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10-10-2009, 07:55 AM
Back in the dark days of George W. Bush's first administration right wing pundit, Charles Krauthammer coined the term "Bush Derangement Syndrome". He defined it as, "...the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush". This in reaction to justified and well founded criticism of Bush leading this nation into an unjustifiable war of choice against a nation which posed no credible threat to anyone outside its own borders.

When critics of the Bush administration would mutter darkly about the failures of the Bush administration in finding the WMD's that were the justification for the invasion of Iraq, failing to capture the perpetrators of 9/11, 9/11, New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the moribund US economy...in fact, any rational, fact based criticism of the Bush administration was dismissed as the "Bush Derangement Syndrome" of said critics.

Starting from day one of his administration, we have seen the onset of acute paranoia in America's right wing political establishment, right wing punditocracy and its slavish, benighted follower in reaction "to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of" Barack H. Obama. This reflexive and irrational hatred of President Obama was highlighted earlier this week when Chicago failed to get the nod for the Olympics. The airwaves, blogosphere and print media were filled with the howls of glee at the news that Obama's presence failed to secure a Chicago venue for the Olympics. It was only a short time before that that Congressman Joe Wilson astounded America by shouting "You lie!" at the President during an address to Congress, to the unbridled delight of the GOP's right wing-nut base.

And now we see the nearly fulminant outrage and ire on the right at Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. When any rational person would set aside their prejudices a feel a swell of pride for their country and their President, the right wing noise machine explodes in fury. With the likes of Rush Limbaugh stating that "we all agree with the Taliban and Iran about and that is he doesn't deserve the award...". Why do you hate America Rush?

We see America's right wing fully and deeply in the grip of an irrational and "acute paranoia in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of" Barack H. Obama. They are caught fully and inextricably in the hall of mirrors that is Obama Derangement Syndrome.

10-10-2009, 08:11 AM
Bully, what are you deranged about Chimpy McPresident?

10-10-2009, 08:27 AM
someone please call a wambulance for the bully and all his lefty Obama bots..

and this is rich coming from the one person here who had BDS so bad we didn't know if he would need to be committed:laugh2:

how does it feel to have someone you voted for hated so much Bully..? how does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Poor babies..I feel nothing for your angst...

10-10-2009, 09:10 AM
Problem is we dont hate Obama. We dont want him dead. We arent even blindly seeking his impeachment.

We oppose him on policy issues. The same issues we've always stood for.

75% of the world realizes that Obama did not earn the peace prize. That he has done absolutely nothing. We are now a laughing stock around the world because he didn't have the character to humbly decline the award. Even he acknowledges he hasnt done anything to deserve it. No rational person would think its a good thing that someone who admits he doesnt deserve the award gets it when others who clearly do deserve it dont. No fair minded person would think corruption of the ideal of peace is a good thing.

The fact that you partisan hacks are trying to pretend as though Obama deserves this award and that it's somehow fair to the people who actually did something to forward the cause of peace is disgusting. Most rational people have enough integrity not to accept honors that they dont deserve. This isnt an honor for the United States. Spin it all you want, but when the rest of the world looks at our leader with disgust and mocking derision it's not a good thing. When true people who work for the cause of peace are ignored for someone who hasnt even had a chance to do anything, the cause of peace is undermined. Its dishonored.

You seem to think this outrage is about the President. You are wrong. It's about the corruption of ideals and institutions that used to mean something. And if you arent offended by that, then you have serious issues.

red states rule
10-10-2009, 10:09 AM
BP libs like yourself openly expressed HATE for Pres Bush, VP Cheney, and anyone who supported him

We had movies, books, and plays written about the MURDER of Pres Bush

We has liberal talk show hosts openly hope Pres Bush would be BEHEADED by terrorists

He had looney libs say Pres Bush was behind the 9-11 attacks

What I have seen from the right since Obama's election is an open disagreement on his POLICES and not personal attacks.

However, you Obama supporters say anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist and that is why they do not back his policies. Obama himself keeps providing the material for those policy disagreements with his lies, his statements, and flip flops

I doubt if you will reply - you have a recent history of running away from threads - even threads you start

10-10-2009, 02:46 PM
BP libs like yourself openly expressed HATE for Pres Bush, VP Cheney, and anyone who supported him

We had movies, books, and plays written about the MURDER of Pres Bush

We has liberal talk show hosts openly hope Pres Bush would be BEHEADED by terrorists

He had looney libs say Pres Bush was behind the 9-11 attacks

What I have seen from the right since Obama's election is an open disagreement on his POLICES and not personal attacks.

