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View Full Version : Gibbs: Obama Has Only ‘Read a Decent Part’ of Obamacare

red states rule
10-06-2009, 09:48 AM
Well, who can blame Obama? He had to run off to try and get the Summer Games for Chicago

Just like the "stimulus" bill, don't bother reading it, ram it thru, and cross your fingers it works

Gibbs: Obama Has Only ‘Read a Decent Part’ of Health Care Bill
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

CNSNews.com) – President Obama has spent some time in the past few months rebutting critics of the health care legislation being debated in Congress, and telling Americans what he insists it does or does not say about certain issues such as abortion and whether people will be able to keep their current health insurance plans. But the president has only read “a decent part” of the legislation he is describing, White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs revealed yesterday.

When a reporter noted at Monday's press briefing that there had been some discussion on Capitol Hill about whether members of Congress would read the text of the health care bill before voting on it, and then asked Gibbs whether the president would read the bill himself before he signs it into law, Gibbs said: “Well, I think he's read a decent part of the legislation that's been bandied around right now, and we should address this as with members of Congress when we have closer to a final piece of legislation.”

The question of whether lawmakers actually read the laws they enact has been a matter of public controversy this year, with people at town hall meetings this summer exhorting their congressional representatives to read the health care bill being debated in Congress.

In February, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) told CNSNews.com that none of his colleagues would be able to read the 1,071-page stimulus bill before voting on it. The final text of that bill was not made available to members of Congress or the public until late at night the day before it was voted into law


10-06-2009, 09:55 AM
I guess the idea is that if the politicians don't read AND UNDERSTAND the laws they pass each then can claim deniability. Heaven forbid beyond reading and understanding the laws they pass that they would even CONSIDER THE IMPACT of their actions on the citizenry!

red states rule
10-06-2009, 09:57 AM
I guess the idea is that if the politicians don't read AND UNDERSTAND the laws they pass each then can claim deniability. Heaven forbid beyond reading and understanding the laws they pass that they would even CONSIDER THE IMPACT of their actions on the citizenry!

Why would Obama care about the impact? Obamacare will not take effect until 2013

He will be safe from the wrath of the voters

But I find it laughable Dems running aorund telling us great the bill is and thye have no idea what the hell is in it

and if you point out what is in it - you are a racist Nazi out to undermine the administration