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10-27-2009, 04:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah he was a msulim, Muhammed whatshisname.
2. Just started shooting people, for his religion.
3. He will die soon, injected with poison.
4. This is islam people open yea eyes.
5. Link,sample:

"RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - The mastermind of the 2002 Washington, DC-area sniper attacks will die by lethal injection next month, Virginia officials said Tuesday.
John Allen Muhammad declined to choose between lethal injection and electrocution, so under state law the method defaults to lethal injection, Virginia Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor said.

Muhammad is scheduled to be executed Nov. 10 for the October 2002 slaying of Dean Harold Meyers at a Manassas gas station during a string of shootings.

The three-week killing spree in October 2002 left 10 dead in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Muhammad and his teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, were also suspected of shootings in several other states, including a killing in Louisiana and another in Alabama. Malvo is serving a life sentence in prison.

Muhammad's lawyers have asked the Virginia governor for clemency and plan to file an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court early next month."

6. This isn't going to stop folks.


10-28-2009, 12:52 PM
Sorry bout that

6. This isn't going to stop folks.



10-28-2009, 03:04 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey flea girl.
2. I see you got nothing.
3. Hahahahaha,........:laugh2:
4. Take a pill and call me in the morning,..hehehehe,......:laugh2:


10-28-2009, 03:46 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah he was a msulim, Muhammed whatshisname.
2. Just started shooting people, for his religion.
3. He will die soon, injected with poison.
4. This is islam people open yea eyes.
5. Link,sample:

Most Muslims are good people.

The problem right now is that the radicals are in charge of the (mostly) uneducated masses. Uneducated people are easy to control and indoctrinate into extremism.

Once the population, as a whole, are allowed to get an education and read the Koran for themselves fanatics will loose their influence.

This is one of the reasons we shouldn't cut and run from Afghanistan, the normal everyday people need and want our help. They want to be able to educate their girls and get out from under the thumb of the fanatics.

10-28-2009, 03:51 PM
Most Muslims are good people.

The problem right now is that the radicals are in charge of the (mostly) uneducated masses. Uneducated people are easy to control and indoctrinate into extremism.

Once the population, as a whole, are allowed to get an education and read the Koran for themselves fanatics will loose their influence.

This is one of the reasons we shouldn't cut and run from Afghanistan, the normal everyday people need and want our help. They want to be able to educate their girls and get out from under the thumb of the fanatics.

I'm not arguing the premise whether or not most Muslims are 'good persons.' OTOH, seems you subscribe to the idea that the Koran itself is peaceful? Is that your contention? That the illiterate are being told something different than the Koran says?

10-28-2009, 03:57 PM
I'm not arguing the premise whether or not most Muslims are 'good persons.' OTOH, seems you subscribe to the idea that the Koran itself is peaceful? Is that your contention? That the illiterate are being told something different than the Koran says?

I do think the uneducated people are being led into extremism by fanatics who are reinterpreting the Koran in order to support their interests. IMO the better educated a group is the less likely they are to support the loonies in any organization or religion.

I've seen translated quotes from the Koran, but I can't read it so I don't truely know what it says.

10-28-2009, 04:22 PM
I do think the uneducated people are being led into extremism by fanatics who are reinterpreting the Koran in order to support their interests. IMO the better educated a group is the less likely they are to support the loonies in any organization or religion.

I've seen translated quotes from the Koran, but I can't read it so I don't truely know what it says.

From all I've read, both academic and in general, the people that are following the Koran are those that are out to 'get us.' It's the orthodox approach regarding religion that nearly always causes intolerance and war. Doesn't matter which version. It's the 'literal interpretation' that causes hatred, mistrust, and commitment to purification.

10-28-2009, 04:23 PM
I do think the uneducated people are being led into extremism by fanatics who are reinterpreting the Koran in order to support their interests. IMO the better educated a group is the less likely they are to support the loonies in any organization or religion.

I've seen translated quotes from the Koran, but I can't read it so I don't truely know what it says.

The koran is basically evil. It tells how to subjugate people. In addition to it is the hadath which is an addition and interpretation of the koran. There are many hadath's, written by various imams. Who interprets the koran is important too. A muslim interpreting it will have a different interpretation than a non-muslim. Also agenda's must be taken into consideration.

