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View Full Version : Do you have a Spiritual Practice you apply in your daily living?

10-18-2009, 01:43 PM
Do you have a Spiritual Practice you apply in your daily living? What is it, and how has it helped guide you?

10-18-2009, 03:42 PM
I dunno if you'd call it a Spiritual practice, but i do like to sit and do nothing at all for a while. Its amazing how much you can learn when you do absolutely nothing.

Mr. P
10-18-2009, 04:02 PM
I dunno if you'd call it a Spiritual practice, but i do like to sit and do nothing at all for a while. Its amazing how much you can learn when you do absolutely nothing.

We call that a teenager over here. :laugh2:

10-18-2009, 04:19 PM
We call that a teenager over here. :laugh2:

Well played Sir,

10-18-2009, 07:12 PM
heh, I space out alot too and it's relaxing. I just wondered if people that practice whatever there spiritual beliefs are do so everyday.
Does a christian pray each morning or night or read some bible verse each day? Does a buddhist meditate every day? Does a Muslim really pray 5 times a day?

What do non-denominational people who are spiritual but not religious do each day to keep inspiration, hope or peace?

Do Religious or Active Spiritually minded people who are upset over the economy or politics or whatever disturbs them actually try to get some spiritual state of being each day or is it only when there is a serious crisis?

Do religious people pray for the other religious people that they hate politically or who they disagree with spiritually?

10-19-2009, 09:00 AM
I tend to reserve pray for time when I especially need it, or having something specific to be thankful for. I found that I lost alot of the meaning behind praying in doing it everyday, because then, it was just a part of my routine. Now, doing it less, it is a more special time for me, which is what prayer should be.

As to whom I pray for, I pray for those who need it most, pure and simple, I don't really put in boundary lines as far as their denomination or lack of such goes (Yes, I've prayed for an athiest)

10-19-2009, 07:19 PM
I tend to reserve pray for time when I especially need it, or having something specific to be thankful for. I found that I lost alot of the meaning behind praying in doing it everyday, because then, it was just a part of my routine. Now, doing it less, it is a more special time for me, which is what prayer should be.

As to whom I pray for, I pray for those who need it most, pure and simple, I don't really put in boundary lines as far as their denomination or lack of such goes (Yes, I've prayed for an athiest)

That was a really thoughtful answer and I appreciate that. I have always wondered if spiritual or religious people practice there belief daily. Also insightful that you pray when you feel it warranted, even praying for those who dont share your belief. That is somewhat comforting for me to know that people still care and pray for each other regardless of personality or opinion.

10-19-2009, 07:27 PM
Every time I come up to a scale house and don't have my logs in order I say a little prayer, if a smile comes to my face I light a smoke and keep on going, if it doesn't I pull to the side of the road and start fixing :laugh2:

10-19-2009, 07:33 PM
Every time I come up to a scale house and don't have my logs in order I say a little prayer, if a smile comes to my face I light a smoke and keep on going, if it doesn't I pull to the side of the road and start fixing :laugh2:

he he....but do you pray for the next guy to pass through without hassle?

10-19-2009, 07:46 PM
he he....but do you pray for the next guy to pass through without hassle?

Nope, honestly I ask to let me pass with no hassles and judge by the smile on my face, it hasn't failed yet

Know when I see a bad wreck I always say a little prayer for those involved, but at the scales if they are busy with someone else I may get a pass, so it is every man for himself :laugh2:

10-19-2009, 07:48 PM
Nope, honestly I ask to let me pass with no hassles and judge by the smile on my face, it hasn't failed yet

Know when I see a bad wreck I always say a little prayer for those involved, but at the scales if they are busy with someone else I may get a pass, so it is every man for himself :laugh2:

I'll be hoping you get a pass too...:cool: