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View Full Version : More Utahns asking for help with costs of burials or funerals

10-19-2009, 07:39 PM
More Utahns asking for help with costs of burials or funerals

By Mary Richards
MURRAY -- At Jenkins-Soffe funeral home, they are noticing a trend. More people can't pay for a death. Co-owner Kurt Soffe says obituaries now often have a request for financial assistance.

He says, "Many of them will be worded like, a memorial fund has been set up at a particular financial institution, or could you please donate directly to the funeral home, or the family to offset costs."

Soffe says the economy has either diminished or completely taken away people's ability to pay for a funeral and burial.

"It truly is across the board," he says. "It depends on the circumstances of the individuals. Many of these seniors have lost a great deal of their money because of this economy."

Soffe says the number of body donations and cremations are up. People are also requesting smaller or no services. But he says most people can find the funds or are given the funds.

"Especially in the area we live in here -- we have such close neighbors -- we have a strong community spirit. Most want to help in some way, whether it's financially or with some type of service."

Some counties in Utah report getting more requests for indigent burials, where the government has to step in and pay.


I don't care about being buried myself just put me in a coffee can like the big lewbowski.... :laugh2: