View Full Version : Yurt

10-07-2009, 02:24 PM
been nice posting here, but i am requesting that Jim erase my account or close it down. since he doesn't want a PM and since he has made his case public, it is only fair to state my case publicly....jim is wrong on the facts and statements.

i was posting here before and after MM got banned, so that is a complete lie....jim fully admitted that he knew and understood that MM was threatening me here and asked him to stop, MM continued and then when banned here, followed me to another board and made the same threats again.

nice knowing you guys, if you're on other boards, see you there. thank you for taking care of my account jim.


10-07-2009, 03:34 PM
The only thing you accomplished here was having a second account banned, and your first made permanent for your stunts here in the past 24hrs. The whole saga that played out was completely discussed in our "admin section" that only staff has access to. FWIW - Hell, I'm not even the one who originally banned MM - it was MtnBiker. I was not even on-line when it took place. I extended the ban after discussion with staff and ultimately banned him through the same discussion. You were 'supposedly' threatened by MM over at JPP where you followed him when he was banned here. You only came back here when he was unbanned. When he was banned here again, and still banned here at DP - you followed him over to USMB. While I don't condone even veiled threats, and I discussed this with MM, YOU are the one who is following him all over God's creation to instigate trouble and then whine when he fights back. He gets unbanned here and then you mysteriously return again. I am NOT responsible for the obsessions you guys have and am not going to constantly hold your hands because you act like a child and then don't like the results you get out of your antagonizing.

10-07-2009, 04:37 PM
Trying to register as "ronbon" won't allow you to post here. That acct. has now been banned as well. Please, if you want to continue your saga, go elsewhere.

10-07-2009, 05:31 PM
I received an email from "ronbon", and I will make this 100% clear one last time. This is the email I received from "ronbon":

why you had to resort to lies about me after we have known each other this long is beyond me. i am surprised at your cowardice in banning yurt, obviously an attempt to keep me from the PM's between you and i regarding MM. if you respected the truth as you claim, you would have not banned that account and then westcoast.....

i am truly surprised you lied about me...and what really happend and what you really said. but, since you banned me from accessing my PM's.....
And this was my reply:


You told me that MM threatened you at JPP, then you forwarded a PM to me where he stated "revenge is a dish best served cold". As a result of that, I sent him a PM explaining that we will not tolerate even veiled threats and to cease his actions. I also stated to him that I would help authorities in any way I could if he did anything with your work.

MtnBiker banned him because of an outburst towards Missileman where he wrote to him:

"ba dum bump

open mike night at the gay-as-a-three-dollar-bill-comedy club was a big success. I assume you came home with your hershey highway well lubed, and your pathetic excuse for a dick all slimy.

stupid fucking moron."

Then he continued and stated "GFY" to Trigg, which we all know stands for "go fuck yourself". I further extended the ban that MtnBiker initiated. Through discussions he was unbanned a week later. While his comments were filth, others go unbanned for non-stop flaming and badgering and I thought a week was punishment enough.

During the time he was banned, I went to USMB and logged in and made Gunny aware of the facts. You told me that MM had went over there because he was banned here, so I thought I would be off assistance and see if Gunny would ensure that no threats came your way over there. You stated he was continuing the crap over there and I THOUGHT I was helping you.

When he was unbanned here, you came by and posted the thread below making it seem as if I condone threats, even though I told MM that if he did anything of the kind that I would happily cooperate with authorities.

These are the facts, which can be corroborated by MtnBiker and the rest of staff here, and Gunny can verify what I told him. So it's YOU who is somehow confused. I'm tired of being sucked into the middle of all these retarded fights, but as owner I do the best I can to help EVERYONE. I'm sorry that you hate MM, and it's obvious that you are just upset that he was allowed back. You follow him like a puppy dog here, at JPP and to USMB - wherever he may be posting. YOU are just as guilty for continually following him around and harassing him. While I won't tolerate REAL threats, I am also getting sick of tolerating those who have agendas and REFUSE to use the ignore option, as they would prefer to get in the mud like pigs and fight. Don't expect to remain clean once you jump in that mud.Again, staff was witness to the events 100% as they unfolded and can verify as to why MM was banned, which was NOT for threats but his words to Missileman and Trigg. Whether I unban a member or not is MY decision, and if a member doesn't like it, they don't have the right to try and override my decisions or try and make it seem that I am a party to threats or anything of the kind.

Staff is free to post here if they like and add their 2 cents, and anyone can contact any staff member for inquiries if they like - I have NOTHING to hide and have been MORE than fair to ALL parties involved in this fucking stupid never ending saga.

10-08-2009, 06:41 AM
I'm unable to quote from above, due to filters at school, this is a response to the post above:

What Jim wrote above recapping the latest subchapter regarding the interactions with MFM ban, of the never-ending saga involving MFM and just about everyone else on any number of boards is correct. MFM was banned by MtnBiker for his remarks to Trigg. Jim extended it, for reasons that seemed to me a combination of the numerous past bans, along with staff being very tired of dealing with him and others.

Lo and behold, some members who seem to have some masochistic tendencies wrote to staff and wanted MFM allowed back. It was decided that while he brings little of substance, he seems to provide hours of fun for others. With this latest drama, seems he has more of these followers than I thought possible.

Having watched his 'style' of posting on several boards, he's always the same. So, why engage if he annoys? That IS what the IGNORE FEATURE is for.

10-08-2009, 08:01 AM
Having watched his 'style' of posting on several boards, he's always the same. So, why engage if he annoys? That IS what the IGNORE FEATURE is for.

Tis true. Jim why do you let yourself get riled up? One less headache.

10-08-2009, 10:21 AM
To help clear up any confusion when I banned maineman on September 29th, it was from an accumulation of posts toward Silver, Trigg and Missleman. It had nothing to do with a post toward Yurt, in fact until this thread was created I was unaware of that post.