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View Full Version : Debate style issues

10-21-2009, 09:41 PM
Just my $0.02 worth but when the Loyal Opposition finds it necessary to punctuate rebuttals with remarks like "stupid" (etc....)

I begin to wonder if their side may be completely out of ammo with regards to addressing the debate at hand.

Like small children, hurling insults ... A! only queers think like that!

What a crock! ... if people on this new groovie electronic medium are going to have debates, discussion, dialog (etc...) so be it ... but can we keep it focused on the subject matter and not attempted character assassination? PLEASE

or izat asking too much?

"This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference."
- - - Edward R. Murrow .... (about TV ... bu equally reliant for the internet)

'ave a groovie 1

10-21-2009, 10:53 PM
Interesting remark so what do you call the party in power that begins to hurl the name calling????????

Who's the child now??? I'll give you a hint, Obama and Gibbs, for it seems although being in power they can hardly handle Fox News. Oh poor little children, all talk, very little walk!!!


Mr. P
10-21-2009, 11:41 PM
If it looks like a duck, walks like a Duck and sounds like a Duck...it's a DUCK. Where's the debate?

Is calling a "Duck" a Duck, name calling?

10-22-2009, 12:11 AM
Screw the debate where is the leadership???

What happened to hope and change in Washington, all I have seen is the same old same old, the party in power pushing their agenda, this was not the type of change the people wanted and polls are showing that.


10-22-2009, 04:53 PM
I think there is plenty 'nuff juvinile delenquent behaviour to go around.

Abandon the Donkey and the Elephant!

We need a new critter!

my take on the subject ... we are supposed to have freedom of the press here and that means Obama has no business at all commenting on how FOX does its "job" ... (I think its more like FAUX "news" ... but thats just me)

anyhow DISSENT is the finest form of PATRIOTISM!

Kvetch a little! Congress needs to hear it!

Lets Roll!

10-22-2009, 05:02 PM
He's angry because I called him names in the multiple threads in the conspiracy section about 9/11 being an inside job. I called him stupid, a dolt, a truther and maybe a few other insults.

My reply:

Grow a thicker skin. Be happy all you got called is "stupid". I think those that believe our government killed thousands of our own citizens, with no proof to backup such a claim, should be called far worse. I asked you many times for physical evidence and you would do no more than give me opinions and "well, how did this happen then..." crap. I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to even take such a position with the knowledge they have zero physical evidence - going against a mountain of evidence to the contrary. But that's why they call them conspiracies, and that's why I call you an idiot.

Don't take it so personally though, slappy. Maybe I'll be kind to you in another thread where you utilize the other 98% of your brain. :)

10-22-2009, 06:05 PM
How about a peer reviewed scientific paper on NANO-THERMITE?

Not evidence enough? ... no worries, you can always take comfort in labeling the opposition "stupid".

Given that regimes throughout history have murdered millions even, to achieve (or attempt to achieve ) their aim of taking over the world.

Stalin, Hitler, (etc....) have done these things, you think that just becasue the humans who just happen to be AMERICANS can rise above being human?

It has happened in the past, and it will happen again if people do not take up the attitude of "it can't happen here" because as soon as you say that, it WILL happen here! Get a clue people.

Remember, Dissent is Patriotic!

10-22-2009, 06:23 PM
How about a peer reviewed scientific paper on NANO-THERMITE?

Not evidence enough? ... no worries, you can always take comfort in labeling the opposition "stupid".

Given that regimes throughout history have murdered millions even, to achieve (or attempt to achieve ) their aim of taking over the world.

Stalin, Hitler, (etc....) have done these things, you think that just becasue the humans who just happen to be AMERICANS can rise above being human?

It has happened in the past, and it will happen again if people do not take up the attitude of "it can't happen here" because as soon as you say that, it WILL happen here! Get a clue people.

Remember, Dissent is Patriotic!
This post is going off track to conspiracy. Stick with your op on style.

10-22-2009, 08:17 PM
How about a peer reviewed scientific paper on NANO-THERMITE?

Not evidence enough? ... no worries, you can always take comfort in labeling the opposition "stupid".

