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View Full Version : Alan Grayson Runs and Hides From Fox News

red states rule
10-29-2009, 07:14 AM
So much for the courage of the lefts new nutcase. He has guts as he tosses out his insults, but cowers in the corner and runs away when confronted with hard questions

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10-29-2009, 07:28 AM
Griff Jenkins is a little "pitbull". I love how he is unassuming and can get in there but doesn't let up. He cracks me up everytime he pins these guys down..

red states rule
10-29-2009, 07:29 AM
Griff Jenkins is a little "pitbull". I love how he is unassuming and can get in there but doesn't let up. He cracks me up everytime he pins these guys down..

What was so telling about Grayson, he runs away, calls the cops, and when the cops determine Griff is doing nothing wrong - Grayson is screaming at them to toss them out anyway

Typical bully type you find in the school yard

10-30-2009, 04:12 AM
Two words for Billo..."Luffa much?" :laugh2:

red states rule
10-30-2009, 08:23 AM
This video wil make a great campaign ad to show the true colors of this gutless liberal wonder

When he loses his reelection bid he will have a job waiting at MSNBC hosting his own little watched show

10-30-2009, 08:50 AM
it is sickening that we have pukes like this Grayson running our government..

he can call a woman a whore and the left cheers, but whatever you do don't call the Dear Leader a liar, all hell will break lose..

we need to be stocking up on pitchforks..

red states rule
10-30-2009, 08:56 AM
it is sickening that we have pukes like this Grayson running our government..

he can call a woman a whore and the left cheers, but whatever you do don't call the Dear Leader a liar, all hell will break lose..

we need to be stocking up on pitchforks..

When Obama called him “an outstanding Congressman,” America should be embarrassed

The Democrat Party is drunk with power and is as angry as I have ever seen them

10-30-2009, 09:07 AM
When Obama called him “an outstanding Congressman,” America should be embarrassed

The Democrat Party is drunk with power and is as angry as I have ever seen them

did you see a Dnc email sent out asking for their people to start attacking Sarah Palins facebook..I'll see if I can find it..

everyone should REMEMBER, Sarah Palin is now just a CITIZEN not in any position of government..

this is the Democrat-Progressive party of today..DECIEVE, DIRTY and DESTROY.

red states rule
10-30-2009, 09:21 AM
did you see a Dnc email sent out asking for their people to start attacking Sarah Palins facebook..I'll see if I can find it..

everyone should REMEMBER, Sarah Palin is now just a CITIZEN not in any position of government..

this is the Democrat-Progressive party of today..DECIEVE, DIRTY and DESTROY.

Not to mention her children and grandchildren. Dems have taken politics to the lowest levels possible as they will stop at nothing to destroy those who stand in their way

10-30-2009, 09:40 AM
links and a video at their site..

Pathetic… DNC Urges Supporters to Attack Palin on Facebook
Thursday, October 29, 2009, 6:19 AM
Jim Hoft
Pathetic. The DNC is urging supporters to attack private citizen Sarah Palin on Facebook.

From the DNC website:

If Sarah Palin wants to spread lies on Facebook, we’ll call her out in the very same place.

Click the share button below to share our note — and make it clear that people who lie about reform will be held accountable, no matter where they spread their misinformation.

The DNC is furious at Sarah Palin for suggesting that their nationalized health care plan would increase costs, drive up the deficit, squeeze out private insurers, and ration care.

Democrats say Sarah Palin is lying:

Democrats want you to believe that their plan will cover an extra 30-40 million legal and illegal Americans and will cut costs at the same time. They want you to believe that their nationalized health care plan will not squeeze out private insurers. They want you to believe that their nationalized plan will be the first nationalized plan ever to not ration health care.

So who’s really lying?

red states rule
10-30-2009, 09:42 AM
links and a video at their site..

Pathetic… DNC Urges Supporters to Attack Palin on Facebook
Thursday, October 29, 2009, 6:19 AM
Jim Hoft
Pathetic. The DNC is urging supporters to attack private citizen Sarah Palin on Facebook.

From the DNC website:

If Sarah Palin wants to spread lies on Facebook, we’ll call her out in the very same place.

Click the share button below to share our note — and make it clear that people who lie about reform will be held accountable, no matter where they spread their misinformation.

The DNC is furious at Sarah Palin for suggesting that their nationalized health care plan would increase costs, drive up the deficit, squeeze out private insurers, and ration care.

Democrats say Sarah Palin is lying:

Democrats want you to believe that their plan will cover an extra 30-40 million legal and illegal Americans and will cut costs at the same time. They want you to believe that their nationalized health care plan will not squeeze out private insurers. They want you to believe that their nationalized plan will be the first nationalized plan ever to not ration health care.

So who’s really lying?

Why are they still worried about her? Perhaps they see her as a threat to Obama in 2012

10-31-2009, 07:40 PM
Why are they still worried about her? Perhaps they see her as a threat to Obama in 2012

She is more than just a threat. She is gaining in popularity. Like Obama she is releasing her autobiography that I personally cannot wait to read. She will be on Oprah.

Today as a Private Citizen she is reaching out to people on Facebook. Igniting controversy with her notes regarding the issues that are facing the people and as I read the comments on her page, more and more of the people are beginning to agree with her.

Obama is losing support with independents, and his base is angry with him over the war. Unless he turns it around and quick, he could become a sitting President that does not win the nomination of his party.

Palin is the least of Obama's problems right now.
