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View Full Version : Who is Steve Max: Ward Churchill Meets Rahm Emanuel

11-09-2009, 09:17 AM
people need to see we have "enemies within" and get the word out..lots of links in this piece at their site.

by Andrew Marcus
From the archives of the extreme progressive left comes this little ditty written in 2001 by SDS founding member, and DSA Vice Chair, Steve Max.

In November 2001, just 8 weeks after the devastating terrorist attacks on New York and DC, Steve Max delivered a speech to the progressive “USAction Delegation Assembly”, on the topic of taking advantage of the new crisis as an opportunity to advance a progressive agenda.

The speech reads like Ward “little Eichmanns” Churchill and Rahm “never let a good crisis go to waste” Emanuel, all rolled up into one offensive Progressive rant.

Why does any of this matter? Because Steve Max, as a co-founder of Citizen Action (which later became USAction) and the Midwest Academy, is one of the people who likely trained SEIU’s Andy Stern, Rahm Emanuel, and even President Bracak Obama, in the Alinsky method of organizing toward revolution.

lots more on this..