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View Full Version : Why are ConReps weak on national security?

10-22-2009, 05:01 PM
One thing I have noticed when listening to and reading the endless conservative tripe that my husband enjoys is how much more emphasis the ConReps place on the security and stability of other countries than our own.
The ConReps seem much more interested in fighting the evil no-gooders in Afghanistan and the Middle East than the no-gooders present in the U.S. And the vast majority of the hatred and venom is directed at Muslims and those of the Middle Eastern ilk than the Mexicans and South American criminals that seek to bring us down from the inside.
So my question is: Why are you more intent of pouring money and manpower into the wars abroad than fighting the war at home? Drug cartels are growing bolder and more violent every day. They operate in many major American cities.
I realize that hating on Hispanic criminals is less popular and PC than hating on evil Muslims, but they do pose a much greater threat on our own shores. And you have a much greater chance of running into a drug criminal than a Muslim extremist.

So what's the deal? Why not bring all American troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and put them to work fighting the drug cartels and their henchmen. Why can't we place more emphasis on protecting OUR country rather than someone else?
Let the Iraqis and Afghans protect their own countries. If they are not interested in such, screw em.

10-22-2009, 05:19 PM
Actually I get your point Gabby. I guess I would say that the drug cartels, are real threat to border agents, police on all levels, and our own criminals within. However, they are for the most part only interested in growing, selling, and pushing their products in order to become unbelievably wealthy. Now could the US help Columbia more? That's a country that's been begging for some help. Yeah, we could easily, certainly for less $$ than the wars in ME.

On the other hand, neither Columbia nor drug cartels are looking for ways to nuke US or bring down our economy. So far our government doesn't really care about the druggies or police.

It could be argued that Venezuela is a different kettle altogether, but Obama has ally plans for them. We'll see how that works out.

There really isn't any argument across the left/right that al Queda plans to destroy the US if allowed to. There is also no doubt that the Taleban is allied with them. There's doubt aplenty regarding Pakistan. How will our nearly year in President deal with all this? We'll have to wait and see.

10-22-2009, 07:52 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I hate the fact that we stay in such a hell hole country.
2. We should of just got in and got out.
3. Bam, just like that.
4. I don't see any reason to be there now.
5. Lets pack our shit and get.
6. You can't help people who are in the same class as a dog.
7. Sure that sounds wild eyed, crazy as a bat out of hell and all.
8. But look how they do each other, day in day out they blow each other up at the market places.
9. I have no respect for them whatsoever, and never will.
10. We need Mexicans and their strong backs, they can work any white man into the grave, in two weeks, if you were to try to keep up with one.


10-22-2009, 08:08 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I hate the fact that we stay in such a hell hole country.
2. We should of just got in and got out.
3. Bam, just like that.
4. I don't see any reason to be there now.
5. Lets pack our shit and get.
6. You can't help people who are in the same class as a dog.
7. Sure that sounds wild eyed, crazy as a bat out of hell and all.
8. But look how they do each other, day in day out they blow each other up at the market places.
9. I have no respect for them whatsoever, and never will.
10. We need Mexicans and their strong backs, they can work any white man into the grave, in two weeks, if you were to try to keep up with one.


Leave, can't do fast enough. We'll worry about the Mexicans and their backs. Just go.

10-22-2009, 11:47 PM
Kathleen, I think you underestimate the problem. The drug cartels are not just out to get rich. They are out for power. It's about pride and territory.
The drug cartels are structured much like the mafioso once so prevalent in large cities like New York and Chicago. The work by intimidation.
At the present time, the drug lords are allowed almost limitless access to our country. Because we have so little border security.
How long before our increasing unemployment problem becomes a boom for drug cartels? That is what has happened in poor countries.
Muslims do not want to take over the U.S. Sorry to disillusion everyone. They want us our of their end of the world.
The drug cartels are a MUCH stronger threat. And they are in our backyard now.

Sorry bout that,

6. You can't help people who are in the same class as a dog.

10. We need Mexicans and their strong backs, they can work any white man into the grave, in two weeks, if you were to try to keep up with one.

Chessy, I would consider you in the same class as a dog, but that would be an insult to the dog, who is both smarter and more reliable.
And just because Mexicans (and most Anglos) have nearly worked you into the grave doesn't mean that applies to everyone. You are just lazy and unambitious.

10-23-2009, 07:22 AM
Sorry bout tha,

1. Ahhhhhhhhh,...hahahahaha,.........:laugh2:
2. Funny stuff.
3. Sleep with dogs, get up with fleas.
4. I understand.


10-23-2009, 11:18 AM
So my question is: Why are you more intent of pouring money and manpower into the wars abroad than fighting the war at home? Drug cartels are growing bolder and more violent every day. They operate in many major American cities.
I realize that hating on Hispanic criminals is less popular and PC than hating on evil Muslims, but they do pose a much greater threat on our own shores. And you have a much greater chance of running into a drug criminal than a Muslim extremist.