However, you Obama supporters say anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist and that is why they do not back his policies. Obama himself keeps providing the material for those policy disagreements with his lies, his statements, and flip flops

I doubt if you will reply - you have a recent history of running away from threads - even threads you start

Red, as I stated many times before, Bush was never worthy of the emotional investment required of hate The the pity and disgust one would feel for a drunk one sees lying in his own offal in a gutter somewhere is the best I could ever muster with regards to Bush and his administration.

Little coming from the right wing-nut punditocracy...Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage-Weiner, et al...could be considered reasoned, principled disagreement with Obama administration policies. "Shrill", "Hysterical", "Irrational" and "unprincipled fear-mongering" would be far more appropriate adjectives for right wing rhetoric to date.

So, y'all just keep on posting your tripe and proving me right about your descent into madness.

10-10-2009, 02:50 PM
Red, as I stated many times before, Bush was never worthy of the emotional investment required of hate The the pity and disgust one would feel for a drunk one sees lying in his own offal in a gutter somewhere is the best I could ever muster with regards to Bush and his administration.

Little coming from the right wing-nut punditocracy...Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage-Weiner, et al...could be considered reasoned, principled disagreement with Obama administration policies. "Shrill", "Hysterical", "Irrational" and "unprincipled fear-mongering" would be far more appropriate adjectives for right wing rhetoric to date.

So, y'all just keep on posting your tripe and proving me right about your descent into madness.

Hey bully, how are things going in NO?

Helped any "Bridge people" get over on the American public?

You liberal cry babies never change, once a parasite, always a parasite.:poke:

10-10-2009, 05:20 PM
Red, as I stated many times before, Bush was never worthy of the emotional investment required of hate The the pity and disgust one would feel for a drunk one sees lying in his own offal in a gutter somewhere is the best I could ever muster with regards to Bush and his administration.

Little coming from the right wing-nut punditocracy...Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage-Weiner, et al...could be considered reasoned, principled disagreement with Obama administration policies. "Shrill", "Hysterical", "Irrational" and "unprincipled fear-mongering" would be far more appropriate adjectives for right wing rhetoric to date.

So, y'all just keep on posting your tripe and proving me right about your descent into madness.

How well is the internet connection in the padded cell?

10-10-2009, 09:32 PM
:laugh2: If that's the best y'all can do, it's no wonder the GOP and its RWN base are eating their own. :laugh2:

10-10-2009, 10:24 PM
It's amusing how the left all of a sudden want to forget that saying they screamed all during the Bush derangement years..

dissent is Patriotic

now that it is their dear leader, dissent is now called shrill, anger, dangerous...

ya just gotta shake your head at the idiots and laugh in their faces...

myself, I'm gonna just act like Shrillery...:salute::thumb:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/NJxmpTMGhU0&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/NJxmpTMGhU0&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

10-10-2009, 10:39 PM
Back in the dark days of George W. Bush's first administration right wing pundit, Charles Krauthammer coined the term "Bush Derangement Syndrome". He defined it as, "...the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush". This in reaction to justified and well founded criticism of Bush leading this nation into an unjustifiable war of choice against a nation which posed no credible threat to anyone outside its own borders.

When critics of the Bush administration would mutter darkly about the failures of the Bush administration in finding the WMD's that were the justification for the invasion of Iraq, failing to capture the perpetrators of 9/11, 9/11, New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the moribund US economy...in fact, any rational, fact based criticism of the Bush administration was dismissed as the "Bush Derangement Syndrome" of said critics.
Yes, and its quite clear you are still afflicted with it.

And now we see the nearly fulminant outrage and ire on the right at Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. When any rational person would set aside their prejudices a feel a swell of pride for their country and their President, the right wing noise machine explodes in fury. With the likes of Rush Limbaugh stating that "we all agree with the Taliban and Iran about and that is he doesn't deserve the award...". Why do you hate America Rush?
Yes and McChimpy said in a speech the very same day that he wasn't deserving of the award. So Rush also pointed out that Obama agrees with the Taliban and Rush.

We see America's right wing fully and deeply in the grip of an irrational and "acute paranoia in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of" Barack H. Obama. They are caught fully and inextricably in the hall of mirrors that is Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Nothing irrational about opposing socialist policies. The difference is we don't have to make up lies about the other party. Pelosi, Reid, and McChimpy all provide enough material with their agenda.

red states rule
10-11-2009, 05:26 AM
Red, as I stated many times before, Bush was never worthy of the emotional investment required of hate The the pity and disgust one would feel for a drunk one sees lying in his own offal in a gutter somewhere is the best I could ever muster with regards to Bush and his administration.

