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View Full Version : Shame on Obama

11-09-2009, 12:05 AM
For having been such a news whore as I have been in the past I was unaware until Joyful Honey Bee told me this evening that our President had not even gone to Texas after the events that took place the other day there.

I just sat and stared at her in disbelief. I have been working so much I was literally unaware of this fact. I learn however that GW did go there. Imagine that. What a fucking coward that bastard is!!!!

I realize that we won;t see him going to war zones (like GW did) to build moral or things like that. I didn't and don;t expect he will do these things. I did however take it for granted that the president would have certainly made a showing at one of the biggest, excuse me, THE biggest disaster in the Army on US ground in history. Liberals make such a big fucking hoop-lah about how GW flew over the disaster at New Orleans when the levys failed but did not land. Where are they now to criticize their Saviour when he ignores this event yet Congress votes on this sorry ass health care bill in the middle of the night like a bunch of flipping theives and he congradulates them.

God help us. Our president is a coward plain and simple. A COWARD!!!!! A yellow bellied, lying, loser coward.