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View Full Version : 1st Amendment Threats From The Self-Proclaimed Defenders

11-01-2009, 05:39 AM
Remember back in the campaign, when Obama spoke of threats to free speech, (albeit his campaign, like that when running for IL legislature acted contrarily, but moving along...)? Well it's beginning to be recognized that the real threats have arrived:


It's the 'hate speech' stuff:


Troubling Signals On Free Speech

Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009
by Stuart Taylor Jr.
It was nice to hear Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton say on October 26, "I strongly disagree" with Islamic countries seeking to censor free speech worldwide by making defamation of religion a crime under international law.

But watch what the Obama administration does, not just what it says. I'm not talking about its attacks on Fox News. I'm talking about a little-publicized October 2 resolution in which Clinton's own State Department joined Islamic nations in adopting language all-too-friendly to censoring speech that some religions and races find offensive.

The ambiguously worded United Nations Human Rights Council resolution could plausibly be read as encouraging or even obliging the U.S. to make it a crime to engage in hate speech, or, perhaps, in mere "negative racial and religious stereotyping." This despite decades of First Amendment case law protecting such speech.

To be sure, the provisions to which I refer were a compromise, stopping short of the flat ban on defamation of religion sought by Islamic nations, and they could also be construed more narrowly and innocuously. It all depends on who does the construing.

Is it "negative stereotyping" to say that the world's most dangerous terrorists are Islamists, for example? Many would say yes....

11-01-2009, 06:09 AM
The 1st amendment has been ignored for many years, the fact that the 'church' of $cientology has a special tax-exempt status proves such,

11-01-2009, 06:13 AM
The 1st amendment has been ignored for many years, the fact that the 'church' of $cientology has a special tax-exempt status proves such,

You've no 'tolerance' for Scientology, eh? Actually with the exception of the Patriot Act, free speech has been doing ok here, up until now. Now we've got the 9th Circuit defining pornography on the internet...

11-01-2009, 10:28 AM
You've no 'tolerance' for Scientology, eh? Actually with the exception of the Patriot Act, free speech has been doing ok here, up until now. Now we've got the 9th Circuit defining pornography on the internet...

I have no tolerance for any group that is involved in blackmail, murder, fraud, intimadation and religion for profit, do you?

As i said the 1st was trashed years ago when the IRS broke the establishment clause of the 1st by giving a specail tax-exempt status to the Co$, yet there never seems to be any mention of it and how it is unconstitutional

Edit; Also if i may make clear, it is the organization, not the religion of the Co$ which i am against,

11-01-2009, 10:39 AM
I have no tolerance for any group that is involved in blackmail, murder, fraud, intimadation and religion for profit, do you?

As i said the 1st was trashed years ago when the IRS broke the establishment clause of the 1st by giving a specail tax-exempt status to the Co$, yet there never seems to be any mention of it and how it is unconstitutional

Edit; Also if i may make clear, it is the organization, not the religion of the Co$ which i am against,

I don't know much about Scientology, other than it seems cultish, but then again there are many cults in US. As for IRS, don't know about them and that Church, I found this (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Cowen/essays/irs.html), for what it may be worth. I'll look it over when I've the time.

11-01-2009, 11:02 AM
I don't know much about Scientology, other than it seems cultish, but then again there are many cults in US. As for IRS, don't know about them and that Church, I found this (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Cowen/essays/irs.html), for what it may be worth. I'll look it over when I've the time.

Indeedy, its well worth looking into, here's a sort video on what happened, which includes an extange between a Judge and an IRS lawyer on its policy towards the Co$

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eLBgvuBkXaQ&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eLBgvuBkXaQ&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

11-02-2009, 05:57 AM
Have ANY FOX affiliates been closed? No.

Has ANY FOX broadcast been censored by the government? No.

All the Obama administration did was call FOX Noise out for what it is...The propaganda arm of the GOP. Never mind that the Bush administration repeatedly shut out the NY Times, NBC and MSNBC.

