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View Full Version : Baucus Plan Will Lower Wages

red states rule
10-14-2009, 11:06 PM
Not only will the Baucus bill lower wages, it will also put lower income workers into a higher tax bracket

OK Obamcare supporters start the spin

"Many employers share the cost of the insurance they provide with their employees; that is, the employer pays some portion of the insurance premium, and the employee pays for some portion. To the extent that the increased cost of the insurance policy is paid by the employer, we would expect that to exert downward pressure on wages paid by the employer. To the extent that the increased premium cost is paid through the employee share, the added cost of the excise tax can be expected to reduce consumer demand for high cost insurance products. Over time, the downward pressure on wages attributable to the employer share of the increased cost would also reduce consumer demand for high-cost insurance products."



red states rule
10-15-2009, 06:18 AM
http://media.washingtontimes.com/media/img/photos/2009/10/14/mrz101409dAPR_t756.jpg?362c89b9f4298c1f7d888d4fceb 46698f5dfcc26

10-15-2009, 07:39 PM
Hell, with unions against this bill I find that it is a non-starter with Democrats. With the Republican demand that the final bill be online for 72 hours before the vote, a promise made by the Obama campaign, if they do allow it, the people will be able to read it and see what is wrong with the bill, and if they do not, the people will wonder what it is they are hiding. I doubt seriously that they will gather the 60 votes needed for cloture.

If the Democrats somehow force it through, the Blue Dogs can kiss their seats goodbye and the incumbents had best be ready to file for unemployment, for the electorate will hold to call anyone who votes for the bill. The majority of the people already oppose the bill.

After the overwhelming majorities that the Democratic party won in the 2008 elections to lose the majorities in both Houses will be an embarrassment for the party. And a death knoll for the Obama administration for a second term... Like it or not the electorate has a long memory.
