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11-05-2009, 07:43 AM
Simply amazing that stuff like this still goes on,

A white US justice of the peace who refused to sign a marriage licence for a mixed-race couple has resigned, Louisiana officials have said.

Keith Bardwell had faced calls to stand down after he refused to issue the licence because the bride was white and the bridegroom was black.

He denied racism but said mixed-race children were not readily accepted by their parents' communities.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal called the resignation "long overdue".

"This was the right decision by Mr Bardwell. What he did was clearly wrong," he said in a statement.

The office of Louisiana Secretary of State Jay Dardenne said it had received a statement from Mr Bardwell saying: "I do hereby resign the office of Justice of the Peace for the Eighth Ward of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, effective November 3, 2009."

No reason for the resignation was specified.

'Lawsuit filed'

The couple Mr Bardwell refused to issue a licence for - Beth Humphrey, 30, and Terence McKay, 32 - have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against him, US media reported.

Ms Humphrey said that when she phoned Mr Bardwell on 6 October to discuss getting the licence, his wife told her about his stance on mixed-race marriage.

She said she had not expected such comments "in this day and age".

Mr Bardwell, who has worked as a justice of the peace for 34 years, said that in his experience most interracial marriages did not last very long.

He estimated that he had refused applications to four couples in the past two-and-a-half years.

11-05-2009, 09:16 AM
What makes you believe you're right and he's wrong?...This may come as a shock to you but maybe things haven't changed as much as you think they have.

Just because things are one way in your little secluded liberal world doesn't mean that everybody feels the same and many will not except your philosophy.

Just because liberals are demanding immorality in America doesn't mean that everybody is going to except it...Some will never conform to liberal perversions.

You may not realize this but the number of far right thinking people[extremist] is growing and becoming more emboldened, especially since Obama took office.

11-05-2009, 09:25 AM
Hey, maybe the guberment can legislate racism out of us all..

you think this would be a big story if the justice of peace had been BLACK..:poke:

11-05-2009, 10:25 AM
What makes you believe you're right and he's wrong?...This may come as a shock to you but maybe things haven't changed as much as you think they have.

Just because things are one way in your little secluded liberal world doesn't mean that everybody feels the same and many will not except your philosophy.

Just because liberals are demanding immorality in America doesn't mean that everybody is going to except it...Some will never conform to liberal perversions.

You may not realize this but the number of far right thinking people[extremist] is growing and becoming more emboldened, especially since Obama took office.

What makes me think that I'm right and he's wrong?...er, because you should be allowed to marry someone no matter their colour of skin...do you not agree?

11-05-2009, 10:29 AM
Hey, maybe the guberment can legislate racism out of us all..

you think this would be a big story if the justice of peace had been BLACK..:poke:

I would like to think that anyone justice who made such comments would be removed,

11-05-2009, 10:40 AM
Yes you should be allowed to marry interracially. What's wrong with that?

11-05-2009, 10:41 AM
Do you notice it's always black men and white women and rarely black women and white men.

11-05-2009, 10:45 AM
Do you notice it's always black men and white women and rarely black women and white men.

no, but I dont know any interracial couples. Im in Utah.

11-05-2009, 10:49 AM
Simply amazing that stuff like this still goes on,


I gotta say after visiting your country I don't think you really have a problem over there (my wife stated that it was the "whitest" country she had ever seen). I personaly could care less what color you are and who you want to marry...............

11-05-2009, 11:08 AM
I really don't have a problem with inter-racial marriages. However I do think the cultural differences could put additional strains on a marriage.

11-05-2009, 05:05 PM
I gotta say after visiting your country I don't think you really have a problem over there (my wife stated that it was the "whitest" country she had ever seen). I personaly could care less what color you are and who you want to marry...............

Yar, i dunno about Ireland but Northern Ireland is like 99.9% white, and even most of the immigrants we get are from Poland ( ergo white aswell), i'm pretty sure throughout my 18 years in Northern Ireland i only knew about 4 black familys, totaly different here in England though were its much more metropolitan

11-05-2009, 06:08 PM
Yar, i dunno about Ireland but Northern Ireland is like 99.9% white, and even most of the immigrants we get are from Poland ( ergo white aswell), i'm pretty sure throughout my 18 years in Northern Ireland i only knew about 4 black familys, totaly different here in England though were its much more metropolitan

From this post you have no personnal experience with black-white marriage and the problems that causes, expecially here in the US.

I suggest you visit any black US websight and look around, blacks are more against black-white unions (especially black male white women) than than your average white person.

Mixed marriages have a MUCH higher divorce rate than other marriages. The judge was wrong to not marry them, but,he was right when he said they have a higher divorce rate. Look up the numbers.

11-05-2009, 06:20 PM
From this post you have no personnal experience with black-white marriage and the problems that causes, expecially here in the US.

I suggest you visit any black US websight and look around, blacks are more against black-white unions (especially black male white women) than than your average white person.

Mixed marriages have a MUCH higher divorce rate than other marriages. The judge was wrong to not marry them, but,he was right when he said they have a higher divorce rate. Look up the numbers.

Indeedy i don't personally know of anyone in a mixed race marraige,

I'm not arguing with the numbers, however, as you have also conceded, that is no grounds for anyone to stop a marriage, and for someone to try and stop a marraige based purly on race is racist,

Mr. P
11-05-2009, 07:40 PM
Do you notice it's always black men and white women and rarely black women and white men.

I've noticed that all over this country, North, South, East and West.

cat slave
11-05-2009, 07:57 PM
And its almost always a blond woman with a black man. Is it that "opposites"
attract thing going on???

11-05-2009, 08:08 PM
And its almost always a blond woman with a black man. Is it that "opposites"
attract thing going on???

I think it's just the "in thing" to do now days. A status symbol for both of them.

11-06-2009, 10:58 AM
And its almost always a blond woman with a black man. Is it that "opposites"
attract thing going on???

Personally I think its because those women are tired of sissy-boy effeminate men that have been emasculated by feminism and are looking for guys that are manly, even if its just in appearance.

11-07-2009, 10:46 PM
Well most of the white women I see with a black man are Fat hogs anyway...maybe they can't get a white guy because there too lazy to lose their fat asses :laugh2:

11-07-2009, 11:43 PM
Well most of the white women I see with a black man are Fat hogs anyway...maybe they can't get a white guy because there too lazy to lose their fat asses :laugh2:

I've gone out with black guys, I'm 5'1" and 102 right now. So, could it possibly be that some, even conservative women just look for those that compliment the lady? Could be.

11-07-2009, 11:45 PM
I've gone out with black guys, I'm 5'1" and 102 right now. So, could it possibly be that some, even conservative women just look for those that compliment the lady? Could be.

:poke: I said most :laugh2:

Mr. P
11-08-2009, 12:10 AM
Well most of the white women I see with a black man are Fat hogs anyway...maybe they can't get a white guy because there too lazy to lose their fat asses :laugh2:

I've noted the same.

11-10-2009, 09:18 AM
What makes me think that I'm right and he's wrong?...er, because you should be allowed to marry someone no matter their colour of skin...do you not agree?Be advised, I am a realist and I do not practice political correctness.

I am a white separatist...Minorities are much too racist in my expert opinion.

Blacks especially have a deep seated hatred for the white race, especially white males.

One of the main reasons they date white women is for something to flaunt in front of white men.

And of course "that sweet white ass"...I have heard negroes brag to each other about their white conquests...It is not flattering ladies.

The white women date negroes because it has become a fad promoted by music, the media and hollywood...How shallow is that?

I do not live my life in seclusion...I am 58 and have been out and about and traveled extensively...I am experianced at life and love the study of people.

I have watched in amazement as political correctness has replaced rational thought and common sense and instead of desiring the truth, people now fear it.

Let the accusations begin!

11-10-2009, 09:44 AM
Be advised, I am a realist and I do not practice political correctness.

Well there ya are, I'm a realist too, so we have something in common :)

I am a white separatist...Minorities are much too racist in my expert opinion.

To what extent does 'white separatist' apply? For example what about eastern European men? They are White, would you consider them a racist minority too?

Blacks especially have a deep seated hatred for the white race, especially white males.

I'm sure some do, and visa-versa, but you can not tar all with the same brush.