Is this review from anyone who was physically present with what they tested found in the rubble? Or is this a paper on conspiracies and what-ifs? If it's FACTUAL and contains PHYSICAL evidence from what was recovered - go ahead and post it and I'll be more than happy to read it.

I'm guessing a long shot on this one and am going to call you an IDIOT before you even reply. Why is that? Because I already know the answer.

And like Kath said, back to the subject - don't post like an idiot and I'll bet you have less chance of being called an idiot! :)

10-22-2009, 10:38 PM
If ANYBODY who disagrees with me, or anyone else who seeks truth about the events of 9/11/2001 brings up a point, and someone else (jimnyc) or anyone for that matter just states "oh that argument is stupid" that is NOT an answer, if anyone could say that the argument in question is wrong because of the laws of physics or any other known natural phenomenon, fine, however what is all too frequent in these sorts of discussions is somebody will start in with the "well that is just stupid" argument and there you are, NOTHING is getting accomplished by the name calling and certainly if the random visitor to this or any other forum where to see a "debate" wherein one side promotes solid science and the other simply insults the opposition, who do you think will appear the most credible? ... what? I'm not here to enlighten YOU, that indeed may be impossible and so I post to forums in the attempt to spread the word that LOTS of AMERICANS are seeking truth and its NOT being broadcast on Fox or CNN or for that matter ANYPLACE on the mainstream media, why do you think that is? Could it be that the "powers that be" are afraid of the TRUTH?

This isn't just about the events of 9/11/2001, it runs to the very core of what makes AMERICA tick, is Capitalism sustainable?

A! Ask Questions ... DEMAND ANSWERS!
Remember Governments Govern by the CONSENT of those Governed
(anything else would be a dictatorship or and Oligarchy!)
Does the current administration have YOUR consent?

Mr. P
10-22-2009, 10:54 PM
If ANYBODY who disagrees with me, or anyone else who seeks truth about the events of 9/11/2001 brings up a point, and someone else (jimnyc) or anyone for that matter just states "oh that argument is stupid" that is NOT an answer, if anyone could say that the argument in question is wrong because of the laws of physics or any other known natural phenomenon, fine, however what is all too frequent in these sorts of discussions is somebody will start in with the "well that is just stupid" argument and there you are, NOTHING is getting accomplished by the name calling and certainly if the random visitor to this or any other forum where to see a "debate" wherein one side promotes solid science and the other simply insults the opposition, who do you think will appear the most credible? ... what? I'm not here to enlighten YOU, that indeed may be impossible and so I post to forums in the attempt to spread the word that LOTS of AMERICANS are seeking truth and its NOT being broadcast on Fox or CNN or for that matter ANYPLACE on the mainstream media, why do you think that is? Could it be that the "powers that be" are afraid of the TRUTH?

This isn't just about the events of 9/11/2001, it runs to the very core of what makes AMERICA tick, is Capitalism sustainable?

A! Ask Questions ... DEMAND ANSWERS!
Remember Governments Govern by the CONSENT of those Governed
(anything else would be a dictatorship or and Oligarchy!)
Does the current administration have YOUR consent?

Cuz they don't wanna give NUTTERS air time.

10-23-2009, 03:52 PM
I'm not here to enlighten YOU, that indeed may be impossible and so I post to forums in the attempt to spread the word that LOTS of AMERICANS are seeking truth and its NOT being broadcast on Fox or CNN or for that matter ANYPLACE on the mainstream media, why do you think that is?

The media would like to increase their viewership/listeners. Most would choose alternate programming if absolute crap like this was wasting their time with no physical evidence. The media have brains. The viewers have brains. The rest go to conspiracy websites.

10-25-2009, 12:52 PM
this is exactly what I'm on about!
The idea that the loyal opposition can be marginalized,
because of what? The term "nutter" doesn't convey any REAL INFORMATION
it is opinion. What the debate (on all aspects of the political discourse ...)
NEEDS is a focus on FACTS, evidence, scientific prof.

The people hurling insults have obviously an emotional stake in seeing the opposition defeated, however lacking anything more substantive than "nutters" they fail miserably.

Thank U very much.

