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red states rule
10-19-2009, 05:43 AM
Dems are out to make this country a nanny state with a small minority paying the bill

Pelosi Backs Extension Of Parental Health Benefits For Kids To Age 27

A new provision being rolled into the unified House health care bill would allow young adults to stay on their parents' health care plans until they turn 27, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Tuesday.

Flanked by young adults from 30 states, Pelosi and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) joined the bill's sponsor, first-term Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D-Penn.), to support extending eligibility for a parent's insurance plan well past graduation from high school or college. Given that nearly one-third of America's uninsured are aged 19 to 29, Pelosi said the bill would both expand coverage and reduce the amount of subsidies the government would need to provide for coverage.

"Young adults are the most uninsured group in the country. They often lose coverage at age 19 when they graduate from high school or a few years later when they graduate from college. Once they enter the workforce, they face new obstacles to getting insurance," Pelosi said. "Now with this legislation that takes them to their 27th birthday, we take them a long way down the path of some independence, some liberation to follow their aspirations right out of school.

The proposed federal law is not a new idea -- some 20 states already have eligibility extensions for adult dependents to at least age 25 -- but it would take the issue out of the hands of states who haven't given parents of young adults the option. Thirty states also offer individual coverage to young people beyond the age-19 cutoff for S-CHIP, lasting for varying periods of time. Utah was the first to pass such a law, back in 1994, but New Jersey offers the longest young-residents benefits, which last until a resident turns 30 so long as he or she claims no dependents.

State extended-eligibility laws generally don't limit insurers from jacking up premiums to cover older dependents, however. The three House Democrats did not clarify Tuesday whether they would seek to include cost controls in the provision.


red states rule
10-19-2009, 08:57 AM
BTW, since most people get their health ins benefits from their employer, why should companies pay for those dead beat kids?

Also, will Dems now make day care expenses for 27 year olds tax deductable?

10-19-2009, 12:11 PM
Some parents today are nuts, supporting them and letting them live at home until they're in their mid 20's. Good lord, they'll never grow up unless they move out on their own.

10-19-2009, 05:27 PM
They werent happy for 25, now they are going for 27?

10-19-2009, 05:35 PM
This is a farce. Most 'uninsured twentysomethings' choose to be uninsured. If they get it from employer, fine. If they are in college they're covered by parents until at least 24. If for some reason they are in college, but parents won't or can't cover them, the university will, for all of $5-15 per month. Of course if they just have strep, flu, etc., they don't even need that insurance, as they can just go to the infirmary. The college plan is for 'catastrophic', ie. hospitalization and is quite comprehensive. If you need major medical getting it while enrolled full-time at the university is the way to go! Of course, they ARE insuring millions that will never use it.

Those are the ones that upon graduation wait to get insurance....

10-19-2009, 06:15 PM
Cradle to grave government dependence is the goal of all marxists.

It's much easier to control people who are dependent upon their masters.

red states rule
10-19-2009, 10:33 PM
So if the "child" is not covered, will Mom and Dad be fined by the Obama administration?

Great way to have the "kids" start thinking they are entitled to things. Great way to have them start voting Democrat at a young age

10-21-2009, 11:16 AM
Come on, you gotta be damn well kidding me, right? 27??? When the fuck are boys and girls supposed to become men and women in this damn country?! no wonder we're falling so far the fuck behind everyone else, we keep lowering the bar of expectations. I mean, shit, it was Biden who said on his campaign trail, "Children tend to become what we expect of them"

red states rule
10-21-2009, 10:10 PM
Some parents today are nuts, supporting them and letting them live at home until they're in their mid 20's. Good lord, they'll never grow up unless they move out on their own.

Trigg, with the economic policies of Pres Obama, Reid, and Pelosi there will be no jobs for them anyway, so why not have them at home with mom and dad?