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/200910210028>Attack on White House criticism of Fox follows years of GOP assaults on media</a></center>

11-02-2009, 08:12 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. If they can get rid of 1st Amendment, then it won't be long till I leave this Nation.
2. And go to a Country where I can spred the hard rock truth on islam in peace.


red states rule
11-02-2009, 08:15 AM
Here is a LTE from one of the local papers. There are alot of people who want to silence those they disagree with, and many are in the Obama administration

Hatemongers abuse freedom of speech

To the editor:

When will the hatemongers, aka Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Glenn Beck and so forth finally be silenced?

They not only spread misinformation, but also incredible lies. The big problem is that there are so many people out there in media land who are too lazy to think rationally and who do not want to check facts in order to clarify outrageous statements made by these devious individuals. They do the dirty work for the greedy right wingers to make the rich richer and to keep the cash flowing into their own pockets.

It seems the less you care about the country as a whole and the louder you yell, the greater is your monetary reward. There is something terribly wrong with this picture. When will these individuals be held accountable for the terrible damage they are doing?

When our forefathers made sure that free speech would be protected, they did not imagine this kind of element would take advantage of that protection and abuse it to this extreme.

Hilda Eiber-McCabe
Falling Waters, W.Va.


11-02-2009, 02:24 PM
Everyone supports free speech. Except for factions that they don't like.

11-02-2009, 05:56 PM
Have ANY FOX affiliates been closed? No.

Has ANY FOX broadcast been censored by the government? No.

Has ANY TV BROADCAST beeen censored by the GOP....NO

All the Obama administration did was call FOX Noise out for what it is...The propaganda arm of the GOP. Never mind that the Bush administration repeatedly shut out the NY Times, NBC and MSNBC.(Bullshit, it never happened)

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/200910210028>Attack on White House criticism of Fox follows years of GOP assaults on media</a></center>

Perhaps you didn't read or understand your own link...
April, 2001
DeLay, who has lambasted CNN as the "Clinton News Network" and "Communist News Network," actually suggested a boycott of the network during a recent bicameral GOP leadership gathering. None of the others Republican lawmakers who were in attendance agreed to take part.

Therefore, the suggested "boycott" never happened
From U.S. News' April 29, 2002, "Washington Whispers": "The GOP whisper campaign to boycott CNN's political show Crossfire has become official policy. Paul Begala and cohost James Carville...
Washington gossup, aka, bullshit..exactly one later..hardly a "fail and balanced" show to start with...
July 10...House Deputy Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) appeared on the show last week proves the goosup was bullshit
New York Times reporters not on Air Force Two ?
A crew of about 10 reporters flies with him, representing all the networks, the wire services and two or three newspapers.
There simply are not enough seats for all of the press, and other publications got their names on the list before us. If someone drops out, they'll let me know.
Thats just the simple truth
In 2006, GOP House members sought punishment, possible prosecution of NY Times???
In the wake of a June 23, 2006, New York Times article (as well as articles in the Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal) describing a secret Bush administration program designed to monitor international financial transactions
No shit Charlit Chan...a paper disclosing government secrets in the fight against terrorism?...they ought to be prosecuted....
Gillespie accused NBC of "deceitful editing"
Its doesn't say what the incident was but its absolutely been shown that MSNBC/NBC does this with ease...recently shown in guns at Obama meet when they hid the fact that the man with the guns was black by its creative editing...and it was exposed with video on youtube...

In 2008, McCain campaign repeatedly attacked press, banned or threatened to ban journalists from campaign plane and bus????
So what....McCain is not the GOP and how he ran his election is his personal business....the GOP doesn't dictate to McCain how to handle his election bid....

11-02-2009, 09:17 PM
if you ask him he'll say what free speech ????

11-03-2009, 05:11 AM
Have ANY FOX affiliates been closed? No.

Has ANY FOX broadcast been censored by the government? No.

All the Obama administration did was call FOX Noise out for what it is...The propaganda arm of the GOP. Never mind that the Bush administration repeatedly shut out the NY Times, NBC and MSNBC.

<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/research/200910210028>Attack on White House criticism of Fox follows years of GOP assaults on media</a></center>

Yes and in doing so he has increased the viewership of Fox News. So tell me, as the Fox News ratings increase, what exactly is it doing to the Obama numbers.

Their is a great inverse proportion going on, as Obama's favorabllity falls, Fox News viewership increase.

The more Obama administration talks about Fox the more people tune in.

Hmmm one might say that the administration is doing it to themselves!!!