One of the main reasons they date white women is for something to flaunt in front of white men.

You are using that tar brush again, the fact is ofcourse you don't know why any man choses to be with any women, but you will happily assume.

And of course "that sweet white ass"...I have heard negroes brag to each other about their white conquests...It is not flattering ladies.

And this is exclusive to black men? Think again sir, if only you could have been in my 6th form common room on a Monday morning hearing about the 'conquests' over the weekend =/

The white women date negroes because it has become a fad promoted by music, the media and hollywood...How shallow is that?

A fad? You could hardly call it a fad, it's just Globalization in action.

I do not live my life in seclusion...I am 58 and have been out and about and traveled extensively...I am experianced at life and love the study of people.

And you think that traveling around gives you the God giving right to judge anyone in an interracial relationship?

I have watched in amazement as political correctness has replaced rational thought and common sense and instead of desiring the truth, people now fear it.

And what truth has been lost?

Let the accusations begin!

What accusations? You yourself said you are a White Seperatist, I need add no more to that.

11-10-2009, 09:53 AM
Well most of the white women I see with a black man are Fat hogs anyway...maybe they can't get a white guy because there too lazy to lose their fat asses :laugh2:This may have been true 10 years ago but now days I have noticed many beautiful women have developed a case of jungle fever.

I have heard stories from friends and family members of high school girls actually making fun of other white girls who date white boys.

Dating the wrong boy has turned into the same delimma for young girls as shopping at the wrong stores and wearing the wrong clothes.

Another problem that is becoming more widespread is that many young white girls now believe it is a status symbol to have a black baby.

11-10-2009, 10:25 AM
This may have been true 10 years ago but now days I have noticed many beautiful women have developed a case of jungle fever.

I have heard stories from friends and family members of high school girls actually making fun of other white girls who date white boys.

Dating the wrong boy has turned into the same delimma for young girls as shopping at the wrong stores and wearing the wrong clothes.

Another problem that is becoming more widespread is that many young white girls now believe it is a status symbol to have a black baby.

I have to agree that it has become fashionable here in So. Cal. I still think alot of it has to do with the lack of masculine white males though. Here in So. Cal. white guys are supposed to be in touch with some feminine side crap and act more like women then men.

11-10-2009, 10:29 AM
Im white, mostly Irish and German some swede, but I would date outside my race (if I dated) but Utah is 98% white. There is not much racial diversity here.

11-10-2009, 11:04 AM
Well there ya are, I'm a realist too, so we have something in common :)LOL!...Sorry Noir, but no one who believes in and practices political correctness can possibly be a "realist"...It's an oxymoron.

To what extent does 'white separatist' apply? For example what about eastern European men? They are White, would you consider them a racist minority too?"White separatist" is self explanatory to most people.

I'm sure some do, and visa-versa, but you can not tar all with the same brush.Typical liberal PC bullshit.....No response necessary.

You are using that tar brush again, the fact is ofcourse you don't know why any man choses to be with any women, but you will happily assume.More of the same PC bullshit.

And this is exclusive to black men? Think again sir, if only you could have been in my 6th form common room on a Monday morning hearing about the 'conquests' over the weekend =/When negroes describe their conquests as white ho's and white bitches, it is "racial" and not the same as what the white boys do.

A fad? You could hardly call it a fad, it's just Globalization in action.Yes, I can hardly call it a "fad" because that is exactly how it began, even though it may have now morphed into something more disgusting.

And you think that traveling around gives you the God giving right to judge anyone in an interracial relationship?We all must make judgements to survive...We do it everyday when we make decisions of what neighborhood to walk through on the way home or who we are going to befriend.

Political correctness has led you to believe that "judgement calls" are a bad thing when they are actually the most normal thing in the world and a very important survival tool.

And what truth has been lost?The "truths" of rational thought and common sense that have been sacrificed on the alter of political correctness.

What accusations? You yourself said you are a White Seperatist, I need add no more to that.You say that as if it is a bad thing...That makes it an "accusation"...I take pride in my courage to stand against the powers of political correctness and the insurmountable resources that support it while you and the other sheep safely follow the herd of ignorance.

11-10-2009, 11:10 AM
Do you notice it's always black men and white women and rarely black women and white men.

?????.....not only can I say I have noticed it's always "always"....I think you would be hard pressed to come up with statistics that it isn't equally distributed.....

11-10-2009, 11:12 AM
Personally I think its because those women are tired of sissy-boy effeminate men that have been emasculated by feminism and are looking for guys that are manly, even if its just in appearance.

/boggle....so black men appear more "manly"?......

11-10-2009, 11:42 AM
I have to agree that it has become fashionable here in So. Cal. I still think alot of it has to do with the lack of masculine white males though. Here in So. Cal. white guys are supposed to be in touch with some feminine side crap and act more like women then men.No doubt, white masculinity has suffered in the last couple of decades.

Women thought it was what they desired in a man and the white males foolishly complied.

11-10-2009, 02:51 PM
/boggle....so black men appear more "manly"?......

Yes, since girls have had no real manly men to look toward for last generation or so they attribute loud, obnoxious and promiscuous behavior as manly.

11-10-2009, 03:08 PM
Do you notice it's always black men and white women and rarely black women and white men.

Normally, yep, that's the way it's been, but right now, on Amazing Race, there is a mixed couple. She's a very pretty, intelligent black woman and he's a tall, good looking, intelligent white man.....

11-10-2009, 03:18 PM
Personally I think its because those women are tired of sissy-boy effeminate men that have been emasculated by feminism and are looking for guys that are manly, even if its just in appearance.

That could very well be....But it seems that women have become more masculine and hemen, than men now. There appears to have been a trend for a couple of decades now where women wear the pants, and the men bow down to do their bidding.....disgusting.... I like men to be men. It's alright for women to do a mans job perse, you know, equal this and equal that.... But when it comes to dating, romance, marriage, I think it's much more romantic to let the man be a man rather than bossing him around even before a marriage ceremony takes place...

11-10-2009, 03:26 PM
Well most of the white women I see with a black man are Fat hogs anyway...maybe they can't get a white guy because there too lazy to lose their fat asses :laugh2:

OR..........maybe those women have been in abusive relationships with white men and decided to steer clear of them and move in a different direction....Who knows?

11-10-2009, 08:45 PM
what exactly is wrong with different races dating anyway? I don't really understand why groups that are against it think it is wrong.

11-10-2009, 08:48 PM
what exactly is wrong with different races dating anyway? I don't really understand why groups that are against it think it is wrong.

Cus Hogwash says so, and he's in his 50's and traveled to many countries, so he must be right, right?

11-10-2009, 08:52 PM
Cus Hogwash says so, and he's in his 50's and traveled to many countries, so he must be right, right?

I see nothing wrong, nor does most of site. Noir, the pc enforcer has a problem with one. So it's assumed by him that all are fuktards.

11-10-2009, 08:53 PM
Cus Hogwash says so, and he's in his 50's and traveled to many countries, so he must be right, right?

There are a lot of people I have met that say things or think things like what hogwash said (including my biological father he was really racist)

.. But nobody ever really says why they think it.

11-14-2009, 09:31 PM
You disgrace your family, your race and most importantly, yourself.

11-14-2009, 09:37 PM
You disgrace your family, your race and most importantly, yourself.

That scene is a disgrace regardless of race.

11-14-2009, 09:49 PM
You disgrace your family, your race and most importantly, yourself.

You Sir are a disgrace to humanity, love and respect.

11-14-2009, 10:48 PM
You Sir are a disgrace to humanity, love and respect.I suppose you "love and respect" the rats and cockroaches that carry filth and desease into your home.

11-14-2009, 10:49 PM
I suppose you "love and respect" the rats and cockroaches that carry filth and desease into your home.

You are comparing different races to rats and cockroaches that carry filth and desease?

11-14-2009, 10:58 PM
I am comparing excrement to feces.

11-14-2009, 11:02 PM
I am comparing excrement to feces.


You know its so easy to laugh and hate, but it take guts to be gentil and kind,

11-14-2009, 11:37 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I think any race getting married out of ones race is a given.
2. People are all the same.
3. Skin color isn't a barrier anymore.


11-14-2009, 11:39 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I think any race getting married out of ones race is a given.
2. People are all the same.
3. Skin color isn't a barrier anymore.