Little coming from the right wing-nut punditocracy...Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage-Weiner, et al...could be considered reasoned, principled disagreement with Obama administration policies. "Shrill", "Hysterical", "Irrational" and "unprincipled fear-mongering" would be far more appropriate adjectives for right wing rhetoric to date.

So, y'all just keep on posting your tripe and proving me right about your descent into madness.

So is that why day after day you were on the board spreading your venom about Pres Bush and making it very personal?

Is that why liberal op-ed wrioters wrote articles named "Why I Hate Pres Bush" and libs loved it?


As far as Obama, when people protest his tax and spend policies, his doubling of the national debt, his tripiling of the annual deficit, his takeover of the car companies, and his blatant lies about Obamacre - it is hate as well as racism that fuels those protests?

You see BP, I do not hate Obama as and your kind hated Pres Bush. My disagreements with him are all policy based

While on your side, Pres Bush denied Dems power. He prevented Gore form taking over after Clinton - and that was intolerable

When he stopped Kerry in his tracks - that was an unforgivable sin

NOw that Dems have total unchecked power and still can't ram Obama's plans thru Congress -you have to find something or someone else to blame

So now you have this thread as one excuse

10-11-2009, 05:44 AM
While its true that there were some libs clearly out to tarnish Bush no matter what he did, its also clear that some Reps are doing the same to Obama, as they want *him* to fail.

The problem is how you address those who *want* Obama to fail, you can not call them racists, or dissenters, or unpatriotic ect, but i think we're all grown up enough to know that they are there, and that they are not doing this to be racist, or unpatriotic, or disrespectful, but they are doing it becasue they think it is right for them to do. Which, i would suspect, is exactly what the anti-bush liberals thought.

Its yet another case of black kettles and pots in american politics,

red states rule
10-11-2009, 06:00 AM
While its true that there were some libs clearly out to tarnish Bush no matter what he did, its also clear that some Reps are doing the same to Obama, as they want *him* to fail.

The problem is how you address those who *want* Obama to fail, you can not call them racists, or dissenters, or unpatriotic ect, but i think we're all grown up enough to know that they are there, and that they are not doing this to be racist, or unpatriotic, or disrespectful, but they are doing it becasue they think it is right for them to do. Which, i would suspect, is exactly what the anti-bush liberals thought.

Its yet another case of black kettles and pots in american politics,

I want Obama's policies to fail for the good of the nation Noir. I do not believe higher taxes, more governemnt, appeasement to terrorists, or the government taking over private companies is a good thing and will help the country

10-11-2009, 06:06 AM
I want Obama's policies to fail for the good of the nation Noir. I do not believe higher taxes, more governemnt, appeasement to terrorists, or the government taking over private companies is a good thing and will help the country

The problem is how you address those who *want* Obama to fail, you can not call them racists, or dissenters, or unpatriotic ect, but i think we're all grown up enough to know that they are there, and that they are not doing this to be racist, or unpatriotic, or disrespectful, but they are doing it becasue they think it is right for them to do. Which, i would suspect, is exactly what the anti-bush liberals thought.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

red states rule
10-11-2009, 06:11 AM
Quod erat demonstrandum.

and at the same time, the same liberals who were opposed to Pres Bush's spending, his deficits, his wars, and GITMO are now SILENT when Obama does them and on a bigger scale

Noir, the last thing any Obama supporters wants to talk about is how that hope and change is doing. What they are willing to talk about is the people who oppose the manner by which the hope and change is being delivered

10-11-2009, 06:16 AM
and at the same time, the same liberals who were opposed to Pres Bush's spending, his deficits, his wars, and GITMO are now SILENT when Obama does them and on a bigger scale

Noir, the last thing any Obama supporters wants to talk about is how that hope and change is doing. What they are willing to talk about is the people who oppose the manner by which the hope and change is being delivered


Becasue politics is the art of hypocrisy, and how you can blame someone else for the problems that have been caused.
The irony of it all is that both the Dems and the Reps believe in the above statement...but that it only applies to the other party...it really is quite amazing when you think about it.

red states rule
10-11-2009, 06:20 AM

Becasue politics is the art of hypocrisy, and how you can blame someone else for the problems that have been caused.
The irony of it all is that both the Dems and the Reps believe in the above statement...but that it only applies to the other party...it really is quite amazing when you think about it.

