leery of this is the time honored fact that, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. I can easily imagine driving all the way to Pennsylvania, pulling out my ID card for you to see, and having you then renege on the wager. Honestly Jeff... I don't trust you and you have done nothing that would warrant any trust.

Wow it didn't take ya long to show what a pussy you are, hell last night ya were sending pm's telling me ya didn't want to take my money, my good buddy Virgil didn't want my money :laugh2: But today ya don't trust, please make up your mind, is it that you are a liar, well hell yes we all now that, but I think there is more to it, I think you are a pussy, you run your mouth like a big man but when it comes down to it ya act like a scared little school girl!!!

It is hard for me to believe just looking at the Vets on this board that you would make a pimple on there asses, face it Virgil as I told you last night you are a broke down old piece of trash that has to kiss someone's ass just to get on a message board, yes I see Life is good :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Pucker up I think I hear Jim coming :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

10-06-2009, 08:41 AM

Damn that sign was made for Virgil :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

10-06-2009, 08:41 AM
Wow it didn't take ya long to show what a pussy you are, hell last night ya were sending pm's telling me ya didn't want to take my money, my good buddy Virgil didn't want my money :laugh2: But today ya don't trust, please make up your mind, is it that you are a liar, well hell yes we all now that, but I think there is more to it, I think you are a pussy, you run your mouth like a big man but when it comes down to it ya act like a scared little school girl!!!

It is hard for me to believe just looking at the Vets on this board that you would make a pimple on there asses, face it Virgil as I told you last night you are a broke down old piece of trash that has to kiss someone's ass just to get on a message board, yes I see Life is good :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Pucker up I think I hear Jim coming :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I don't trust you Jeff... I don't believe that, if I drove to Pennsylvania and pulled out my ID card for you to see, that you would then pay me five thousand dollars. It sounds too good to be true. And I don't think that you are that foolish to give away that amount of money. WHich leads me to believe that my trip to Pennsylvania would not result in you paying your debt to me... and therefore, it would be a complete waste of time. I am not frightened about it... I am simply have better things to do than drive eight hundred miles and come back empty handed.

red states rule
10-06-2009, 08:49 AM
I don't trust you Jeff... I don't believe that, if I drove to Pennsylvania and pulled out my ID card for you to see, that you would then pay me five thousand dollars. It sounds too good to be true. And I don't think that you are that foolish to give away that amount of money. WHich leads me to believe that my trip to Pennsylvania would not result in you paying your debt to me... and therefore, it would be a complete waste of time. I am not frightened about it... I am simply have better things to do than drive eight hundred miles and come back empty handed.

Actually I think it would be better if we traveled to Maine and attended one your "sermons"

I am confident we could add to the discussion greatly

10-06-2009, 08:50 AM
Virgil's a fucking coward. :lol:

10-06-2009, 08:50 AM
I don't trust you Jeff... I don't believe that, if I drove to Pennsylvania and pulled out my ID card for you to see, that you would then pay me five thousand dollars. It sounds too good to be true. And I don't think that you are that foolish to give away that amount of money. WHich leads me to believe that my trip to Pennsylvania would not result in you paying your debt to me... and therefore, it would be a complete waste of time. I am not frightened about it... I am simply have better things to do than drive eight hundred miles and come back empty handed.

Ya might want to re read post 37, 39 and 44 seems you called me out, I excepted and you pussied out once again :laugh2::laugh2:

How do you go threw life with all your Bull shit, I know Maine is a homo state but God Dang I didn't think even the queers would let you survive being such a loud mouth pussy!!!

You have once again shown this entire board what a worm you are :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

A true waste of life, you are a true poster boy for Abortion

I didn't expect nothing less of you :scared:

10-06-2009, 08:52 AM
Actually I think it would be better if we traveled to Maine and attended one your "sermons"

I am confident we could add to the discussion greatly Yeah we could ask Virgil how he would justify marrying gays in his church since homosexuality and sodomy are sins and these sham marriages would condone them.

10-06-2009, 08:56 AM
Yeah we could ask Virgil how he would justify marrying gays in his church since homosexuality and sodomy are sins and these sham marriages would condone them.

I am all for going to church in Maine, bet it would be a blessed event, LMAO

But as you see on these very pages, he wouldn't show :laugh2:

10-06-2009, 09:06 AM
Virgil left the building :laugh2: guess when you are shown to be a liar and a pussy it is best to just leave

10-06-2009, 12:17 PM
Actually I think it would be better if we traveled to Maine and attended one your "sermons"

I am confident we could add to the discussion greatly

why would you want to drive all the way to maine to disrupt worship services, red? seriously.