Jesus Christ, even CWN is making sense! This is really putting Hogwash to shame!

11-15-2009, 12:17 AM

You know its so easy to laugh and hate, but it take guts to be gentil and kind,I love to "laugh" but your false presumption of "hate" is a result of your political correctness programming.

My opinions are not the result of hatred, only observation, common sense, rational thought and the resistance of PC bombardment.

11-15-2009, 12:29 AM
I love to "laugh" but your false presumption of "hate" is a result of your political correctness programming.

My opinions are not the result of hatred, only observation, common sense, rational thought and the resistance of PC bombardment.

Ofcourse petal, and Hitlers idea for an aryan race was also based on only observation, common sense and rational thought i'm sure. You know he was a white separatist too!

11-15-2009, 12:39 AM
Ofcourse petal, and Hitlers idea for an aryan race was also based on only observation, common sense and rational thought i'm sure. You know he was a white separatist too!If you believe I am a fan of Adolf Hitler, you are badly mistaken.

He was devout socialist....Much closer to your brand of politics than mine.

11-15-2009, 12:44 AM
If you believe I am a fan of Adolf Hitler, you are badly mistaken.

He was devout socialist....Much closer to your brand of politics than mine.


So the one thing you decided to pick to seperate yourself from hitler is his leanings left or right? Jezy crezy man,

and no, i am not saying you support hitler and all of his ideas, plans and beliefs. Buut you do share the idea of white separatism, which was core to his belief of a perfect society, and you would support a simalar policy in your country, no?

11-15-2009, 05:33 AM

So the one thing you decided to pick to seperate yourself from hitler is his leanings left or right? Jezy crezy man,

and no, i am not saying you support hitler and all of his ideas, plans and beliefs. Buut you do share the idea of white separatism, which was core to his belief of a perfect society, and you would support a simalar policy in your country, no?

Hitler was also a devout vegetarian, does that make you like him?

BTW, I'm not into white separatism, far from it. Just think this 'Hitler' stuff is getting old.

11-15-2009, 08:57 AM
Hitler was also a devout vegetarian, does that make you like him?

BTW, I'm not into white separatism, far from it. Just think this 'Hitler' stuff is getting old.

I was born on Hitler's Birthday, can you imagine how sick I am of the hitler jokes every year??? LOL

11-15-2009, 09:01 AM
I was born on Hitler's Birthday, can you imagine how sick I am of the hitler jokes every year??? LOL

I'd change it. ;)

11-15-2009, 09:27 AM
Hitler was also a devout vegetarian, does that make you like him?

BTW, I'm not into white separatism, far from it. Just think this 'Hitler' stuff is getting old.The modern day white and oriental races have civilized far beyond the latino and especially the sub-saharan, black african race.

The American experiment has been a complete failure...Negroes are an uncivilized race of people and their savagry and racism is equaled by no other group except possibly the muslims.

The latinos who come here do not do so to become Americans, but to reclaim what they believe is rightfully their country and they bring with them their socialist baggage.

These people do not wish to be americanized...They desire only to unwittingly transform America into what they have fled from in their native homelands.

Most white Americans are aware of these things but are not permitted to talk about them because of political correctness speech restrictions and fear of being labeled a racist.

All other races may openly speak freely and take pride in their race and teach pride to their children except the white race.

How do you tell your children they are just as good as anyone else when they see white racism everywhere and are inadvertedly told everyday they are second class citizens?

Is it any wonder many young white boys immulate the blacks and the young white girls seek to date the black boys and openly avoid the white boys.

There are actually cases of young white girls that are rediculed and made fun of for dating white boys.

Pay attention to your children...You can learn much of what is going around in modern America unless you just don't wish to know.

Those who are blind by choice will never see the light...Those who are deaf by choice will never hear the truth...Wake up people.

11-15-2009, 09:38 AM
The modern day white and oriental races have civilized far beyond the latino and especially the sub-saharan, black african race.

The American experiment has been a complete failure...Negroes are an uncivilized race of people and their savagry and racism is equaled by no other group except possibly the muslims.

The latinos who come here do not do so to become Americans, but to reclaim what they believe is rightfully their country and they bring with them their socialist baggage.

These people do not wish to be americanized...They desire only to unwittingly transform America into what they have fled from in their native homelands.

Most white Americans are aware of these things but are not permitted to talk about them because of political correctness speech restrictions and fear of being labeled a racist.

All other races may openly speak freely and take pride in their race and teach pride to their children except the white race.

How do you tell your children they are just as good as anyone else when they see white racism everywhere and are inadvertedly told everyday they are second class citizens?

Is it any wonder many young white boys immulate the blacks and the young white girls seek to date the black boys and openly avoid the white boys.

There are actually cases of young white girls that are rediculed and made fun of for dating white boys.

Pay attention to your children...You can learn much of what is going around in modern America unless you just don't wish to know.

Those who are blind by choice will never see the light...Those who are deaf by choice will never hear the truth...Wake up people.

I don't know where you live or what your life experiences have been. I've been lucky. Raised solidly middle class, good neighborhood, good schools-public and private. All of the minorities I came in contact with were raised by parents in the same socio-economic class as mine. The two black kids both went to our church, Catholic. The parents had gone to Catholic schools in the city, they sent their children to public for more diversity. LOL! There was little diversity. Mostly white, two blacks, a few Asians, the 6 Jewish kids. There were no 'incidents' of discrimination or exclusions that I was aware of. The kids all acted the same, awkward. We did our homework, went to the dances.

In the nearly 40 years since, I've not lived in any 'tough' neighborhoods, though being not far outside of Chicago, I read the papers. Again in my neighborhood, schools, and church, I find the people pretty much alike. Kids are expected to be respectful, they usually are to others than their parents. They go to school, work part-time or play sports/instruments, and go onto college. It's much more diverse than when I was growing up, most likely a result of 'the American experiment' and opportunities opening up for those that work hard. Funny thing, somehow 'these people' turn out to have like standards for themselves and their kids, when they are making the same sort of living.

I'm not being condescending, your experiences may well be very different than mine. I know there are 'bad' people out there, I saw the video from Chicago after school fatal beating too. I know that a kid shot at cops yesterday. I know about black on black, black on white crimes. I know of gangs of minorities and caucasians often clash with deadly results in the city.

11-15-2009, 10:52 AM
I don't know where you live or what your life experiences have been. I've been lucky. Raised solidly middle class, good neighborhood, good schools-public and private. All of the minorities I came in contact with were raised by parents in the same socio-economic class as mine. The two black kids both went to our church, Catholic. The parents had gone to Catholic schools in the city, they sent their children to public for more diversity. LOL! There was little diversity. Mostly white, two blacks, a few Asians, the 6 Jewish kids. There were no 'incidents' of discrimination or exclusions that I was aware of. The kids all acted the same, awkward. We did our homework, went to the dances.

In the nearly 40 years since, I've not lived in any 'tough' neighborhoods, though being not far outside of Chicago, I read the papers. Again in my neighborhood, schools, and church, I find the people pretty much alike. Kids are expected to be respectful, they usually are to others than their parents. They go to school, work part-time or play sports/instruments, and go onto college. It's much more diverse than when I was growing up, most likely a result of 'the American experiment' and opportunities opening up for those that work hard. Funny thing, somehow 'these people' turn out to have like standards for themselves and their kids, when they are making the same sort of living.

I'm not being condescending, your experiences may well be very different than mine. I know there are 'bad' people out there, I saw the video from Chicago after school fatal beating too. I know that a kid shot at cops yesterday. I know about black on black, black on white crimes. I know of gangs of minorities and caucasians often clash with deadly results in the city.One of us is judging the majority by the exceptions...I wonder which one of us it is?...You would think our president would be an example of the "good majority".

Yet he sat for 20 years in a church that preached and practiced hate and racism and taught Black Liberation Theology, the black equivilent of white KuKluxKlan ideology.

Hopefully the liberals will excuse me...It's not politically correct to speak of such things.

11-15-2009, 11:00 AM
One of us is judging the majority by the exceptions...I wonder which one of us it is?...You would think our president would be an example of the "good majority".

Yet he sat for 20 years in a church that preached and practiced hate and racism and taught Black Liberation Theology, the black equivilent of white KuKluxKlan ideology.

