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View Full Version : Good Grief… ANOTHER Mao-Praising Obama Czar Caught on Tape (Video)

10-20-2009, 08:42 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 5:06 AM
Jim Hoft
How many commies have invaded the White House?…We may never know.

But here’s the latest Obama Czar praising mass-murderer Mao Tse-Tung in a speech:

video and the rest here...


Naked Emporer News
Ron Bloom is the Manufacturing Czar. In the video he admits, “We kind of agree with Mao that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.”
Doesn’t that make you feel secure?

So who is Ron Bloom?
Jammie Wearing Fool wrote this about the former SEIU negotiator:

The name Ron Bloom is one that we need to start paying attention to. He has a long history of being the negotiating face of unions in a suit. He is a Harvard Business School graduate who has worked for the unions beginning with SEIU for decades. The most recent union he represented was the United Steel Workers (USW) before becoming a part of the automotive team that Obama put together. You know the one that had the head Steven Rattner having to resign over some questions about his personal finances mixed in with a little fraudulent money gifts.Rattner was replaced by Ron Bloom, and voila the United Auto Workers (UAW), got a sweetheart deal backed up by the power of the federal government to try and stave off bankruptcy.