So what's the deal? Why not bring all American troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and put them to work fighting the drug cartels and their henchmen. Why can't we place more emphasis on protecting OUR country rather than someone else?
Let the Iraqis and Afghans protect their own countries. If they are not interested in such, screw em.

1. I was against both wars from the very beginning. I agree that we have more than enough problems in this country to worry about and we should get out of the war. However, we're there now and we should stay until the country is stable, have a reliable police force and the regular people are safe from terrorist groups. I hope that happens very soon.

2. The border fence needs to be completed and this gov. needs to get serious about deporting and prosecuting illegals and gang leaders. Bush was actually doing a great job with workforce raids and e-verify (I believe) is being used in California businesses. Close the porus border and that will HELP stop the drug cartels and illegals. This has nothing to do with "hating" on Mexicans, I don't care where they come from, if they're here illegally they NEED TO GO HOME.

3. Finally I agree again. We are not the world's police force. There are more than enough problems that need fixed in this country.

10-23-2009, 12:37 PM
However, we're there now and we should stay until the country is stable, have a reliable police force and the regular people are safe from terrorist groups. I hope that happens very soon.

The above will never happen. The countries involved have never been stable. Nor do they want to be. Withdrawing will force them to make a decision.

2. The border fence needs to be completed and this gov. needs to get serious about deporting and prosecuting illegals and gang leaders.

The border fence is a useless waste of money. As one wise person said "build a six-foot fence and someone will come along with a seven-foot ladder."
The existing fence has already been compromised. The only real solution is more enforcement.
If you close the border, this will stop illegal immigration. Mexicans come to this country for higher paying jobs that help them feed their families. If you cut the back-and-force traffic, no one will come here. Because they know they will be unable to return.
Current immigration standards are useless because they punish workers instead of employers. Apply real sanctions to employers (like shutting down their businesses) will force them to think twice about employing illegals.
Illegals will be here as long as there are jobs. Take away the jobs and they will leave.

10-23-2009, 12:51 PM
The above will never happen. The countries involved have never been stable. Nor do they want to be. Withdrawing will force them to make a decision.

The border fence is a useless waste of money. As one wise person said "build a six-foot fence and someone will come along with a seven-foot ladder."
The existing fence has already been compromised. The only real solution is more enforcement.
If you close the border, this will stop illegal immigration. Mexicans come to this country for higher paying jobs that help them feed their families. If you cut the back-and-force traffic, no one will come here. Because they know they will be unable to return.
Current immigration standards are useless because they punish workers instead of employers. Apply real sanctions to employers (like shutting down their businesses) will force them to think twice about employing illegals.
Illegals will be here as long as there are jobs. Take away the jobs and they will leave.

First, whats obvious is the fact that you don't really know the difference between WAR and LAW ENFORCEMENT.....
War is whats going on Afghanistan...
Law enforcement is whats going at the border...or maybe a better discription would be "lack of law enforcement".....
Nothing in the world stopping the messiah from beefing up the border, building a fence, digging a moat, or planting a mine field....whatever
The simple fact is...few politicians want to enforce immigration laws....
even to the extent that a lowly sheriff in Arizona is being persecuted by liberal Dems for trying....

10-23-2009, 02:53 PM
Silver, you obviously don't have a clue what we are talking about here. Kindly take your ignorance to other threads.

10-23-2009, 03:03 PM
Silver, you obviously don't have a clue what we are talking about here. Kindly take your ignorance to other threads.

now now little girl, silver has as much right to post in this thread as anyone here does..

10-23-2009, 07:29 PM
The above will never happen. The countries involved have never been stable. Nor do they want to be. Withdrawing will force them to make a decision.

The border fence is a useless waste of money. As one wise person said "build a six-foot fence and someone will come along with a seven-foot ladder."
The existing fence has already been compromised. The only real solution is more enforcement.
If you close the border, this will stop illegal immigration. Mexicans come to this country for higher paying jobs that help them feed their families. If you cut the back-and-force traffic, no one will come here. Because they know they will be unable to return.
Current immigration standards are useless because they punish workers instead of employers. Apply real sanctions to employers (like shutting down their businesses) will force them to think twice about employing illegals.
Illegals will be here as long as there are jobs. Take away the jobs and they will leave.

Like I said, I was never in favor of going into those countries. However, withdrawing before they have a somewhat stable government only hurts the moderate people who live there. They will see us as a bully who came in, only to make things worse. We need to get out, I agree, but slowly.