Hopefully the liberals will excuse me...It's not politically correct to speak of such things.

I would consider Obama as typical as I would George Bush. They are not. I will not disagree with you regarding Obama, he is and has always been close with the militant left, of whatever hue. Notice Ayers is quite white and probably high church?

11-15-2009, 11:30 AM
Hitler was also a devout vegetarian, does that make you like him?

BTW, I'm not into white separatism, far from it. Just think this 'Hitler' stuff is getting old.

Yes, in respect to what food I chose to eat I am like hitler, infact I have many thing in common with him, I'm also a man, I also have hair, and I look stupid with a mousetash,

However, one aspect of thought that link Hitler and Hogwash is their view of white seperatism. Now I would judge that to be a little different to sharing a diet and a gender, would you not?

11-15-2009, 11:52 AM
Yes, in respect to what food I chose to eat I am like hitler, infact I have many thing in common with him, I'm also a man, I also have hair, and I look stupid with a mousetash,

However, one aspect of thought that link Hitler and Hogwash is their view of white seperatism. Now I would judge that to be a little different to sharing a diet and a gender, would you not?

Indeed, as I said it was most likely the Hitler nonsense, it's tiresome. As I said, I'm not into separatism, no need and also think it's wrong.

11-15-2009, 12:33 PM
Hasn't anyone ever wondered why we excuse racism by minorities yet we are so quick to accuse and critisize any white person who even speaks about forbidden subjects concerning race.

Gerraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton, both liberals, were accused of racism for remarks about Obama during the campaign...When you are white in America you must choose your words carefully.

White folks have become well trained lapdogs in the art of restricted PC speech...Knowing what and what not to say is becoming second nature to the well trained and well meaning members of honkydom.

11-15-2009, 12:53 PM
Hasn't anyone ever wondered why we excuse racism by minorities yet we are so quick to accuse and critisize any white person who even speaks about forbidden subjects concerning race.

Gerraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton, both liberals, were accused of racism for remarks about Obama during the campaign...When you are white in America you must choose your words carefully.

White folks have become well trained lapdogs in the art of restricted PC speech...Knowing what and what not to say is becoming second nature to the well trained and well meaning members of honkydom.

As for pc'ness. We agree. Obama played the race card, time and again. Criticizing that is much different than advocating separatism. Is there reverse discrimination, especially against white men? Yes. Should they be fighting it, yes.

11-15-2009, 12:55 PM
Interesting debate going on this thread.

Hog Trash, while a bit extreme for me has made some really good points about social order and cultural influence. As a repoman I ride the neighborhoods where much of the most detestful activities take place to support the argument of minorities and their poor influence on society as a whole. As I ride those streets howeveer I am mindful to think that up above those project streets filled with drug dealers and thuggery is a little black or hispanic child with his head buried in a book of study or watching an educational program that will make him come full circle as a worthy contributor to American Society. He is probably looking back at me over the view from his upstairs window, hopeful that he will do what he can to disprove HOG's theory. Does that child not deserve the same opportunity and respect as any other person of whatever race.......and maybe a wee nit more, considering his degree of difficulty?

I've known some fine folks in my life of all races. I've seen some real shit too. To think however that a person is or isn't something based solely on thier race / creed is shallow. It is so easy to develop bias toward something we are destined not to like in the first place.

Much of what Hog Trash says is true however. The difference between "seperatist" and "supremicist" is substantial. I possess some strong feelings about race at times myself. Affirmative Action being of my favorite pet peeves. The political "gang bang" orchestrated by white democrats to entice blacks to vote for them is a good example. It was only forty years ago that here ion the south bathrooms were "seperate" for blacks and whites. Lester Maddox, George Wallace and other prominent "DEMOCRATS" were strong supporters of this seperatism. Yet liberals try and believe that the left seems to possess some majic answer for them socially. Fact is they are being used like the slaves they used to be by those exact people so they can stay in power while their peers prescribe to some bullshit philosophy that these rich lefty political hacks have some real interest in their lives.

Personally I wish nothing bad on anyone.....of any race and can live with anybody so long as they represent themselves in a manner conducive with decency and American tradition. I remember an Indian neighbor I had when I lived in project apartments in North Atlanta in the 60's who insisted his children speak English and taught values to his children that were in line with our tradition. I respected the guy. I like P's signature about Why do I have to press 1 for English? You come here....be an American. Try to influence my kids to subscribe to your tradition and I think you are wrong and I adopt pretty much an opinion like Trash's.

Hate cannot win though...I know this. America is a melting pot of influxed ethnicity. Remember Hog Trash.....the Indians were here first. That pretty much cancels out any and all arguments of who this country really belongs to. From there we have to be reputable contributors to try and keep the traditions of our own ethnic traditions alive without infringing on another's right to do the same. Remove politics from the issue and government size and control and the task becomes much easier.

I'll go so far as to say this once again. I don;t see Hog Trash as a "hater". I believe he erepresents a true philosophy of a seperatist that is not based in hate yet is a difficult one in these times.

Fort every Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin or Richars Steele, there is a thousand drug thugs in the streets of Washington, Detroit or St. Louis. I know this but in my heart I believe in struggling for what is right and i know these are fine people as well as thiose who support them. I cannot allow myself to think poorly of their entire race because of their misgivings either. There are plenty of worthless ass white folks out there too.

PS The Hitler stuff is tired as hell.

Joyful HoneyBee
11-15-2009, 01:07 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to emmett again.

Anyway, very well said. :clap:

11-15-2009, 01:16 PM
Interesting debate going on this thread.


Much of what Hog Trash says is true however. The difference between "seperatist" and "supremicist" is substantial. I possess some strong feelings about race at times myself. Affirmative Action being of my favorite pet peeves. The political "gang bang" orchestrated by white democrats to entice blacks to vote for them is a good example. It was only forty years ago that here ion the south bathrooms were "seperate" for blacks and whites. Lester Maddox, George Wallace and other prominent "DEMOCRATS" were strong supporters of this seperatism. Yet liberals try and believe that the left seems to possess some majic answer for them socially. Fact is they are being used like the slaves they used to be by those exact people so they can stay in power while their peers prescribe to some bullshit philosophy that these rich lefty political hacks have some real interest in their lives.

Hate cannot win though...I know this. America is a melting pot of influxed ethnicity. Remember Hog Trash.....the Indians were here first. That pretty much cancels out any and all arguments of who this country really belongs to. From there we have to be reputable contributors to try and keep the traditions of our own ethnic traditions alive without infringing on another's right to do the same. Remove politics from the issue and government size and control and the task becomes much easier.

I'll go so far as to say this once again. I don;t see Hog Trash as a "hater". I believe he erepresents a true philosophy of a seperatist that is not based in hate yet is a difficult one in these times.

Fort every Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin or Richars Steele, there is a thousand drug thugs in the streets of Washington, Detroit or St. Louis. I know this but in my heart I believe in struggling for what is right and i know these are fine people as well as thiose who support them. I cannot allow myself to think poorly of their entire race because of their misgivings either. There are plenty of worthless ass white folks out there too.

PS The Hitler stuff is tired as hell.

Good synopsis of what has gone on. Affirmative Action was the beginning of institutionalizing reverse discrimination. Seems to me that the courts are ripe for a class action suit against universities regarding men in general, white men in particular. Check out unemployment rates: women? Not so much so. Men? Way up, they are past the official tag, because they are being discriminated against.

I seriously believe in treating others the way we are treated. I know that's a bit of a twist, God might not like it. However, I really haven't a problem with different races. Islam? Well I try to keep it on the same level, but it's certainly conscious on my part to not frown.

I think it imperative to teach our children that they should treat others kindly. Help others when possible. That we are 'all on this blg blue bouncing ball' together. It's also important that they understand that not all agree with that sentiment, that they need to have 'street smarts' and 'global smarts.' It's not easy, but we do inhabit limited space and I do wish everyone would be more tolerant.

However, someone tries to hurt me or mine, figuratively or literally, I'm all for getting them.

11-15-2009, 01:36 PM
OR..........maybe those women have been in abusive relationships with white men and decided to steer clear of them and move in a different direction....Who knows?