On the contraty Noir, unlkike BP and Virgil, I have taken my party to task for what they did. I was bashing them for spending, not securing the boarders, not having the surge soon enough, and immigration policy

Many conservatives stayed home on election day because they would not shove their princiapls to the side to win an election. I voted more for Palin then McCain

The same people who cared so much about pushing the debt on our grandchildren are now shoving debt on their great great grandchildren

If not for their double standards, liberals would have no standards at all

10-11-2009, 06:23 AM
On the contraty Noir, unlkike BP and Virgil, I have taken my party to task for what they did. I was bashing them for spending, not securing the boarders, not having the surge soon enough, and immigration policy

Many conservatives stayed home on election day because they would not shove their princiapls to the side to win an election. I voted more for Palin then McCain

The same people who cared so much about pushing the debt on our grandchildren are now shoving debt on their great great grandchildren

If not for their double standards, liberals would have no standards at all

Becasue politics is the art of hypocrisy, and how you can blame someone else for the problems that have been caused.
The irony of it all is that both the Dems and the Reps believe in the above statement...but that it only applies to the other party...it really is quite amazing when you think about it.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

10-11-2009, 08:04 AM
It's amusing how the left all of a sudden want to forget that saying they screamed all during the Bush derangement years..

dissent is Patriotic

now that it is their dear leader, dissent is now called shrill, anger, dangerous...

ya just gotta shake your head at the idiots and laugh in their faces...

myself, I'm gonna just act like Shrillery...:salute::thumb:

Reasoned, principled dissent...not mindless, baseless, shrill, hysterics. :laugh2:

10-11-2009, 08:10 AM
Yes, and its quite clear you are still afflicted with it.

No, not at all.

Yes and McChimpy said in a speech the very same day that he wasn't deserving of the award. So Rush also pointed out that Obama agrees with the Taliban and Rush.

Obama spoke out of humility...Rush and the rest of his ilk...from pique.

Nothing irrational about opposing socialist policies. The difference is we don't have to make up lies about the other party. Pelosi, Reid, and McChimpy all provide enough material with their agenda.

Since you don't really know just WHAT the definition of socialism is, one can only assume that you are speaking, yet again, from pure ignorance and mindless repetition of the talking points of the RWN punditocracy. What's really sad is that you don't seem recognize the racism inherent in comparing a black man with a chimp...Pathetic. More likely, though, you do but don't really care, which is worse than pathetic, it's despicable.

Y'all keep it up. I'm finding your responses hugely amusing and continued proof of my assertion in the thread starter. :laugh2:

10-11-2009, 08:12 AM
So is that why day after day you were on the board spreading your venom about Pres Bush and making it very personal?

Is that why liberal op-ed wrioters wrote articles named "Why I Hate Pres Bush" and libs loved it?


As far as Obama, when people protest his tax and spend policies, his doubling of the national debt, his tripiling of the annual deficit, his takeover of the car companies, and his blatant lies about Obamacre - it is hate as well as racism that fuels those protests?

You see BP, I do not hate Obama as and your kind hated Pres Bush. My disagreements with him are all policy based

While on your side, Pres Bush denied Dems power. He prevented Gore form taking over after Clinton - and that was intolerable

When he stopped Kerry in his tracks - that was an unforgivable sin

NOw that Dems have total unchecked power and still can't ram Obama's plans thru Congress -you have to find something or someone else to blame

So now you have this thread as one excuse

The blog you linked to does sum it up nicely. As Noir posted "Quod Erat Demonstrandum". :slap:

10-11-2009, 08:23 AM
Reasoned, principled dissent...not mindless, baseless, shrill, hysterics. :laugh2:Who makes the determination of what is considered "reasoned vs shrill dissent".. It that you bully. is it everyone who disagrees with obama must be shrill but everyone who disagreed with Bush was reasoned????

How do YOU determine that???

red states rule
10-11-2009, 08:26 AM
The blog you linked to does sum it up nicely. As Noir posted "Quod Erat Demonstrandum". :slap:

and again BP, thank you for explaining why Dems reckles spending, massive deficits, and plans for higher taxes is a reasoned approach and why we should not be opposing it

Like all the opther threads you start and post on you run like hell from direct questions and facts

10-11-2009, 09:21 AM
Y'all keep it up. I'm finding your responses hugely amusing and continued proof of my assertion in the thread starter. :laugh2:

red states rule
10-11-2009, 09:26 AM
I find it laughable that liberals now talk about working together and doing what is best for the nation

After 8 years of the worst level of hate and rage those same libs directed at Pres Bush and HIS FAMILY for 8 years and now the left wants all to be forgotten

The bottom line is, Dems do not need a SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE to pas anything they want. They have unchecked power and can't be stopped

Perhaps now this is why BP started this thread - so he does not have to explain whjy Obama's desires are becoming law

10-11-2009, 09:54 AM
Reasoned, principled dissent...not mindless, baseless, shrill, hysterics. :laugh2:

Why is it when you are baseless, shrill, and hysteric you consider yourself reasoned and principled, yet when we object on reasonable principles such as adherence to the Constitution, the ever expanding buearacracy, or the undeniable corruption occuring, you consider this baseless, shrill, and hysterics?

