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View Full Version : should the boy scouts of america

10-11-2009, 09:36 PM
be told by the government whom they can and cannot associate with/give membership too?


Mr. P
10-11-2009, 09:41 PM

10-11-2009, 09:56 PM

The BSA should not be allowed to discriminate for religious affiliation or sexual orientation...period. If they want that exclusive an organization, then they should create the HBSoJC and stop receiving public funding.

10-11-2009, 10:00 PM
help me understand,

#1 why does boy scouts get public funding?

#2 what type of organizations get funding and which do not


The BSA should not be allowed to discriminate for religious affiliation or sexual orientation...period. If they want that exclusive an organization, then they should create the HBSoJC and stop receiving public funding.

Mr. P
10-11-2009, 10:07 PM
The BSA should not be allowed to discriminate for religious affiliation or sexual orientation...period. If they want that exclusive an organization, then they should create the HBSoJC and stop receiving public funding.

I agree they should stop taking any public funding..I thought they already had done so 4 or so yrs ago..maybe not..

10-11-2009, 10:13 PM
I agree they should stop taking any public funding..I thought they already had done so 4 or so yrs ago..maybe not..

They still get public support in using public school facilities and public parks at a minimum...I think they also get monies through the combined federal campaign.

10-11-2009, 10:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. They should be able to admit and not admit any one they want too.
2. Damned evil society wants to get in there and muck it all the hell up.
3. Not unlike sodamned and gaymorah.
4. Let the BSofA, alone, for Gods sake!
5. You don't want to get God even more pissed at America, do we?
6. Let the fags, start their own Fag Boys of America. FBofA
7. Stay the hell out!


Mr. P
10-11-2009, 10:35 PM
They still get public support in using public school facilities and public parks at a minimum...I think they also get monies through the combined federal campaign.

I have no problem with money from CFC or The United Way, both are charities. As for "public" schools and parks...they are "public". If we dictate use based on Government guidelines they won't be "public" any more. It's a fine line..I know.

10-11-2009, 10:38 PM
why should only secular foundations like the united way get money, but religious ones shouldnt, sesms a bit hypocritical

the government should allow any group to use public land

seems a bit hypo
I have no problem with money from CFC or The United Way, both are charities. As for "public" schools and parks...they are "public". If we dictate use based on Government guidelines they won't be "public" any more. It's a fine line..I know.

10-11-2009, 10:40 PM
If the government doesnt like what the scouts do, they dont have to give them money. But they dont have a right to tell them how to run the organization.

why do they propose an organization designed to teach young men morality and good life schools should be forced to accept immoral amoral people? it makes no sense.

10-11-2009, 11:23 PM
why do they propose an organization designed to teach young men morality and good life schools should be forced to accept immoral amoral people? it makes no sense.

Atheist doesn't equal immoral or amoral anymore than religious equals moral. I can easily list a lot more immoral Christians than you can list immoral atheists.

Mr. P
10-11-2009, 11:45 PM
If the government doesnt like what the scouts do, they dont have to give them money. But they dont have a right to tell them how to run the organization.


You're right they don't have to give money..but if they do and it's accepted then by default they have the right to dictate..Don't believe it? Check out the US PUBLIC education system. They can't touch the private schools primarily because they don't take federal money and remain independent.

10-12-2009, 01:00 AM
Unfortunately the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled in two separate cases, that under the First Amendment of the US Constitution, the freedom of association is an essential part of the Freedom of Speech because, in many cases, people can engage in effective speech only when they join with others.

Meaning that the government cannot interfere with the Boy Scouts of America in who they allow to join or not.

For those of you that hold the asinine that because the BSA does not include gays or atheists they should not receive public or tax free monies, let us check that premise.

The American Heart Association receives charitable contributions through the CFC or United Way. Since this organization only benefits people with Heart Disease, it discriminates against those who do not have heart disease and needs to stop receiving funds.

Since HIV/AIDS research only benefits those with the disease, and discriminates against those without the disease, it too must be removed.

Since the American Lung Association only benefits those with Lung Diseases again it is discriminatory and must removed.

The same with the American Cancer, American Diabetes, The Historical Black Colleges, and the United Negro College Fund.

All organizations by definition discriminate, therefore, all institutions should be barred from receiving public monies..