If they think white guys are abusive, they're in for some real eye opening when they see whites don't know shit about how to abuse women compared to black boys.

Joyful HoneyBee
11-15-2009, 01:50 PM
If they think white guys are abusive, they're in for some real eye opening when they see whites don't know shit about how to abuse women compared to black boys.

That's very true and the statistics attest to the validity of your assessment:


Luna Tick
11-15-2009, 01:55 PM
Hey, maybe the guberment can legislate racism out of us all..

you think this would be a big story if the justice of peace had been BLACK..:poke:

Yes, I do. That justice of the peace should be known as a justice of war because he was just dividing people for no good reason. There's no reason they shouldn't of been allowed to marry. That gov't official is just a creep.

11-15-2009, 02:06 PM
That's very true and the statistics attest to the validity of your assessment:


Now hold steady for income/education variables. Differences are what value significantly different?

That's my point about socio-economic. Of course there are boys in wealthy areas that will witness or become abusive for other reasons. However, boys raised in two parent homes are much less likely to do so. Living in wealthier areas nearly always takes two incomes. Longer marriages tend to be higher education earners. There are connections here.

Poor=more crime
Fallacy would be all poor commit crime. All crimes are committed by the poor.

11-15-2009, 02:08 PM
Interesting debate going on this thread.

Hog Trash, while a bit extreme for me has made some really good points about social order and cultural influence. As a repoman I ride the neighborhoods where much of the most detestful activities take place to support the argument of minorities and their poor influence on society as a whole. As I ride those streets howeveer I am mindful to think that up above those project streets filled with drug dealers and thuggery is a little black or hispanic child with his head buried in a book of study or watching an educational program that will make him come full circle as a worthy contributor to American Society. He is probably looking back at me over the view from his upstairs window, hopeful that he will do what he can to disprove HOG's theory. Does that child not deserve the same opportunity and respect as any other person of whatever race.......and maybe a wee nit more, considering his degree of difficulty?

I've known some fine folks in my life of all races. I've seen some real shit too. To think however that a person is or isn't something based solely on thier race / creed is shallow. It is so easy to develop bias toward something we are destined not to like in the first place.

Much of what Hog Trash says is true however. The difference between "seperatist" and "supremicist" is substantial. I possess some strong feelings about race at times myself. Affirmative Action being of my favorite pet peeves. The political "gang bang" orchestrated by white democrats to entice blacks to vote for them is a good example. It was only forty years ago that here ion the south bathrooms were "seperate" for blacks and whites. Lester Maddox, George Wallace and other prominent "DEMOCRATS" were strong supporters of this seperatism. Yet liberals try and believe that the left seems to possess some majic answer for them socially. Fact is they are being used like the slaves they used to be by those exact people so they can stay in power while their peers prescribe to some bullshit philosophy that these rich lefty political hacks have some real interest in their lives.

Personally I wish nothing bad on anyone.....of any race and can live with anybody so long as they represent themselves in a manner conducive with decency and American tradition. I remember an Indian neighbor I had when I lived in project apartments in North Atlanta in the 60's who insisted his children speak English and taught values to his children that were in line with our tradition. I respected the guy. I like P's signature about Why do I have to press 1 for English? You come here....be an American. Try to influence my kids to subscribe to your tradition and I think you are wrong and I adopt pretty much an opinion like Trash's.

Hate cannot win though...I know this. America is a melting pot of influxed ethnicity. Remember Hog Trash.....the Indians were here first. That pretty much cancels out any and all arguments of who this country really belongs to. From there we have to be reputable contributors to try and keep the traditions of our own ethnic traditions alive without infringing on another's right to do the same. Remove politics from the issue and government size and control and the task becomes much easier.

I'll go so far as to say this once again. I don;t see Hog Trash as a "hater". I believe he erepresents a true philosophy of a seperatist that is not based in hate yet is a difficult one in these times.

Fort every Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin or Richars Steele, there is a thousand drug thugs in the streets of Washington, Detroit or St. Louis. I know this but in my heart I believe in struggling for what is right and i know these are fine people as well as thiose who support them. I cannot allow myself to think poorly of their entire race because of their misgivings either. There are plenty of worthless ass white folks out there too.

PS The Hitler stuff is tired as hell.

While I agree with Hog's insights, Emmett is correct also.......... must have something to do with the very real opinions that come from very real life experience.:thumb:

Luna Tick
11-15-2009, 02:08 PM
Good synopsis of what has gone on. Affirmative Action was the beginning of institutionalizing reverse discrimination. Seems to me that the courts are ripe for a class action suit against universities regarding men in general, white men in particular. Check out unemployment rates: women? Not so much so. Men? Way up, they are past the official tag, because they are being discriminated against.

I seriously believe in treating others the way we are treated. I know that's a bit of a twist, God might not like it. However, I really haven't a problem with different races. Islam? Well I try to keep it on the same level, but it's certainly conscious on my part to not frown.

I think it imperative to teach our children that they should treat others kindly. Help others when possible. That we are 'all on this blg blue bouncing ball' together. It's also important that they understand that not all agree with that sentiment, that they need to have 'street smarts' and 'global smarts.' It's not easy, but we do inhabit limited space and I do wish everyone would be more tolerant.

However, someone tries to hurt me or mine, figuratively or literally, I'm all for getting them.

There's nothing wrong with affirming action, but that justice of the peace wasn't doing that. He was just keeping two people from getting married who have every right to marry. It wasn't up to him to segregate them. Segregation is supposed to be over, and it was always creepy when it existed anyway. Well, but about the jobs, what about people who didn't get hired because they were black? We've tried to affirm action to stop that evil practice, but then again it seems to slap us back in the face when the white people get mad over not getting hired because action got affirmed. Well, I can kind of see their point, but what if we didn't affirm the action, well, then people would still be refusing to hire blacks, but then this just opens the door for creeps who hate whites so it seems like a tough solution. I think they should narrow the candidates down without even knowing what race they are. They should set up a system where they do interviews with audio equipment and you can't even see the candidate. And they should coach people on how not to use ethnic kind of language. So then you truly do a color blind hiring. But the justice of the peace shouldn't need such a system. He should of given them the marriage license even if he knew what color they were.

But you know all about prejudging. You slammed my reputation over my venison lasagna, which you've never even tried! I'll have you know it was very good and people loved it. I'm a good cook. All my dinner guests were open minded enough to try it. They all loved it. It was great and I plan to make it again.

11-15-2009, 02:30 PM
There's nothing wrong with affirming action, but that justice of the peace wasn't doing that. He was just keeping two people from getting married who have every right to marry. It wasn't up to him to segregate them. Segregation is supposed to be over, and it was always creepy when it existed anyway. [/quote[I said nothing about the racist judge. Nor would you expect that I'd be arguing that side, if you read and comprehended. [quote]Well, but about the jobs, what about people who didn't get hired because they were black? We've tried to affirm action to stop that evil practice, but then again it seems to slap us back in the face when the white people get mad over not getting hired because action got affirmed. Well, I can kind of see their point, but what if we didn't affirm the action, well, then people would still be refusing to hire blacks, but then this just opens the door for creeps who hate whites so it seems like a tough solution. I think they should narrow the candidates down without even knowing what race they are. They should set up a system where they do interviews with audio equipment and you can't even see the candidate. And they should coach people on how not to use ethnic kind of language. So then you truly do a color blind hiring. But the justice of the peace shouldn't need such a system. He should of given them the marriage license even if he knew what color they were. Ok. Trying to figure out what you are saying...end affirmative action and hire the best candidate? We're in agreement on that. I'm guessing Emmett too.

But you know all about prejudging. You slammed my reputation over my venison lasagna, which you've never even tried! I'll have you know it was very good and people loved it. I'm a good cook. All my dinner guests were open minded enough to try it. They all loved it. It was great and I plan to make it again.
__________________ Umm, you had no reputation to slam, glad you enjoyed whatever. All the different fonts, well it sucks. That had more to do with thinking you a troll.

Luna Tick
11-15-2009, 02:58 PM
There's only one font used in that post. Only the color differs.

11-15-2009, 02:59 PM
There's only one font used in that post. Only the color differs.

Thank you. I was referring to sizing. In any case, thanks for conforming. Using a color or even another font/size to emphasize a point, not a problem. However, all the different colors make it difficult to respond to your posts.