10-06-2009, 12:26 PM
I am all for going to church in Maine, bet it would be a blessed event, LMAO

But as you see on these very pages, he wouldn't show :laugh2:

and I would be pleased to welcome you into our worship services Jeff... I said that before. I don't think it would be appropriate for you to enter into a worship service if your purposes were anything other than worship, however.
And if you came all this way to worship with my congregation, I'd show you my ID card free of charge!:beer:

10-06-2009, 12:27 PM
Virgil left the building :laugh2: guess when you are shown to be a liar and a pussy it is best to just leave

actually jeff... I visit a hospice patient every tuesday and thursday morning...:poke:

10-06-2009, 01:20 PM
Hey maine, do you have any pictures of you "swabbing the deck" of an actual boat?

10-06-2009, 02:30 PM
Hey maine, do you have any pictures of you "swabbing the deck" of an actual boat?

actually....I have a funny one... it is of when I crossed the equator the first time onboard the USS Badger.... it is at the very end of the Pollywog initiation and I am kneeling before King Neptune and his bride ready to be made a shellback.

I'll put it up as my avatar for a while. All the rest of my Navy photos are ones that I took, so I am not in them.

10-06-2009, 09:00 PM
why would you want to drive all the way to maine to disrupt worship services, red? seriously.What's with your avatar now? Are you kissing the big toe of some Arab?

10-06-2009, 09:41 PM
I don't trust you Jeff... I don't believe that, if I drove to Pennsylvania and pulled out my ID card for you to see, that you would then pay me five thousand dollars. It sounds too good to be true. And I don't think that you are that foolish to give away that amount of money. WHich leads me to believe that my trip to Pennsylvania would not result in you paying your debt to me... and therefore, it would be a complete waste of time. I am not frightened about it... I am simply have better things to do than drive eight hundred miles and come back empty handed.

Wow you told me you drove a ship in the navy , :laugh2: but yet you think Maine to Harrisburg is 800 miles, damn guess when they make ya Commander they don't check your map reading skills, LOL

red states rule
10-06-2009, 10:32 PM
Wow you told me you drove a ship in the navy , :laugh2: but yet you think Maine to Harrisburg is 800 miles, damn guess when they make ya Commander they don't check your map reading skills, LOL

Jeff, MM's navigational skills are limited to when he operated a boat in the Tunnel of Love

10-06-2009, 10:57 PM
Jeff, MM's navigational skills are limited to when he operated a boat in the Tunnel of Love

Or are they limited to his time in the tub playing with his little dicky :laugh2:
wonder if he ever made submarines

10-06-2009, 11:45 PM
why you guys welcome him back is beyond me....he was perm banned for THREATS to another poster....alas...the perm ban and jim's attention to threats are obviously meaningless

feel free to threaten people's livelihood on this board after repeated warnings not to do so, your perm ban will last less than a week

10-07-2009, 01:00 AM
why you guys welcome him back is beyond me....he was perm banned for THREATS to another poster....alas...the perm ban and jim's attention to threats are obviously meaningless

feel free to threaten people's livelihood on this board after repeated warnings not to do so, your perm ban will last less than a week

I get a PM from you and before I have a chance to reply you write this crap? Get your facts straight for starters, and the rest of staff can verify from our discussion on this subject - MM was banned for an outburst he had one evening and the language that he used.

I will not reply to your PM. Please don't contact me for questions or assistance with these issues, I no longer feel the desire to discuss or get between your guys ludicrous and never ending feud. You both have an ignore feature, and if you both refuse to use it - then deal with one another.

10-07-2009, 07:20 AM
Just wanted to reiterate one more time to everyone as to what transpired regarding "threats". Apparently there is a history with Yurt/MM at other boards besides here, and apparently a "threat" was made to Yurt at one of them. What transpired here between the 2 was MM stating several times something to the effect "revenge is a dish best served cold". Not only is this not a direct threat - just in case I did speak to MM about it and even told him I would help authorities if there ever is any kind of action taken towards another, and that bans would follow if the action continued.

I don't condone threats, but acted upon the veiled "threat" and intervened. No direct threats took place at this board that I am aware of regarding these two. So someone's livelihood WASN'T threatened on this board but I intervened anyway to try to keep things from escalating.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think the "ignore button" being utilized would be better than fighting forever and worrying about supposed threats and following the member who supposedly made said threats to various boards, and then only returning here whenever a certain member is unbanned? No need for an answer, just a thought...