10-11-2009, 10:50 AM
Reasoned, principled dissent...not mindless, baseless, shrill, hysterics. :laugh2:

poor dearie and his fellow cult members don't like their "DEAR LEADER" picked on..

during the Bush years you all were some ugly, hateful people...

NOW this is you all......http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/thbaby-crying-1.gif

red states rule
10-11-2009, 10:58 AM
poor dearie and his fellow cult members don't like their "DEAR LEADER" picked on..

during the Bush years you all were some ugly, hateful people...

NOW this is you all......http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/thbaby-crying-1.gif

I ask again, has any conservative radio talk show host openly expressed a desire for the MURDER of Pres Obama - or made any insulting comments about his kids - and liberal talk show hosts did about Pres Bush and his daughters?

As Virgil always says

I'll wait

10-11-2009, 11:07 AM
I ask again, has any conservative radio talk show host openly expressed a desire for the MURDER of Pres Obama - or made any insulting comments about his kids - and liberal talk show hosts did about Pres Bush and his daughters?

As Virgil always says

I'll wait

we joked and laughed when the little Marxist didn't get the Olympics for his corrupted buddies and than laughed our asses off when he was "bestowed" a Nobel peace prize for doing NOTHING (at least I did)...that is now considered treason to a lefty...I guess we should of burned a few American flags along with laughing at him, then that would of been considered principled and reasoned dissent..

red states rule
10-11-2009, 11:11 AM
we joked and laughed when the little Marxist didn't get the Olympics for his corrupted buddies and than laughed our asses off when he was "bestowed" a Nobel peace prize for doing NOTHING (at least I did)...that is now considered treason to a lefty...I guess we should of burned a few American flags along with laughing at him, then that would of been considered principled and reasoned dissent..

or when a couple of million people turn out to protest Obama's tax and spend policies the left attacks them as racists and bigots

It is amazing Stephanie how during the Bush years dissent was patriotic and part of the American way

Now under Obama is is un-American, racist, and uncalled for

10-11-2009, 11:23 AM
or when a couple of million people turn out to protest Obama's tax and spend policies the left attacks them as racists and bigots

It is amazing Stephanie how during the Bush years dissent was patriotic and part of the American way

Now under Obama is is un-American, racist, and uncalled for

Liberals are and always will be TWO FACED..

they can be some of the most hateful, ugly hearts all the while pretending to care for everyone..

after watching them during the Bush years and the way they acted and treated President Bush at the inauguration of the Little Marxist, I have no more respect or tolerance for them....and I won't even pretend that I do..

red states rule
10-11-2009, 11:29 AM
Liberals are and always will be TWO FACED..

they can be some of the most hateful, ugly hearts all the while pretending to care for everyone..

after watching them during the Bush years and the way they acted and treated President Bush at the inauguration of the Little Marxist, I have no more respect or tolerance for them....and I won't even pretend that I do..

and look at the racist hate filled attacks libs make toward black conservatives. The comments made about Justice Thomas, Sec Rice, Michael Steele, were ugly and over the top

Even the head of the NAACP joined in and not a word form the aparty that claimes to want to stamp out racism where ever they find it

Except when the racism is leveld at a black person who is NOT a liberal. Then the libs sit on the sidelines and ignore it

10-11-2009, 02:11 PM
Since you don't really know just WHAT the definition of socialism is, one can only assume that you are speaking, yet again, from pure ignorance and mindless repetition of the talking points of the RWN punditocracy. :laugh2:

BP - would you enlighten me please. What is the difference between a republic state of government and a socialist state of government?

This is my understanding of what socialism is, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

"According to many Marxists, socialism is a stage of social and economic development that will replace capitalism, and will in turn be replaced by communism. Thus, in Marxist terms, a socialist state is a state that has abolished capitalism and is moving towards communism. Vladimir Lenin argued that as socialism is replaced by communism, the state would "wither away".

With this definition, how can you say it would be a better form of governing?