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View Full Version : Second 787 assembly line goes to South Carolina

10-28-2009, 10:17 PM
Thanks to those FREAKIN PIECE OF CRAP UNIONS - Good Job Unions!


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10-29-2009, 09:35 AM
AA Announces Close of KCI Overhaul Base, 700 to Lose Jobs

KANSAS CITY, MO - American Airlines announced Wednesday that it will close its overhaul base at KCI in September 2010. Airline officials held a meeting early Wednesday morning and announced that 700 people will lose their jobs.

story (story)

this is just up the freeway from me.

10-29-2009, 07:40 PM
Hey you know what, the unions got exactly what they deserved. They had a strike last year in Washington, and now they wanted the second line. Why in the world we a reasonable executive anywhere place a line somewhere where the Union had a strike.

This is the ultimate in short-sighted goals. The unions wanted more money now, and forget to think about what might happen tomorrow.

If anyone is to blame it is the unions for not having the vision to think about tomorrow.

I watched as a young child as Pittsburgh declined thanks to the unions nearsightedness. When will they ever learn!!
