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View Full Version : GOP should dump the neo-cons

11-04-2009, 02:11 AM
This author brings up some interesting points. Do you agree?


11-04-2009, 07:27 AM
This author brings up some interesting points. Do you agree?


Great article!!!

I truely can't find anything to refute in the article, how about you gabs would you say the assesment of the GOP and the Dem party is accurate???

11-04-2009, 08:00 AM
I agree with the assessment that the Republicans support of Dept. of Ed., NCLB, Medicare/Medicaid expansions, etc., are not conservative. I do not think the government should be in people's bedrooms or slipping religion into science classes in public schools.

As for Obama taking 'neocon' advice on Afghanistan? No way, no how. He was firmly committed to that during the campaign and restated it as his 'new policy' in March.

11-04-2009, 11:08 AM
i dont think the federal government should be involved in public school education. Thats something the states should govern according to the Constitution.

Let's return back to Conservative principles of limited government.

11-04-2009, 11:17 AM
I thought it was a very insightful article. I definitely see misplaced priorities on both sides.

11-05-2009, 02:39 PM
This author brings up some interesting points. Do you agree?


It's too late. The scribble-in their-own-crap-crazies have the GOP firmly in their feces crusted hands. To be on the lunatic fringe of the GOP these days, you have to want to blow things up. Unless, of course the targets are abortion clinics, providing a safe, legal medical procedure for women, then it's OK to blow it up.

Ronald Reagan, who continues to be idolized by the GOP, couldn't get elected as a Republican today. The party has shifted, even further to the right than he ever dreamt of being, just to the left of Mussolini.

11-05-2009, 03:28 PM
It's too late. The scribble-in their-own-crap-crazies have the GOP firmly in their feces crusted hands. To be on the lunatic fringe of the GOP these days, you have to want to blow things up. Unless, of course the targets are abortion clinics, providing a safe, legal medical procedure for women, then it's OK to blow it up.

Ronald Reagan, who continues to be idolized by the GOP, couldn't get elected as a Republican today. The party has shifted, even further to the right than he ever dreamt of being, just to the left of Mussolini.

Good gawd, the Democrat party has been taken over by commies and all you Dems. sit there and do nothing but bitch about Republicans..so I'll just assume you are also a commie at heart..

and if the Republicans are to be known as the party who wants to blow things up..

how does it feel to belong to a Party (Democrats) that see nothing wrong with murdering children before they have a chance at life..but don't forget, it's a "simple LEGAL medical procedure"

11-05-2009, 04:57 PM
It's too late. The scribble-in their-own-crap-crazies have the GOP firmly in their feces crusted hands. To be on the lunatic fringe of the GOP these days, you have to want to blow things up. Unless, of course the targets are abortion clinics, providing a safe, legal medical procedure for women, then it's OK to blow it up.

Ronald Reagan, who continues to be idolized by the GOP, couldn't get elected as a Republican today. The party has shifted, even further to the right than he ever dreamt of being, just to the left of Mussolini.

Totalitarianism has a lot more in common with communism than it does with the far right, ie Anarchy.

People always make this faulty comparison. Far left is totalitarianism (full government control). Far right is anarchy (No government). So Mussolini was a leftist.

11-06-2009, 06:51 PM
Totalitarianism has a lot more in common with communism than it does with the far right, ie Anarchy.

People always make this faulty comparison. Far left is totalitarianism (full government control). Far right is anarchy (No government). So Mussolini was a leftist.

Anarchy and totalitarianism are but opposite extremes of the same spectrum...nihilism and absolutism. Either extreme is ultimately fatal, and both parties can fall into this trap. Currently, the GOP is moving rapidly towards the absolutist end, i.e. totalitarianism, with their drive for ideological purity and the purging of moderates from the party. The election outcome in New York's 23rd district was a perfect example of this. The absolutist ideologues drove a moderate Republican, Dede Scozzafava, from the race. The ideologues threw their weight behind Doug Hoffman, a political unknown who didn't even live in the district possessed of a vaguely creepy, child-molester wannabe stare, having no knowledge of the issues facing the district and whose campaign platform was cut-and-pasted from Glenn Beck's bat-shit crazy maunderings. As a result, a Democrat won in a district that has been represented by a Republican since 1872.

The GOP's absolutist ideologues, also know as "Tea-baggers", Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others, are encouraging the continued purge of moderates from the GOP, moving the party even further to the right and closer to the absolutist end of the spectrum.

<center><a href=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/11/02/2009-11-02_limbaugh_palin_urge_right_wing_to_step_up_effor ts_to_purge_moderates_from_republ.html>Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin urge conservative right to purge moderates from Republican Party</a></center>

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/11/02/2009-11-02_limbaugh_palin_urge_right_wing_to_step_up_effor ts_to_purge_moderates_from_republ.html#ixzz0W7uLT8 Hj

The Democrats, on the other hand are, at least paying lip-service, to governing from the middle even though that middle is further to the right than either they...or the Republicans...would care to admit.

History has shown us, repeatedly, that governing from the extremes is always doomed to failure. Government, to be successful, must govern from the middle.

11-06-2009, 07:17 PM
Anarchy and totalitarianism are but opposite extremes of the same spectrum...nihilism and absolutism. Either extreme is ultimately fatal, and both parties can fall into this trap. Currently, the GOP is moving rapidly towards the absolutist end, i.e. totalitarianism, with their drive for ideological purity and the purging of moderates from the party. The election outcome in New York's 23rd district was a perfect example of this. The absolutist ideologues drove a moderate Republican, Dede Scozzafava, from the race. The ideologues threw their weight behind Doug Hoffman, a political unknown who didn't even live in the district possessed of a vaguely creepy, child-molester wannabe stare, having no knowledge of the issues facing the district and whose campaign platform was cut-and-pasted from Glenn Beck's bat-shit crazy maunderings. As a result, a Democrat won in a district that has been represented by a Republican since 1872.

The GOP's absolutist ideologues, also know as "Tea-baggers", Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others, are encouraging the continued purge of moderates from the GOP, moving the party even further to the right and closer to the absolutist end of the spectrum.

<center><a href=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/11/02/2009-11-02_limbaugh_palin_urge_right_wing_to_step_up_effor ts_to_purge_moderates_from_republ.html>Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin urge conservative right to purge moderates from Republican Party</a></center>

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/11/02/2009-11-02_limbaugh_palin_urge_right_wing_to_step_up_effor ts_to_purge_moderates_from_republ.html#ixzz0W7uLT8 Hj

The Democrats, on the other hand are, at least paying lip-service, to governing from the middle even though that middle is further to the right than either they...or the Republicans...would care to admit.

History has shown us, repeatedly, that governing from the extremes is always doomed to failure. Government, to be successful, must govern from the middle.

There wasn't anything moderate about her...she leaned farther left than the Dem in the race. How in hell she got on the ticket as a Republican should be investigated. I'll wager she got campaign financing from the DNC.

11-07-2009, 05:33 AM
There wasn't anything moderate about her...she leaned farther left than the Dem in the race. How in hell she got on the ticket as a Republican should be investigated. I'll wager she got campaign financing from the DNC.

Conspiracy much? :laugh2:

Sir Evil
11-07-2009, 07:25 PM
The Democrats, on the other hand are, at least paying lip-service, to governing from the middle even though that middle is further to the right than either they...or the Republicans...would care to admit.