11-15-2009, 03:01 PM
What's with all the upper case posting? You afraid nobody will pay attention?

I understand your fear, AFTER reading your few posts..............:lame2:

Luna Tick
11-15-2009, 03:03 PM
I think the software is really cool and the gradual color change is stylish. I've got style, which is one of the many reasons all men so desperately want me.

11-15-2009, 03:04 PM
I think the software is really cool and the gradual color change is stylish. I've got style, which is one of the many reasons all men so desperately want me.

but do you want them?

11-15-2009, 03:09 PM
There's nothing wrong with affirming action, but that justice of the peace wasn't doing that. He was just keeping two people from getting married who have every right to marry. It wasn't up to him to segregate them. Segregation is supposed to be over, and it was always creepy when it existed anyway. Well, but about the jobs, what about people who didn't get hired because they were black? We've tried to affirm action to stop that evil practice, but then again it seems to slap us back in the face when the white people get mad over not getting hired because action got affirmed. Well, I can kind of see their point, but what if we didn't affirm the action, well, then people would still be refusing to hire blacks, but then this just opens the door for creeps who hate whites so it seems like a tough solution. I think they should narrow the candidates down without even knowing what race they are. They should set up a system where they do interviews with audio equipment and you can't even see the candidate. And they should coach people on how not to use ethnic kind of language. So then you truly do a color blind hiring. But the justice of the peace shouldn't need such a system. He should of given them the marriage license even if he knew what color they were.

But you know all about prejudging. You slammed my reputation over my venison lasagna, which you've never even tried! I'll have you know it was very good and people loved it. I'm a good cook. All my dinner guests were open minded enough to try it. They all loved it. It was great and I plan to make it again.

The Judge wasn't keeping them from getting married, he just didn't want to perform the ceremony.......... I wouldn't think they would want to be married by him but by pressing it they did get their 15 minutes of fame.

Luna Tick
11-15-2009, 03:10 PM
but do you want them?

Some of them. I'm very discerning. I still think I should be allowed to use my font program. I worked hard writing it. I'm a woman who can write programs. I can do almost anything a man can, though I'm probably not going to be playing NFL football.

I think I'll still use the font program occasionally. I think this looks cool and not hard to read, though I'm not going to use the resizing feature much.

Edit: colorized line deleted.

Luna Tick
11-15-2009, 03:16 PM
The Judge wasn't keeping them from getting married, he just didn't want to perform the ceremony.......... I wouldn't think they would want to be married by him but by pressing it they did get their 15 minutes of fame.

I thought he refused to issue the marriage license.

11-15-2009, 03:21 PM
Some of them. I'm very discerning. I still think I should be allowed to use my font program. I worked hard writing it. I'm a woman who can write programs. I can do almost anything a man can, though I'm probably not going to be playing NFL football.

I think I'll still use the font program occasionally. I think this looks cool and not hard to read, though I'm not going to use the resizing feature much.

Edit: This forum is lame. She just deleted a single colorized line, and this after I was on my way back to delete it myself after her e-mail. She didn't even give me time to do it myself.

This forum should be renamed the No Fun Forum.

You are new. I'm being patient. Seems you haven't read the rules about moderation. I tried to deal with in pm. You posted as requested, then used your code again. I told you I liked the look, just not on a messageboard.

I said I might have been too hasty in considering you a troll. I was going to rep you after that last pm, when it appeared we had reached an understanding and I TOLD you I edited that line. So, you have ignored a request by mod. You are questioning moderation on the board.

I like fun, I don't like having to play games over nonsense. So, get with the program. IOW, stop trolling.

11-15-2009, 03:23 PM
You are new. I'm being patient. Seems you haven't read the rules about moderation. I tried to deal with in pm. You posted as requested, then used your code again. I told you I liked the look, just not on a messageboard.

I said I might have been too hasty in considering you a troll. I was going to rep you after that last pm, when it appeared we had reached an understanding and I TOLD you I edited that line. So, you have ignored a request by mod. You are questioning moderation on the board.

I like fun, I don't like having to play games over nonsense. So, get with the program. IOW, stop trolling.

Ok, seems we're all ready to play nice. I'm glad you are in positive. I'll do my part.

11-15-2009, 03:33 PM
I thought he refused to issue the marriage license.

They went down the hallway and another judge married them. Same day.

11-15-2009, 03:52 PM
I'm a woman who can write programs. I can do almost anything a man can, though I'm probably not going to be playing NFL football.
I thought you were a man.....My apologies madame.

Did you know that plastic surgeons can work miracles nowdays?

11-15-2009, 03:59 PM
The Judge wasn't keeping them from getting married, he just didn't want to perform the ceremony.......... I wouldn't think they would want to be married by him but by pressing it they did get their 15 minutes of fame.

Ah, so that's alright then, who cares if the judge is racist, sure they got married anyway, right?

11-15-2009, 07:56 PM
I wonder what consideration, if any has been given to the fact that the union will produce children. Children who did not ask to be born mongrol but will spend a lifetime dealing with the fallout. Unfair!

You can't tell me that there is no one in the whole world of your own race that is suitable to be with. I mean...whatever, but just damn!

11-15-2009, 08:10 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I guess the mongrels like Tiger Woods, will have to get used to dealing with all the cash coming his way.
2. I'm sure he will get used to it, over a long long period of time.:laugh2:


Joyful HoneyBee
11-15-2009, 08:41 PM
Now hold steady for income/education variables. Differences are what value significantly different?

That's my point about socio-economic. Of course there are boys in wealthy areas that will witness or become abusive for other reasons. However, boys raised in two parent homes are much less likely to do so. Living in wealthier areas nearly always takes two incomes. Longer marriages tend to be higher education earners. There are connections here.

Poor=more crime
Fallacy would be all poor commit crime. All crimes are committed by the poor.

The point about socio-economic influence on domestic violence is highly valid. Statically, American Indian and Alaskan native women report the highest incidence of abuse, and they do tend to be on the low end of the economic totem pole.

One thing that is difficult to weigh into the equation is the lack of reporting by those who are more economically well off. A study I read several years ago suggested that wealthier women who are not 'self-sustaining' are more likely to put up with abuse without reporting it because they don't want to rock the boat and lose their social status.

Even Rhianna, in a recent interview on TV, made the comment that she would have been willing to reconcile with Chris Brown, except she suddenly realized that her high visibility to the public could lead other young girls to put up with abuse if she didn't take the high ground and choose wisely.

More abuse goes unreported than is reported, so considering all the stats, that's a pretty scary realization. As statistics go, I would think the American Bar Association and Department of Justice would truly have the most viable stats since they are the ones dealing with the cases that ARE reported.

Unfortunately, as the economy goes downhill, the stats go up. There are no easy answers that would lead to an end to domestic violence; but the argument can be made that it is easier to avoid a problem than to solve one that already exists. Interracial relationships are fraught with a large number of both internal and external stresses, so why people want to put themselves in a leaking lifeboat in a sea of sharks is a little over my head to understand.

11-15-2009, 09:46 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh yeah shoot, and I forgot to mention Tiger Woods married a white chick from some European Country.
2. I am sure his children will have to learn to deal with some great success too.
3. Oh crap, crap happens I suppose.:laugh2:
4. Oh and another one who comes to mind, that mongrel President of The United States of America, President Obama.
5. I'm sure he's learning to deal with his status in life as well.
6. His mother was white if my memory serves me.


11-16-2009, 08:24 PM
Personally, I don't think a persons color has a damn thing to do with who they become. I think their every day environment, lifestyle, who they hang with, and what they were or were not taught, has everything to do with whether a person chooses to get out of bad situations or to remain in them and con't to be part of the problem. Color is only a color. It doesn't define who a person is. Their actions or non actions do that.

11-16-2009, 08:45 PM
Personally, I don't think a persons color has a damn thing to do with who they become. I think their every day environment, lifestyle, who they hang with, and what they were or were not taught, has everything to do with whether a person chooses to get out of bad situations or to remain in them and con't to be part of the problem. Color is only a color. It doesn't define who a person is. Their actions or non actions do that.

Binky, I agree. I'm Irish, with the exception of some English nearly everyone is of a different hue than myself. I've known many Italians, Jews, and mixed. I've dated blacks and Hispanics.