True the uneducated follow what their religious leaders tell them. But there are many educated fanatics in islam as well. bin laden has an engineering degree. His second in command is a doctor. The English guys that tried to blow up the disco's in London were doctors and medical people. The 9/11 hijackers were all educated. The thing they all have in common is they were fundamentalist muslims. They took or take the koran literally. That makes them very dangerous as the koran does not preach love.

10-29-2009, 07:48 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Or peace.
2. Biggest lie, coming from within islam, these days.


10-30-2009, 11:24 AM
The koran is basically evil....That makes them very dangerous as the koran does not preach love.

Wrong again! Obviously you have no clue.

10-31-2009, 09:35 AM
The supposed religious beliefs of the terrorists who would commit acts such as 911 and other atroscities are just what Kathy was sort of saying. In retro, can we blame Christianity for Timothy McVeigh's act on the Federal building in Okie city? Of course not, he was a radical.

Radical killers commit these acts because they are radical killers. A religious belief may have been a tool in their effort but can not be deemed the "reason" they do these things.

More white men have been serial killers in American society by far than any other ethnic group. Would it be fair then to assume that the next one will be a white man as well. Why are we unable to attach a religious stigma to them? Because they usually aren't religious. In the case of Eric Robert Rudolph, who was a staunch anti-abortionist, we get from him that radical folks in that category are religious based killers. Thyen we have folks being harmed for the extreme opposite while demonstrating against abortion by supporters.

Killers are killers. They are going to find a way to kill and / or a method. Blaming the entire cause, (Abortion, their religious belief, etc,,,) is sort of a cop out. There are many oeaceful Muslims, active supprters of anti-abortion and Abortion supporters. Each time an atroscity is committed in the name of one of these causes, these radicals are actually dealing a blow to the cause they are supposedly so intent on supporting. It is because they are killers, not supporters.

Islam itself to me is a harmless inaccurate view of religion. Nothing more, it is the radicals that make it a vehicle by which to attach itself to a cause to kill. Simple as that. We want to blame something bigger than merely a person for their actions and that is why we continue to want to blame the entire religion or cause of these people mentioned.

10-31-2009, 10:03 AM


in other news;
Bear shits in woods,
Pope may be Catholic,

11-01-2009, 05:01 PM
Sorry bout that,

The supposed religious beliefs of the terrorists who would commit acts such as 911 and other atroscities are just what Kathy was sort of saying. In retro, can we blame Christianity for Timothy McVeigh's act on the Federal building in Okie city? Of course not, he was a radical.

1. He was a zealot for for a cult in Waco, Davidians Cult, his hard on was vengence.

Radical killers commit these acts because they are radical killers. A religious belief may have been a tool in their effort but can not be deemed the "reason" they do these things.

2. A cult will drive a person to do hidious things, islam is a cult, not a religion.

More white men have been serial killers in American society by far than any other ethnic group. Would it be fair then to assume that the next one will be a white man as well. Why are we unable to attach a religious stigma to them? Because they usually aren't religious. In the case of Eric Robert Rudolph, who was a staunch anti-abortionist, we get from him that radical folks in that category are religious based killers. Thyen we have folks being harmed for the extreme opposite while demonstrating against abortion by supporters.

3. You're rambling, I don't follow this line of thought.

Killers are killers. They are going to find a way to kill and / or a method. Blaming the entire cause, (Abortion, their religious belief, etc,,,) is sort of a cop out. There are many oeaceful Muslims, active supprters of anti-abortion and Abortion supporters. Each time an atroscity is committed in the name of one of these causes, these radicals are actually dealing a blow to the cause they are supposedly so intent on supporting. It is because they are killers, not supporters.

4. Doesn't jibe, you're off topic, can't wrap my head around it.

Islam itself to me is a harmless inaccurate view of religion.

5. Now your beginning to make sense.

Nothing more, it is the radicals that make it a vehicle by which to attach itself to a cause to kill.

6. Why do you claim they are *Just Radicals*? Maybe they are doing what their book tells them to do, and are following it properlly?

Simple as that. We want to blame something bigger than merely a person for their actions and that is why we continue to want to blame the entire religion or cause of these people mentioned.

7. Sure I want to give them the credit they deserve, I don't want to cover it up for them, as if they don't know what they do.

8. Its time Americans and the World in general stop covering islams crapola with kitty litter, when they do their business on the innocents.