Mr. P
10-25-2009, 01:07 PM
this is exactly what I'm on about!
The idea that the loyal opposition can be marginalized,
because of what? The term "nutter" doesn't convey any REAL INFORMATION
it is opinion. What the debate (on all aspects of the political discourse ...)
NEEDS is a focus on FACTS, evidence, scientific prof.

The people hurling insults have obviously an emotional stake in seeing the opposition defeated, however lacking anything more substantive than "nutters" they fail miserably.

Thank U very much.

Nutters have no FACTS or evidence..just wild ass speculation.

10-25-2009, 01:56 PM
therefore you can that the "nutters" have no facts,
and when shown facts, you have to discredit any statements.

This is a symptom of the mind games being played, that is the BIG LIE
a lie that is so huge, that a large number of people will defend it as truth, because the alternative would be to recognize something that is so horrible, that you really don't want to give it any time at all.

Can you get your head around the concept that in AMERICA the "government" doesn't work for WE THE PEOPLE anymore, it works for Corporate interests who have NO allegiance to ANY nation. and that is a seriously scary thought, however, what if its TRUE?

Mr. P
10-25-2009, 02:15 PM
therefore you can that the "nutters" have no facts,
and when shown facts, you have to discredit any statements.

This is a symptom of the mind games being played, that is the BIG LIE
a lie that is so huge, that a large number of people will defend it as truth, because the alternative would be to recognize something that is so horrible, that you really don't want to give it any time at all.

Can you get your head around the concept that in AMERICA the "government" doesn't work for WE THE PEOPLE anymore, it works for Corporate interests who have NO allegiance to ANY nation. and that is a seriously scary thought, however, what if its TRUE?

Put yer "facts" on the table.

10-25-2009, 02:28 PM
If I start putting specifics on this sub-section of the forum, the moderator will move it to the "conspiracy" section and that will be that.

HOWEVER - have you actually read the OFFICIAL 9/11 report,
and then read or viewed on-line any of the rebuttals to it?

Planet Earth ... we have a problem here!

Mr. P
10-25-2009, 03:53 PM
If I start putting specifics on this sub-section of the forum, the moderator will move it to the "conspiracy" section and that will be that.

HOWEVER - have you actually read the OFFICIAL 9/11 report,
and then read or viewed on-line any of the rebuttals to it?

Planet Earth ... we have a problem here!

So that's an admission that you have no facts?

If you have "facts" post em on a new thread. Facts will not be moved..BS speculation will be dealt with as appropriate I'm sure.

10-25-2009, 06:02 PM
The truth seekers can point to a peer-reviewed document on NANO-THERMITE, and the opposition has to shoot the messenger.

When we question the nature of the "collapse" of three steel framed buildings, the defenders of the OFFICIAL story say "total collapse was inevitable"

and then the truth seekers are accused of having no case!


what is VERY clear here, is that we need to ARREST the emperor for INDECENT EXPOSURE!

Can U dig it?

Mr. P
10-25-2009, 07:55 PM
The truth seekers can point to a peer-reviewed document on NANO-THERMITE, and the opposition has to shoot the messenger.

When we question the nature of the "collapse" of three steel framed buildings, the defenders of the OFFICIAL story say "total collapse was inevitable"

and then the truth seekers are accused of having no case!


what is VERY clear here, is that we need to ARREST the emperor for INDECENT EXPOSURE!

Can U dig it?

What we really have here is a truther without "FACTS" to back him up. Just stuck in the mud of speculation and spinning his wheels.

10-25-2009, 08:38 PM
the Mr P
character whoever he is, may be totally hopeless
HOWEVER there are people reading this forum who posses critical thinking skills and will THINK about the information presented.


Mr. P
10-25-2009, 10:06 PM
the Mr P
character whoever he is, may be totally hopeless
HOWEVER there are people reading this forum who posses critical thinking skills and will THINK about the information presented.


:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: I don't have a TELEVISION!


10-26-2009, 01:35 PM
Mr. P is not alone.

And what difference does it make what forum your thread is in? If its interesting to someone it gets read.

Since your threads are about a conspiracy, that is the correct forum for it.