It's the person, not their color, religion that counts.

11-17-2009, 11:44 AM
Binky, I agree. I'm Irish, with the exception of some English nearly everyone is of a different hue than myself. I've known many Italians, Jews, and mixed. I've dated blacks and Hispanics.

It's the person, not their color, religion that counts.

Yep, it all has to do with the person. But people can't seem to get beyond the color barrier....

As for myself, I have some English, Dutch, and Cherokee in me. And quite possibly much more..... The Cherokee comes from my moms side of the family... Her mother lived on an indian reservation until the age of 13...

11-17-2009, 12:47 PM
What makes me think that I'm right and he's wrong?...er, because you should be allowed to marry someone no matter their colour of skin...do you not agree?

But he wasn't stopping them from getting married. Only that he wasn't going to do it. It was a case of find another judge that would, or find another partner.....:laugh2:

11-17-2009, 01:11 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I think any race getting married out of ones race is a given.
2. People are all the same.
3. Skin color isn't a barrier anymore.


Well, the only problem I have with it is that if enough people of other races, end up having children with those in the white race, then eventually, over time, the white race will disappear. (except for the occasional white birth) With each interracial birth, the white line fades to grey, so to speak... But as a whole, the white race would be dilluted making it various shades of black, brown, grey and yellow. Anyway, who would want their own race to just disappear and only have a baby now and then of one's color pop back into it's bloodline? Personally, I don't want my race to up and take a hike. I think we all would love to see our races carried on into the future.......

And please, don't go all hating on me saying I'm a racist, just because I don't want to see my race disappear into the four winds........

11-17-2009, 01:44 PM
As for pc'ness. We agree. Obama played the race card, time and again. Criticizing that is much different than advocating separatism. Is there reverse discrimination, especially against white men? Yes. Should they be fighting it, yes.

There is racism at all levels coming from everywhere. And all the shouts, screams and hollars over it, only makes it that much more difficult for everyone involved to get past it and move on, since touting it is the thing millions love to do most....

Racism is ugly from any direction it comes from. All it does is tear America apart and takes away time and energy to solve our problems rather than crying woe is me all the time....

cat slave
11-18-2009, 12:20 AM
Well, the only problem I have with it is that if enough people of other races, end up having children with those in the white race, then eventually, over time, the white race will disappear. (except for the occasional white birth) With each interracial birth, the white line fades to grey, so to speak... But as a whole, the white race would be dilluted making it various shades of black, brown, grey and yellow. Anyway, who would want their own race to just disappear and only have a baby now and then of one's color pop back into it's bloodline? Personally, I don't want my race to up and take a hike. I think we all would love to see our races carried on into the future.......

And please, don't go all hating on me saying I'm a racist, just because I don't want to see my race disappear into the four winds........

I agree!

cat slave
11-18-2009, 12:23 AM
There is racism at all levels coming from everywhere. And all the shouts, screams and hollars over it, only makes it that much more difficult for everyone involved to get past it and move on, since touting it is the thing millions love to do most....

Racism is ugly from any direction it comes from. All it does is tear America apart and takes away time and energy to solve our problems rather than crying woe is me all the time....

Its become profitable to be a "victim" and profitable for those who keep the
divide going for financial reasons. I think the rubber is getting ready to hit
the road for all of us and our skin color wont matter.

11-18-2009, 03:22 PM
Its become profitable to be a "victim" and profitable for those who keep the
divide going for financial reasons. I think the rubber is getting ready to hit
the road for all of us and our skin color wont matter.

Personally, I think America has a whole lot worse problems now, and those heading directly at us in the near future, that are far more important than racism.... The way America is headed it isn't going to matter a bit as to what race a person is. The shit is going to blast us all......

11-18-2009, 06:01 PM
Well, the only problem I have with it is that if enough people of other races, end up having children with those in the white race, then eventually, over time, the white race will disappear. (except for the occasional white birth) With each interracial birth, the white line fades to grey, so to speak... But as a whole, the white race would be dilluted making it various shades of black, brown, grey and yellow. Anyway, who would want their own race to just disappear and only have a baby now and then of one's color pop back into it's bloodline? Personally, I don't want my race to up and take a hike. I think we all would love to see our races carried on into the future.......

And please, don't go all hating on me saying I'm a racist, just because I don't want to see my race disappear into the four winds........Finally, someone said it besides me...I don't have to be the bad guy this time even though I'm use to it...Don't worry, it ain't so bad Binky.

If you continue fighting and resisting the PC urge you will grow accustomed to the ridicule and even learn to wear it as a badge of honor.

The white race's world wide numbers are decreasing while other races numbers are increasing.

We are not reproducing in numbers great enough to even sustain our population much less increase it.

If it were a polar bear or a frog that was slowly becoming extinct, people would be concerned, especially liberals.

But since it's just the lowly white race, it's unimportant...I'm sorry but I'm very proud of my racial heritage.

Regadless of popular belief, racial differences go much deeper than simply skin color...All have their special qualities.

I am proud of the accomplishments, discoveries and contributions to civilization the white race has made.

IMO we are the most loving, caring, compassionate people on the planet...We are unique in all the universe.

I believe our loss would be a serious blow to humanity, progress and to the developement of the world on every level.

11-19-2009, 03:05 PM
If they think white guys are abusive, they're in for some real eye opening when they see whites don't know shit about how to abuse women compared to black boys.

Prob'ly, but the point I was making is maybe they were seeking change. You know, hoping to find it? Desperate for it. Sort of like our last election.

11-19-2009, 03:33 PM
Finally, someone said it besides me...I don't have to be the bad guy this time even though I'm use to it...Don't worry, it ain't so bad Binky.

If you continue fighting and resisting the PC urge you will grow accustomed to the ridicule and even learn to wear it as a badge of honor.

The white race's world wide numbers are decreasing while other races numbers are increasing.

We are not reproducing in numbers great enough to even sustain our population much less increase it.

If it were a polar bear or a frog that was slowly becoming extinct, people would be concerned, especially liberals.

But since it's just the lowly white race, it's unimportant...I'm sorry but I'm very proud of my racial heritage.

Regadless of popular belief, racial differences go much deeper than simply skin color...All have their special qualities.

I am proud of the accomplishments, discoveries and contributions to civilization the white race has made.

IMO we are the most loving, caring, compassionate people on the planet...We are unique in all the universe.

I believe our loss would be a serious blow to humanity, progress and to the developement of the world on every level.

If I'm looked upon as being the "bad guy or bad girl", in this case, so be it. I'm tired of all this racial crapola. I've been hearing it my entire life. It's gotten old, stale and moldy. What I said is exactly how I feel. Who, in their right mind, would want his/her race to disappear, and to only be heard from again in an occasional birth that would pop up at some point down the line? Not I. I love my race. But that doesn't mean I hate the part of me that is Cherokee indian either. Think how I feel. I'm part indian, and the white man came to America and slaughtered many of my people and took over our lands. Do I hate them for it? Hell no. It is what it is. It's in the past. It can't be changed. It can only be improved upon, so to speak.

I am extremely proud to be an American. And when I look at all the different ethentisities (I think I sp. that wrong,) we have in this country, I am in awe. We, as a people, are so very fortunate. As a whole, we just don't realize it. And considering all the problems America has, there are still millions upon millions of those from other countries, beating tracks to get here and become a part of America... THAT HAS TO SAY SOMETHING FOR OUR COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE. It speaks volumns......

11-24-2009, 12:50 PM
You disgrace your family, your race and most importantly, yourself.
That scene is a disgrace regardless of race.One more time to make my point before that day comes when you must decide whether or not to cross over...Sadly, your bad decisions are often remembered much longer than the good ones.

Someday in the future you may meet a great guy who will love you but will be forever haunted by the memory of your lapse of good judgement and your propensity to follow the croud...Be unique.

Make sure that special guy of your own race knows you are different...Better...Unique in all the world...Not driven to do what everybody else says is now OK...Your lives together will be much happier.

Poor little ignorant "follow the croud" white girls.

11-24-2009, 01:21 PM
One more time to make my point before that day comes when you must decide whether or not to cross over...Sadly, your bad decisions are often remembered much longer than the good ones.

