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View Full Version : *McCain See's Anger: No Surprise There*

10-21-2009, 06:45 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah he's old, he's angry, he's to blame, but he's looking up!
2. For sure, he's doesn't believe his own agenda in life.
3. Whatever that may be?
4. All he's in for is a seat.
4. Throw the bump out, and now!
5. Heres a link and a sample:http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandidateFeed7/idUSN21515736

"* McCain sees "anger, frustration" over spending *No he's just angry as usual!*

* Says party needs to attract Hispanics *Like Mexicans know how to conserve money, look at Mexico,...hehehehe,......*

* Wants candidates suited for their states *Make only Mexicans able to run for all high offices that border Mexico!*

By Steve Holland

WASHINGTON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain said on Wednesday his party needed a positive agenda to better attract those Americans who are disenchanted with Democratic policies.

McCain said he sensed "a lot of anger and a lot of frustration" among Americans over taxpayer-backed bailouts of banks and auto companies while they cope with a persistently high U.S. jobless rate of 9.8 percent and see bank executives get "obscene" bonuses."


cat slave
10-23-2009, 11:26 PM
Well, hes partly right. We ARE mad as hell. Thats the one point hes got
right. And if we cut anyones salary we should start with congress...we
could make them more competitive...Im sure we could find someone in
a third world county who could do as good a job as what we have now
and they probably have never heard of pensions and benefits....think of
the money we could save....lets outsource congress and get back in the
black....two birds with one stone so to speak.