I find it amazing that the only time that We the People are allowed the Freedom of Choice is when it comes to reproductive rights, that distinction alone makes the whole premise of the Freedom of Choice to be unconstitutional, but then that is a whole other argument. One that liberals and progressives are unwilling to take on, for if they loose it blows 40 years of deliberate lying on their part.


10-12-2009, 01:09 AM
Unfortunately the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled in two separate cases, that under the First Amendment of the US Constitution, the freedom of association is an essential part of the Freedom of Speech because, in many cases, people can engage in effective speech only when they join with others.

Meaning that the government cannot interfere with the Boy Scouts of America in who they allow to join or not.

For those of you that hold the asinine that because the BSA does not include gays or atheists they should not receive public or tax free monies, let us check that premise.

The American Heart Association receives charitable contributions through the CFC or United Way. Since this organization only benefits people with Heart Disease, it discriminates against those who do not have heart disease and needs to stop receiving funds.

Since HIV/AIDS research only benefits those with the disease, and discriminates against those without the disease, it too must be removed.

Since the American Lung Association only benefits those with Lung Diseases again it is discriminatory and must removed.

The same with the American Cancer, American Diabetes, The Historical Black Colleges, and the United Negro College Fund.

All organizations by definition discriminate, therefore, all institutions should be barred from receiving public monies..

I find it amazing that the only time that We the People are allowed the Freedom of Choice is when it comes to reproductive rights, that distinction alone makes the whole premise of the Freedom of Choice to be unconstitutional, but then that is a whole other argument. One that liberals and progressives are unwilling to take on, for if they loose it blows 40 years of deliberate lying on their part.


Unless it's your contention that the BSA can only benefit heterosexual Christians, your whole argument is a pile of nonsense.

Feel free to post examples of any of the agencies you mentioned turning away someone based on their religion or sexual orientation.

10-12-2009, 02:04 AM
Unless it's your contention that the BSA can only benefit heterosexual Christians, your whole argument is a pile of nonsense.

Feel free to post examples of any of the agencies you mentioned turning away someone based on their religion or sexual orientation.

How???? The contention of this post is that the BSA discriminate against atheist and homosexuals they should not be entitled to receive monies or benefits from the government.

As I have shown the other institutions discriminate. Discrimination is discrimination.

Not to mention that to deny the BSA or any other group public monies is a violation of the First Amendment still holds true.

There was no nonsense in my argument, I am sorry if it was over your head, but the basic premise of my argument remains valid. To deny one under the guise of equal protection of the law is to deny all.

Discrimination need not be based solely upon religion or sexual orientation it can be based upon any intrinsic value.

Nice try in trying to refute my argument but is is lacking in any legal substance and barely passes the laugh test (meaning I was laughing my A$$ off reading it).


10-12-2009, 09:39 AM
You're right they don't have to give money..but if they do and it's accepted then by default they have the right to dictate..Don't believe it? Check out the US PUBLIC education system. They can't touch the private schools primarily because they don't take federal money and remain independent.

And who allows the government to dictate anything? We do. We need to stop this bullcrap.

10-12-2009, 10:19 AM
How???? The contention of this post is that the BSA discriminate against atheist and homosexuals they should not be entitled to receive monies or benefits from the government.

As I have shown the other institutions discriminate. Discrimination is discrimination.

Specialization is NOT discrimination. I notice you failed to provide even one example of one of your listed organizations denying assistance based on religion or sexual orientation.

Not to mention that to deny the BSA or any other group public monies is a violation of the First Amendment still holds true.

Bullshit! BSA has no more right to public monies than I do. And let's not forget the plug being pulled right now on ACORN...what else ya got?

There was no nonsense in my argument, I am sorry if it was over your head, but the basic premise of my argument remains valid. To deny one under the guise of equal protection of the law is to deny all.

Discrimination need not be based solely upon religion or sexual orientation it can be based upon any intrinsic value.

Nice try in trying to refute my argument but is is lacking in any legal substance and barely passes the laugh test (meaning I was laughing my A$$ off reading it).


Again, specialization is not discrimination. Tell you what though...you list a few other publicly subsidized organizations that are allowed to discriminate based on religion and I'll say it's okay for the BSA to join that list.