Someday in the future you may meet a great guy who will love you but will be forever haunted by the memory of your lapse of good judgement and your propensity to follow the croud...Be unique.

Make sure that special guy of your own race knows you are different...Better...Unique in all the world...Not driven to do what everybody else says is now OK...Your lives together will be much happier.

Poor little ignorant "follow the croud" white girls.

I don't plan to have another relationship again ever so I'm not that worried about it. :cool:

11-24-2009, 04:02 PM
I don't plan to have another relationship again ever so I'm not that worried about it. :cool:Never say never :no: Plans change

11-24-2009, 04:54 PM
If you believe I am a fan of Adolf Hitler, you are badly mistaken.

He was devout socialist....Much closer to your brand of politics than mine.

That is incorrect. Socialism entails the public ownership of the means of production, and the Third Reich sustained private ownership of the means of production due to government officials' belief that this would sustain efficiency. For example, consider the analysis offered in Buchheim and Scherner's The role of private property in the Nazi economy: the case of industry (http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=449534):

Private property in the industry of the Third Reich is often considered a mere nominal provision without much substance. However, that is not correct, because firms, despite the rationing and licensing activities of the state, still had ample scope to devise their own production and investment profiles. Even regarding war-related projects, freedom of contract was generally respected; instead of using power, the state offered firms a number of contract options to choose from. There were several motives behind this attitude of the regime, among them the conviction that private property provided important incentives for increasing efficiency.

This is consistent with the standard contradictions between fascism and socialism. And no, I don't want to hear babbling about how socialism is disguised fascism or how I need to read Jonah Goldberg, because frankly, that's all drivel. See how that works?

The modern day white and oriental races have civilized far beyond the latino and especially the sub-saharan, black african race.

There is no such thing as a "Latino" race. What you speak of is a group of nationalities that contain people of various races, with those most often identified as "Latino" being Native Americans anywhere from the U.S. Southwest to the southern tip of Argentina...despite non-Spanish speaking countries also being within America. And that is the race that has endured dispossession, followed by emasculating and identity-stripping conflation with Spaniards.

Yet he sat for 20 years in a church that preached and practiced hate and racism and taught Black Liberation Theology, the black equivilent of white KuKluxKlan ideology.

That's quite disingenuous. Black liberation elements originated as explicitly anti-authoritarian and rebellious ideas, so no legitimate equivalence with any white supremacy movement can be drawn...which is especially ironic from a white nationalist, inasmuch as white nationalism in many aspects is crudely disguised white supremacy.

Good synopsis of what has gone on. Affirmative Action was the beginning of institutionalizing reverse discrimination.

No white supremacist will openly preach supremacy or complain of equivalence between whites and blacks; they'll instead complain of black supremacy, equating affirmative action programs with segregation or making some similarly absurd claim. If actions are to be judged by their motivations and consequences, the potential for positive discrimination to yield beneficial outcomes by increasing the number of black professionals more adept at interaction with race-oriented black communities is obviously a bit different than black inferiority manufactured by segregation.

I'm sorry but I'm very proud of my racial heritage...I am proud of the accomplishments, discoveries and contributions to civilization the white race has made.

The act of taking "pride" in something that is not an accomplishment of yours and involved no conscious action of yours in achieving seems comical enough. :lol:

IMO we are the most loving, caring, compassionate people on the planet...

It's disingenuous to conflate the numerous ethnicities and cultural groups that constitute the "white race" into one homogenous organization, but certain groups among that greater organization have traditionally been responsible for some of the most destructive and terroristic actions in the world. Remember that you'll be celebrating your own holocaust with turkey and ham, since you insist on wrapping yourself in that legacy.

What's ironic is that I'll be the one sneered at for repeating this, since you're such a mighty warrior against that wicked political correctness. Of course, when something becomes so dogmatically enshrined as kneejerk opposition to "political correctness" has, it's safe to assume that it's becoming fairly politically correct itself.

11-24-2009, 07:19 PM
That is incorrect. Socialism entails the public ownership of the means of production, and the Third Reich sustained private ownership of the means of production due to government officials' belief that this would sustain efficiency. For example, consider the analysis offered in Buchheim and Scherner's The role of private property in the Nazi economy: the case of industry (http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=449534):

This is consistent with the standard contradictions between fascism and socialism. And no, I don't want to hear babbling about how socialism is disguised fascism or how I need to read Jonah Goldberg, because frankly, that's all drivel. See how that works?

There is no such thing as a "Latino" race. What you speak of is a group of nationalities that contain people of various races, with those most often identified as "Latino" being Native Americans anywhere from the U.S. Southwest to the southern tip of Argentina...despite non-Spanish speaking countries also being within America. And that is the race that has endured dispossession, followed by emasculating and identity-stripping conflation with Spaniards.

That's quite disingenuous. Black liberation elements originated as explicitly anti-authoritarian and rebellious ideas, so no legitimate equivalence with any white supremacy movement can be drawn...which is especially ironic from a white nationalist, inasmuch as white nationalism in many aspects is crudely disguised white supremacy.

No white supremacist will openly preach supremacy or complain of equivalence between whites and blacks; they'll instead complain of black supremacy, equating affirmative action programs with segregation or making some similarly absurd claim. If actions are to be judged by their motivations and consequences, the potential for positive discrimination to yield beneficial outcomes by increasing the number of black professionals more adept at interaction with race-oriented black communities is obviously a bit different than black inferiority manufactured by segregation.

The act of taking "pride" in something that is not an accomplishment of yours and involved no conscious action of yours in achieving seems comical enough. :lol:

It's disingenuous to conflate the numerous ethnicities and cultural groups that constitute the "white race" into one homogenous organization, but certain groups among that greater organization have traditionally been responsible for some of the most destructive and terroristic actions in the world. Remember that you'll be celebrating your own holocaust with turkey and ham, since you insist on wrapping yourself in that legacy.

What's ironic is that I'll be the one sneered at for repeating this, since you're such a mighty warrior against that wicked political correctness. Of course, when something becomes so dogmatically enshrined as kneejerk opposition to "political correctness" has, it's safe to assume that it's becoming fairly politically correct itself.Your political correctness is a distinct characteristic of your marxist indoctrination and programming.

All that white hatred and blame is going to eat you alive...We are not as bad as you have been led to believe.

11-24-2009, 07:37 PM
Your political correctness is a distinct characteristic of your marxist indoctrination and programming.

I am an anarchist, not a Marxist. Isn't this the kind of thing they teach in basic poli. sci. courses?

All that white hatred and blame is going to eat you alive...We are not as bad as you have been led to believe.

Well, no, I'm inclined to think not. But if you insist on claiming the entire legacy of the "white race" for yourself (not a good idea), you have to think about the holocaust that *you* caused while you're eating your turkey. :)


11-24-2009, 08:15 PM
Never say never :no: Plans change

You seem to imply Im some young white girl that likes to dance around showing black men my cootch. I assure you, that is not the case. I have been married and divorced 2 times to white men, the 1st husband was a violent alcoholic just like my good ole racist pops, the 2nd ex husband a lying cheating smoking mormon white guy, who I put through law school so he could later screw all his secretaries and then leave me stuck to raise our children alone, I won't have another relationship because they are alot of work, and it requires sacrifice from both parties, and Im not willing to sacrifice anymore for anyone except for my children because they are worth it. That being said, race would never be part of the equation as to whether or not I would enter a relationship or find someone attractive, in fact the looks of a person are moot for me, It would be based on attraction to their character, response ability, and integrity.

11-24-2009, 09:14 PM
You seem to imply Im some young white girl that likes to dance around showing black men my cootch. I assure you, that is not the case. I have been married and divorced 2 times to white men, the 1st husband was a violent alcoholic just like my good ole racist pops, the 2nd ex husband a lying cheating smoking mormon white guy, who I put through law school so he could later screw all his secretaries and then leave me stuck to raise our children alone, I won't have another relationship because they are alot of work, and it requires sacrifice from both parties, and Im not willing to sacrifice anymore for anyone except for my children because they are worth it. That being said, race would never be part of the equation as to whether or not I would enter a relationship or find someone attractive, in fact the looks of a person are moot for me, It would be based on attraction to their character, response ability, and integrity.That all 'sounds' very sensible to me......Peace