The border fence is not useless. It's like a hemorrhage, right now people are flowing in, it may not stop ALL the people, but it will stop MOST of them. The few hundreds that still sneak in will be more easily caught than the hundreds of thousands that we have now.

Build the fence to stop the hemorrhage, go after the employers, use e-verify, have more enforcement at the border. Even with all of this people will still try to sneak in, but many will probably leave.

10-24-2009, 10:09 AM
Silver, you obviously don't have a clue what we are talking about here. Kindly take your ignorance to other threads.

now now little girl, silver has as much right to post in this thread as anyone here does..


I like to give her a break...it must hard getting pwned EVERY time you make a uninformed comment....
but then, thats no reason not to be grateful when someone tries to educate you with the truth....:laugh2:

10-24-2009, 10:39 AM
Gabby does have a point about the cartels:


'Mammoth Takedown' of Violent Mexican Drug Gang
Feds Operation Largest Ever Against Cartel in U.S.

Oct. 22, 2009—

Just before dawn Wednesday, Drug Enforcement Administration agents launched a raid on suspected Mexican drug traffickers hiding out in a Los Angeles suburb.

Moments later, the suspects were brought out in handcuffs, caught in what authorities say is the largest national dragnet against Mexican cartels, which have been expanding their reach across the United States.

The California raid was one of dozens that took place over the past two days, targeting Mexico's La Familia cartel, an organization notorious for beheadings and its brazen attacks on authorities south of the border. La Familia also ships huge amounts of methamphetamines, marijuana and cocaine into the United States each year, the DEA says.

Watch Pierre Thomas' report on "World News With Charles Gibson" tonight at 6:30 p.m. ET

"They're very active, they're prolific and they're extremely dangerous," DEA agent Jose Martinez said at the scene of the Riverside, Calif., raid.

The operation -- which authorities have called Project Coronado -- involved more than 3,000 federal agents and police officers in 19 states, resulting in the arrests of more than 300 people. Authorities seized $3.4 million, 730 pounds of methamphetamines, and more than 400 weapons from members of the cartel.

"[La Familia] is the newest and it is the most violent of the five Mexican drug cartels," said Attorney General Eric Holder as a news conference in Washington Thursday. "The sheer level and depravity of the violence that this cartel has exhibited thus far exceeds unfortunately what we have become accustomed to from the other cartels."

La Familia's tactics are also ruthless. In a police surveillance tape released by federal officials, La Familia drug smugglers are seen removing methamphetamine stashed in a car's hidden compartment. Then, they wrap the drugs in a blanket with a toddler.

"Since its emergence as a cartel in 2006, we have tracked La Familia's expansion into cities scattered all across the United States," said DEA administrator Michele Leonhart....

10-24-2009, 03:30 PM
Silver, you obviously don't have a clue what we are talking about here. Kindly take your ignorance to other threads.

Actually it would seem that Silver knows a lot more than you apparently do. have you ever heard the term posse comitatus????? Let me refresh your memory:

18 U.S.C. 1385

Sec. 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of
Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to
execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

Which means that it is against the law for the military to operate within the United States to prevent or attack crime. Now if you are discussing using the military to secure the border that is another thing altogether. That they can do and be used.


10-26-2009, 01:43 PM
dmk, that is EXACTLY what I am referring to. Policing the border.
I have little disdain for the Mexicans that cross the border. You do what you need to do to feed your family.
I have complete disdain for those who hire illegals. If there were no jobs, no one would have a reason to cross the border. Those who hire illegals are usually give slap on the wrist fines to pay. There needs to be more enforcement and great penalties for employers.

10-26-2009, 04:40 PM
dmk, that is EXACTLY what I am referring to. Policing the border.
I have little disdain for the Mexicans that cross the border. You do what you need to do to feed your family.
I have complete disdain for those who hire illegals. If there were no jobs, no one would have a reason to cross the border. Those who hire illegals are usually give slap on the wrist fines to pay. There needs to be more enforcement and great penalties for employers.

There are reasons to cross the border besides jobs. Illegals also use our hospitals as free clinics, which is why so many have closed in California and Texas. They also come for the schools.

I do agree that if there were no jobs to be had millions less would come here. The employers need heavy fines charged to them for each and every illegal found working for them.

10-26-2009, 04:47 PM
There are reasons to cross the border besides jobs. Illegals also use our hospitals as free clinics, which is why so many have closed in California and Texas. They also come for the schools.

I do agree that if there were no jobs to be had millions less would come here. The employers need heavy fines charged to them for each and every illegal found working for them.

I don't think that many cross the boarder for schools or hospitals, Mexico is more generous with college than we are, IF the student is qualified. Even with medicine, don't think that's the reason, it's jobs. Right now, my guess is there is a real slowdown.